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Shinzo Abe may not have been the most successful
Prime Minister in Japanese History, but both his
supporters and his opponents must recognize that,
in spite of his mistakes in office and his various
shortcomings, he did lead Japan with steady hands
and he did his best and put in an honest effort.
I, as, I am sure, many others, wish him well and
hope that he'll be able to cope more calmly and
peacefully with his chronic health issues without
the stresses and obligations of Public Office.
Fair well, Mr. Abe, and happy retirement!!

There is an undeniable truth, it seems like, that
both Governments and Health Authorities, and I
mean both National and Global, such as the United
Nations, International Blocks and other
Intergovernmental Organizations and the World
Health Organization, must think very seriously
and plan about: Pandemics, such as the Corona
Virus, which might arise with even higher
frequency and intensity in the future, can only
be curtailed with full-force and wholehearted
and coordinated efforts.
I understand the urgency
of moving the World's and National Economies
and by no means do I underestimate their
importance and their significance. But this
experience, especially after the original success
of the lockdown measures and the resurgence
of the infection rates after relaxing and reopening,
seem to point to an incompatibility of containment
with lackadaisical, lackluster efforts, applied
halfheartedly and in a local and uncoordinated
Unfortunately, if we want our fellow Citizens
and our most vulnerable friends, relatives and
members of our societies to survive and fair
well, our first and foremost focus should be
the anti-infection campaign and related measures
and not restarting economic activity.
And because
this has serious consequences at many levels, a
strong coordinated, intergovernmental response
is a requirement for all Nations to be able to
cope and get through it and restart their economies
under more favorable circumstances for the Health
and Survival of their Citizens.

There is not an "implicit" but an EXPLICIT BIAS
our United States today.
Denying it and lambasting
others for just stating an obvious truth, playing
to your voter base and your overwhelmingly affluent
and privileged and your predominantly majority white
electoral base is not helping America at all at this
critical moment and is not constructive in efforts
that need to be made to rectify these ills.
Ostrichism and denials of the obvious, and scare-
mongering tactics in order to attract votes that
in no way have you earned and in no way have
you proven that you deserve, and, in addition, show
blatantly and shamelessly via your denials and your
arguments for non-existent equality and a
fantasy plane field for all, which are out of touch
with realities on the ground, prove that you are not
ready, if reelected, to work in Good Faith on behalf
of All, to put in an honest effort and to employ the,
potentially formidable, powers of the Office constructively
for the betterment of our Nation and the Good of All.

Sorry that, even though you seemed a better and
more structured person than the morph, by following
him and doing his bidding and becoming a servile
disciple, without a powerful own voice, you have
degenerated to an unrecognizable pariah and an
unworthy, subzero-value political non-entity.

The looting and arson and mayhem and destruction
do not happen out of the blue. You, City "fathers",
or, more appropriately, "godfathers", and State
"governors" or, more appropriately, "bosses" of
State outfits, have in your employ racist, neo-nazi
psychopaths (nowhere else in such dense concentration
as in "police" or, more appropriately, in "lawless gangs"),
that shoot our fellow Citizens of color in cold blood
and with no reason, and kill them and victimize them
unprovoked repeatedly. Before you condemn, think
of what your reaction would be if your fear was real
that your daughters and your sons, at any moment
and anytime they went to the store or went for a walk
or a ride, could be shot by those "entrusted" to help
and protect them.
You would, perhaps, walk in
protest once or twice or so many times. But, if
this continued and the official reaction of State
and Judicial "authorities" was inaction, ridicule,
acquittals by sham-juries, a slap in the wrist of the
guilty and, in general, a provocative mockery and
travesty of justice and a manifest lack of balanced
and equal treatment (not only because of the Juries
and the Justice System itself, but because the "laws"
are warped and tilted and they favor your thugs,
since they were written by you and for you
and for the defense of your fiefdoms), would you
still continue, like imbeciles, to walk with placards
around the block in "peaceful protests" while
your sons and daughters and families continued
to be killed and victimized?
I hope that if you think
about it really carefully and with clear head, you
will easily figure out that the answer is negative
and you shall think twice before condemning those
that feel that they have to take the law in their
own hands because they have far and long exhausted
all legal recourse and all "legitimate" avenues to
voice their exasperation and their desperation
with a system unwilling, unable and ill-suited to
do anything for them and to protect their rights;
the most basic and fundamental among them,
first and foremost, before and above all else
(which, instead of being safeguarded and
protected by the "authorities" in charge of
its protection, is consistently and constantly
violated, incinerated, looted and taken with
contempt and without repercussions by those
same authorities).

Look who's calling who self-righteous and hypocritical!!
The hypocritical, self-righteous and supra-conservative
for others and ultra-liberal for themselves, despicable
and atrocious elites, of expensive, private, hypocritical
"institutions of higher education", who strive to reduce
kids to ultra-conservative, ultra-uniform, fanatics and
religious followers and robots, by stifling freedoms that
others, including their owners and their "leaders" and
pseudo-personalities, take for granted, and teach them
various antiquated "principles" and "doctrines" and
stifle free thought and free discourse for self-serving
economic, political and power interests, now, when
they find themselves unmasked and revealed in public,
and swimming with their zips undone in burning-hot
waters, remember that something is seriously amiss
among their circles of supporters, associates and
followers. I feel embarrassed and ashamed on their
behalf, since I am certain they are incapable of feeling
either embarrassed or ashamed about their miserable
condition and their hypocrisy, or their pariah and
totally parasitical status in modern, developed societies.

State and City "authorities" and State and City,
racist, neo-nazi, rabid and murderous machines
of oppression and violence, since you do not seem
to be able to comprehend, to absorb or to understand
and to adopt, to adapt to or to practice any language
other than murder and violence of unarmed black
men as they are fleeing or surrendering, without
posing any threat to you or others, and you are
calling for violence and instigate violence and
mayhem as a response, YOU SHALL HAVE
THEM. Any time you shoot under similar
circumstances a black person, the only thing
you seem to comprehend and take into account,
the material cost and destruction to your property
and your cities, will be enormous. Then, we'll see
if you shall continue ignoring the problem and if
you will dare continue funding and equipping
with military and combat style weapons your
mercenary forces of oppression, which are uncivilized
to the extreme, uneducated, unfit for duty other than
conflict, combat and war, and untrained for anything
else, other than escalation, provocation and target
shooting, with preferable targets the backs
of fleeing, disarmed, surrendered and disabled black
men, even under custody and detention. WHAT IS

Yannis Poulopoulos, one of the Great Interpreters
of New Wave in Greece, is with us no more...

His unforgettable songs will accompany us forever.

How many more black men have to go before
you dissolve and destroy savage, brutal, racist,
neo-nazi "police" forces in the Cities of our
Nation? If it had been even one-tenth of affluent
white women or men savagely murdered or
brutalized in the same way, there would be
no single "police" brute standing right now
in any of the cities in this country. ENOUGH IS


There is only one strategy that will lead to an
easing of tensions in Belarus. There has to be
a caretaker Government taking over for the
next three months, granting all political figures
complete amnesty and total freedom to organize
Parties and campaign unfettered and unmolested.
And at the end of the three month period, free and
fair elections have to take place with complete
openness, and unfettered access to observers
from both the East and the West, perhaps
under the supervision and the auspices of
the OSCE, and the results verified by impartial
observers and respected by all Parties involved.


Unfortunately, for the zillionth time we are
witnessing on both sides of the Atlantic the
terrible immorality and perversity of affluent
individuals who think that, because they possess
wealth, they are above the Law and can pay and
maneuver their way to success and/or freedom
after infringements by bribes and illegal gifts.
It is fortunate that there are still servants of
Justice and Police Officers whose integrity is
intact and who are ready to resist the temptation
and treat the rich and the famous on par with
the general public, even though we see that
less and less often, and there is a general
decadence and disappointment as far as fair
and impartial deliverance of both Justice and
the Law in our societies are concerned.

"Police" people in the United States, do not
behave like animals and brutes, worse men
and women than the criminals you are arresting
and, unjustifiably, harassing to their deaths.
Think about it. They are Human Beings, no
matter how flawed in habits and behavior,
and they could literally be your own brothers
and sisters. Would you ever maim, strangle,
suffocate or kill your own brother or sister,
even if they had not been conducting themselves
up to your standards and expectations? Become
reasonable and become Human. I think that, as
United States Citizens, this is the least we can
ask and, if you cannot deliver, we are expecting
you to resign and get out of "helping and
protecting", because "abusing, harassing
and injuring" has never been, nominally
at least, your mission and it is to us totally
unacceptable as the mission you are currently
carrying out and dedicated to performing.

Βρε πανηλίθιοι, δεν έχει κανείς ούτε φαγούρα
ούτε συμφέρον να υποχρεώσει τα παιδιά του,
τα παιδιά σας ή τα παιδιά όλου του κόσμου
να φοράνε μάσκα και μην έχουν την άνεση
και τη βολή τους. Το κάνουν για τη δικιά
τους υγεία και για τη δικιά σας, κι ακόμα
περισσότερο γι αυτή των παππούδων και
των γιαγιάδων τους και των παππούδων
και των γιαγιάδων όλων μας. Αλλά είστε
χονδροκέφαλοι κι αγύριστα κεφάλια μέχρι
σημείο κακουργήματος και χονδροειδούς
κακοήθειας και τελείως ανεκδιήγητοι.
Τέτοια χαζομάρα και χονδροκοπιά είναι
πρωτάκουστες. Τι να πεί πια κανείς για
το πού μπορεί να φτάσει η βλακεία του
ανθρωπίνου και ανθρωποειδούς γένους...

Other than being useless, incompetent and a
moron himself, the morph also surrounded
himself with leeches, opportunists, thieves,
embezzlers and dirty scum, and the naive
and the pliable in the electorate were swayed
and became followers and propagandists for
those exploiting, self-serving criminals. Too
bad... We should be a bit more analytical
and a bit more sophisticated in this United
States of ours and we should take our voting
responsibilities seriously and not let crooks
and manipulators take us and our State for
a ride and ridicule our Democracy and our
Public Institutions.

The State should not pay this money. The money
should be recovered by confiscating the properties
of those criminals and abusers of public trust that
were at the helm and responsible for management
of relevant State Affairs and Public Health, starting
first and foremost with "governor" Snyder.

Enough is enough with abusing trust, betraying
duty, maiming and injuring through one's actions
and incompetence and then compensating and
paying out the damages for the devastation with
somebody else's money and feeling none of the
financial burden and the pain. These immoral
and absurd laws have to be changed and the
people in office should not be entirely protected
and their significant personal wealth shielded
from seizure for mismanagement and for serious
errors committed while holding office.

Belgian Prosecutors do not shove this incident under
the rug. Police brutality is a very serious issue and
unacceptable in the 21st Century. Make sure that
the beasts and neo-nazis involved in the incident
get fired and that "police" procedures get revamped.
"Policing" like that is not worth the name and the
mission of police to "help and protect" was savagely

Erdogan and Cavusoglu, however much you dislike
this and however inconvenient it is for you and your
machinations and however much it disturbs your
plans and your personal interests and opportunism,
put it firmly in your minds: GREECE IS THE BEST

But Greece thinks it natural that real friends respect the
rights of their friends and neighbors and act according
to the Tenets and Principles of International Law and
all Treaties and Customs and, in particular, in a case
like that of Greece and Turkey, which share such
extensive maritime boundaries, the Law of the Sea.
That is why, currently, especially after the Turko-
Libyan "Treaty" fiasco, Greeks cannot show any
sympathy towards this absolutist, aggressive and
belligerent regime in Turkey, even though we well
understand that part of their behavior stems from
the fact that the Turkish President, his Party and his
entourage are "enjoying" their last gasps at the helm
of our Neighboring Nation and that change is coming
soon in Turkey and, consequently, many of their nervous,
incoherent and discordant moves, not only against
Greece, but against many other States and Neighbors
in the Region, are rather a sign of political desperation.

It seems that, despite appearances to the contrary, the
meeting of Skato-Lukashenko with Putin in Moscow
was a very "productive" and "effective" one, as tend
to be all meetings of Vladimir Vladimirovich with his
puppets around the region. The message by which the
apparently defiant, but servile and subdued, dictator
returned in Minsk with was "do not use terror, torture
or violence against the innocent, desperate and angry
because violence you shall beget and your head shall
roll and Moscow could not care less." The final result
is that, in a few days time, Skato-Lukashenko, like
most other petty "strong men" and "generalissimos",
will end up at some unfortunate city somewhere in
a semi-official asylum status devouring the stolen
funds that he has probably stashed, in one way or
another, at some institutions of some States that could
not care less where the deposits in their systems come
from, as long as they contribute to increase the wealth
and resources available to go around and, thank
heavens for these thieves and political opportunists,
there had been no shortage, until recently at least,
of such States, even in the EU and its periphery;
shall we mention the proverbial Switzerland,
England or the Island Nations of Cyprus and Malta?

Alea jacta est! FEAR NO MORE!

Κρίμα! Είπαμε, για χάριν της οικονομίας και
της απασχόλησης και για να μη μείνουμε πίσω
σε σχέση με τις αποφάσεις άλλων παικτών, να
ακολουθήσουμε την τακτική των άλλων και
να αρχίσουμε να ανοίγουμε - de jure, δήθεν
τμηματικά και υπό έλεγχο, αλλά de facto,
άναρχα και μπάτε σκύλοι αλέστε - κι έτσι
καταντήσαμε ακριβώς σαν τους άλλους, που
έβαζαν εξ αρχής οικονομία πάνω από υγεία
και δημόσιο συμφέρον, και, ως επακόλουθο,
χάσαμε ένα πάρα πολύ πολύτιμο πλεονέκτημα,
του οποίου η απώλεια, κατά τραγική ειρωνία,
θα αποδειχθεί και οικονομικά εξαιρετικά
επιζήμια και ήθικά εξαιρετικά επιβλαβής.

Security forces, take off your uniforms and
give up your weapons!! Do not fire upon
your brothers and sisters!! All Belarusians
deserve a better Belarus, a Vibrant, Free
and Democratic Belarus! Do not betray
your children and your children's children
and postpone the fight and let them fight
another day. It only takes you joining
the uprising to create the right climate
and to initiate reforms and to bring forward
change, so as to provide better prospects and
a better Future for all your Fellow Citizens!!

That this could be happening, even in the fringes
of Europe, at the third decade of the Twenty-First
Century, is shameful and unimaginable. But the
blame falls clearly, apart from on the Belarusian
Dictatorship, also on the European Union. What
is it that makes then complain now and makes them
discuss sanctions now? Were past elections free and
fair? And, if not, where was the European Union
to enact strict and persistent measures and to bring
the dictator to his knees and to make clear that
no one has the right in Twenty-First Century
Europe to oppress Citizens and to behave like
a political cowboy and gangster?

I'll weigh in on this because I do not think it
is the right thing to do. A State consists of its
Citizens and has no personality or substance
without them, and every Citizen has the Right
of Citizenship and related rights and responsibilities
ensuing from that Right. According to this Principle,
it is legitimate, under the circumstances, to impose
compulsory 14-day quarantines for Citizens
returning to the United States, justifiable by
the Public Health Emergency and on Public
Health Considerations. But it is, to me at
least, a mystery why, from the one extreme,
from touting a relaxed attitude to wearing
face coverings and from not imposing, by
stringent regulations, quarantines to incoming
traffic, as was the case at least until recently,
we go to the other extreme of totally disallowing
people from reentering. I suppose I am demented
if I was expecting or hoped for any degree
of coherence and consistency in the measures
adopted by this random, inconsistent and
haphazard administration, which does not
act according to strategy and planning, but
does the first thing that comes to its mind,
that being a mind not distinguished for its
structure, its beauty or its sharpness.

