Putana Politica Russka
One of the most memorable political campaigns was launched yesterday with a Kremlin sponsored TV ad,
labeled "Putana Putina". In it una putana is strutting her
stuff talking about Putin, while due other putane are sunbathing
waiting for the una putana to show up. When she does, all tre putane
tear off their bras in support for the arch-putana Putin. The
arch-putana is bidding for reelection to head for a third term the
Grand Archiputanate of Russia, which, unfortunately, may not have a
better political choice, because of the stupidity and the political
retardation that the campaigning arch-putana has been successfully
cultivating for several years, not unlike his Italian counterpart.
Congratulations repubblica Russka! You deserve these ads and your
soon-to-be-reelected arch-putana for president. Call 1-800-FCK-PUTIN to
reach the Kremlin and obtain
more details on how to congratulate your deserving leader appropriately
and, also, to contribute to the expenses for the production of this and
other similar ads with comparably deep political content.