EVENTS up to the (Dis)Appointment of the New Commission
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With all due respect to the Chancellor, I am worried
and have started wondering if, unbeknownst to her or
other officials, they have implanted the Commission,
and got us stuck in the process for years to come, with
a bigoted, fear-mongering, fear-cum-anxiety-exploiting,
racist and xenophobic crypto-Nazist pig...

No one has the the right to settle for any amount with
these merchants and profiteers of Death and Destruction.
Not a single State, not a single Prosecutor, not a single
Attorney with clear conscience, knowing their Duties
and their Responsibilities, should stop pursuing them
in Courts unless and until these "medical" companies
collapse from financial insolvency and any previous
owner, executive and stakeholder, who made his/her
wealth by manufacturing, aggressively promoting
and distributing Death and Devastation has a single
cent, let alone investments, mansions, boats, cars etc.,
left in their names or their bank accounts anywhere
on Earth, including Switzerland, Bahamas, Bermuda,
Cayman, etc. U.S. Government and U.S. Attorneys

You know, Miss who became a celebrity and overvalued
and unchecked authority overnight, words made a huge
difference and, especially coming from the State you are
coming from, you should have known better. Anyway,
if in assigning Margaritis' duties, what you had in mind
was Internal Peace and Security and Solidarity, why did
you not call his portfolio by exactly that name and you
gave it instead the name ``Protecting our European Way
of Life" which reveals, perhaps, intentionally or shall
we say pseudo-surreptitiously, your real prejudices and
fears against immigration, multiculturalism, pluralism
and adaptability and turns on all the xenophobia, hatred
and racism that we have been trying so hard to combat
and extinguish from our supposedly "fraternal", full of
"solidarity" and most "civilized" societies?
SHAME on Miss Ursula von der Cluelessen. A VERY
, indeed.

Excellent news!! Good Good Riddance!! The President
of the United States (and I am speaking generally, not
about the morph) does not deserve to be surrounded by
morons of mediocre intelligence and shallow character.
It was way overdue as a constructive move. The next
people that should be removed are the "first" son in
law and daughter, but, alas, this won't happen. Or will
it? As the morph says, we have to wait and see...

He dedicated his whole life and his whole sorry existence
and his regrettable political "career" to a hard no-deal
Brexit and now he's going around saying that "a no-deal
Brexit would be a failure". Idiot, who do you think are
you going to convince with this shameful, disgraceful,
dishonest and pitiful shenanigans? Only imbeciles and
people with a sorry agenda or completely uninformed
may be swayed by your antics. England, the United
Kingdom and the Continent are embarrassed and sorry
that they could ever produce and be swayed by some
unremarkable, non-entity, some absurdity like this.

The Taliban are not negotiating with the United States
in Good Faith. That is plain for everyone to see. They
are just buying time until the United States either
withdraws out of fatigue or cedes some space based
on some "agreement", that will not be worth even the
paper signed upon, to get back and recover lost power,
lost ground and past "glory" and reestablish the same,
if not more brutal and oppressive, extremist, dangerous
and backward regime as the one they had before.
So it is understandable that the United States mistrusts
them and the morph does not want to have much to
do with them. On the other hand, what is to be done?
We do not want to stay there forever, nor necessarily
for any longer. I am not an expert. I suggest asking
those who went in and were earning hundreds of
thousands of dollars to "plan" and to "strategize".
Esteemed "sirs", what were your plans, your schemes
and your strategies? Why were you compensated that
much, without results and outcomes that even remotely
justify your top "executive" salaries?

He is simply too old and too entitled to run. The reality
is that people like him and like the morph, those sitting
comfortable in the elites, political and financial, are
having such a disproportionate footprint on the Human
effects on Climate Change, as compared to people in
underdeveloped and developing States that they should
have been embarrassed, before radically changing their
lifestyles, to utter any advice or policies addressed towards
populations so much more innocent than themselves.
We need younger, more attuned and more inspiring
candidates to lead the Democratic ticket and to really
fight it out on the side of the less fortunate, the poor,
the destitute and the oppressed. And a good start is
looking first at oneself and at one's own lifestyle.

ΜΠΡΑΒΟ, ΒΑΣΙΛΗ!! Με δάκρυα στα μάτια διάβασα
το άρθρο σου
. Πάντα καλό κάνει να θυμόμαστε και να
ευαισθητοποιούμαστε και πάλι και να ανανεώνεται
η συμπόνοια και η συμπάθεια και η υποχρέωση της
Ανθρωπιάς και της Αλληλεγγύης προς όλους τους
Ανθρώπους της Οικουμένης, περισσότερο δε στους
κατατρεγμένους, τους πεινασμένους και τους πονεμένους,
που έχουν χάσει φίλους και συγγενείς και ό,τι αγαπητό
είχαν και αναζητούν λίγη ζεστασιά και λίγη φροντίδα
για να ξεκινήσουν και πάλι, με δυσβάσταχτο φορτίο,
κάπου αλλού. Πώς να πεις "όχι", πώς να γυρίσεις την
πλάτη, πώς να αποκαλέσεις "ονόματα" αυτούς τους
συνανθρώπους μας; Όχι μόνο επειδή είμαστε άνθρωποι,
αλλά επειδή κι εμείς, και οι δικές μας ιστορίες, όπως
μας θυμίζει ο Βασίλης, πέρασαν και περνούν από
χίλια μύρια κύματα, και χρειαστήκαμε κι εμείς, όπως
τώρα οι ταλαιπωρημένοι φιλοξενούμενοί μας, να
φύγουμε και να αναζητήσουμε τύχες αλλού και
ευτυχήσαμε να βρούμε πόρτες ανοιχτές και καρδιές
ανοιχτές και ανθρώπους φιλόξενους κι ευαίσθητους.

Καλά ξεκουμπίδια να ξεβρωμίσει ο τόπος. Η Ελλάδα
άργησε, αλλά επιτέλους ξύπνησε...

"RACISM AND BIGOTRY". Do not pretend that you are
"living by the "Word"", when your decadence and hatred
has nothing to do with Christianity. Hypocrisy and using
the Word of Texts and Teachings that do not even remotely
justify your actions in vain, discriminating against, vilifying
and marginalizing fellow Human Beings for who they are
and how they look, is the worst infringement. Repulsive.

It is not simply that "they are not perfect"; they wish...
It is that their footprint on the pollution of the environment,
on an individual count, is totally out of proportion, if one
goes by averages and apportions quota to Citizens of Earth.
As simple as that; the rest is "blah blah blah", inarticulate
sounds and nonsensical arguments to justify the unjustifiable
and to present the major problem causes as problem solvers.

The Parthenon Marbles are "British and not Greek"???
Are you completely out of your minds? Do you count
yourselves and pass as "intellectuals" and "historians"
and want to be referred to as "cultured" and "civilized"?
Cut the despicable crap and DO THE RIGHT THING...

Our Pride and the Righteousness of our Demand, in
the Name of Humanity, International Culture and
International Civilization, for the Return of the
Parthenon Marbles to the City of their Origin,
be cared for and exhibited permanently alongside
the entire collection in the Acropolis Museum in their
Natural Space and Surroundings, does not allow us to
settle for or to negotiate for a loan from the unlawful,
current, temporary, custodians. This is a condemnable
and a demeaning request and should be reconsidered,
withdrawn and never made again. We must insist and
we must keep asking, in cooperation with  British,
French, German and other Historians, Philosophers,
Scientists, Jurists and any Philhellene, who cares to
add his/her voice, to demand their return and to
apply relentless pressure by referring the case
constantly and insistently to UNESCO.

I am afraid events are pointing towards a massacre in
Hong Kong. The protesters will settle for nothing less
than a full return to pure, genuine, uncorrupted
Democratic Processes without external interference
and with guarantees for continuing full Respect and
full Protection of Individual Rights and Freedoms,
and the Chinese Government will keep pushing for
bending the system ever so slightly towards eventually
fully aligning it to the absolutist, personality based,
bastardized communo-capitalism, with very little to
no respect for freedoms and individual rights, which
prevails in the mainland. There is no obvious solution
or alternative under the circumstances, but that the
most decisive use of force would prevail. The only
hope for Hong Kong is a possible collapse of the
Chinese system, which is not entirely unlikely, if one
thinks of the Soviet block, but it is much less likely,
since China has been ``communo-socialist" only in
name and its system is favoring rampant, cut-throat
and unchecked accumulation of wealth and power,
especially around the family and the interests of a small
governing elite and a small governing bureaucracy.

Tony, the servile doggy of the International Criminal
resurfaced. Some people, particularly shameless and
useless imbeciles, do not realize they should be hiding,
being very lucky indeed not to be behind bars.