Μπράβο και στην Ελένη Στεργίου, που κάνει
μία σύντομη και καίρια ανάλυση στο
Ελπίζω να διαβάζει και να ακούει ο Κυριάκος
και η Κυβέρνηση. Ούτε θέλουμε ούτε αντέχουμε
άλλες σπατάλες. Θέλουμε σωστό μεσο-μακρο-
πρόθεσμο σχεδιασμό με ολοκλήρωση υποδομών
και αναπτυξιακών έργων και αξιοποίηση των
κονδυλιών με υποδειγματικό τρόπο. Δεν
αντέχουμε ούτε δικαιολογούμαστε πλέον
να κάνουμε μισές και πρόχειρες δουλειές.
Να το ακούει επίσης και η αντιπολίτευση,
γιατί η Κυνέρνηση θα αλλάξει και κάποιοι
από εκείνους θα κληθούν να επιληφθούν
και να συνεχίσουν. Σε έργα και σχεδιασμούς
που αποτελούν κοινό όφελος, κι έτσι οφείλουν
να είναι κοινοί στόχοι για όλους, χρειαζόμαστε
σύμπνοια και συνεργασία για το βέλτιστο και
ομαδική δουλειά και αποτελεσματικότητα.

Rigged elections and unreliable counting of votes
in a State notorious for being the last middle-age
style dictatorship in Europe. Belarus and its
Citizens woke up and tried hard and fought hard,
but barring a massive, sustained revolution, it is
very hard to fathom a way that the "pseudo-
authorities" of this pariah non-state would ever
consent in leaving the coveted throne and dance
to the tune of consequences for their oppression,
their corruption and their political brutality.

Bravo, Bernie!! Enough is enough from unstable,
demented, megalomaniac thieves and embezzlers,
who would be nothing had it not been for generous
corporate government charity, handouts, loans and
subsidies, grants and bailout packages when they
burn their companies to the ground through their
greed and incompetence and a rigged system allows
them to parachute to the next company to continue
the pillage and devastation, always with maximum
personal profit and maximum personal gain.

Bravo to President Trump, who responded to the
call of the French President for immediate aid,
in terms of both emergency Humanitarian Relief
and longer term aid in reconstruction
. We should
all be there to help and we all want to help, as the
President mentioned in one of the few instances in
his Foreign Efforts that has the unhesitating, full
support and backing of the United States People.
Having said that, I urge President Macron and
President Trump to personally guarantee and
undertake, through strong supervision and
oversight, that not a single cent of this aid
ends up in private bank accounts of Lebanese
. Not only is it high time that every
single person who has plundered Lebanese
funds, without delivering any of their promises,
be stopped and ousted, but it is the International
Community's responsibility to push forcefully
and insistently for personal bank accounts in
Switzerland (and anywhere else they may exist)
to be opened and those found with disproportionate
and inexplicable wealth confiscated and their
owners held accountable. We not only want
to support the Lebanese at this difficult moment,
but we, in fact, want to do Right by Lebanon and
its People
. This should be viewed as a comprehensive
deal and the chance should not be wasted.

From bad to worse... When one thought that they
had reached bottom, this family keeps sinking...
Their lack of any sense or sensitivity and their
provocative and scandalous sense of entitlement
and total absence of moral compass and restraint

It is interesting how the "leaders" who advocate for
others chastity, abstinence, modesty, conformity, blind
trust to the existing order, submission to authority
(especially them and their rules, as made for others
to follow) and "avoiding extremes" are the ones
that are robbing them cold of hard-earned income
to live the life in private yachts, party like crazy and
drink the "black water" of life while embracing - and
engaging in who knows what else - the forbidden (for
all others) fruits. In our United States, the hypocrisy
and the shameless exploitation of "religion" by the
notoriously pseudo-pious, and extremely rightist and
conservative (for all but its leaders), pseudo-religious
establishment and pseudo-leadership never ceases to
amaze, repulse, disgust and provoke.

Turkey has to take a deep breath, return to reality and
sit down and negotiate earnestly and in Good Faith
with her neighbors to make advances in resolving issues
pertaining to delimitation of continental shelf and EEZs,
always in the context of International Law and the Law
of the Sea. Under which logic and under which rules
and acceptable by whom, other than Turkey, would it
ever be possible, given the geography of the Region,
for Turkey and Libya to share maritime boundaries,
while Egypt and Greece have none?!@$%^&*!
These are not simply untenable claims, but plain
ridiculous, and they serve no one, not even Turkey.

Ελπίζω ο Έλληνας Υπουργός Εξωτερικών και οι
Έλληνες Διπλωμάτες να εργαστούν πυρετωδώς
και πεισματικά ώστε να κλείσουν το δυνατόν
συντομότερο όλα τα ζητήματα σχετικά με τους
διακανονισμούς των Θαλασσίων Ζωνών με
όλα τα γειτονικά στην Ελλάδα Κράτη
. Τώρα
βρισκόμαστε και στην κατάλληλη πολιτική
συγκυρία, και υπό τις κατάλληλες πολιτικές
συνθήκες και έχουμε και το κατάλληλο Νομικό
Πλαίσιο και τα κατάλληλα Διπλωματικά Εφόδια
για να οριοθετήσουμε εκκρεμότητες. Ας γίνει
λοιπόν μία συντονισμένη προσπάθεια. Αν η
παρούσα Κυβέρνηση τα καταφέρει, θα είναι,
κατά την άποψή μου, πολύ μεγάλη παρακαταθήκη.
Και ανεξαρτήτως "μικρών" επιτυχιών και
"μικρών" αποτυχιών στις Διεθνείς Σχέσεις
και στην Εξωτερική Πολιτική, τυχόν θετικές
συμφωνίες και συνολικοί διακανονισμοί στα
ζητήματα αυτά, θα είναι Μεγάλες Επιτυχίες
με Μακροχρόνια Σημασία και πολλά οφέλη
Στο ίδιο βεληνεκές, αλλά, δυστυχώς χωρίς
την απαραίτητη αναγνώριση από πολλές
πλευρές, συμπεριλαμβανομένης και της
τωρινής Κυβέρνησης και του Πρωθυπουργού,
πρέπει να κατατάξει κανείς και την πρόοδο
και τελική συμφωνία που επετεύχθη από τον
πρώην Υπουργό Εξωτερικών και τον πρώην
Πρωθυπουργό στην προσέγγιση και στην
Επίλυση του Ονοματολογικού της Βόρειας
. Σε σημαντικά θέματα και
ζητήματα, όταν επιτυγχάνεται το καλύτερο
δυνατό και όταν γίνονται θετικά βήματα
(ποτέ δε θα είναι τα βέλτιστα, πάντα η
εξωτερική πολιτική και οι διεθνείς σχέσεις
απαιτούν συμβιβασμούς και διπλωματία)

With great anticipation and pleasure, I am reading
more news and information in live feed on the really
Historic, very important and, it seems, quite extensive
and substantial, Agreement signed today in Cairo.

Very positive moves by Egypt and Greece in settling
the issue of delimiting their continental shelf and their
EEZs. All Neighboring Nations should use all tools
of International Law and International Diplomacy
to arrange differences and settle unresolved issues
to mutual benefit. Disagreements that lead to enmities
and to undesired, harmful consequences should be
set aside and avoided. The only caveat is this
small print about the agreement being "partial",
implying that issues are still remaining unresolved.
These negotiations should be comprehensive with
definite and complete resolutions. Issues should
not be left unresolved and open for future, dubious
reinterpretations and revisionist approaches.

I was, at first, negatively impressed by the decision
of the French President to visit Beirut at this time,
in the immediate aftermath of this disaster, thinking
that someone who is only there to observe and console
is not needed and that emergency teams, personnel
and equipment, for search and rescue and, later, aid
and reconstruction, should be send by all Nations
to the disaster and grief stricken Lebanese People.
How wrong was I... President Macron was so much
needed... He was needed because the Lebanese
People are desperate to talk to someone credible
and are lacking avenues to vent their anger and
their frustration.
He was needed because the
Lebanese People cannot talk anymore to the rusty,
old, corrupt, insensitive and bankrupt establishment
in Lebanon.

Απόψε, το Ρεμπέτικο έγινε φτωχότερο.
Ο Αγάθωνας Ιακωβίδης δεν είναι μαζί μας πια...

Πάλι τα αυτονόητα γράφουμε και λέμε και πάλι
περί αυτονόητων κάνουμε εκκλήσεις διότι δυστυχώς
κάποιοι ή δεν ακούν ή κάνουν ότι δεν ακούν ή δεν
καταλαβαίνουν ή κάνουν ότι δεν καταλαβαίνουν.

Είναι τόσο δύσκολο, έστω και μετά από μεγάλη
περίοδο με κλειστά τα καταστήματα, να πάρουμε
δυο-τρεις καλούς φίλους/ες και να πάμε για μία
ήσυχη βραδιά σε ένα ήσυχο μέρος όπου και
συνωστισμός δε θα υπάρχει και κάποια πρόνοια
και δυνατότητα να κρατούνται οι αποστάσεις θα
είναι δυνατή; Τί είναι αυτό που μας κάνει να
θέλουμε αμέσως να ρισκάρουμε, να καταπατήσουμε
τις υποδείξεις και τις συστάσεις και να μαζευτούμε
σα σαρδέλλες σε μέρη που γίνεται το αδιαχώρητο
και δε λαμβάνεται κανένα μέτρο, θέτοντας σε
σοβαρό κίνδυνο την υγεία τη δικιά μας, των
δικών μας και των υπολοίπων, και προκλητικά
αδιαφορώντας για τις υπάρχουσες αντοχές του
συστήματος υγείας, που θα απαιτήσουμε, και
δικαιολογημένα, να μας φροντίσει και να μας
θεραπεύσει; Αλλά και να μην το προκαλούμε
ανεγκέφαλα και αχρείαστα. Να μου πείτε πώς
θα συνέβαιναν τα πράγματα διαφορετικά, όταν
με φανφάρες και τυπμανοκρουσίες, η κυβέρνηση
και ο πρωθυπουργός, εκτιμώντας την οικονομική
κατάσταση, βγήκαν και έδωσαν το σύνθημα ΟΛΟΙ
σ'όλον τον κόσμο; Δύσκολο θα ήταν άραγε, όντες
Έλληνες κι εκείνοι κι έξυπνοι άνθρωποι, να
φανταστούν και να διαισθανθούν πώς, με μεγάλη
πιθανότητα, θα ερμηνεύετο και θα εκλαμβάνετο
το μήνυμα αυτό από τους "στερημένους", τους
ενθουσιώδεις, τους άκρως παρορμητικούς και,
τους, αρκετά συχνά, δυστυχώς, απερίσκεπτους
και επιπόλαιους, ιθαγενείς;

I'll tell you what: This despicable royal is as
theatrical, as ridiculous, as laughable and as
pityingly and painfully manipulative as he has
been corrupt and an abject failure, both a
detriment and an embarrassment to his Nation
and an affront and liability to his family.

It is sad, very sad, that this is happening to Iranian
People, but it is even sadder and most disheartening
that the government of a civilized Nation feels the
urgency and need to conspire to conceal and to
manipulate data in such an important issue that
has, not only domestic but, Global repercussions
and in which openness, honesty, coordination and
cooperation are sine qua non for appropriate and
adequate decision making and effective response.
Iran should apologize, first and foremost to its
own Citizens for letting them down once again
and to the Global Community for making the
lives of our own Governments more difficult and
for placing significant risks on our own well-being
and recklessly endangering our own Health.
Such policies do not enhance Iran's already
damaged reputation, nor do they earn the State
any new sympathies or support, which Iran needs
aplenty and cannot afford to jeopardize and waste.

Professor Newby-Alexander is absolutely correct.
Britain is responsible for the distant colonial past,
because the English initiated the trade of people
from Africa to the colonies as commodities, out
of racism and pure financial self-interest, and
tried to rationalize and theoretically justify under
various pretexts and excuses the unjustifiable.
Professor Newby-Alexander is also absolutely
right when she apportions responsibility to the
founders, and subsequent governing elites, of the
Independent United States for having a unique
chance and the opportunity to rectify and partially,
at least, remedy those conditions, but, also, out
of racism and self-interest, failed to rise to that
unique Historical Opportunity and to give a
bold and courageous message to the World that
People and Enlightened Citizens were better
than that and could overcome the handicaps
and deficiencies handed down to them and
formulate Rights and Ideals in a Universal,
All-Encompassing way. And the million-dollar
question is what will be the Position and the
Historical Contribution and accompanying
Historical Judgement of Today's Americans
and the Decisions they are called to make and
the Polity they are called to underwrite for
the Future Generations of America. Will we
rise to this Unique Opportunity, at this first
third of the 21st Century, to abolish inequality,
injustice, deep-rooted racism and segregation
and look at all our fellow Citizens, of all Races,
Ethnic Backgrounds, Religions and Creeds,
with the same Solidarity, Sympathy, Tolerance
and Compassion as we are always eager and
willing to extend to those in our own narrow
families, clans, groupings and cohorts and, thus,
stand tall and prove better than those that
have tainted our past and left Opportunities
lost, Ideals unfulfilled and Dreams unrealized?
Or are we simply and similarly, out of convenience,
of narrowly perceived and ill-conceived self-
interest, racism and fear of the different and
the other, and uncertain and insecure about
our Individual and Collective Dynamism, our
Potential and our Strengths as a Nation,
imitate the past and bequeath down to the next
generations the same despicable and untenable
conditions and situations that were handed down
to us? In that case, we shall be judged, justifiably,
as - if not even more - severely than those before
us, for wasting an even better, more ripe and more
conducive to Rethinking, Redirection and Radical,
Fundamental Change, Historical Opportunity
to do the Right Thing and to uproot horrible
prejudices, remedy deep-rooted evils and rectify
systemic political, economic and social ills that
have been eating at the Soul of our Nation
and have been tearing our Nation apart ever
since the appearance of Europeans on this side
of the Atlantic.

The person that has caused by far the greatest
embarrassment in the History of our United
States by becoming president is claiming that
mail-in voting will result in fraudulent electoral
outcomes and would be an embarrassment for
our State. In this era and age of secure electronic
transactions, the most advanced and most
technologically savvy State on the Planet should
have had enough confidence in its capabilities and
its electronic defenses to have instituted universal
electronic voting. Barring this, I cannot see why
certifying the authenticity of mail-in ballots is
deemed by some people more risky than the
ordinary process of in-person voting. In fact,
it was with great relief that many of us found
out that in many of our States we can vote
by mail. We would have gone to the polling
stations anyway - allowing an embarrassment
and one of the greatest risks, via incompetence,
nepotism and incoherent policy due to ignorance,
to continue is not an option anymore for our
United States at the beginning of the 3rd
decade of the 21st Century - but, given all
the advances, we could not see, besides an
unreasonable stubbornness and obsession,
any reason why the Government would force
us to take greater health risks than is absolutely
necessary in order to exercise our Sacred Right
and Heavy Responsibility to cast our ballots.

It is unfortunate and alarming that Iran is
staging military exercises of an offensive
character against presumed United States
targets. The United States cannot, justifiably,
and does not tolerate violations of International
Law and Individual Rights and Freedoms and
the Iranian People, as all other People, are
fortunate to have on their side a Super Power
that stands firm against such violations and
abuses by, mostly, unelected, absolutist regimes.
On the other hand, as with all other Nations,
the United States and its People have Great
Respect for the History and Culture of the
Iranian People, and are eager and ready to
extend a hand of Friendship and Cooperation
to Iran whenever the Iranian Authorities are
willing to reciprocate, without recriminations,
negative feelings and propaganda intended
and used to vilify the other side by exploiting
mistrust and alleged enmity for domestic
consumption and political benefit.
I urge Iran to find a way, through Diplomatic
Channels, to communicate with our United States
and to negotiate and come to an understanding
in Good Faith to reduce tensions and to develop
bilateral ties, instead of spending needlessly
precious resources in useless war games and
maneuvers, which, after all, do not serve either
International Peace and Security or the Interests
and Well-Being of either side or the Iranian or
the American People, and further endanger an
already volatile and tortured Region.

Ο Βασίλης Κανέλλης είναι καλύτερος, πολύ πιο
επιεικής και πολύ πιο ευγενικός άνθρωπος από'
. Εκεί που στεκόμασταν σε 100 ουρές την
εβδομάδα (τρόπος του λέγειν), τώρα με την
"άκρατη", "εκτός ελέγχου" "ψηφιοποίηση"
δημοσίας "διοίκησης" Μητσοτάκη-Πιερρακάκη,
στεκόμαστε σε 90 ουρές την εβδομάδα (αναλογικά)
και ο Βασίλης έχει την ευγένεια να συγχαίρει, να
αναγνωρίζει και να επιβραβεύει
. Δυστυχώς, τα
βήματα είναι τόσο καθυστέρημενα και τόσο
άκομψα και, προς το παρών, τόσο λίγα και
τόσο αναποτελεσματικά, από τους ίδιους και
τους ίδιους, κόμματα και ανθρώπους, που ήταν
και είναι υπεύθυνοι και ανεύθυνοι συνεχώς και
επί δεκαετίες και εμπαίζουν και/ή αδιαφορούν
για τον εκσυγχρονισμό και τον Πολίτη, που δεν
μπορώ να βρώ το κουράγιο, ούτε τα ψυχικά και
ηθικά αποθέματα, να προσφέρω συγχαρητήρια,
αναγνώριση υπηρεσιών ή ενθάρρυνση
. Για τον
Πολίτη, ό,τι έχει χαθεί, από άποψη Υγείας,
Ψυχικής Ισορροπίας και Ευτυχίας, έχει πάει
ανεπιστρεπτί, και κανείς από τους Κυβερνώντες,
τωρινούς και παλιότερους (σχετιζόμενους
οικογενεικά και κομματικά με σχέσεις πρώτου
βαθμού με τους τωρινούς) δεν έχει λαμβάνειν,
πριν δούμε ολοκρηρωμένες και αποτελεσματικές
εργασίες και πραγματική διαφορά στην ποιότητα
υπηρεσιών, με ουσιατικό ευεργετικό αντίκτυπο
στην ευημερία, ψυχική ισορροπία, ευτυχία και
παραγωγικότητα των πολιτών
, επαίνους και/ή
επιβραβεύσεις, τουλάχιστον όχι από εμένα, ίσως
από το Βασίλη.

Great news from Malaysia! In a Historic Decision,
the State's Courts have taken a significant step
towards punishing ruthless and corrupt oligarchies,
who, without shame, remorse or inhibitions, plunder
People's Wealth and ridicule "democracy" and
"democratic" institutions, thus sending a clear
message to those elites considering similar actions
that, eventually, sooner or later, they will stand
accountable and they will have to pay a steep
price, with loss of personal dignity and freedom
and, hopefully, by being deprived from the bulk,
if not all, of their ill-gotten gains and bribes.

Why am I not surprised to the least? Not even by
one little iota. A white "senator" from Arkansas,
of all States, who, I am sure, is one of those
Government "officials" and "leaders" that
use "police" forces to unleash the neo-Nazi,
racist, brutal, tortuous and murderous state
apparatus of suppression and intimidation
on the population, especially those poor,
unfortunate, least well-connected and,
preferably, black and minority, does not
find any fault or systemic bias with that
apparatus, which has served him and his
ancestors and predecessors so well and, it
is anyone's bet, he hopes will also serve in a
similarly efficient and overzealous manner,
and with the same "kindness", his offspring
and successors, at the expense and at the
detriment of those that, "as a necessary evil",
"by historical necessity", have to be brutalized
so that he and his fellow elites can continue
to benefit by being at the apex of the "food
chain" he so much relishes and is so much
enamored with, enchanted and mesmerized by.
I am afraid that, if America seems
"irredeemable", it is not because there is
anything in "irredeemability" that makes
this quality inevitable and inescapable for
any person or for any entity, but because
of people like the "senator", and his like-
minded fellows, and of this twisted sense
of an evil and reactionary conservatism,
which opposes introspection and self-study
and which is misused, out of self-interest and
convenience, and an unwillingness to admit,
face and address the fundamental wrongs of
past and present, to place blinds on People's
conceptions, perceptions and attitudes, to
narrow Education, to stifle Historical Studies
and, ultimately, to restrict, to revise, to rewrite
and to distort History, so that the culpability
for unforgivable and demeaning acts is not
fully addressed, fully acknowledged and fully
remedied and redressed in the Minds, Hearts
and Consciousness of Well-Meaning and Open-
Minded Citizens. Alas, it is only through this
Conscious Realization that this "redeemability",
which the "senator" so much wishes for, but is,
at the same time, with a flash of self-cognizant
realization of guilt and inhibition, so afraid may
never come, can arrive and a New Era of genuine
Equality, Fraternity, Freedom and, above all,
Equal Treatment Under the Law, for our State

Ο Βασίλης έχει απόλυτο δίκιο και πολύ λίγα λέει...
Στην Ελλάδα όχι μόνο η ποσότητα του "ψηφιακού"
κράτους είναι στην κυριολεξία για γέλια - για όσους
έχουν εμπειρία από καθημερινότητα σε πραγματικά
ανεπτυγμένες χώρες, κυριολεκτικά η μέρα με τη
νύχτα - αλλά και η ποιότητα είναι επιεικώς
Α-ΠΑ-ΡΑ-ΔΕ-ΚΤΗ. Πρώτον, η όλη ουσία της
ψηφιοποίησης είναι να κάνει κανείς τις δουλειές του
από το σπίτι, ώστε και η ταχύτητα και η ευκολία
να αυξάνονται και η γενική ποιότητα της ζωής και
η παραγωγικότητα των ανθρώπων να βελτιώνονται.
Όταν χρειάζεται η ούτως η άλλως να πάει κανείς
επί τόπου, διότι λάθη και απορίες είναι τόσο συχνά
και δεν μπορεί να αντιμετωπιστούν online ή με
ηλεκτρονική επικοινωνία, η ψηφιακή διακυβέρνηση,
και οι ευεργετικές επιδράσεις που θα μπορούσε
να έχει, ουσιαστικά αυτοαναιρείται και αποτυγχάνει.
Δεύτερον, παρατηρείται το φαινόμενο ότι στην
Ελλάδα το βάρος έχει δοθεί σε user interface,
δηλαδή να κάνεις κάποιες δουλειές από το σπίτι.
Αλλά η αυτοματοποίηση υπηρεσιών είναι σχεδόν,
αν όχι παντελώς, ανύπαρκτη. Για παράδειγμα,
κάποιος χρωστά, ας πούμε, 250 Ευρώ ΕΦΚΑ.
Πληρώνει ηλεκτρονικά 250 Ευρώ στον ΕΦΚΑ.
Το σύστημα δεν επεξεργάζεται την πληρωμή,
ώστε να δείξει αυτομάτως μηδέν χρεωστικό.
Χρειάζεται να μπει υπάλληλος, να κάνει τη
σούμα και να βγάλει εκκαθαριστικό χειροποίητα.
Έτσι και μήνες παίρνει μία δουλειά που μπορεί
να αυτοματοποιηθεί, αλλά και περιττές εργατοώρες
σπαταλούνται για δουλειά που, όχι μόνο μπορεί,
αλλά και έπρεπε, να έχει αυτοματοποιηθεί. Απορώ,
αν τέτοια βασικά και στοιχειώδη, που γίνονται σ'
όλες τις προηγμένες χώρες χωρίς δεύτερη σκέψη,
τα κάνουμε ακόμα με μολύβι και τεφτέρι, για ποιά
"αυτοματοποίηση" και ποιά "ηλεκτρονική"
διακυβέρνηση μας μιλάνε Μητσοτάκης και
Μας κοροιδεύουνε εσκεμμένα
ή μήπως νομίζουνε ότι μόνο αυτοί οι δύο, και
οι φίλοι τους, σύμβουλοι και γλυφτρόνια του
περίγυρού τους, έχουν βγεί έξω να δουν πως
ζει ο κόσμος αλλού, και ότι όλοι οι υπόλοιποι
Έλληνες ζούμε ακόμα με τα κάρα και τις
, και περιμένουν να τους εκθιάζουμε
για δραματικές, τραγικές και κωμικοτραγικές,
τριτοκοσμικές και υπανάπτυκτες καταστάσεις;

Poland, unfortunately, is not surprising us any more
with decisions of this kind. In Poland, the electorate
has been mixing decent conservatism, of which I am
not a big fan, but, nevertheless, is a legitimate and
respectable ideology, with backwardness and a will
to tamper with Individual Freedoms and Human
Rights and these, be it from the left or from the right,
in 21st Century Europe, which aspires to be a Leader
and a Beacon in the World, should be non-negotiable.
I do sincerely hope that in the next election cycle,
the, otherwise very sympathetic and friendly, Polish
People will be bold and courageous enough to change
rote and elect a Government that would become a
Leader in Forward Thinking and Positive Change,
with a view towards advancing those Freedoms and
Rights, instead of withdrawing from Treaties and
reneging on obligations ensuing from them and,
in general, trying to trample on already attained
Civilities and already established modern Norms.

I am totally speechless... This thing, because he
is definitely not even a being, let alone a human
being, is/was an "intercultural instructor at the
Council of Europe"? Is this thing kidding or is
the Council of Europe taking us for a ride and
has under its auspices "personalities" of this
"caliber", this "quality" and this "civility"?
I hope, if they are in any way affiliated with
this inhumane brute, that they will sever
immediately any ties, as did, very swiftly and
very justifiably and to her utmost credit, the
Greek Minister of Education, so that their name is
not insulted and injured, or in any way otherwise
tainted, by such an association.

We salute and welcome the close and strategic
cooperation in many sectors, including the
military, between Greece and the United
States, and we acknowledge and credit the
initiatives of successive Greek Governments
of various political hues and the intent and
constructive and firm leadership of the very
successful Ambassadorship of Goeffrey Pyatt,
under whose advice and auspices many aspects
of these new bilateral ties have been further
developed and strengthened, ushering in a
new era of mutual strategic coordination
and renewed cooperation for the benefit
of both States and the Security and Stability
of the entire Easter Mediterranean Region.

Μιλάμε για "σεξολόγο", για "σεξογνώστη", για
"σεξομανή", για "σεξοβόμβα" ή για όλα μαζί;
Όπως λέει και η παροιμία, "όποιος μπλέκεται
με τα πίτουρα τον τρών' οι κότες..."


It is tortuous to realize that ethnic cleansing and
genocide are taking place at a staggering pace
and almost in the open at the beginning of this
third decade of the 21st century. And even more
alarming and disconcerting to realize that most
States are going about it as if this is none of their
business, but only an internal affair of the State
that is engaging in such atrocities and barbarism.
And this at the same moment when, even a
single slur or a single insult against some other
ethnic or religious minorities justifiably causes
piles of complaints and outrageous indignation
and voices for restitution. One wonders why,
in these times and this era, we deliberately and
predeterminedly choose which people to
protect and which to let perish on their own
devices, without any help and support, when,
for them, also, and for their plight, our World
should have been up in arms and full of active
and forceful demonstration, as for every other
segment of the population suffering similar fate
in the hands of States with little to no conscience.

John Lewis, a Civil Rights Champion and Democratic
Congressman from Georgia, is with us no more...

It is extremely disappointing that any European
Nation would allow a - justifiably - ex-citizen, who
voluntarily lent his/her services to the cause of
a barbarous and brutal outfit, such as ISIS, to
return for a "fair hearing" in an appeal to regain
. How about a "fair hearing" for so
many lives brutalized and lost, maimed and
irreparably damaged, because of the actions of
those uncivilized monsters? Will they ever be
ensured a "fair hearing" and proportionate
compensation and restitution? And how about
the priceless, invaluable, social and cultural
treasures that have been destroyed beyond
understanding and belief due to the actions
and the barbarity of those inhumane and
uncivilized brutes? Will they ever be restored
and returned in their previous condition to not
only their owner Nations and Citizens, but to
All Humanity to admire and to remind us of
our Roots, our Origins and our History and
to Educate Future Generations about what
Humanity is capable of and What Can be
Accomplished - Architectural, Artistic and
Scientific Marvels, Miracles and Treasures -
when Humanity is a State of Peace and Harmony
and effort is expended not on war and destruction,
but on Cooperation and Prosperity through
Independent, Free Initiative, Invention and

Unlimited stupidity. The "president" of the United
States in the role of a slimy salesman. But that's
who he has been for his entire life... Always selling
failures and bankruptcies for great successes and
greatness. Enough is enough.

On issues like the virus disease prevention and care,
health experts may give incomplete advice, based on
the current state of the art in medical knowledge and
data, but people unrelated with health cannot give
any advice at all, unless it is over-cautious, based
on common sense, such as, "if you do not need to
roam, stay at home, and, if you do go out, protect
yourselves and others as much as you can".
Are Trump administration officials, who instead
of focusing on doing the right thing, are trying to
undermine each other and play politics, so retard
to be able to understand and digest this simple truth?
And are they not responsible and conscientious enough
to realize that, at their position, their major role is to
Lead and not to engage in infighting, spread confusion
and misinformation and make things worse? If their
mental capacity and their conscience are not enough
to guide them in the right direction, should they,
not be, at least, reminded that, ultimately, mishandling
and mismanaging Public Health encumbers them, and
those around them, with serious legal responsibility
and legal liabilities for causing either deliberate or
involuntary (based on their stupidity and incompetence)
mayhem, sickness and death at unnecessarily high levels?

Ο χονδροαφερέγγυος και ξεδιάντροπος Παπαδημούλης,
αντί να βάλει την ουρά κάτω από τα σκέλια και να
εξαφανιστεί από προσώπου γης μετά τις αποκαλύψεις
για την εκμετάλλευση του προσφυγικού προς ίδιον
όφελος με προκλητικό και ανήθικο τρόπο, έχει και
την ξεδιαντροπιά και το θράσος να απευθύνει και
επιστολές περί ανέμων και υδάτων. Καλά θα έκανε
να παραιτηθεί και να ασχοληθεί full time με real
estate μέσω ΜΚΟ ώστε να απομυζήσει, μέσω των
Ευρωπαϊκών του κεφαλαίων, όσο περισσότερα φλουριά
μπορεί από τις άκρως προοδευτικές business του.