Αυτό είναι πραγματικά ενοχλητικό και χυδαίο.
Ούτε ο Αλέξης, παρά τα όσα δικαιολογημένα
του σούρνουμε και του καταλογίζουμε, δεν
ξεφτιλίστηκε, ξεφτίλησε ή έπεσε τόσο χαμηλά.
Και να κάνεις το Αλέξη κούκλο και ζεν πρεμιε
δεν είναι και τόσο εύκολη υπόθεση. Θλιβερό...
Ελληναριές με τη χείριστη έννοια της λέξης.

The World had become one, Brotherhood, Fraternity and a
deep sense of Shared History, Common Goals and Common
Destiny of Humanity reigned after the devastation and the
damaging effects of multiple conflicts and the constant,
unproductive frictions throughout recent and not so recent
History. And someone, some outfit, some bigots and some
pseudo-nationalist non-elements and non-entities have
decided that it was a good idea for personal "glory",
personal "fame", personal "gratification" and personal
"enrichment" through success in "governing" to split it
back into "two" or into "many". History will not be
forgiving, nor will the Public be forgetting, and infamy
and condemnation will be their reward for trying to hold
the States, the People and the History of the Great Continent
behind, hostage to their personal petty goals and fictitious
and imagined "rewards".

It is too bad that the Argentinian economy has all but collapsed
and that the Argentinian peso has joined one of those essentially
non-currencies that one may use only for domestic needs. The
Argentinian Public has to insist and the Investigative and the
Judicial System in Argentina have to do some serious work to
reveal who in the political system and how they have managed
to bring down such a promising and developing economy and by
what means and through which misappropriations and which
terrible miscalculations and/or mismanagement they have
debilitated, incapacitated and trashed a State and an Economy
whose place in the World did deserve to have been so much
more robust and so much different.

Να συμπληρώσω στα γραφόμενα του Λευτέρη σχετικά με
την Αστυνομία, ότι. εκτός των λόγων που σωστά αναφέρει,
ένας επιπλέον για να μην ανεχόμαστε επικίνδυνες ιδεολογίες
και πράξεις είναι ότι οι Αστυνομικοί είναι συνάνθρωποί μας
και μέλη της κοινωνίας μας και απαιτούμε μία κοινωνία
γεμάτη Ανθρωπισμό, Συμπόνοια και Αλληλεγγύη
, χωρίς
ίχνη μισαλλοδοξίας, ρατσισμού, ξενοφοβίας, βίας και
ασύστολης καταστολής και ναζιστικών και φασιστικών
και όλα τα μέλη της κοινωνίας μας αυτής
(συμπεριλαμβανομένων και των αστυνομικών) έχουν την
υποχρέωση να διαφυλάττουν και να υπερασπίζονται αυτές
τις Αξίες, που κερδίζονται δύσκολα μα εξανεμίζονται εύκολα

When a politician is and feels like a non-entity, a disgrace,
a source of embarrassment and a force of humiliation and
of destruction for an entire State and Nation, and, thus,
has nothing favorable to put forward in comparing himself
against another, he feels inclined and starts comparing
spouses in the hope that he may prevail in something or
other. But, even then, he unwittingly becomes a bigger
loser, if his spouse is worth anything, since she ought,
under the circumstances, to be furious that she was used
and objectified in such a way, when the other spouse is
so respectful, courteous and graceful. What a shame
and what an embarrassment for Brasil and its People,
who have been kept hostage by an incompetent system
consisting of losers, bullies and thieves of both leftist
and neo-nazist hues and tendencies.

What did you just say, m*$%$&f*$&$&???
Let's take it outside!!

The lowest point in the Political and Cultural Lives of
two of the Greatest Nations in the History of Humanity.
Lost time at best, backtracking and regression at worst.
The sad thing is that, throughout recent History, other
Nations have been looking up to them for Inspiration
and Leadership, and these are totally lacking now.

Totally unconvincing. But, imagine the scandal, the
added disrepute to royal affairs and the potentially
substantial financial liabilities that would ensue if
he was brave enough to disclose the whole truth and
give an accurate and honest account of all facts and
all intentions as they unfolded. Not to mention that
Britons are not stupid and they would realize, after
convictions, where their money is spent, despite all
reports from interested and biased sources that
want to vilify, scapegoat and implicate Brussels.

At the Élysée, at Our Élysée, President Macron flew
the Flag of the Union to remind his interlocutor of this
Noblest of Ideals that have United the Continent and
has contributed the most by far in Preserving Peace,
Stability and Prosperity and Solidifying Friendship
and Fraternity Among All Its People and Its Nations
after the devastation and horrors of the Second War.
But his opponent at the table, not only is ignorant
and resistant in absorbing the lessons of History, but,
in fact, belongs to a club that deliberately undermines
Historical Lessons and is driven, for some mysterious
and inexplicable reason, to turn back the clocks of
History, with the unavoidable byproduct and side
effect of pushing for a repetition of circumstances
and reemergence of situations that would haunt
coming Generations and would condemn his kind
and his ideas anew in the eyes of History

Unfortunately, but entertainingly, under the morph
and the despicable Pompeo, Foreign Relations, which
should have been the pillar of our United States' reach
to the World and of our Friendships and Alliances,
have taken a ridiculous turn, verging on the absurd
and the tragicomic. Let us hope that we'll have none
of this after 2020 anymore...

It is particularly shameful for a State that uses the Republic
of Cyprus to launder its dirty business and related illegal
proceeds and to get access to the European Union and its
banking systems and associated privileges, to encourage
its ``church" and other institutions to lend support and
credence and to advertise an illegitimate entity established
by occupation troops at the north of the island. But, maybe,
it would have been too much to expect illegitimates and
power hungry autocrats and corrupt financiers to not
engage in illegitimacy even when it comes to abiding by
International Law and cultivating International Relations.

When the parties are up and running and life is good, they
are around, freewheeling and enjoying themselves. When
the events see the light of day, Prosecutors start knocking
on doors, revelations give no sign of abating and the main
buddies indulge in seppuku to avoid the "tyranny" of the
Courts, then "non cognosco" and the "palace is abhorred
by the exploitation of human beings and the sexual abuse
of  minors" and blah blah blah.... But, as the saying goes,
a photo speaks a thousand words and, sometimes, but,
alas, not too often, money, power, connections and royal
bloodlines cannot stop the disclosure of the Truth and the
dispensation of Justice.

The disgrace to our Nation is not any Democratically
Elected Congress Person, but the president himself,
who is a minority president. Michigan, I hope, will
have a very hard time putting him back in office.
Needless to add that, letting everything else slide, the
mere fact that he is encouraging a State, which he and his
associates and family have been serving like stooges and
servile agents, to ban Elected Representatives of his own
Nation from visiting is already a huge embarrassment,
utterly shameful and a complete disgrace.

States, under the despicable morph's administration and his
brainless staff, pushing wedges between Allies, questioning
and undermining the value of Alliances and sowing discord
and havoc in International Harmony and working recklessly
and haphazardly in International Affairs. For us here, in
Our Unites States, that Value Equally All our Friends and
All our Allies, the Peace, Unity and Prosperity of Ireland,
the Ireland that has flourished under the Good Friday
Accord and under the Auspices of the European Union,
with a United European Outlook, is Non-Negotiable
not one of us and not a single brainless person in our own
Government is entitled to do anything to jeopardize its Peace,
Stability or its prospects, its Future and its well-being

I strongly agree with Mikis Theodorakis that the Geography
and the Wish and Will for Fraternity and Friendship between
the Greek and Turkish People and for close Cooperation
between the Greek and the Turkish States, regardless of
short term circumstances and political personages in power,
should tramp ephemeral international sympathies and other
alliances that are subject to change, partly independently
and out of the control of the two States and Governments.
It is therefore paramount that, in dealing with affairs that
have to do with solidifying and strengthening Friendship
and Bilateral Ties and Cooperation, the Geography and
the Value of an Unfailing and Enduring Friendship should
play a primary role, and that, in considerations related to
the handling of those affairs, they be put above every other

BRAVO to DIMITRIS and JAMES! Not only in Sports,
but also in Mathematics and Science does Greece have
some striking and significant successes!

Και πάλι ο Λευτέρης Χαραλαμπόπουλος έπιασε όχι
μόνο το στίγμα και τα συναισθήματά μου, αλλά,
επιπρόσθετα, περιέγραψε ακριβώς αυτή τη βαθειά
και εξουθενωτική γραφειοφοβεία που με αποδυναμώνει
και με συνθλίβει όταν έχω να κάνω, ή μου ανατίθεται
να κάνω, κάποια δουλειά σε υπηρεσία ή γραφείο στην
Ελλάδα (την οποία ορίζω σαν οξεία φοβεία και εκ των
προτέρων απαισιοδοξία και απογοήτευση για το τί
μέλλει γενέσθαι κατά τη διάρκεια της επίσκεψης σε
κάποιο γραφείο κάποιου γραφειοκρατικού μηχανισμού).
Γράφει ο Λευτέρης:
"Φοβάται ότι θα του λείπει κανένα χαρτί, δεν κατανοεί
γιατί πρέπει να φέρει τόσα χαρτιά, αγχώνεται με το σε
πόσες ουρές θα πρέπει να κάτσει, τρομάζει στη σκέψη
ότι θα κάνει συνεχώς πήγαινε-έλα χωρίς στο τέλος να
κάνει τη δουλειά του, του φέρνει κατάθλιψη ότι ακόμη
εάν όλα τα έκανε σωστά ανακαλύπτει ότι απλώς κάποια
στιγμή στο παρελθόν κάποιο χαρτί δεν συντάχτηκε σωστά."