American travesty of "justice". And yet and still, we
have the shamelessness and the audacity to go around
the world and lecture "banana republics" and "third
world countries" to follow the "bright" and "shining"
example of this state, with, self-declared and, supposedly,
enviable systems of transparency and "justice", where,
if you serve and lie for the powerful, the rich and the
well-connected, you get commutation but, if you lie
for yourself or someone less fortunate and well
connected, you may rot in prison for years.


A Giant of Film Music and Composition,
Ennio Morricone, is with us no more...

Pigs. Trigger-happy, aggressive pigs. At their
happiest when they initiate barbarous violence
and when they inflict unimaginable pain and
cause tortuous death. That is who our neo-nazi,
racist and oppressive police forces, that threaten
and intimidate our Cities, are, and they waste no
opportunity to prove it and to amplify their
maniacal, psychologically demented, distasteful
and disgusting image and reputation.

It is stupefying to ponder how far humanity's
inhumanity can reach... How could anyone
treat in such an unthinkably brutal way any
animal, let alone human's closet relatives?

One should ask a very simple question:
When a Governor admits, by his new
directives, that he has severely and
lethally erred in an issue of such gravity,
affecting the Health and the Well-Being
of hundreds of thousands of Citizens in
his State, and this error was, manifestly,
not for lack of information or for lack of
evidence, but out of personal caprice and
whim and for the purpose of political gain,
despite common sense and scientific evidence
to the contrary, should that Governor not
be held accountable and given the maximum
sentence provided by Law for risking and
severely disregarding and jeopardizing
Public Health?
If that is not a classic case,
in which someone should be prosecuted,
despite immunity, then the Texas Attorney
General should tell us, and the Texas Voters,
which one is.

Λυπάμαι που βλέπω παντελώς ανεύθυνες
δηλώσεις από παντελώς ανίδεους ή
εθελοτυφλούντες, που δεν αντικατοπτρίζουν
τη θλιβερή πραγματικότητα. Εκτός από
τα εστιατόρια, στα περισσότερα εκ των
οποίων τηρούνται οι ενδεικνυόμενες
αποστάσεις, σε όλα τα άλλα κέντρα,
πάμπ και ορθάδικα ο συνωστισμός
και ο συγχρωτισμός είναι απαράδεκτος
και κίνδυνος θάνατος για τη δημόσια
υγεία. Απορώ, θέλουν και τα λένε,
ή επειδή έχουν μεγαλώσει, δεν βγαίνουν
καθόλου έξω στα πολυσύχναστα βραδινά
στέκια της Αθήνας να δουν τι χαμός
γίνεται και κατά πόσο "τηρούνται όλα
τα προτόκολλα" και οι οδηγίες, όπως
παντελώς αναληθώς διατυμπανίζουν;

Amidst unbelievable barbarity, brutality,
racism, discrimination and behaviors
unbecoming of Humanity on behalf of
states and their "bosses" by their brutal
and murderous neo-nazi "police" forces,
it is pleasantly refreshing that the Supreme
Court of Our Land has given the LGBT
Community and, therefore, All Humanity,
a ray of Hope that STEPS TOWARDS
, even when they come from political
sides that are traditionally conservative
and resistant to change and to accommodation,
and even when they have been appointed
to side with barbarism and to maintain an
almost untenable and nearly unthinkable
and unacceptable status quo.

They kill my brothers and my sisters like
flies, worse than dogs, in the streets of the
Great Cities of America. That is simply
not Right. That is simply totally unacceptable
and totally gut wrenching.
Those that
oversee such racist, brutal, neo-nazi
forces of intimidation, torture and
barbarous, uncalled-for behaviors
in the streets and parkways and drive-
throughs of our neighborhoods and
our cities have absolutely no claim
and no right to "helping" and "protecting";
they maim and kill without flinching and
without second thought. And the same
goes and applies to their supervisors
and the pigs that train them and teach
them those unacceptable, suppressive,
neo-nazi methods and techniques in
our schools and in our academies.
Either train Human Beings to Help
and Protect their Brothers and Sisters
in need, or resign and let people that
deserve the name and are worthy of
the role do the job. ENOUGH IS
"POLICE" UNITS, those racist and
tortuous machines of suppression,
before it becomes too late and
the reasons why you "train" them
and "feed them" and "enable them"
to harass and maim and kill on your
behalf, and with your blessings, hits
you like a boomerang, worse than
you have ever dreamed of in your
worst and most horrifying nightmares,
and for the most just of causes and
with the most justifiable of reasons.

Every few days the same. Every few days the
same. Every few days the same. Let a drunk
man sleep. Is that so difficult to understand?
Let him be. Do you have to get out and wake
him up and harass him and scare him and
then kill him? Every sensible Citizen would
have let him be and driven away. Why can't
you? Is your brutish training and your
violent and demented personalities so
twisted and so bankrupt that you have
to kill whoever you come across, no matter
the context and the circumstances?

Το γένος του συζύγου του μας αφήνει παντελώς
αδιάφορους, όσο και το γεγονός ότι τον έχει
γνωρίσει ο Κούλης, εκτός κι αν αυτή η συνάντηση,
όπως και πολλές άλλες, έγινε στα πλαίσια ενός
άκρατου γλυψίματος και ενός προκλητικού
κλίματος γνωριμιών και αμοιβαίων βολεμάτων
και εξυπηρετήσεων. Αυτό που είναι σημαντικό
είναι να μην οδηγηθούμε, ή πιο ακριβώς μας
οδηγήσουν, οι μεταξωτοί και εντυπωσιακοί, αλλά
θεωρητικοί και στην πράξη παντελώς ανίκανοι
και ανίδεοι "ειδικοί", με τους τίτλους και τις
σπουδές "εφαρμοσμένων επιστημών" από
ξακουστά πανεπιστήμια, στο χείλος του γκρεμού
και αναγκαστούμε και πάλι να φωνάξουμε τον
Αλέξη ώστε να διορίσει τον γεωμέτρη Ευκ
για να μαζέψει τα ασυμάζευτα από Χάρβαρντ,
Πρίνστον και δε συμμαζεύεται.... Και δυστυχώς,
όποιος βλέπει την παντελή έλειψη υπευθυνότητας
στην οικονομική διαχείρηση από τους παρά τω
Προθυπουργώ και τον ίδιο τον Πρωθυπουργό,
καταλαβαίνει με μαθηματική ακρίβεια ότι εκεί
οδηγούμαστε... σε μία ηρωοποίηση του Γεωμέτρη,
όχι ανόμοια μ'αυτή του λοιμοξιολόγου καθηγητή
και του ειδικού αρχικομπιουτεράκια, που παρά
τα μισά και αποσπασματικά, είναι βασιλιάδες
σε μία χώρα που απογοητεύει παντελώς στο καθε τι.

I applaud in the strongest possible way
those people in Culture and in Business
who understand that every change that
needs to be made, or that simply could
be made, to make all Americans and all
Human Beings, regardless of race,
religion, ethnic background, personal
preferences and characteristics, etc.,
feel comfortable and welcome in the
places we all live and share with one
another, there is simply no reason
not to make
. Along the same lines, I
condemn in the most emphatic way
possible the morph, and bigots and racists
and demagogues, like the morph, who,
even at this eleventh hour of demands
for Equality, Justice and Fairness, they
still decline to make, even relatively
easy, changes
that would contribute
to our children and our children's
children leaving in an America, even
a little, closer to the Ideals that most

This "public servant" does not have the
right to be there, let alone "lead reforms".
He should have resigned from the first
day (if he had any sense, sensitivity or
idea of responsibility). Under his watch,
a racist, brutal, neo-nazi, heavily armed,
militarized "police force" harassed, killed
and maimed the residents of the city they
were supposed to serve. And had there
been no outrage and rioting, as in the
past and, despite repeated calls and
repeated chances for "reform", no one
would have been arrested and held

These are the kind of people that the suffering,
but totally clueless and uninformed people in
Ohio and in Illinois and in Michigan and in
Pennsylvania, who are jobless or destitute, are
voting for to "fight for them" and to "bring
back their jobs"!! Totally and astoundingly
unbelievable!! Such excesses and such luxury
and such insensitivity and such provocative
sense of entitlement from a totally unfit
"governor" and members of his family, his
entourage and his government and associates
are breathtaking and, in fact, hard to find,
even in states under regimes which are much
more absolutist and one-man ruled.

One of the most hurtful things of all is
when those whose kind has been persecuted
and intimidated severely in the past,
instead of standing with those worse
off today, who have been harassed
and belittled and injured and killed
by the millions for the same reason-
their ethnicity and the color of their
skin-when they feel safer, turn around
and inflict the same injuries, the same
insults and the same persecution, be
it in the U.S. or in Palestine, on the people
who need their help and their support.
The ex-persecuted, now affluent and
Not make jokes, like
this demented "millionaire" with a
pea-sized brain, and impose new apartheids
for the "other" to suffer and to undergo
the same fate that their own ancestors
went through under similarly brutal,
racist and oppressive militarized regimes.

Such a monster I hope I will never ever
meet, by chance or intentionally, in my
lifetime. I even wish the same to my
worst enemies. Only people that are
serial killers and psychopaths deserve
a meeting with this sadomasochistic
thing (one cannot even call him "animal",
because animals show more empathy
than this thing and, usually kill when
absolutely necessary, for food or defense;
not for pleasure; and almost never their
own kind, certainly not out of some perverted
and demented sense of pleasure and self
gratification). Alas, that is who "police",
and "democratic governors" and "modern
police chiefs" have been hiring to "serve
and protect", of course not themselves,
but the people they want harassed, troubled
and, ultimately, eliminated. BEAUTIES
(as the morph would call you), YOU HIRED

The despicable "prince" has been very
very magnanimous. He has offered to
"help" the investigation by either his
"princely silence" or by lying, and,
despite his provocative behavior and
his shenanigans, he has the shamelessness,
the audacity (and the cowardice) to boast
and dispute (through his legal team, of
course, since his repulsive face is not
welcome anywhere, even at the "palace").

The Minneapolis City Council is, at last,
listening to and siding with the People
that get them elected and fund their
existence. This should be done more
often in a genuine Democratic System.
Policing should not be done in the streets
of our Cities with military style weapons
and tanks and helicopters. The police
men and women should be very lightly
armed or unarmed, depending on the
role, and their mentality, formed from
schools and academies and ensured
by thoroughly revised tests and verified
by truthful and unbiased evaluation of
their record of service in the streets,
should be to genuinely serve and
protect their fellow citizens. The main
sine-qua-non characteristic of such a
service is to be ready to suffer with
and to empathize with the community
one is supposed to serve.
In some way,
Cities have to make sure that the
Cities' Residents feel that police forces
are on their side instead of being afraid
that they or their children may not
return home after a chance encounter
with a brutal, adversarial, heavily
armed, racist and neo-nazi force
of suppression, terror and intimidation.

In the video of the incident, one sees clearly
one of the "officers" ready, instinctively, to
beat with his baton the fallen man, while
another officer restrains his colleague and
pushes him aside. The question here is
two-fold: 1. Are these monsters trained to
hit reflexively, without even thinking, a fallen,
unarmed, older man, who possibly needs help,
instead of instinctively kneeling down close to
(not over) him to ask if he is OK and offer
or call for help, like most untrained Human
Beings would do? 2. If yes, is that what those
monsters, inhumane "bosses" and "teachers"
of "criminal justice", who do the "research"
and write those neo-nazi manuals of terror
and intimidation out of which these applied
inhuman machines are trained, believe is the
right thing to do to "help" and "protect",
which they allege is their mission, or are
their focus and their philosophy simply to
terrorize, to intimidate, to subdue and
to kill so that they can comfortably oversee
a maimed, injured and dispirited society
and not have to do the real job of serving
and protecting fellow citizens in vibrant,
alert and active, politically and otherwise,
cities and states? RECONSIDER YOUR

We are fed up and very tired of your ways
but we shall not rest until we get you fed
up and tired, so that you disband military
style units and military style equipment
from our cities
and you dismantle and
totally forbid by Law all weapons and
all techniques, that are currently allowed,
which are aimed at suppressing opposition,
attacking human dignity and causing
severe injuries and harm
in the name of
your carelessly and provocatively continuing
the nazi-style terrorization of our societies
and the fascist-style absolute domination
of all political expression and all individual

Neo-Nazist Governors and Neo-Nazist Governments
are moving to ban Neo-Nazist violent, intimidation
and murderous techniques from "police" Neo-Nazist
. Where have they been for so may years,
while these deplorable and murderous suppression,
maiming and murderous techniques were exercised,
on their behalf, on our fellow Citizens  and on the
most vulnerable, the most unfortunate and the least
well-connected while, themselves, have been using
these brutal forces and those psychopaths to defend
them and their policies against public outrage and
public upheaval? Are their current moves meant to
provide them with a "vatican-style" absolution and
with a a totally undeserved criminal immunity against
their continuing brutality and against the Neo-Nazi
murderous squads, under their command, used
brutally and mercilessly  on our fellow Citizens?
They say "better late than ever", but the situation
has reached the unthinkable and those responsible
cannot seek a pardon any more. They have to be
held uncountable for the brutality they have been
responsible for encouraging and for allowing and
for fostering in our societies, in a blatantly unequal
and terribly discriminating and horrifically
nightmarish and provocative way...

No one likes the looting and the damage to
anyone's property. But those that are again
and again repeating and emphasizing this
have to, at last, face up to the facts and
admit the disgraceful and devastating
truth that, had it not being for violent
unrest and damages to property and
material wealth, which is, unfortunately,
the only thing that counts in the minds
of the ``bosses" - mayors and governors
alike - nothing different would have
ever occurred this time than in previous
times. The murderer would have still
been at large, and the calls for Justice
and Equality and Fair Treatment and
Demolition and Implosion of the Neo-
Nazist police procedures of brutality
and torture would have been heard no
more than in previous instances
, after
which, almost nothing of any significance
took place, and the same superficial few
meaningless words, with no accompanying
meaningful actions, were mechanically
repeated by the "bosses" of cities and
states, those unashamedly Neo-Nazi
machines of oppression, terrorism,
torture and murder, made official by
"experts" and turned into science and
application by demented psychopaths.