In this, I am really jealous of Kyriakos. I would have
loved to have been able to see some of the powerful
and moving photos of Yannis Behrakis at the Stavros
Niarchos Cultural Center

Έχουν βγει για τα καλά τα μαχαίρια στη Βουλή και το μόνο
σίγουρο συμπέρασμα από τις εκατέρωθεν καταγγελίες και
τις αψυμαχίες είναι ότι στην Ελλάδα δίνουν και παίρνουν
οι χάρες, οι θείοι και τα ρουσφέτια και κανείς δε λέει να
σταματήσει να διορίζει τους δικούς του και να αρχίσει και
να τελειώσει τους διορισμούς, τις μετακλήσεις, τους μόνιμους
και τους προσωρινούς του με κριτήρια απολύτως και μόνο

Δεν είμαι φίλος του ΜέΡΑ25, ούτε φυσικά του φαιδρού
μορφώματος της Ελληνικής Λύσης, αλλά, πραγματικά,
τί ευχαρίστηση και, πραγματικά, τί αναζωογονητική
αύρα να παρακολουθεί και να ακούει κανείς στη Βουλή
των Ελλήνων εκπροσώπους αυτών των δύο κομμάτων
αντί της βρώμας και δυσωδίας των γουρουνιών και
εγκληματιών νεοναζί, νοσταλγών μαύρων ημερών και
έργων, και τους βρυχηθμούς του αρχιψεύταρου και
αναίσθητου θεόχοντρου καρεκλοθήρα, που έκανε σόου
ξεδιάντροπα με την κρατική περιουσία και τις καρέκλες,
μη δίνοντας δεκάρα για τις ψευτο-εξαγγελίες και τις
ψευτο-δεσμεύσεις του και για τις ανύπαρκτες αρχές του.

I agree completely that the recycling of big bankers from
one International banking organization to the next is
shameful and repulsive
. IMF, World Bank, European
Central Bank and other top International Organizations
should come immediately to an agreement that, once
someone serves as the Head of one of those, the door to
their transplanting themselves at the helm of another
shall be hermetically closed, so that more individuals
get the chance to serve and some fresh ideas and some
innovation take place, rather than recycling the same
old and the same old and beating around the bush and
fattening frogs for snakes.

Absolutely zero credibility and totally substandard and completely
unacceptable behavior, unfit for an Academic. These are the
``values" that MSU espouses and it is proving it by assigning
``emeritus" status and outrageous retirement bonuses to a person
who has damaged the reputation and prestige of the University
and that should have been labeled, instead ``professor amerita"
and ``persona emetica et non grata" on MSU's campus. SHAME.

94 σήμερα ο Μίκης μας. Χρόνια Πολλά!

Αυτά τα θρασύδειλα τέρατα, που όλοι μαζί τα φάγανε,
και ξεδιάντροπα διατείνονται ότι δεν έχουν να φάνε
ούτε να πληρώσουν ΕΝΦΙΑ, τρώνε ακόμα καθημερινά
έξι μισθούς δημοσίου για προσωπική ``ασφάλεια" μην
τυχόν και κανείς τους ακουμπήσει ή τους μιλήσει για
το φαγοπότι τους; Αρκετά! Και πολύ καλά κάνει η
Κυβέρνηση που μειώνει τον αριθμό των μπράβων και
των μπατσικών της συνοδείας τους.

One hears this guy talk and he sounds like he is
either naturally derailed and gone or he is in a
constant trance under the influence of who knows
what, taken who knows when and how often.
I am totally surprised that such a Historic Party
in the U.K. even considered, let alone voted for,
such a personality to lead the Island at such a
critical and challenging time of its History.

It is only fair, and perhaps the only way of starting
to rebuild some iota of trust, that production of this
flying casket, this monument of crappy and faulty
``engineering", that has cost, so unjustifiably, the
lives of so many innocent and unsuspecting victims,
be stopped. Boeing is putting out the statement as
a warning, as if the receiving public is to be, by its
effect, saddened and disappointed, but, alas, it is

International Law should be Respected and Abided by
by All Nations in Its Entirety. Picking and choosing
which Tenets and which Articles to follow a la carte,
at one's convenience and advantage, is, as with any
other Body of Legal Rules and Regulations or Legal
System, tantamount to disobeying the Law or to making
a mockery of the Law. I consider the Statement of the
German Minister of Foreign Affairs the only statement
that is tenable. The position of the United States in
its effort to support the continuous disregard and
violations of International Law by the Jewish State
is laughable, reprehensible and condescending to
the intelligence of informed Citizens. Israel is, slowly
but steadily and consistently, engaging in a campaign
of ethnic cleansing of territories that are not Israeli,
but that it considers its own for ``historical" reasons
(where, like all manipulators and abusers of ``history",
it starts and stops the clock at whichever historical
periods serve one's interests). Getting rid of certain
minorities on ethnic, religious and racial grounds
by either exterminating them or forcing them to
emigrate and installing one's own ``ethnically" pure
and ``superior" inhabitants in a quest for Lebensraum
under cover of shady religious arguments, while
pushed and encouraged by primeval religious
fanaticism, is despicable, reprehensible and reminds
one of eras and standards that one would have thought
our Humanity had left behind for good after the
Second War and with the Universal Adoption of the
Charter. Israel's ethical standing (whatever is still
left) is continuously being eroded, given the widening
difference between the Values that it is preaching
around the Globe (especially vis-a-vis Respect for its
own) and the the Values it respects and upholds
domestically (vis-a-vis those it considers unwanted
and disposable). It is sad and shameful that, with the
support of our United States, in that part of the
Eastern Mediterranean, the ``Right" is not on the side
of the Law, but on the side of Raw Power.

Turkey, it seems, is taking great risks with this project.
And, as the saying goes, whoever plays with fire, might
get burned (imagine ``nuclear burned"). And what is
even more unsettling is that they put in jeopardy a
whole region many of whose inhabitants have chosen,
for this very same reasons, to follow a different course.
Economy should never tramp safety.

Good Riddance! Burn in Hell, Li Peng.

Congratulations U.K.! Now two of the most powerful
English-speaking Nations on Earth will officially be led
by (very rich and very well-connected) abject failures
and totally unstable imbeciles. I hope that nothing
catastrophic that could be accomplished with the
collusion of such untrustworthy personalities comes
up in the World Scene during their simultaneous (and,
hopefully, very short) tenure, because, with mathematical
accuracy, the mess up and damage will be momentous.

In the United States, we not only stand for Democracy,
but we go around trying to convince every other Nation
of the Virtues and Advantages of Democratic Regimes.
What does Democracy mean? It means Freedom of
Thought, Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Assembly,
Open Dialog, Uninhibited Argumentation, Unmolested
Political Disagreements
(apart from the Fundamental
Principles: The Right to Elect and to Be Elected and the
Principles of One Citizen/One Vote and Following the
Opinion of the Majority, with, of course, Certain Checks
and Balances
). And what do these basic characteristics
entail? To have open, sincere and uninhibited dialog
and argumentation, one needs Citizens that are free
to like/love no/some/all of the policies and the direction
the State and Government are taking and Citizens
that resent/despise/hate no/some/all of the policies
and the direction the State and its Government are
leading the Nation towards. When have we, in our
United States lost this very, very, basic sense that
supporting Democratic Principles and Ideals, on
the one hand, and declaring, as Government Officials
(let alone as the (elected by the minority of the voters)
``supreme leader"), that Citizens who disagree "must
love it or leave it" is a blatant contradiction, because
it flies in the face of Democratic Principles
, and that
it forms a dangerous precedent that would, justifiably,
lead other Nations to wonder whether even Democracy
is, for this Nation, not a Cornerstone and Nonnegotiable
Principle, but rather a sorry buzzword to be used at the
``leadership"'s convenience, when its suits their interest,
to show other Nations, presumably not doing our bidding
and not following those touted "Democratic Principles",
that they have to fall in line or face consequences.