Since, with minority "president" trump,
fascism is mainstream and, without any
attempt to hide it, he feels kinship with
people that rule like monarchs and like
absolute sovereigns, like Putin and like
Xi, it is to be expected and totally natural
and unsurprising that he is declaring a
progressive group, opposed to all kinds
of fascist formations and absolutist and
oppressive ideologies, like Antifa, a
terrorist organization.  The totally
and devastatingly sad thing is that
our United States, at the dawn of the
3rd decade of this millennium, has had
so many people voting for this sorry
and despicable a** of a man, although
the majority voted against and was
clearly opposed and disagreed with his
enthronement. I hope that that majority
becomes a powerful majority that cannot
be overruled by gimmicks, such as the
antiquated electoral college, and that this
insane, disorganized and dysfunctional
"administration" gets dethroned so
that America get back onto the road
of Global Influence, of Cooperation and
of Leadership, where it had been and
where it deserves to be. WE DO INDEED

We know what will happen because we've
seen it happen before and it is bound to
happen again, since that is how the system
works and that is how the despicable State
machines find it convenient to operate.
The family will get a few millions (not as
many as the white Australian lady's family,
whose life was valued at more than a black
victim's life, but enough) and, perhaps
(unlikely), because of the horrific video, a
rampant and murderous cop might be jailed
for a few years (not as many as a black man
selling contraband) and everything will go
along as before.
Justice means that the processes followed and
the inhumane moves allowed, practiced and
exercised in "academies" by brutal "police"
Neo-Nazi killing machines are outlawed and
taken out of these manuals of horror and of
. Justice means that, from now
on the mode of "police kills on our behalf,
and our cities and states compensate and
the same starts all over again every few
weeks" is not what our young people and
what our kids encounter when they grow
. Justice means a complete reform of a
racist bankrupt brutal system, which is in
the books, allegedly for everyone, but which
is exercised with differing force and different
vehemence against blacks, minorities and
generally those less fortunate, less affluent
and less well-connected
. Justice means that
a cop knows that he is there to SERVE and
PROTECT and is willing to sacrifice himself
in helping and in protecting the lives of fellow
human beings - not eager to kill them first
for no reason, because, as the manuals
allow and as is often argued in courts
as an excuse, (s)he "feels threatened" by
the other and the alien. Only then, may
those despicable - "democrat" in name,
but neo-Nazi in mentality - mayors and
governors be said to have done some part of
the job politicians are supposed to do and
only then shall their performance be deemed
minimally satisfactory. Before that, they can
only be called by the only name they deserve:
servants and chief executives of barbarous,
thuggish and murderous organizations.

The Minnesota Governor is absolutely clueless.
How else could things stand? White people cannot
even start to fathom how it is to be afraid to go
out, how it is to be afraid to be stopped and
interrogated by "police", i.e., a Neo-Nazi racist
killing machine, how it is is to have a child that,
if - God forbid - happens to be stopped by "police"
- racist, murderous thugs, in the service of the
Governor and his Government -  may never
return back home because some manuals, that
were  written to intimidate, harass, torture,
maim and kill, so that black men know their
position in our societies and know what is
appropriate for a black man and a black boy
to do and not to do, allow those mentally retarded
and psychologically deprived white killers, who
are welcome by the dozens in "police" forces, to
exercise their pathetic beastliness and their
"training" and their well taught and well
rehearsed intimidation and torture techniques on our
NO CLUE WHATSOEVER. Just put your tail between
your legs and CHANGE what your frightful and despicable
laws and manuals say that your thugs are allowed to
do on those you treat as guinea pigs, those whose
lives you value less than your privileged home pets..

Involuntary manslaughter! AGAIN????
we going to call a killer a killer and charge
him with the severity of Hate Laws?

Are you serious? And you want the Equality
and Justice-Minded People of this Land to
stop uprisings and vandalism, which have
been provoked by nothing less than persistent
victimization, and out of desperation and of
super-saturation? Are you serious or are
you bluffing, ridiculing common sense and
kidding and fooling both yourselves and an
entire Population of an Advanced Nation?

And, if you cannot because of existing
provocative and repugnant legislation,
make sure that the law changes and that
cops, these terrible abusers of Human
Dignity and thieves of Human Lives,
know it and behave accordingly. How
could we be allowing, in 21st Century
America, restraining moves that are
tantamount to torture and can cause
injury and death on out streets by racist
Neo-Nazi police death squads during
their everyday dealings with people who
pay to get them hired, trained and sustained
to supposedly help them and protect them?

The assassination of black men in custody
does not invoke the mobilization of the FBI
for immediate arrests of the uniformed killers,
and, often, results in the murderous servants
of a State's racist suppression machine, an
accomplice to murder, acquittals and return
to their careers and to their continuing their
brutal and incompetent professional
achievements on behalf of cities and states,
as if nothing had ever happened and no
Human Life was ever taken. But Heavens
forbid any vandalism or damage to property
and goods. Then the whole State, Army and
Government Apparatuses are brought in to
defend stores and goods, the clear message
needing to be communicated obviously being
that those in charge and with authority assign
value much greater to materials lost and to
their peacefully and serenely continuing their
undisturbed luxurious and comfortable lives
than to that of a worthless black human being...

The fugitive parasitical pig lifted a
fortune, left a company in shambles,
took severance and bonuses and ran
away with his tail between his legs
and his despicable face disguised.
The typical story of all CEO's and
CF(*ck)O's of the "great companies"
and "conglomerates" of our times...

Such inhumanity and such beastliness and
sadomasochism is rarely seen in society,
in uneducated rabid animals, let alone
in "educated" police "officers". This guy,
seemingly of oriental origin, who stands in
front of the crowds as his white bestial
colleague is abusing and killing the black
man, worse than he would treat any odd
animal, as if nothing is happening, makes
you sorry that his forefathers ever set foot
on this side of the Pacific and makes you
mad that people like him were ever recruited
to "serve and protect" (literally "harass and
kill in cold blood") their fellow human
beings (or rather Human Beings - not fellow),
since they have nothing to do with Humanity
and they have zero Compassion. How could
anyone who is asked repeatedly to look into
the welfare of a suffering man in great peril
not only turn a blind eye, but screen and
abet an abuser and a killer against whom
he has taken an oath to protect his fellow
Citizens? Devastation, outrage and sadness.
"Police forces", dark racist beasts, abusers
cold blood coward killers of America.

Every other organization has been in the habit
of firing employees whose behavior and whose
practices are demeaning and whose conduct
is incompatible with the Principles of that
Organization. The only "outfits" that have been
sheltering racists, abusers and killers, while at
the same time pretending to espouse "principles",
such as Equality, Equal Treatment Under the
Law and "to serve and protect (albeit not all
equally, but depending on color, income and
connections)", are the despicable and deplorable
"police departments" of this State that always
act as shelters and employment centers for the
mentally unfit and the psychologically decrepit
and unstable, and those gung-ho abusers and
aggressive employees who are eager to shoot
unarmed, preferably black, men over whom
they have power and control, cowardly at the
back. At last someone took some measures
and some steps in the right direction, but the
situation in our United States is beyond fixing...

Lucky Peterson is with us no more...

They are either independent or they can be
terminated by whomever they are supposed
to investigate and, hence, they are very very
dependent. End of story. DO NOT PLAY WITH
Here we have as Secretary of State a pathetic
loser, who needed to align himself with a utter
pathetic moron in order to "become someone".
Another sad first for our United States...

Michel Piccoli is with us no more...

They exploit stupidity and party orders and
they get elected. If the European Commission
and the European Parliament had strict rules
on ethics and the administration and usage
of funds, they should have forced him to resign
effective immediately and to forego all related
contracts with all "organizations" and "gangs"
exploiting unfortunate and persecuted people
to enrich the pockets of Europe's "deputies"
and "officials".

After realizing that an investigation has serious
consequences for those that either ignore or break
the Law, the despicable morph has set his non
existent mind into, in essence, forbidding any
and all investigations that could possibly lead
to his, or one of his associates', culpability and,
consequently to him being held accountable
for the illegality of his actions and for blatant
abuses of his power. Such shamelessness and
such arrogance, our State has not seeing for
a long long time... Pity that this "presidency"
has returned our United States and its Polity
and its Institutions back by many decades...

Ακούω να τσαμπουνάνε για ηλεκτρονική
μεταρρύθμιση και να εκθειάζουν κάποιον
κύριο Πιερρακάκη, όπως, εξάλλου, κάναμε
και τις δύσκολες μέρες με τον ιό και με τον
κύριο καθηγητή. Μόνο που το κάνουμε
επειδή η εμπιστοσύνη στις αρχές έχει
πιάσει πάτο και η κατάντια της χώρας
τόσο στην Υγεία όσο και στην Ηλεκτρονική
Διακυβέρνηση (ή για να είμαστε πιο τίμιοι
και ειλικρινείς, στην καταθλιπτική χαρτο-
γραφειοκρατεία) είχαν φτάσει στο απρο-
χώρητο. Τώρα που ανακαλύψαμε τον ήρωα
που θα τα "κομπιουτεροποιήσει" όλα για να
γίνουμε κι εμείς πολιτισμένοι, ας δούμε και
μερικά παραδείγματα για το πόσο τέλεια
λειτουργούν όλα και πόση ουσία έχουν όσα
1. Παραθέτω εικόνα κεντρικής σελίδας
    ΕΦΚΑ, Σάββατο 16 Μαϊου 10 το πρωϊ,
    όπου η τελευταία ενημέρωση είναι για
    τις εισφορές Αυγούστου 2019!!!!!

2. Παραθέτω μεθόδους επικοινωνίας με την εν λόγω
    υπηρεσία. ΄Ενα τηλέφωνο που δεν απαντάει (ευτυχώς
    δεν έχω πάρει, αλλά έχω ακούσει από πρώτο χέρι
    ανθρώπων βάσανα) και άκουσον άκουσον, παντελής
    απώλεια email για ηλεκτρονική επικοινωνία.

3. Ο ασφαλισμένος πρέπει να μπαίνει και να ελέγχει
    τον ατομικό λογαριασμό του χειρουποίητα κάθε
    μέρα μήπως έχει βγει κάποιος λογαριασμός ή μήπως
    έχει ανακοινωθεί κάποια οφειλή ή κάποια έκπτωση
    (συνήθως αργοπορημένα και πολύ κοντά στην
     προθεσμία καταβολής) διότι οι "υπεύθυνοι" της
    "μοντέρνας" και ¨ηλεκτρονικής" διακυβέρνησης
     δεν "σκέφτηκαν" να εφαρμόσουν το απλούστατο,
     που εφαρμόζεται σχεδόν παντού αλλού, δηλαδή να
     λαμβάνει ο κάθε ασφαλισμένος μία αυτόματη
     ειδοποίηση με email από το σύστημα κάθε φορά
     που αναρτάται κάποια ανακοίνωση ή κάποια νέα
     ειδοποίηση στον προσωπικό του λογαριασμό.
Μπράβο σας "geniuses"! Πάλι καλά τα πετύχατε όλα.
Και είμαι σίγουρος με "ελάχιστο κόστος" για τον
"ευγνώμονα" φορολογούμενο. Έχετε, βλέπετε, το
ελαφρυντικό ότι μέχρι τώρα δεν είχε γίνει απολύτως
τίποτα, οπότε επαφίεστε στο (και εκμεταλλεύεστε το)
"πλεονέκτημα" ότι συγκρίνεστε με τυφλούς κι εκεί,
όντως, βασιλεύουν οι μονόφθαλμοι.

I hope that all remaining criminals who got even
richer (as if what they already have had not been
more than enough, but they are all greedy and
avaricious animals beyond self-control) on the
backs of the taxpayers they allegedly serve and
with whose salaries they have become expert
embezzlers and manipulators, follow suit and
quit the U.S. Congress. Enough is enough with
their shamelessness, repulsiveness and filthiness.

Το χαμογελαστό γλειφτρόνι πέτυχε τους "στόχους"
του κι έκανε τη δουλειά του... Ζωή σε λόγου μας...

The reappointment of Stournaras at the "helm" of
Greece's Central Bank is one of Koulis' great mistakes. 
At those posts, with the ultra-lavish and ultra-luxurious
salaries, perks and benefits, accompanied with almost
no competition and with minimal accountability and
dubious genuine responsibilities, the persons MUST
Too bad that Koulis chose to send again the wrong message
at, admittedly, one of the worst possible moments, when
a change would have signaled a message of renewal, of
fresh air and of optimism, an indication that the staleness
and the failures of the past should not forcibly and by fiat
forecast gloom and darkness for tomorrow.

Betty Wright is with us no more...

Our World and the World of Music and Culture are
poorer today.  Little Richard is with us no more...

Brasil, from a State moving in the right direction,
has become in half the lifetime of a dangerous,
laughable and ridiculous "president" and
"government", a genuinely underdeveloped,
third world nation, without compass, without
moral principles and guidance, whose significant
political, structural and social problems and whose
chronically and persistently abject and immoral
treatment of millions of poor and downtrodden,
are slowly and steadily transforming it into a
politically, socially and economically bankrupt
society and nation, genuinely belonging in the
G20 of examples to avoid at all costs.

Recall all "laws" that allow derailed and mentally
unstable "citizens" to exercise "vigilantism" and
to play cops. And impose on those monsters and
parasites, who have nothing better to do with their
lives, but showcase their racism, spite and venom,
and practice their brutality by attacking unarmed
Human Beings under cover of "law and order",
the maximum penalty so that they may rot in the only
place where they are fit to be and where they belong.

Geoffrey Pyatt has done very good work in front
of and behind the scenes to solidify and strengthen
bilateral relations between Greece and our United
States. This is exemplified by the fact that those
relations are now almost universally accepted and
praised in Greece, despite sharp turns in domestic
political life from an, at least nominally, leftist and
progressive government to a conservative one, and
despite the fact that our United States has not been
blessed with a government that is either easy or
pleasant to work with, and that is, definitely, neither
suitable nor becoming for our United States to possess
at the dawn of this third decade of the Twenty-First

Εάν ο Πρωθυπουργός είναι σοβαρός και θέλει
να δώσει ηχηρό μήνυμα ότι η Ελληνική κοινωνία
αλλάζει και ότι το Ελληνικό κράτος εξυγχρονίζεται,
οφείλει εδώ και τώρα να πάρει πρωτοβουλία σε
συνεννόηση με τά άλλα κόματα της Βουλής ώστε να
αρθεί η ασυλία του ασυνείδητου και εγωκεντρικού
Βαρουφάκη για έκθεση σε κίνδυνο της δημόσιας
υγείας και για αντικοινωνική και αντιδεοντολογική
συμπεριφορά. Αποδείξτε ότι δε μένετε στα λόγια
και ότι οι αλλαγές που διατυμπανίζετε γίνονται
και πράξεις. Οι Βουλευτές πρέπει να είναι υπόλογοι
για την τήρηση των κανόνων και των νόμων πρώτοι,
πριν από τους απλούς πολίτες, καθότι είναι και
πρώτοι, πριν από άλλους λειτουργούς, και στις
αποδοχές και τα προνόμια που απολαμβάνουν.
ΚΑΙ ΓΙΑ ΤΟ ΜεΡΑ25, αλλά από τα δείγματα του
παρελθόντος και από τη γενική εικόνα και τη
συμπεριφορά του, ήταν, δυστυχώς, αναμενόμενο...

Bernie was brought down, once more, by a Democratic
establishment that, while pretending to be on the side
of the "people", in reality, abides by the rules and the
prescriptions and does the bidding of a political elite
and of the social, industrial and governing oligarchies
that are extremely averse and categorically opposed to
measures that would reduce the frightful wealth gap and
would give the many more equal chances by relying on
the stupendous, provocative, unjustifiable and dubiously
amassed wealth of the very few in the process.

Το μήνυμα του Πρωθυπουργού στην ομογένεια
των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών και, ειδικότερα, στους
ομογενείς της βαριά πληττόμενης Νέας Υόρκης.