I echo and amplify the Chancellor's comments.
With tears in my eyes, I remember those who were
taken from us so early because they stood firm, with
Heroism and Self-Sacrifice, by their and our dearest
Values and Principles and because they did the only
decent thing than any Freedom Loving, Brotherly,
Compassionate and Warm-Hearted Human Being
could have done. They, thus, Honored our Humanity
and gave Hope and Inspiration and passed down to
us, in the most exemplary of ways, the Message that,
even in the darkest of hours, we should never despair
because Humanity finds ways to survive and to rise.

Such moves are unhelpful and counter-productive.
I urge President Rouhani and Foreign Minister
Zarif to reign on the Iranian Military and Naval
Forces and to prevent any further escalation,
which, on the one hand, puts innocent civilians
and workers who are simply trying to earn enough
to feed their families at great risk and, on the other,
burns any remaining bridges that Iran has left in
terms of foreign sympathy and contacts and gives
an excuse and a justification to politicians and
States already negatively predisposed against
Iran for advocating further hostile action against
Iran and, therefore, for exacerbating and further
aggravating an already overextended and oversensitive
situation, leading to further enmity and instability.


It is absurd, embarrassing and outrageous that a State
that wants to be counted among the most Civilized ones
is playing with numbers and inexact probabilities,
increasing and lowering responsibility for the massacre
of thousands of innocent civilians under its soldiers'
protection, as if that responsibility and the value of
those lives lost can be measured as one measures by
experiment how many beans are in a jar, with 10%
accuracy more or less and a shameful politico-judicial
juggling more than 10% (closest to 30%) likely.
even though, to be fair, other Nations would have done
nothing and, by their silence and inaction, would have
completely exonerated irresponsible and culpable forces.

I hope Polish People realize that these signs are deeply
offensive, contrary to our Humanity and anti-Christian.
They are tantamount to having signs like "No Muslims
served" or "NO Negroes admitted" and our Humanity,
our Science, our Culture and our Sensitivities make such
discrimination and distinctions abusive and insulting,
totally unacceptable, despicable and repulsive, not to
mention directly harmful and injurious to innocent
Fellow Citizens of ours that have done nothing to
deserve such hatred and ire.
I urge the "newspaper" to withdraw these plans, and
I ask the Polish Citizens, should the newspaper insist
on going on with the plans, to boycott the paper and
force it to fold its operations.

Tsipras should resign and let someone better equipped
to conduct the functions of the Leader of the Opposition
and to lead the Party to the next elections. In my view
(and in the view of many fellow Greeks), he has already
attained more than his weight and his worth warranted
and the fact that he has found himself in waters deeper
than he was (un)educated and prepared for and had
the intelligence and the skills to handle has been proven
by the lies, the broken promises, the failures, the under-
performance and the mistakes and disasters of his
outgoing government. If he does not have the elementary
sensitivity and the astuteness to withdraw, then the Party
Organs should convene to introduce, discuss and pass a
vote of No Confidence to force his retirement from the
leadership of the Party (before it is too late).

Happy Birthday, also, to Milva! A powerful and moving
voice that gave us unforgettable interpretations and that
has worked with some of the best composers of our times.
Auguri, Milva!

The powers to be that have an interest to rig the system
are rewarding their stooges, who use force and violence
on their behalf to scare and intimidate and do not even
hesitate to murder so as to create an atmosphere of fear
and oppression, to maintain and strengthen their power
and privileges and suppress any and all forms of opposition.
This is the only way and the only light (or shall we say
darkness and shame) under which such unjust and unfair
decisions, covering up abuses and criminal behavior, can
be explained and analyzed. Sham "juries" and rigged
and biased Government "departments" are colluding
and conspiring to prevent Justice and to scandalously
reward murder when it serves their goals and allows
then to apply uninhibited their modus operandi.

Happy 65th Birthday to the German Chancellor!

Unfortunate news from Italy... Andrea Camilleri is with us no more...
We already loved Italy, but he brought Its People and Its Culture and
Its Surroundings even closer to our Hearts and our Minds.

I do not know if you will see us in 2020.
But rest assured, you WILL HEAR FROM US EN MASSE
and you will not like it a bit. You shall wish you had been
decent and had behaved and treated your Fellow Citizens
with Dignity and Respect, but it will be too, way too, late.



Iran is a good friend of the European Union and us,
European Citizens, Respect Iran for its History, its
Culture and all its Contributions to our Humanity's
Civilization and are also cognizant that Iran has
negotiated in Good Faith and was abiding in Good
Faith by its obligations ensuing from the Nuclear
Agreement. Unfortunately, negotiations in Good
Faith is not something that can be said about the
Jewish State nor is trustworthiness and conformity
with obligations in Good Faith something that we
can boast about here in the United States, where,
seemingly, the dysfunctional morphic administration
has completely ignored and/or disregarded the
Cornerstone Principle in International Diplomacy
and International Relations that Agreements that
States sign should not be dependent on who the
current Party or Person at the helm is, but should
bind the State itself as an International Personality,
if for nothing else, at the minimum to maintain its
Credibility and its Reliability in the International
Political and Diplomatic Arena.
But, to finish on a Positive Note, there is always time
and space for Hope and the Hope is that both the
Citizens of the Jewish State and Us, the Citizens of
our United States, will, in the not too distant future,
reject the divisive and politically expedient rhetoric
and policies of our current sad and shortsighted
governments, send them home, and re-extend a
sincere hand of Friendship towards Iran and the
Iranian People and, despite other disagreements,
which always exist between States with differing
political systems, ideologies and cultures, re-establish
Mutually Respectful, Amicable Relations and close
Cooperation. This is the Ultimate Goal and the
Ultimate Hope and, when the current obstacles go
away and become obsolete, they will, at last, be attained.

Idiot, imbecile and airhead! This is not about Israel.
This is about America and its Citizens. About
ALL of US HERE! Get a grip! Israel is another one
of so many Nations out there and Americans want
to take Equal Distances from All, show Equal Respect
and Respect for the Sovereignty and the Rights of All,
and Demand the Same Respect from Others for the
Fundamental Values and Principles we Stand For
Respect for Fundamental Basic Individual Rights and
Freedoms and for Tenets and Norms of International Law
from All. Incompetent, incapable and incoherent idiot,
who, no matter what the issue at hand is, thinks that
by blabbering a few unrelated catch phrases and buzz
words and by aimlessly caressing a few ears of receptive
audiences can navigate his misguided, unstable,
incoherent, ailing mind through lunacy and garbage
Pity for this Great Nation to have at the helm such
an irresponsible and unresponsive mental wreck.

Of course it was natural and to be expected that
the entire Mediterranean Block in the European
Union vocally and vociferously supported Cyprus,
not only because it is a State in our Union, but,
also, and perhaps most importantly, because
none of these States has any interest whatsoever
to give even an iota of doubt that gangsterism,
arbitrariness and any deviation from or questioning
the Tenets and the Universal Applicability of the
Law of the Sea is to be accepted or tolerated.
Needless to say that the support of Finland, of
Germany and of the Netherlands is also extremely
significant, again not only because they are Fellow
States of our Union and among the most Powerful
and Influential Actors, but, also, because they too
have strong Maritime Interests of their own in the
North Seas and they also wanted to send the strong
unequivocal message that in this era, the Era of
the Charter, the World is supposed to operate under
Rules and according to the Dicta of International
Law and Customs and that it is not and should not
be the case any more that the right of the powerful
is the law in a lawless land. In this Modern Era,
States must Respect the Rights that other States
enjoy in the Spirit of Equality and Cooperation.

It is so hard for me to understand, and nothing but
racism, bigotry and xenophobia can explain this
my own mind. These four Congress Members are
Prominent Citizens, whose background from All
Four Corners of our World gives to Our Nation
a unique Strength and a unique Perspective that
many, if not most, other Nations lack and their
Experiences and their Points of View and their
Passion is a veritable Political and Social Gold
Mine that we should be exploiting and drawing
Inspiration, Determination and Hope from. I just
cannot fathom how someone, especially someone
with responsibility and in a position of leadership,
could ignore or overlook such an obvious and unique
advantage, a veritable Ace up our sleeve.
Pity, misery and desolation are, sadly, the only
feelings that this terrible, white supremacist, bigot,
racist and misogynist morph leaves one with.

If any of the Citizens of the European Union, with well
developed Political and Democratic sensitivities, is asked
today whether they would be for or against a bipolar
political system, like the one that exists in our United
States, they would most surely express an ardent and
passionate opinion against rigid 2-Party politics and
with good justification and in good measure. The same
goes - but, I am afraid, only in name and not in substance -
in Greece. We may all be in favor of pluralism and of
strong and robust multi-Party Electoral Processes,
but, by us supporting and siding with those that are
on the side and have been supporting and maintaining
this despicable 50-seat grant to the party with the
biggest minority and thus, distorting the Will of the
People and creating out of minorities, potent and
almighty majorities, we are, in essence and in practice
siding with forces against Pure and Undiluted Democratic
Ideals. We are showing lack of Respect and Trust in
the Political System, being sure that, had many Parties
been called to join forces for the Common Good, they
would be incapable or unwilling to do so and that they
can only work for their own, their cronies' and their
own voters' interest. IT IS HIGH TIME TO RESPECT
Instead of insisting on disbanding it
and returning to old-fashioned and antiquated bipolar
ways, disrespecting Democratic Principles, Mitsotakis
should place himself in the forefront and help establish,
develop and strengthen Direct Proportional Representation
and make Greece again a Leader in the domain of
Democratic Principles and of Political Idealism.