"Συμπατριώτες μου στην Αμερική,

Η Ελλάδα μπαίνει ήδη στον δεύτερο μήνα των έκτακτων
μέτρων που μας επέβαλε η πανδημία. Μαζί με την παράνομη
εισβολή μεταναστών στα σύνορα μας, δεχτήκαμε και την
επίθεση αυτού του αόρατου εχθρού κατά της υγείας.
Την πρώτη μάχη, την κερδίσαμε. Ενώ τη δεύτερη, την
κερδίζουμε καθημερινά. Με γρήγορες και τολμηρές
αποφάσεις της κυβέρνησης. Με κινητοποίηση του κράτους.
Και με υπεύθυνη στάση όλων των πολιτών σε πόλεις και χωριά.

Τούτες τις δύσκολες ώρες, η σκέψη μου είναι και στους
αδελφούς μας πέρα από τα σύνορα. Στους Έλληνες όπου
και αν βρίσκονται -και ιδίως των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών,
και της Νέας Υόρκης, που μετρούν πολλά κρούσματα και,
δυστυχώς, απώλειες από τον Covid-19. Η Μητέρα πατρίδα
είναι κοντά τους!

Η εμπειρία από την χώρα μας δείχνει πως η ψυχραιμία και
η αλληλεγγύη φέρνουν αποτέλεσμα. Ας μείνετε, λοιπόν, σπίτι,
φροντίζοντας την προσωπική σας υγιεινή και τους πιο
ευάλωτους. Και στοιχηθείτε ο ένας δίπλα στον άλλο.
Η Πρεσβεία και τα προξενεία μας θα είναι πάντα ανοιχτά για
σας. Και οι ομογενειακές οργανώσεις με την Εκκλησία μας
αποτελούν ένα σταθερό δίκτυο προσφοράς και αλληλοβοήθειας.

Ταξιδέψτε, τέλος, νοερά, για να πάρετε κουράγιο από την
πατρίδα, μειώνοντας έτσι την απόσταση ανάμεσά μας:
Επικοινωνήστε με συγγενείς. Παρακολουθήστε στην τηλεόραση
και στο διαδίκτυο ελληνικά προγράμματα. Γνωρίστε την νέα
πλατφόρμα μας Δοκιμάστε
μαθήματα ελληνικών. Και με τις αναμνήσεις απ’ τα ταξίδια
σας εδώ, βάλτε χρώμα στο γκρίζο που πρόσκαιρα μάς πολιορκεί.

Συμπατριώτες μου,

Οι παππούδες και οι γονείς σας ξεκίνησαν από μία μικρή χώρα
δίχως μέσα, αλλά με αστείρευτη δύναμη και επινοητικότητα.
Στέριωσαν και πέτυχαν στις νέες πατρίδες, κατανικώντας κάθε
δυσκολία. Έτσι και εμείς, τώρα, θα τα καταφέρουμε.

Με υπευθυνότητα και πειθαρχία, σύντομα η περιπέτεια της
πανδημίας θα περάσει. Κι εκείνη η στιγμή πρέπει να μας βρει
υγιείς και με το δυνατόν λιγότερες απώλειες. Για να ξαναβρεθούμε,
ενωμένοι και δυνατοί, το καλοκαίρι, στην πατρίδα.

Η Ελλάδα έχει πάντα ανάγκη τη στήριξη των παιδιών της.
Και αυτά, όπου κι αν ζουν, έχουν πάντα ανάγκη τον λαμπρό
της ήλιο και τις γαλανές της θάλασσες.

Εύχομαι υγεία και κουράγιο σε όλους,

Και με το καλό να ανταμώσουμε!"

Unfortunately, the current Global Virus Epidemic has
reinforced the impression that the World Citizens have
had for a while about the current "leaderships" of some
Nations in the World, which have, in the past, on other
issues, also let down their Citizens and behaved in a
nonsensical and haphazard manner. We still see that,
despite an urgency to the contrary, China, Iran and
North Korea form an axis of "secrecy and deception",
while Brazil, the United Kingdom and the United States,
under current, terrible and self-centered administrations,
form an axis of "frivolity, equivocation and procrastination".
      MUCH BETTER IN 2020!

Ελλάδα, Ελευθερία, Δημοκρατία...
Αποχαιρετούμε το Μανώλη Γλέζο
με συγκίνηση και ευγνωμοσύνη
Η Ελλάδα και ο Κόσμος μας σήμερα
είναι πλουσιότεροι γιατί ο Μανώλης μας
αλλά και φτωχότεροι γιατί ο Μανώλης
μας δεν υπάρχει πια...

It is outrageous that the car manufacturers that
were saved in 2008 by a "socialist" intervention
and buyouts by the Federal Government, are
now, in the midst of a National Emergency, when
they are asked to contribute to the readiness and
the effectiveness of the National Response by the
same Government that saved them and guaranteed
their existence, asking usurious prices and are
trying to essentially blackmail and corner the
officials by making extraordinary demands and
by charging exorbitant rates in order to profiteer
and take advantage of a tragedy. The Federal
Government should temporarily acquire some
plants, fire the executives and directors, who
are trying to make large profits, and pay the
engineers and the workers directly to convert
production to medical necessities. ENOUGH IS

Immediate resignations effective immediately
of unconscientious 'senators' who are exploiting
a human tragedy and human suffering of
unprecedented and monumental proportions
for profiteering by using their positions and
professional privileges, held on behalf of the
American Public, to fill their private bank
accounts and boost their stock portfolios.
Show a speck of dignity and an iota of respect
for the many thousands of deceased and depart
immediately with your heads down and your
tails between your legs.
No excuses, no fake apologies.

I am amazed by and applaud the seriousness
and focus by which most governments around
the world are Cooperating and Coordinating
to fight the spread of the deadly virus, to contain
it and to limit its effects in societies and upon
citizens. Even though it has been said a
thousand times, it has not always been a
primary consideration in the minds of money
and "goals" oriented political failures, such
as the former Michigan governor. Health is
the only thing that matters under such crises.

Economies, games, competitions, vacations and,
even, education, have to be put on the backseat,
as very remote second priorities. If Citizens are
not alive, they will not be able to work, compete,
watch, cheer, travel or learn, and ALAS, many
of our fellow human beings have already lost
that chance.
Let's all do what is recommended and what is
necessary; governments must take and must
enforce measures and Citizens have to abide
by them and to follow all rules and directions.
This is time for responsibility and solidarity.

Here is a "civilized state", with which our United
States "makes deals" and "partnerships"... Only
issue is that they are in such a mess they are unable
to even elect their own "president" and "officials".
Otherwise, they have the "know-how" and the
"machinery" to "negotiate" and to "exercise
foreign policy". Seriously???...

Turkish Citizens have to heed Greece's example
in political maturity and in political uneasiness
with worthless established political parties and
powers, which have failed miserably in their duty
and in their responsibility. Follow the example of
Greek Citizens, who have, justifiably punished
New Democracy and all but destroyed PASOK
when they proved inadequate as modern parties
and as political powers and, then, turned around
and also destroyed SYRIZA, when it, in turn,
proved immature and utterly inadequate to
respond to and to handle Greece's challenges.
ERDOGAN, who is selfish, pompous and
incompetent, and is destroying Turkey's
political power and putting at risk your
State's clout and influence in the Eastern
Mediterranean and in the International scene
and World Affairs
. A politician, who has as its
strategy threatening the weak and licking the
feet and being servile to the powerful, is not
worth being the leader of a Nation, who has
ambitions and who aspires to Greatness. The
"sultan" deserves to be confined to the dustbins
of political history before he gets the chance to
further damage Turkey and to worsen Turkey's
political and military position and reputation
internationally and to jeopardize its relationship -
Peaceful, Fraternal and Cooperative - both with
its Neighbors and with World Powers.

Little sympathy for women that, knowingly, marry
questionable and/or much older and/or rather un-
attractive (or outright repulsive) men simply to get
their hands on their fortune and enjoy a prospective
carefree life, but when that fortune comes back to
bite them and when the demands by the entitled
and spoiled husbands, start piling up, as is to be
expected, they start crying foul and professing
utter innocence and ignorance.

Μπράβο, Λευτερη! Απογοητευτικες οι
εθνικιστικες κορωνες του αρχιπαπαδαριου.

Shame on the Federal Reserve, who is playing
the game of the stock markets and doing the
bidding of the ultra rich and those that have
huge loans and huge debts and, like the morph,
are pushing hard to pay less and to ease their
personal financial burdens, under the excuse
of easing the burden of the U.S. economy, for
whose volatility and instability they are
largely responsible through their actions
and their lack of fiscal responsibility and

I am afraid and very worried that, if Joe the
Biden prevails in the Democratic race, he will
be toasted in the main debates by the morph,
not so much because he is not a better man and
a better and equally experienced candidate, but
because he has shown confusion and a certain
weakness in debating and argumentation and,
he is, rightfully so, a man reluctant to fall as
low as the morph to attract that part of the
populace that responds to "street language"
and "sh**ty arguments", those that Hillary
called the "deplorables", including neo-nazists
and racist and religious bigots. On the other
hand, Bernie has unshakable arguments and has
Righteousness on his side, even if, politically,
he has chosen a risky and, admittedly, a little
unrealistic (given what it takes in our United
States to legislate) path, and, therefore, he
will not hesitate to continue on an aggressive
path, will not pull any hard punches and will
be eager and enthusiastic in going face-to-face
in the hardest possible way against the morph
and shatter the morph's usually shallow and
nonsensical "political arguments" and his
"unconventional, pseudo-street smarts" of
the "trump tower, exclusive club" variety.

International cultural banditry and cold-blooded
theft and illicit trafficking of antiquities cannot
and should not be tolerated by Civilized Nations
especially under cover of pseudo-sophistication,
pseudo-humanism and petty and morose arrogance.
Even if 10% of an ancient monument of the
Greatest Value and Significance survives from
its original form or shape, that is no argument
in any genuine Archaeologist's or Historian's
mind to support its further destruction, its
further demise and its further dismemberment
and deterioration unless that pseudo-historian
and pseudo-humanist is responsible for abject
violations of International Law and Treaties
and is desperately trying to cover his and his
co-conspirators illicit activities and dirty and
provocative actions
. Shame to pseudo-scientist,
pseudo-director and pseudo-humanist Fischer
and shame to the British Museum that has a
vandal and an incompetent puppet at its helm!


It is sad and concerning that regimes that are as
fundamentalist, as extremist, as backward and as
uncivilized as terrorist groups, like al-Qaeda and
ISIL, are now considered worthwhile partners and
trustworthy signatories in "treaties" and "deals"
purporting to bring peace, security and stability
in regions, where they have, in very large part,
been responsible for terrible abuses, monumental
destruction of property, considerable vandalism
of cultural heritage, utter disregard for Human
Rights and abject violations of Human Dignity
under cover of pseudo-religious antiquated "values"
and "principles". A large proportion of the World's
Citizens stand in awe and stupefaction that there
are still Western Powers that believe, or have any
faith, that outfits like the Taliban can be trusted
around a negotiating table to perform in Good
Faith "agreements" promising not to allow gangs,
like al-Qaeda and others of the same convictions
and of the same hue, whom, it is almost certain, they
feel much more akin to and aligned with, to meddle
in the affairs of the regions they will govern, if and
when it suits their political, social and military
interests and goals. We have had, over many
decades such a bad experience with both Pakistan
and Afghanistan of double-talk, double dealings
and lack of good will and good faith in execution
of any agreements with Western Powers that one
would have good reasons to consider this "agreement"
with a lot of alarm, doubt and suspicion, if not as an
already-doomed desperate attempt at disengagement.

Turkey is a larger and stronger power than
Greece (and almost every other State) in the
Eastern Mediterranean and, knowing this,
the Sultan is full of threats, showing off his
country's power and shaking his finger at,
more or less, helpless neighbors. But out of
habit and aggressiveness, he has been carried
away and is thinking that the small and
comparatively impotent Turkey can also
shake a finger at Russia and that he, a
small and worthless ant in comparison,
stands on par with President Putin. The
sad thing is that, as a consequence of this
mindlessness and of his impotence, not his
own children, but tens of other Turkish
Citizens' innocent children are put, as
"martyrs" in a fight that no Turkish
family wants or should have been forced
to fight, in harm's way needlessly.
I hope that the Turkish Voters will not
forget what they "owe" him in the next
election cycle and that he will suffer a,
long overdue, resounding and decisive
political defeat that will confine him to
the dustbins of Turkish History, where
he really deserves to be

Time to go. High - too high - time to go.
Do not damage further yourself and the
Democratic Party and, also, show some
Respect for those that supported you and
your Family. They do not need this ridicule,
this intentional confusion and lies, nor
this incoherence and disorientation.

You have fallen - and are free-falling -
so low that you, one of the most selfish
and self-unchecked politicians on the
Globe right now, is exploiting the
Legacy of one of the World's most
selfless and self-limited and widely
Respected Politicians and Freedom
Fighters of All-Time. Joe Biden, there
are limits in indecency and limits on
how much Democrats, even your former
supporters, can digest.
Time to go...
C**p no more. Enough is Enough.

Lukewarm Bravo to the Guardian.
When the RIGHT THING is obvious and
when the Righteous Side to take in a
disagreement is obvious, everyone SHOULD
against those criminal elements and those
manipulators of History and Law, who are
involved in desperate attempts to mislead,
misinform and deform the Truth
so that
their side may appear less arrogant and
their wanting, limp arguments reasonable.

BRAVO to Sunday Times!! Bravo to Sarah
When the RIGHT THING is obvious
and when the Righteous Side to take in a
disagreement is obvious, everyone should
stand against those criminal elements and
those manipulators of History and Law,
who attempt to mislead and to deform the
Truth so that they may appear reasonable.

It is, to say the least, ironic that Joe the Biden
is calling "crazy Bernie" the only candidate
that has a coherent and consistent viewpoint
on how America can improve, how its People
can be put First, instead of its oligarchy and
its big capital
, and on how it can take, at last,
benefit of the potential advantages of Democracy,
and Democratic Socialism, who have been, on
the North-West side of the Atlantic, vilified
for so long, under a blanket of political
ignorance, but, also, a targeted voluntary
campaign of misinformation in the sad
era of McCarthyism and, later, for political
exploitation, under the auspices of the
industrial-military-political complexes,
in the form of extreme Communism-o-
phobia and Soviet-o-phobia. No one, on the
other hand, has ever had the courage to insist
that we can, as a Progressive Nation, with
the available resources, be inspired by some
other States, which have consistently put
the care and well-being of their People
above the interests of governing oligarchies
It is time NOW for Bernie Sanders and
Elizabeth Warren to join their tickets
so that they can gather, in the upcoming
primaries, a consistent over 50% of the
Democratic Vote and catapult their way
to the National Scene as Presidential and
Vice-Presidential Candidates and start
the Campaign for a Huge Change in the
American Political Scene in November.
At least a change in Political Ethos and
in Viewpoint, if not in Political Decision
Making (which depends, to a large extent,
on the consistency of Congress), that our
United States so much need and that the
American People so much deserve in 2020.

Bravo to France!! Bravo to Florence Parly!!
When the RIGHT THING is obvious and
when the Righteous Side to take in a concocted
disagreement is obvious, everyone should stand
against those manipulators of International Law,
who attempt to mislead and to deform Treaties
so that their narrow interests may appear
reasonable and legitimate, when in reality,
they are extravagant, grandiose and beyond
any internationally accepted legal boundaries.