A counterwarning to the Police, Prosecutorial and
Political Authorities in the United Kingdom and,
for that matter, All Other States: If you, your
diplomats or your politicians do not agree with
something, do not endorse something or do not
want something to see the light of day or think
they would be embarrassed if something they
write saw the light of day, then they should take
care not to express or write that something that
would embarrass them. They should not turn
against and threaten the parties that discover,
unveil, disclose and publish that information.
Once something is written or spoken by official
hands or lips, supported on the public purse,
regardless of the way the information is obtained
or revealed or leaked. If you feel uncomfortable
about something, do not shoot the messengers;
find the culprits and turn against them instead
of acting as their stooges and the guardians of
their nonexistent virtuousness.

Τί να πω παρά πάλι ένα μεγάλο ΜΠΡΑΒΟ στο
Λευτέρη Χαραλαμπόπουλο
. Έγκαιρη, ακριβής
ανάλυση, εύστοχη, επιτυχημένη διατύπωση,
μετριοπάθεια, και δε βρίσκω ούτε ίχνος με το
οποίο να διαφωνώ, εκτός, ίσως, από το άσυλο,
στο οποίο γίνεται μεγάλη κατάχρηση, αλλά και για
το οποίο, όποια αλλαγή θέλει προσοχή και σκέψη.

With these new revelations, I strongly encourage the
investigating team to look very closely and very very
carefully into Mr. Acosta's and his campaigns' finances.
No one, especially a pretentious, uptight, hypocritical
hard-core Republican, with all their zero-tolerance
and "no-leniency for others' indiscretions" politics
would allow a pedophile, running, in essence, a
prostitution ring out of his mansions, to serve only
13 months while continuing work and business as
usual, without strong personal and other financial
incentives and perks. What did the despicable and
repulsive ``US attorney" and ``labor secretary" receive
in exchange for conspiring and manipulating the rigged
system to let this monster go free with less than a slap
on the wrist, while the same slimy and unacceptable
personality, I am sure, would have put poor, unfortunate
and non-connected fellow Citizens (especially Black
and Hispanic) of ours in jail for many years for
smoking a joint or sometimes for even less?

Good, Good Riddance. Entanglement with private
interests and unchecked favoritism and bending way
way over backward and forward to accommodate the
ultra rich and well-connected in the unacceptable
rigged system that they have created and are so
shamelessly feeding and maintaining to a terrible,
scandalous and unashamedly provocative apex.

Ευτυχώς τους ξεφορτωθήκαμε. Τέτοια ανεγκεφαλιά και
τέτοια γαϊδουριά από σεσημασμένα στελέχια και από
Κυβερνητικούς "παράγοντες" και "προύχοντες" δύσκολα
να βρει κανείς στα χρονικά.

Neo-Nazism, immersed in cronyism and nepotism is now
taking over Brasil, not unlike the extreme lack of merito-
cracy and the favoritism and cronyism that has shamefully
plagued our own corrupt "populist" government since 2016.

Anthony Zurcher, with characteristic British humour
and sarcasm and no appetite at concealment, evasion
or discretion, hit the nail squarely on the morph's
disastrous character and catastrophic dysfunction.

Immediate indications of hysteria from the ``new"
Maximou directed against foreign media that are
simply trying to do their job and to call a spade a
spade. Koulis, the ``great reformer", put Mpoulis
(Charalampoulis - the archipapatzis - Papadimitriou),
apparently his bully bodyguard and bulldog, on an
urgent mission of immediate counterattack with the
aim of political harassment, fascist style. At least
they are not wasting any of our time, letting us have
any misconceptions and erroneous expectations
about their new and enlightened style of political

Μπράβο στο Λευτέρη Χαραλαμπόπουλο.
Φτάνει πια το ξέφρενο γλύψιμο από το και τα Μαρινακιδαίϊκα στον Κυριάκο.
Είναι καιρός να αρχίσουμε να τονίζουμε τί
περιμένουμε και πώς θα κρίνουμε και να
καταδικάζουμε ασύστολα κάθε παρέκκλιση.

First, let me say that we all feel worried and discomforted
about the Chancellor's predicaments and wish her well.
It is to her credit and to the credit of her administration
and close advisers that she has not ceased public appearances,
despite the issues, and that they have not tried to operate
under cover of secrecy, whisking her away and claiming
that the rumors about her health are untrue, etc. like it
used to happen in absolutist and ex-communist regimes.
On the other hand, it is perhaps time, both because she
has done so much for Europe and Germany and has closed
a circle of significant work and accomplishments, and
because, like everyone else, she deserves some years in
retirement in Good Health, after such demanding and
responsibility-laden work, to resign and withdraw to enjoy
retirement before it becomes too late. Ms. Merkel, we
are Human and at advanced years, no one knows, nor
is one entitled to anticipate, what tomorrow brings,
and when we are sent clear signs, it is wise to heed them.
I do wish you the best and advise you to think about it.
A few months earlier may mean very little to Germany
and Europe, but may mean the world to you and may
mean even more to your Health. Politically speaking,
``ουδεις αναντικατάστατος" (even with your record).

As the saying goes, when things are going well, when
the money flows and when the pleasure is at its apex,
everyone is in, a close friend and associate. When the
times turn around and the authorities and prosecutors
come knocking, non cognosco. But, as the saying also
goes, a photo speaks a million words.

This is a paradigmatic example of why people with no
brains and with unsuitable temperament, totally
emotionally and otherwise immature that are prone
to feats and tantrums, should never be elected to lead.
In the same way that a personal grudge gone haywire
may lead to the destruction of bilateral relations and
of trust that have taken years to build and cement,
such instability, unpredictability, volatility and
mercuriality may have catastrophic consequences
when it comes to financial stability, economic
robustness and military and National Security issues
as well. Regardless of how the Britons choose to deal
with this spat and ensuing predicament, for us, here
in the United States, it is yet another wake up call
that we MUST CHANGE ROTE in 2020.

At last, at very long last, one Mainstream British
Politician who proposes to do the Right Thing at
the Eleventh (11:59:59) Hour...

Well, you pushed, you pushed and you pushed... Now
brace yourself and pay up the price. At some point
both you and your proxy in the White House have to
become wiser and understand that, in Life and in
Diplomacy, you give something to get something back.
You cannot expect to win all. But Israel, under your
misguidance, has long been operating under the false
premise and the faulty assumption that one can have
the cake and eat it too.

João Gilberto is with us no more...
Music has lost one of Its Greats.

These practices are, by modern standards of civility
and civilization, primitive and savage and are totally
unacceptable and reprehensible. The Chinese may
point to past eras and say that both in the East and
in the West, especially in colonizing and colonial
times, such practices had been widespread and that
would be, regrettably, correct. But this does not mean
that modern Nations, that want to be known and to
pass as among the Developed and Civilized ones,
should be using the barbarity and inhumanity of
the past to draw inspiration on how to manipulate,
subdue and dehumanize entire ethnic minorities
and ethnic populations on ethnic, religious or
racial grounds and to deprive them of their Basic
Fundamental Freedoms and their Humanity.

Wolfgang Schäuble simply mentioned what all of us
know and acknowledge deep down
but are afraid to
recognize and express openly for various reasons.
That the greatest - and, alas, perhaps the only, but,
nevertheless, very significant - achievements of the
current, departing, Greek Government were the
steady hand with which Tsakalotos, with the help,
oversight and direction of the lenders and European
Partners, led the economy in its, partial at least,
recovery from the edge of the precipice, and the
Good Will, flexibility, diplomatic versatility, but,
also determination, that Kotzias exercised in facing
and agreeing on a resolution over the ``Macedonian"
issue. It is a pity, in my view, that these two are,
seemingly, as far away from the incompetent and
demagogic outgoing prime minister, who still seems
to enjoy the support of a crumpling, disparate and
incoherent political configuration.

By this decision, Harvard has chosen to reward a
``finances first, safety later (especially for the most
unfortunate, less affluent, less influential and less
well-connected)" attitude and to overlook both
substantial suspicions that this ``governor" escaped
responsibility by manipulating his ``attorney general",
who had his eyes on the gubernatorial seat, and the
fact that the Citizens of our Great State gave a
resounding slap in the face of this individual and
his deeds by changing course in a dramatic and
very decisive way on the last election cycle.

Christie's (and all other cold-blooded merchants of
History, Culture and Civilization) has to stop this
despicable habit of bartering, expropriating and
selling National and International Treasures that
form a part of National and International Heritage
and whose only place is a National Museum, since they
are sole property of the People and of the States that
offered these Marvels and Wonders to our Humanity.
Do, for once, the Right Thing and return this and
other Artifacts to Egypt. Enough of this charade,
stealing, pocketing and enriching ``companies"
and individuals with looted and uprooted artifacts.

Albanians, with their political greed and corruption,
are destroying their country and scrapping its promise
and its prospects and moving further and further from
the Values and Principles that a Modern Democratic
State is supposed to abide by and, therefore, further
and further away from any chance to even remotely
approach our European Union. Pity... Just Pity for
a Nation that few years ago was full of Hope and New
Dreams and Expectations.

Bravo, Istanbul! The resounding victory of Ekrem
in the City is showing beyond the shadow of any
and all doubt that the Dream of Mustafa Kemal
is still alive and that the Turks are fiercely opposed
to attempts at instituting new sultanates and to other
shenanigans ridiculing Democratic Principles and
having as their only goal making a mockery of the
People's Will. BRAVO, ISTANBUL!!

Bravo to U.S. Congress! It is absurd and preposterous
to have an administration that sides with murderers, thugs
and killers and is attempting to provoke and destabilize
a State and a Party that is Friendly and Civilized and
has worked with and cooperated in Good Faith and
has upheld its Obligations vis-a-vis both the United
States and the entire International Community. I hope,
as long as we have a mindless, idiotic and mercurial
president and an incompetent and laughable pariah
at State, the U.S. Senate and House will keep sending
strong messages and resounding diplomatic slaps in the
face to the White House and the morph's administration
to wake them up
and make them see, not only who it
is in our interests to support Internationally, but, also,
who is our Moral Obligation and our Moral Prerogative
to Support and work with, in an effort to diffuse this
crisis for which we are not by any means innocent
in, artificially and out of the blue, creating and fostering.

Us U.S. Citizens say loudly and unequivocally
not only because Iran is a Civilized and Friendly State
to which the United States and the World is indebted
for many critical and invaluable Historical and Cultural
Contributions to our Humanity, but, also, because we
believe that to be credible and respected, as befits the
only remaining Superpower, our United States has to
approach International Issues in the Spirit of Mutual
Respect Between and Equality of All States, and, as
a consequence, the insistence on States to curb their
nuclear plans and ambitions should be accompanied
by a corresponding proportionate (that is larger)
pressure on those States that have surreptitiously
acquired or developed nuclear weapons, such as
Israel, to give them up. Every actor in this World
has to live by the same rules and face the same
sanctions and consequences when they do not abide
by International obligations, norms and regulations.
Fairness and Deliberation never hurt in exercising
a thoughtful, judicious and wise Foreign Policy that
can sway Friends, convince Allies and engage in
a Respectful Dialog and potential Cooperation
existing Adversaries.

Και τα ``πόθεν έσχες" φαίνεται είναι κοροϊδία του
απλοϊκού και αφελούς κοσμάκη, αφού, προφανώς,
δεν αντικατοπτρίζουν καθόλου πόθεν και πόσα έχουν.

Sad news from Italy. Andrea Camilleri is in critical
condition at Rome's Santo Spirito.

INTERNATIONAL PARIAH. The United States must
sever ties, the European Union has to impose sanctions
and Greece and Cyprus have to stop those paranoid
tripartite meetings with illegitimate usurpers of power,
abusers of power and murderous thugs that have long
been ridiculing Democracy and torturing the State.

Like in our State, in the Jewish State, they leave
repeated, arrogant and unrepentant offenders
go free with not even a slap on the wrist. The fact
that the Prosecution, via legalese, and inexplicable
and unfortunate ``arguments", acknowledged that,
in the framework of a rigged and biased ``justice"
system that favors the rich, the well-connected
and the well-placed, the punishment was nowhere
near proportionate to the offense, nor it did mean
anything as far as making the offender pain and
feel her infractions and sense of entitlement, should
give serious food for thought to the Jewish Voters
and the Jewish Public that have created a very
regrettable and unacceptable political elite in
their State that feels ``princely" and entitled
to move outside the Law and do whatever they
feel like with very little to no accountability.

The despicable family under whose intolerable rule
the Arabian peninsula finds itself should urge a very
decisive and immediate response to the butchering
of innocent Citizens in Foreign Sovereign Territories
by the agents and the stooges of their shameless and
ruthless murderous ``prince", instead of meddling
and encouraging an attack against a Highly Civilized
State, which has consistently upheld its International
Obligations and has honored its signature vis-a-vis
International Agreements, unlike other Parties.
Iran, I am sure, recognizes the importance of
International Trade and Maritime Law and Respects
the Hard Work and understands the risk that all
Sailors are subject to in order to feed their families
and to promote International Trade and Friendship,
and will do its utmost to ensure the Safety and the
Comfort of Navigation in its Territorial Waters and
in the International Waterways in which it enjoys
immediate access and proximity.

Well... Someone, who is still out there, moving free and,
possibly, traveling around, has it very heavily in his/her
conscience that, many years ago, for the sake of some
triviality, (s)he deprived another Human Being of her
Life and Future, and, no matter what the present
circumstances are, the fact that the Italian Police, the
Italian Judicial System and the Italian State failed
miserably in their responsibilities and that the person
responsible, the brutal killer, is only paying by carrying
with them that unbearable burden and confronting the
Furies every single day of his/her life, has not changed.

Franco Zeffirelli is with us no more...

Μερικοί Κύριοι και Κυρίες δεν έχουν ``γνώθι σαυτόν"
και δεν ξέρουν να βγάζουν το σκασμό όταν το απαιτούν
οι περιστάσεις. Οι Μητσοτάκηδες, οι Μπακογιάννηδες
και οι Τσίπρες, αυθεντικοί και υιοί, θυγατέρες, ανιψιοί,
εξαδέλφοι και τα λοιπά σόγια αλληλοκατηγορούνται
ότι οι άλλοι (αλλά προς θεού οι εαυτούληδές τους)
στέλνουν στους υπόλοιπους κατακαημένους Έλληνες
το μήνυμα ότι ``θέλεις μπάρμπα (βλέπε μπαμπά ή
ξάδελφο) από την Κορώνη" για να πετύχεις στη ζωή.
Δεν ντρέπεστε όλοι, χοντροξεδιάντροποι ξεφτίλες.
Και κάποιοι άλλοι αλητήριοι βρίσκουν τηλεοπτικά
ως άλλοθι για την κατάντια όλων την εκλεξιμότητα.
Μα αλήτες, σοβαρολογείτε; Αν μ' έβαζε κι εμένα
στον κομματικό μηχανισμό ο ``σεσημασμένος" και
``βολευτής" μπαμπάς μου, κι εγώ κάποια στιγμή θα
εκλεγόμουν, εκτός κι αν ήμουν παντελώς ντίπ και
ανίκανος. Αν πανηγυρίζετε γι αυτό των αρχηγών σας
και των στελεχών σας το προσόν, τότε τί να πει κανείς...
Είστε, για την παντελή άγνοιά σας και επιτηδειότητά σας,
άξιοι μαυρίσματος όλοι σας. Μόνο αυτό σας αρμόζει.

They say Freedom of Speech is limited by certain
restrictions such as incitement to violence and to
commit crimes, especially hate crimes. Is that
rule only for the poor and unfortunate that
are not in Government and/or are not Party
stooges? If not, why is this ``mayor" still out
and walking and not in a jail cell awaiting trial?
What more does he have to do for ``prosecutors"
to be convinced that he is an individual that does
not deserve walking in the streets of our Cities,
much less being a mayor of one?

The World, States and Citizens, have every right -
in fact, a responsibility - to ``intervene in the
internal affairs" of Nations that do not respect
Individual Freedoms and Individual Rights.
The butchering elite of the Chinese Communist
Party MUST disclose the Truth about the number
of Chinese Citizens that were slaughtered in the
Tiananmen 30 years ago and the World MUST
know and should never forget those sacrificed.

I applaud heartily and loudly the tourists
in Greece that expose on the social media those
coffee shops, bars, pubs and restaurants that,
on the one hand, are criminally, unconscionably
and irritatingly overcharging them, thinking
that they can do whatever they want, and, on
the other, from the few posts that I have seen,
are handing them fake receipts to withhold
taxes and embezzle the State. I want to warn
tourists: Unless the ``receipt" they hand you
has the name of the restaurant and/or the owner,
the address and the Α.Φ.Μ. (arithmos forologikou
mitroou or tax registrar ID) clearly written at
the top, it is only a fake receipt, issued as an
imitation to fool the ignorant and unsuspecting,
with the only purpose to invade paying taxes.

and double-check its authenticity. In this way,
you are helping, at one stroke, yourselves,
Greek Citizens, the Greek State and the
European Union.
Enough is enough!