Bravo to the Washington Post!! Bravo to Molly
When the RIGHT THING is obvious and
when the Righteous Side to take in a disagreement
is obvious, everyone should stand against those
criminal elements and those manipulators of
History and of Law, who attempt to mislead and to
deform the Truth so that they may appear reasonable.

Europe, a United Europe, has been and is, especially
so for the younger Citizens, the biggest, most important
and most fascinating and exciting bet of our Times
Do not disappoint us, and especially them, by being
egocentric and introvert and by deciding to shrink,
instead of enlarging, common policies and making
them less ambitious and less encompassing!!

Then, you are wondering and debating why Brexits
happen and why Nationalism and backward-looking
petty philosophies of hatred and divisive rhetoric
become more prevalent and take hold. But, when
the ball is in your court and you are called to take
action and adopt policies to counter those and to
show the way for Internationalism, Solidarity and
Harmony, you seem hesitant and send a wrong
and ambivalent message. Be Bold, be United,
open up and be more giving and more generous,
but, at the same time, ask for more to be done
in return!

Utah is a State, in which many criminal elements,
both in human exploitation and trafficking and in
financial crimes, are hiding behind pseudo-religious
principles and freedoms, while, in reality, fool and
take advantage of easily pliable and submissive
hordes of followers, and carry out acts contrary to
the principles they preach and have their disciples
abide by and believe in, when it suits the outfits'
bosses and "leaders"' interests and desires.

Irresponsibility and profiteering to the extreme.
The couple thought that they could exploit Harry's
connections and titles to profiteer "as private
"businessmen" and "individuals"", while claiming
that it is because of their own merit and their own
efforts and "independently" of the crown. To their
bad luck and to the World's and Business Good
Luck, the Queen and her advisors are not stupid
and/or pliable and are getting smart on this absurd
West wind that has stormed Britain, but has, totally
and completely, British origin and roots.

If this corrupt son of a b**** pardons and releases
early from jail all large sharks, those that blacken,
without qualms and without a spec of remorse, our
Democracy and s**t unhesitatingly on all our most
Precious Values on which our Polity and the Trust
of Citizens stand, then he should release RIGHT
NOW all Citizens convicted for lesser crimes and
lesser infractions
. Pardons for petty, criminal
politicians, the rich and well-connected, when others
do not receive even an iota of his sympathy, are
totally unacceptable and reprehensible and show
ruthlessness, criminal intent and favoritism to the
extreme, and should not be tolerated in 2020.

Οταν ανοίγεσαι και δίνεις και υπόσχεσαι πριν τα
πάρεις, αναλαμβάνεις, προφανώς, τεράστιο ρίσκο.
Αυτό το ρίσκο έπρεπε, όπως μας έμαθε η Ιστορία
και οι εξελίξεις, να το είχαν αποφύγει οι Έλληνες
ατομικά, αλλά και οι Κυβερνήσεις μας, πριν το
2008, αλλά "στερνή μου γνώση να σ' είχα πρώτα".
Το τραγικό, φαίνεται, είναι ότι ούτε ο Κούλης ούτε
οι νομπελίστες και λοιποί οικονομολόγοι και άλλοι
συμβουλάτορες το έχουν εμπεδώσει, ούτε από την
Ελληνική τραγική πραγματικότητα ούτε από άλλες
χώρες, όπου οι φοροαπαλλαγές και οι επενδύσεις,
με την "ελπίδα και την ψευδο-υποσχετική ότι η
ανάπτυξη θα τα σώσει όλα", έχουν πέσει, όχι μιά
και δυό, αλλά πολλάκις, έξω. Ας ελπίσουμε για
το καλύτερο και για μεγαλύτερη τύχη, αλλά η
εμπειρία και τα μαθηματικά δεν υπόσχονται
πολλά ούτε επιτρέπουν εφησυχασμό, ανάπαυση
και κούλεια παροχολαγνεία. Ίδωμεν.

We got a person who could not supervise
effectively a single ministry in Germany
and is under substantial suspicion of lack
of proper oversight and of inappropriate
dealings, and made her supervisor and
boss of an entire supranational super-
Governmental body. I guess the German
Chancellor should ask for forgiveness
for sticking this one to the Union.

When your job becomes impossible and your
handling verges on the border of the indecent
and the inappropriate because of the incoherence,
brainlessness, indecency and authoritarianism
of your boss, you have to not only call it like it
is and complain to the press, but quit and refuse
to step over red lines under pressure and be
cowered into irresponsibly following orders
and doing someone's questionable and self
serving bidding.


The senatorial senile leeches that, up to now, have
refused to stand up to an autocratic, incompetent
and inept administration and have, cowardly, for
purely electoral reasons, refused to confront and
criticize autocracy and personality cult in our
United States, have, at last, and belatedly, close
to the eleventh hour, wizened up and decided that
they MUST NOT and SHOULD NOT, by any
chance, allow this semi-insane and semi-culty
administration to make decisions on serious
Foreign Policy issues, and, as a result, perilously
jeopardize the interests and the well-being of
American Citizens and the Global Economy and
the World Public as a whole. Too bad that senile
self-serving senators are so late. But a great relief
(and kudos) that, even at this eleventh hour, they
showed some elementary responsibility and some
basic understanding and concurred to this decision.

Excellent news from Sudan!! BRAVO to the new
Sudanese Government. It is a difficult decision
to make, but it is the ONLY RIGHT DECISION
that anyone could have made! BRAVO, SUDAN!

We all follow speechless the Coronavirus outbreak
in China. What can one say about those Human
Beings that are either sick independently or that
have contracted the virus and, instead of being
taken care properly in their worry and their panic,
have to suffer long lines in congested hospitals or,
worse, have nowhere to turn and nowhere to go?
No Human Being should ever be subjected to
something like this. And what can one say about
those heroic medical and paramedical workers
who, sleepless and totally exhausted by working
long and demanding shifts, are trying, hour in
hour out, to provide some relief and some haven
to all their Fellow Citizens in a state of anguish?
I do hope that, despite prognostics and in
defiance of mathematical models and other
scientific predictions, the massive effort that
is currently under way for a vaccine will be
successful in a short time so that this virus
becomes a thing of the past. Only, and sadly,
those Fellow Travelers in this brittle Life of
ours that we lost both in China and elsewhere,
we will not be able to bring back...

To me, it sounds and seems absurd to demand that
artifacts of ancient art be destroyed or removed
because they do not conform with modern standards
or modern perceptions. We cannot and we must not
destroy Humanity's Heritage because it has been
created in a Historical Context that was different
from our own, however bad, hateful and antiquated
that context may seem to us according to our improved,
elevated and advanced Historical and Fraternal
Sensitivities and Sensibilities. If, e.g., Ancient
Chinese, Ancient Egyptian, Ancient Greek,
Ancient Jewish or Ancient Mesopotamian Art
was found to depict a certain Race or a certain
Ethnicity under a negative shadow according to
prejudices and misconceptions of that era, but
was handed down to us, would we be justified in
any way destroying it? In my strong opinion, we
should learn from that Historical Context and
Rejoice at the Progress that Humanity has made
in Fraternity, Harmony and Cooperation Between
All Nations, All Races and All Etnicities and would
be in violation of modern Ethics in asking for the
destruction and/or removal of these artifacts like,
alas, modern day self-declared moral policemen,
modern inquisitors, modern terrorists or taliban.

Good Riddance, "president" of 24 years...

Κοινώς, αγόμενος και φερόμενος από συμφέροντα,
τα γάμ**ε και ο Κούλης και είναι ώρα να κοιτάξουμε
και αλλού, μπάς και έχει απομείνει κανείς στην
κακόμοιρη την Πατρίδα μας που δε λέει μόνο
όσα μας τσαμπουνούσε ο Κούλης προεκλογικά,
αλλά έχει και την πραγματική θέληση και την
πυγμή, όταν οι νόμοι και οι κανόνες καταπατούνται,
να επιβάλλει τις ποινές, να φυλακίσει και να
. Φτάνει πια η πάγια τακτική, κατά
την οποία καταφερτζήδες, παραβάτες και άρπαγες
κάνουν τις δουλειές τους στα μουλωχτά, ενάντια
σε όσους βαδίζουν με το σταυρό στο χέρι και
ενάντια στο κοινό όφελος, και με, επιπλέον, την
(όχι ελπίδα, αλλά) εγγύηση ότι μία κουλοκυβέρνηση
θα έρθει και με νέο νόμο με αναδρομική ισχύ ή με
κάποια "τακτοποίση", φτηνή ή ακριβή, θα
συγχωρέσει και θα νομιμοποιήσει την παγαποντιά.

Of course Europe is weaker without the United
Kingdom. And it goes without saying that the
U.K. is also much weaker without Europe. That
is one of the reasons why this decision did not
and does not and will not ever make sense.
At the first testing turmoil or conflict, both
sides are going to be seeking the partnership
of the other, and the leaders are going to be
reminded in the gravest of possible ways the
lessons learned after the Second War. But a
Good Student of History would hope that
People, and especially their politicians, who
are supposedly informed and are supposed
to have good foresight and be historically
aware, would not need new woes to relearn
what their fathers and grandfathers have
already taught them, having gone through
the same cycles themselves...

A veritable Neonazi clown. Greeks and Turks are
brothers and sisters. Despite some differences of
opinion and different approaches on a number of
issues, both Greeks and Turks are cognizant  of a
Common History and a Common Destiny and are
both fighting on either side of the Aegean for Peace,
Stability, Security and Prosperity, with feelings
of Fraternity and a wish for Solidarity and for
Cooperation across a vast number of sectors,
such as cultural, economic, social and political.
And through dialog and other Peaceful means,
and a show of Solidarity and Good Will, extant
issues and differences can all be resolved.

Μπράβο, Βασίλη! Έτσι όπως τα λες είναι
ακριβώς. Χρειάζεται ξεκούμπισμα και
ανανέωση, μήπως και κάποτε κάποιος
καινούργιος καταφέρει κάποια πιο
ουσιαστικά πράγματα. Όλοι αυτοί που
πέρασαν, είδαν, ήρθαν, απέτυχαν και
απήλθαν, πρέπει να το πάρουν απόφαση
ότι τους δόθηκε η ευκαιρία, την έχασαν,
και είναι ώρα να δοκιμαστούν κι άλλοι.

I am not a friend of the morph, but this man
is a very unsympathetic and unpalatable
personality, who, as an ambassador to the
United Nations, had put our State to shame,
a crappy and questionable personality all
around. After all, the fact that he was in
cahoots with the current, incompetent
and inept administration, that he is now
attempting to, somehow, discredit, speaks
itself volumes about the dubiousness and
immorality of this shady figure.

Ηλίθιε, Κούλη, αν αυστηρές κυρώσεις για σοβαρές
παραβάσεις τις μετατρέπεις, με μία εγκληματικού
χαρακτήρα απόφαση και μία επιβεβλημένη και όχι
κατά συνείδηση ψήφο, σε σχετικά ασήμαντες ποινές
και πρόστιμα, πώς περιμένεις να βελτιωθεί η σκέψη
και η νοοτροπία της Ελληνικής κοινωνίας; Και αν
αυτή η βελτίωση δεν είναι προτεραιότητα της
απαράδεκτης κυβέρνησής σου, τότε δεν πρέπει
να πάρεις τα μπογαλάκια σου και να σηκωθείς
να φύγεις να προσπαθήσει κάποιος άλλος μήπως
και στην Ελλάδα καταφέρουμε επιτέλους τίποτα;

Μεγάλα λόγια μας έλεγε και ο Κούλης περί ιδεών,
ιδεαλισμού και αξιοκρατίας. Και στο πρώτο τέστ,
όταν θίχτηκαν γνωστοί, φίλοι και συμφέροντα,
άρχισαν οι φωτογραφικές παρεμβάσεις προς όφελος
συγκεκριμένων ατόμων και επιχειρήσεων. Τα ίδια
σκ**ά και ο Κούλης και ας μας τάϊζε το γνωστό
κουτόχορτο ότι δήθεν και τάχα μου ευχόταν να
είναι καλύτερος και πιο "ανώτερος" πρωθυπουργός
από αυτούς που έχουμε συνηθίσει και φάει στη μάπα...

If it has been known for sometime that proximity
and contact with wild game is prone to cause the
transfer of dangerous viruses from wildlife to
humans, why is China not imposing strictly the
rules that it has on the books about inspecting
and buying wild species for human consumption?
If the Chinese oligarchy is so good at curbing
Free Thought, Free Expression, Free Speech
and Freedom of Assembly and any other
Fundamental Right, when it suits its interests
and when it so wishes, how come and its Health
Services prove so incompetent in applying the
same restrictions to things that are not restrictive
by whim, but so important to Human Well-Being?

We have known, unfortunately, for quite some time
that, in our United States, lack of adequate mental
care and mental institutions lead many patients
instead to take refuge into the police forces, where
they find lack of proper screening and, for some
mysterious reason (or maybe not so mysterious)
a quite sympathetic ear and attitudes.

Have we been paying the inbred Kushner so much
to come up with this? I could have asked the Israeli
Government to give me a copy and would have been
able to propose it from day one gratis. What a fiasco.
But I am sure that, as with other Nations, so in our
own, there can be no good coming out of blatant
cronyism and the appointment of relatives, leeches
and associates to "advising" and other concocted

The truth is I have very little faith in the exploiters
of urgent issues whose - and whose parents' - urgent
focus is to use other people's naivete and governments'
stupidity to make a generous extra buck to save the
day... In that respect, both, M(e)nuchin and Greta
are two faces of the same coin.. Too bad that the
youth are for the less of the two evils and not up
in arms against both extreme capitalists and both
extreme manipulators. Too bad also that they do
not realize that the M(e)nuchin is jealous of the young
one, who is achieving at a much younger age what it
has taken him higher (bulls**t) education to achieve
only a fraction of... Nothing to do with climate change
at all; only aggressive money worshiping and profit.

Δε μας χ***τε, ρε μα**κες; Τα του οίκου σας
τακτοποιείστε εντός του οίκου σας. Μετά την
ταλαιπώρια και το φιάσκο του Brexit και αφού
μας ψήσατε το ψάρι στα χείλη, αλλά μέινατε
και ικανοποιημένοι από πάνω επανεκλέγοντας
τον αρχιπανούργο ψεύταρο, τώρα μας απασχολείτε
και μας ταλαιπωρείτε με τους Καίμπιτζις και
τους (πρώην ή νύν) Σάσσεξις, λες και δεν έχει
ο κόσμος σημαντικά προβλήματα να λύσει
και αρκετές σαπουνόπερες να παρακολουθήσει
και έχει ανάγκη από τους απατεώνες και τους
λεφτάδες πολιτικούς, βασιλικούς και σελέμπριτις
του Ηνωμένου(;) Βασιλείου.

Dirt bottom, stinky sh*t of richness and glamor,
all stolen and unaccounted for and all, as usual,
invested, as if honesty and transparency are not
worth a sh*t, in capitals of the western world.
What does Ms. von der Leyen have to say about
"our way of life" that so, but so, warmly and
passionately and eagerly she is dead set to defend
and protect? Will either the U.K. or the European
Union take, at last, those cases seriously, strip the
pseudo-glamorous criminals of all their riches
and return them, with interest, as is proper,
according to proper Values (not our "values"),
where they belong?

Nobody should be allowed to roam free, let alone seeking
supreme office, in a State which their family and themselves
have robbed cold and whose Citizens they have betrayed
and disrespected in a provocative and blatant way.
Put ms. dos Santos on trial and behind bars before it is too
late for Angola's dignity and reputation.