Two idiots are better than one: One idiot
offers his endorsement to another. Their
Nations should withdraw confidence from
both before the damage they cause becomes
of irreparable and irreversible proportions.

Ελπίζω ο Κυριάκος, εάν έχει στο μυαλό του να
``ενώσει τους Έλληνες", όπως εξαγγέλει όπου
βρεθεί κι όπου σταθεί, να μην προτείνει ένα
κομματόσκυλο κι έναν πασίγνωστο πρώην
(π)ο(ρ)νεδίτη των ομάδων ``δράσεων, καταστολής
και καταδρομών" της παραδοσιακής και σκοτεινής
δεξιάς των χρονοντούλαπων της ξεδιάντροπης
ιστορίας ως ``Έλληνα" αντιπρόεδρο της ντροπής
και της συμφοράς του Ευρωπαϊκού Λαϊκού
Κόμματος. Η Ευρώπη και η Κεντροδεξιά
αξίζουν περισσότερο από την εξαγωγή των
εγχώριών μας αποβλήτων...

Another immoral settlement, amounting to one
of the gravest sell outs of ethics in modern times.
Everyone is crying foul and everyone settles with
full bank accounts amounting to a pittance from
the point of view of the ultra-wealthy perpetrators.
which encourages, perpetuates and, in
a sense, rewards exploitation, abuses and lack of
accountability and grants ``in the name and with
the blessings of the ``Law"" permission to harass,
to humiliate and to enslave in the price of a trivial
reward and of a negligible, apparent punishment.
Is that how we are expecting to change attitudes
and behaviors in our ``civilized societies"?

Britain is getting rid of theirs. As 2020 is
approaching, let's get rid of ours with the
loudest, the most decisive thud!

Ελπίζω ο Κυριάκος να διαβάσει με προσοχή
το άρθρο του Κώστα Σημίτη στο ``Βήμα της
διότι, όσο και να γνωρίζει, αυτή
η εμπεριστατωμένη περίληψη, που έιναι
συνάμα καταπέλτης για τα κακώς κέιμενα
και όραμα για μία δοαφορετική, σύγχρονη
και αποτελεσματική διακυβέρνηση, μπορεί
να βοηθήσει πάρα πολύ αν οι ιδέες της και
η λογική της εφαρμοστούν στην πράξη.
Όσο για τον νυν Πρωθυπουργό, θα τον
προέτρεπα να τη διαβάσει κι αυτός, αλλά
αυτός από τη μία (μωρέ) είναι αγράμματος
και αστοιχείωτος και από την άλλη δεν έχει
ούτε τη βούληση, λόγω κομματοκρατίας
και ημετέρων συμφερόντων και βολέψεων,
ούτε το χρόνο και δεν προκάνει για αλλαγές...

IMPROPER in revealing, by whatever means,
illegal, improper, scandalous and provocative
behavior by Government Officials who receive
lovish and extravagant salaries and perks on
the Public Purse and on the backs of Taxpayers.
Hypocrites, Neo-Nazis and crypro-racists, shut
up, own up to your shenanigans and your abject
betrayals of Public (mis)trust and dance your
way to prison cells, where you really belong.

(Τ)Ο Στουρνάρ(ας)ι επιμένει ότι περιθώριο για
παροχές δεν υπάρχει (και ίσως έχει δίκιο). Αλλά
(τ)ο Στουρνάρ(ας)ι δεν έχει ποτέ πει ότι περιθώριο
για παχυλότατους μισθούς από το Δημόσιο (σαν
το δικό του) σε μία χώρα που καταρρέει από τα
χρέη και που φυτοζωεί, λόγω των δικων του και
των παρομοίων του τους χειρισμούς, επίσης δεν
υπάρχει... Ντροπή σας, σοβαροφανείς-ηλιθιότατοι
και επαίσχυντοι.

Better late than never. Residents want to better
their quality of life in the cities of our World.
They are not asking for more places where they
can worship fake deities and idolize fake priests,
like it so often happens in the developed and the
developing and the underdeveloped States of our
full-of-inertia and full-of-bulls**t World. Parks
and recreation areas are much more important
and the 'churches' should refrain from devouring
the few places left where people can go and relax

Γρηγοράκο, με τρυφερότητα είσαι χοντρός, άξεστος
και ηλίθιος. Ελπίζω να μην το πάρεις προσωπικά, εκτός
κι αν πιστεύεις ότι η χυδαιότητα και η γλώσσα του
πεζοδρομίου είναι επιτρεπτή μόνο αναφορικά με τις
γυναίκες πολιτικούς και δεν αρμόζει στα αρσενικά

Award-winning stupidity and/or underlying, but well
concealed, racism, like we've seen amply on the other
side of the Atlantic...

First, unequivocally and without any hesitation,
decisions of this type are ridiculous in a modern,
capable and advanced State and make a complete
sham of Democracy and of Democratic Principles.
Let me add that this decision should make

decisive and merciless action against these
despicable and hateful merchants of death.
These rats, who, essentially, were committing
mass-murder for money, deserve more than
20 years. Prosecutors should have pushed hard
for life behind bars to send a strong message that
there are certain limits that Humanity cannot and
should not be allowed to cross in pursuit of profit.

It sounds like in South-East Asia, one is very likely
to be more severely prosecuted for carrying cannabis
and other drugs on his person than for killing a man.
What a shameful measure of ``justice" these States
possess. Get real or else you'll get a terrible reputation.

Ill-calculated thought from someone that is acting,
seemingly, more from personal ambition and hunger
for prestige than an appetite to promote forcefully
a very progressive agenda. This could be much more
effectively accomplished by lending support to a new
generation of politicians who have much more at stake
and are much more invested personally in the future
of this Nation. It is high time for older politicians to
start realizing when the time comes to relinquish
power and pass on the reigns by supporting like-
minded younger candidates, more energetic and
more idealistic and less entangled with domestic
and other interests, rather than becoming tiring
dinosaurs and blocking the door from others to
enter and do their part. But they can certainly
help by providing advice through experience and
by helping us vet younger and worthy successors!

Pseudo-puritanism, hypocrisy and right wing politics
have absolutely nothing to contribute to alleviation,
protection and restitution against War Crimes.

In my view this is an ill-thought move by the United
States. Letting aside the fact that Iran is not our enemy
and we bankroll, and cooperate with, our true enemies,
not allowing other States to have commercial and other
relations with Iran, even if we decide to forego them
ourselves, puts a stranglehold on the few open avenues
of dialog, of cooperation and of potential rapprochement
between Iran and the West. Instead, our United States
should be encouraging other Western States, which
have no problem dealing with and discussing with
Iran in a Spirit of Amity and Cooperation, to open
new avenues and to actively probe Jerusalem, Tehran
and Washington to also find ways through Diplomatic
Channels and, perhaps, Good Will Intermediaries of
Mutual Acceptability and Trust to act to rekindle
relations and express Friendly and Fraternal Feelings
between All Three Nations. The People of the United
States have no grudges and nothing to divide them
from the People of Iran and, moreover, have a huge
debt, like the rest of Humanity, to Iran's Culture and
Iran's Civilization.

WHY? WHY? Why are there ``humans" and ``groups"
that find it so difficult to coexist in Peace and Fraternity
with all Humanity? What is there so powerful in one
specific religion as compared to others that gives it,
in spite of its teachings, the ``supremacy" and misleads
its adherents to believe in violent attacks and in causing
injury, sorrow, devastation and death against others?

Ο Γεωμέτρης φυσικά και θα υποστήριζε το ``μηδείς
αγεωμέτρητος εισίτω", αλλά δυστυχώς κινείται υπό
του παντελώς αγεωμέτρητου, ο οποίος θα συνεχίσει
ευθέως προς το γκρεμό εκτός κι αν κάνει καμιά στροφή
360ο και έτσι επιχειρήσει ο κακομοίρης να διασωθεί...

Extradition now! Trial, Truth and Sentencing
at the Hague or consequences.

Africa has enough cronies and sons and daughters of
minority supported and minority controlled petty
``leaders" and generalissimos to abundantly export
to all the rest of the World and then some. The U.S.
should not have been in the business of sending to
Africa cronies and family members to reinforce
and to legitimize this form of ``government" and
of abuses of privilege and betrayal of civic trust.
Instead of parading people appointed, not for their
experience and expertise but, due to abject cronyism
and preferentialism, our U.S. should be sending
worthy and merit-based appointed technocrats
to lead by example and to promote Transparency
and Good Governance and actively advocate for
High Standards in Government. SHAME ON THIS

Heartbreaking. Devastating. Thanks to all those who
fought the flames and prevented the worst and thanks
to all those who have and, recognizing their Duty and
their Responsibility as Citizens of Paris, France and
the World, offered immediately pledges of assistance
in the reconstruction that must take place as soon as
possible after the assessment and the investigations
are concluded. Monuments of that age and of that
caliber, our Humanity cannot afford to lose.

Impressive and awesome!

Refreshing news from Finland.

In the same way that it would be barbarous and a
distortion of History and Historical Truth to say
that between 1939 and 1945 ``some people did
something and all Germans started losing access
to their Civil Liberties", it is also outrageous and
a grave distortion of History and of Historical
Truth to say that, in the 9/11 atrocities, ``some
people did something and American Muslims
started losing access to their Civil Liberties".
First, let me say that I feel sympathetic to those
innocent individuals, Muslim Fellow Citizens of
ours, that were discomforted by the 9/11attacks,
but had no relation to them and bear absolutely
no responsibility for them, like all the rest of us.
On the other hand, we must point out how
many communities of Freedom Minded Citizens
came out forcefully in support of our Muslim
Fellow Citizens and went out of their way to
emphasize the fact that they are, like all the
rest of us, part of this American Fabric and
they should be treated with utmost Respect
and in the Spirit of Equality and Fraternity
and not vilified for evil acts they did not
participate in and had no control over, and
all this starting with the President at the time,
who also made sure that Americans shared this
point of view with him. And let me finish by
saying that acts like the Holocaust or 9/11 are
not acts of ``some people that did something";
they are State sponsored, State planned and
State perpetrated terrorism and extermination
campaigns. They are barbarously orchestrated
attacks against Humanity, unfathomable attacks
on the Right of Life and on the Basic Dignity
and Basic Rights of Individuals, shocking
massacres, which should not be described by any
well-meaning individual but by the most evil,
caustic and condemning terms. And what is
even worse, they are sponsored and executed
by the most cowardly of State actors, like
Pakistan, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia,
who, while showing a smiling and fraternal
face and get funding from and pretend to be
friendly and cooperative and engage in commerce
and buy (or are provided) weapons by our
United States, are, in reality, underneath this
slimy and detestable surface, double dealing
and backing the worst killers and the worst
murderous organizations on the face of our
Planet and support them financially and
otherwise to carry out their evil deeds at their
bidding, without them being brave enough
to ever assume either blame or responsibility
for their desires and their devious actions.

Generals of the Sudan, you can do two relatively simple
things to earn the Respect and the Admiration of the
People of the Sudan and of the International Community,
instead of engaging in fruitless arguments and rhetoric
and, thus, becoming distrusted and suspicious:
1. Pack Omar ``the Beast" Al-Bashir in a military
    plane and send him to the Hague to stand trial
    for War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity;
2. Declare a formal intention to schedule Democratic,
    Free and Open Elections with Unfettered Presence
    of International United Nations Observers and
    outline immediately a very short road map to
    reach this Noble and Desirable Goal so that
    the Sudanese People may prepare for campaigning
    and for voting and may know when a Peaceful and
    Civilized Transition to a Democratically Elected
    Civilian Government is going to take place.


Absolutely no excuses and no justification for having on the
books brutal and uncivilized laws, not conforming to the
modern standards of personal dignity, personal individual
freedoms and civility. The statement that we should trust an
absolutist, undemocratic and arbitrary regime and ``leader"
not to execute the code, or to execute it only rarely at whim and
when convenient, is, by modern standards, derogatory to the
World's Citizens' intelligence and totally unacceptable and
. Let us force
the brutes to repeal savagery and conform to standards of
modernity and civilization without further delays or excuses.

We trust him. He is among those that should know
better because they have been part of the problem.
The question the rest of us would like to ask (to get
no answers for, I am sure) is, if they liked the ambient
culture and they were in and going hot for that kind
of stuff, what were they doing and why were they
hiding in the church and in monasteries behind
frocks rather than being out in smoking hippie
camps and in free going gatherings and concerts?

Good news from the Sudan. But, Hand over ``The Beast"
Al-Bashir to the International Criminal Court NOW!

Όπως δυστυχώς αποδεικνύεται για μία ακόμα
φορά, η τρέλα, η χαζομάρα και η αφεργγυότητα
δεν πάνε στα βουνά...

I am wondering, sometimes, when I read of rich
and fortunate engaging in petty shoplifting,
whether the psychologists are even asking the
right question ``Why does a rich and non-needy
person shoplift'' (and ``why is a rich person
pettily devious and dishonest?'') or whether
the reverse is the most important ``is the
person rich because he is dishonest, ruthless
and did not hesitate to ``shoplift" (so to speak)
even when bigger odds than light bulbs or a
coffee maker were at stake during the person's
career?" What would such a question reveal?
Would it be, at least in the majority of these
cases, an embarrassing thing to even investigate
and would the answers be shocking?

Israelis, do the Right Thing! Unseat a corrupt,
short-sighted, entitled Prime Minister that has
done close to nothing for the long-term Peace,
Security and Stability of our Region and has
not spent any effort in approaching with Good
Will and extending a hand of genuine and
sincere friendship Neighboring States sharing
a Common Destiny and Common Future with
Israel. Putting pressure and ingratiating with
the United States and solidifying already warm
and cordial relations with friends and allies
(such as Cyprus, Egypt and Greece) cannot
and should not be the only objective of Israel's
Foreign Policy. Israel simply cannot afford it.

A cadaver, a skeleton from the past is plaguing Libya
again. One hopes that, with the fall of the Ancien
Regime, the mummies would have had the courtesy
to keep closeted in the trashcans of History and to let
their State start anew in relative Peace and Security.

Absurd and ironic, isn't it, that ``nationalists" form
wide trans-national European alliances. Let's vote
them all down resoundingly to show how European
Citizens understand demagogy, opportunism and
detestable lies and ``populism" of the worst kind.

Istanbul has acquired a new, Super-Modern Airport,
a Jewel, from what I read, for the entire Region. Bravo
to Turkey! Such huge infrastructure projects that
modernize the entire Region and that vastly increase
the potential for tourism and commerce and ease the
communication between ideas and cultures are very
welcome and, in fact, satisfy great needs in the South
Eastern Mediterranean Region. BRAVO, TURKEY!
Μπράβο, Πόλη! Μπράβο, Τουρκία!

I hear, flabbergasted, arguments on whether pilots were
or were not trained enough to fly those Boeing planes
with the despicable software that needs another crappy
piece of software to get deactivated because it may, on
occasion, present a danger to the safety of the plane.
Why do we always have to have arguments for the
obvious? 346 souls lost their lives on those two flights
and those pilots and crew that were in charge neither
had bad intentions nor did they deliberately down
their planes. It is obvious that at least them (and one
is almost certainly safe to conclude there must have
been more) were not well trained in the shenanigans,
the dangerous bells and whistles that needed a deactivator,
of this tragic planes. One can agree that 4 in charge of
346 lives were 4 too many, and stop pointlessly arguing
about successful or unsuccessful training and decent
or indecent engineering, and accept the plain and
evident truth that training, on many occasions, was
indeed woefully inadequate and that engineering,
for such a delicate machine, was crappy and deficient.

Unacceptable machinations from a despicable Prime
Minister who has lost all credibility and control; a man
who, instead of apologizing, has the shamelessness to turn
against - and fire - those that stand firm for conscience.

REVERSED and thrown in the trashcans
of History as the last example of dangerous
and abject segregation, discrimination,
injustice and barbarity.

Do not advocate, donate and then do nothing!
PUT (or rather hold) YOUR MONEY

Great news from Algeria!

The E.U. cannot do this anymore. Sorry... Fix your internal
affairs and your own bankrupt political system that supports
repeated parliamentary votes until what it is you want (or
what it is you wish you knew you wanted) passes, but cowers
from and detests doing a similar thing in public and in the

Βρε παιδιά, αυτό σας μάρανε; Είναι λίγο ξετσίπωτη
και λίγο εξόλης και προόλης μεν, αλλά ούτε γυμνιή
φωτογραφήθηκε στα τουίτια αφενός και στα παπαδαριά
αρέσουν κάτι τέτοια τερτίπια αφετέρου, οπότε καλό
και suitable fit για office of religious affairs ακούγεται...

They kill, they pay and they hush. And the victim's
children stomp on the grave of their father for a
fistful of (millions of) dollars in houses and payouts.
That is why no one is going to ever hear them
complaining, agitating or campaigning against
this terrible regime that plunders the Arabian
Peninsula like cancer and needs to be eradicated
as soon as possible.

The AKP has a moral responsibility to avoid appealing
where it is reported to be behind. What value does an
appeal have in Turkey and what credibility could an
appeal process possibly have in Turkey, where the
President himself, in cooperation with his own Party
in Government, have dismantled and reassembled the
Judiciary twice over under cover of darkness and under
patently false pretenses?