Excellent move by the Spanish Government.

I am totally disgusted by this campaign. When
I see a woman who has acquiesced and supported
the killing of women and children and the genocide
of minorities and, in general, the brutalization and
expulsion of innocent civilians based on race,
ethnic background and religious beliefs, posing
as a protector and supporter of women, I get
outraged and angry that other celebrities lent
their faces to be side-by-side in a pretentious
campaign with the face of someone that "supports
women" in words and in useless ads, but contributes
to their killing and suffering actively in real life.
their faces alongside a torturer and killer.


Καλά που έχουμε και τον καθαρόαιμο άδωνι γιατί
αλλοιώς θα ήμασταν πληθυσμιακά αλλοιωμένη
χώρα με κούληδες και ντορίτσες όνλι.

It is outrageous that 176 innocent civilians were
sacrificed on the altar of an absolutely needless
escalation of hostilities
, not to mention the lives
of the tens of innocent civilians that were killed
at the stampede during Soleimani's funeral
And it is even more angering and unacceptable
the fact that such an event occurred after the
almost identical incident that took place over
Easter Ukraine
with Flight MH17 a few years ago
that also cost the lives of 298 innocent civilians.
When the militaries are on stand-by and the
situation on the land and in the air is tense, there
have to be stricter processes for approvals of
civilian flights over those regions. It is well worth,
or rather a MUST, disrupting the business and/or
vacation schedules of civilians to ensure their
safety, rather than knowingly putting them
into harm's way and risking their lives. If
States and airlines are not going to implement
such restrictions on their own, then the ICAO,
or some other International Organization with
the appropriate jurisdiction and sway, has to
intervene and make sure that potential killer
flights, over regions where conflicts and wars
rage, never get approval for departure.
One last word: Iran did the Right Thing, the
Only Right Thing under the circumstances,
to admit what happened and not keep those
families needlessly in limbo and wondering
how and why their loved ones were sacrificed.
They should have done this from the beginning,
but in comparison with the Eastern Ukrainians
and the Russians, they do deserve a lot of credit
for their courage and speed in unequivocally
admitting the truth, however damaging and
deplorable. I hope and wish no similar incidents
occur in the future, but Iran set a standard that
I hope every other military will follow in case
of such human tragedies and disasters.

The stinky rat was comfortable receiving the millions,
the perks and the bonuses when things were looking
shiny and comfortable, but did not have the guts to
stay and stand trial when the tides turned. This is
invariably the universal quality of big conglomerates
and their bosses. Insatiable greed, when times are
favorable, and escapism and denials, when disasters
and misfortunes strike. For such personalities the
Japanese had the best solution; not running away
like a common thug, but honorable seppuku.

They would have us believe that Epstein, who wielded
so much power over many famous people, because he
had so much information available on their dirty and
unlaunderable backgrounds, committed suicide and
that, by coincidence, the CCTV footage of the incidents
during his detention at the critical moments was
deleted "by mistake". We are not idiots and the whole
affair smells much more of a conspiracy by those with
a lot of money to waste, high reputations to lose and
high offices to be ejected from, with aid from mafia
type outfits and jail connections, than mere accidents
and coincidences. Sorry, but take your official versions
and stuff them up your you know where...

Bad news from the Royals. It is simply in bad taste
to marry someone who you know has important
commitments and responsibilities and, without prior
agreement or warning, try to change their lives in
such a drastic way and make them live by your own
mode and standards. It simply does not augur well
for the future of the family and it smells of raw and
inconsiderate manipulation. At least, it is something
in the news other than war, disaster and mayhem,
even though it, also, has the flavor of personal mayhem.

Iran is clearly testing the determination of the
United States to retaliate. BUT here, exactly at
those very sensitive and delicate moments, is
enter into the equation. Since the overwhelming
majority of victims in such attacks are innocent,
or mostly innocent, individuals with very low
levels of responsibility and almost no power
in any decision making process, both sides,
acting on behalf of both bilateral and essential
international interests and in the name of
International Peace and Security and in the
name of Friendship and Fraternity between
All Nations and All People, should show
patience and restraint and DEESCALATE,
Stand down, send envoys and engage in a dialogue
and in resetting bilateral relations, by voicing openly
concerns on either side and by working constructively
to find viable, durable and verifiable solutions, exactly
as the Obama administration had been doing.
Denouncing and withdrawing from the Nuclear
Treaty on the part of the Morph's administration
was a foolish move and disastrous for the Region,
exactly because only through Dialogue and through
Accords can the Middle East find Peace and Security.

The World is not poorer without Qasem Soleimani,
nor does it need any more shady figures traveling
around Foreign Nations, in non transparent and/or
clandestine missions, fomenting instability and
turmoil, encouraging and/or actively participating
in armed conflicts and promising and/or procuring
A Historically Important and Civilized Nation,
like Iran, should take this opportunity to change
rote and make an effort to contribute to Global
Affairs through the Powers of Diplomacy and
Foreign Policy, rather than trying to reinvest in
similarly shadowy figures, and should refrain
from reengaging in direct destructive interference
in armed conflicts in its Region and elsewhere on
the Globe. From Iran the International Community
is expecting more in terms of Transparency and
Civilized Engagement.

Ο Λευτέρης είναι πιο ευγενικός, αλλά το στίγμα του
άρθρου του ειναι δικαιολογημένα "κανονικότητα my
a**...". Η Ελλάδα απέχει ακόμα παρασάγγας από το
να είναι μία χώρα με "Ευρωπαϊκή κανονικότητα".

No immunity and no favors for criminals who abuse
the powers of their office and betray the trust of the
electorate. They deserve the harshest of penalties
for corruption and personal profiteering and the
Judiciary and prosecutors should be relentless and

When we dislike a regime, we encourage demonstrations,
uprisings and revolts against it and we tout Freedom of
Expression, Freedom of Thought, Freedom of Speech
and Freedom of Assembly and the Right of the Citizens
to show their displeasure. When we like a regime, or the
regime so happens to be our implant of puppets doing
our bidding, we dislike demonstrations and uprising
and condemn the Fundamental Political Rights of the
Citizens to express their concerns and show their
displeasure. In this New Year and in this Fresh Decade,
we have to, at last, change rote, and, regardless of our
narrow economic and political self-interests, we have
to uniformly support All Peoples' and All Citizens'
Fundamental Rights to Vigorous Demonstration and
Free Political Discourse and All Peoples' Basic Rights
in Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness; not
only those pertaining to our Friends and Sympathizers.
A little Idealism in Politics never hurt anyone.
On the other hand, Embassies of States are there
in other States to facilitate Communication and
Cooperation between Citizens and their Governments
and their role is of utmost importance, almost sacred,
in a Unified World. Therefore, for their role, as well
as because they and their Missions and Personnel
are Protected under International Law, there can be
no justification and there should be zero tolerance
in violating a Foreign Ambassadorial or Consular
Mission of Any State in Any Other State. Grievances,
demonstrations and people's anger and desperation
should be directed at their governments and at their
elected - and, more so, unelected - officials and, when
those are failing miserably in their tasks and duties,
they should be expected to receive public anger and
public outrage and their suffering becomes justified.

I do hope that the moves for accountability in Angola are
not superficial and simply for show and electioneering,
and that the blade does not stop above the skin of those
that have governed Angola ruthlessly and plundered its
resources and the wealth of its people for decades. What
a fresh air it would be for Africa, in general, if the current
Government in Angola made it to seize all of the stolen
assets from Ms. dos Santos's companies and render her
impoverished and then Mr. Lourenco resigned, without
appointing a successor but simply ensuring that free and
fair elections took place for the People of Angola to elect
his successor. But, as always. I am dreaming of the
possibility that there might be, one day, in Africa a
political paradise.

"God willing", whatever that may mean out of
your treacherous lips, you betrayed your father
and his memory for a fistful of blood-sputtered
petro-dollars and you will have it hanging on
your conscience and on the insulted intelligence
and conscience of the World's Citizens forever.

Unless and until the pseudo-princely butcher's head
rolls, the "justice" delivered for Khashoggi's murder,
butchering, dismemberment and disposal would
continue to be a sham, a travesty, a ridicule, and a
stain on the record of our Humanity and on that
of international politics and not a single person
who is informed and follows developments and
believes in evidence would be able ever again to
side with this despicable "family", which is, in
reality, a gang, a ruthless and savage criminal
outfit, that is currently holding the Arabia and
its People under its tight stranglehold. The Saud
syndicate, like all other criminal organizations
and all cancerous tumors, has to be eradicated
from the body of that Land, and its control and
the control of its resources and its riches has to
revert to the People of Arabia, where it rightfully

President of the Legion of Pedophiles and Sex Abusers.
Have we not seen enough and have we not tolerated
enough of the venomous branches of this despicable
criminal outfit, a shelter and refuge from Justice for
those that habitually abuse minors and cause severe
harm and incalculable, unimaginable pain to so many
naive, faithful and docile disciples? When are they at
last going to treat this organization like any other and
close it down and inflict on it damages severe enough
in proportion to the harm caused, so that it can never
even recover to continue its "sacred" works?

I read that our United States have announced sanctions
against companies that would contribute to the building
of the two new proposed under-water pipelines intended
to transfer gas from Russia towards the European Union.
Frankly, the argument presented, that, allegedly, Germany
and other European States, which will be at the terminals
of those pipelines and whose economies will benefit the
most from this connectivity, would be held hostage by
Russia in the energy sector, is nonsensical. If all other
avenues providing energy right now remain active in
parallel with the newly constructed lines, it is difficult
to see how the availability of new sources would increase,
rather than decrease, any existing danger. Under the
worst case scenario - a Russo-European clash, that
would provoke Russia into cutting supplies - the
old sources will still be there and the fact that the
new ones will not be available would result in no
worse conditions that the conditions that exist at
present, when these under-construction pipelines
are not even available yet. The United States have
to look harder for a plausible and more convincing
argument that could sway the sides to follow their
opinion, since the one currently presented seems
to be nothing but a pretext, while other military
and geopolitical games seem to be the real reasons
underlying this decision, which, for some reason,
are not to be made explicit and transparent.

Regardless of whether the products that Ms. Thunberg
is endorsing and promoting are environmentally friendly
and have been produced in an ecologically friendly way
or not, it is, in any case, questionable and morally
reprehensible to commercialize activism and to focus
on immediately cashing in on one's, supposedly, "good
causes", and it certainly demeans, undervalues and
reduces Ms. Thunberg's credibility and trustworthiness.

I applaud the Lady Leaders of Estonia and Finland,
who, in the face of despicable and unjustified bigotry
and condescension on the part of an old, bankrupt,
neo-fascist and shameful elite, choose the path of
Constructive Dialog, Activism, Civility and Civilized
Political Discourse and, above all, Peaceful, Fraternal
and Coordinated and Cooperative Exchanges that put
those "ancient nobility", "educated", "established
male politicians" to shame and reveal their crassness
and their incompetence in holding office in Modern
and Open Societies. I hope, in Estonia, Voters and
Responsible Citizens send a strong message to Mr.
Helme (if his age, health and mental detritus allow
him to be a candidate in the next election cycle).

Too late... He is now safe and hiding elsewhere. Those
developing nations with abject records in Democracy
and Democratic Institutions, like Pakistan, should
institute automatic death penalties for usurpers of
power, especially military personnel and high ranking
officers that decide to break their oaths to serve under
Political Command and decide to become impostors
and genralissimos, should be sentenced automatically
to death, or life in high security prisons among the
general population without the possibility of parole,
after regime reversion to Democracy. Then we'll see
how many of these, who proclaim love of country, but
they are mostly or entirely about personal power and
fortune, would dare do such terrible things, given that,
after few years, their own heads will be guaranteed to
roll under the Guillotine or to rot in the same terrible
cells where they imprison and torture, or worse, the
Fighters for Human Rights and Democratic Principles.

Ο Κυριάκος δίνει και δίνει και δίνει... Χρειάζεται πολύ
μεγάλη προσοχή. Το κατ' εξοχήν κόμμα που άν είχε θα
έδινε, ο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ, ήταν πολύ προσεκτικός κατά το
μεγαλύτερο διάστημα της διακυβέρνησής του με τη
διαχείριση των οικονομικών και αυτό υποδηλώνει
τα μέγιστα για τα περιθώρια της οικονομίας μας, υπό
τις παρούσες συνθήκες, για παροχές. Να είμαστε όλοι
πολύ προσεκτικοί και να ενθαρρύνουμε τον Κυριάκο
να χρησιμοποιήσει μέρος του τρέχοντος πλεονάσματος
για αποπληρωμή χρέους και να βλέπει τα πράγματα
υπό το πρίσμα της "χειρότερης περίπτωσης", μίας
νέας παγκόσμιας οικονομικής ύφεσης και νέων
δυσχεριών, που θα μπορούσαν να έχουν δραματικές
συνέπειες για την Ελληνική Οικονομία και να μας
κάνουν να μετανιώσουμε για άκρατες παροχές και να
ευχόμαστε να ήμασταν πιο προσεκτικοί στη διαχείρηση
των οικονομικών. Ας μην τοποθετούμε εαυτούς σε
τέτοια θέση και ας είμαστε σοφοί διαχειριστές τώρα.

I am not so sure about Barack's statement concerning
men vs. women in political leadership
. He obviously
has a vast experience in the field, but, in the same way
that it is totally inappropriate and non-constructive
to undervalue and/or exclude women from the political
process, it is, in my view, inappropriate to generalize
and stereotype men as well. Besides, the time of the
comment is questionable, given that a very recent,
hurtful and damaging example of women's pseudo-
leadership and its devastating effects has been, in
the last few days, parading shamelessly in front of
us in the Hague as an apologist for High Crimes and
unconscionable Crimes Against Humanity and Grave
Breaches of Humanitarian Law and the Customs of
in his statement concerning aging, egocentric
leaders, hungry for money, fame and power who
cling to their positions for too long, way past their
welcome, and, who, not only undermine the value
and credibility of our Democracies or the Polities
of their States, whatever they might be, but, in
addition, and, perhaps, most ominously, clog and
block the doors and prevent the younger generations,
which have the most interests and the biggest stakes
in the Future of their States and of Our World, from
getting engaged, getting elected and rising to positions
of effective  leadership to help make, through their
passion, their fighting spirit, their must-do attitude
and their idealism, Our World a Better Place for
us and for Our Children and for Their Children
to live in. Not only, should leaders in the West consider
Term Limits for all higher political offices and, in their
absence, get into a custom of withdrawing from Public
Life in due time, but, in addition, like Barack in this
instance, they should travel around the Globe and
Campaign for other, less experienced and less
politically mature States to follow this example, to
institute Good Governance and to legislate and to
respect Term Limits for their higher political offices,
which is the first and one of the most important steps
in Good Governance. But to increase our credibility
and our powers of persuasion and conviction, we
have to - we must - first institute and abide by these
principles here at home and, judging from the pool
of our Democratic and Republican Candidates for
2020, we are still very, very, very far away from that
point and from respecting these Tenets and Wisdom.

Justice is failing our Citizens and victims of the heinous
acts of the rich, famous and well-connected in our United
States and it is failing them miserably and abjectly.
How many millions of dollars was the average spoils per
production of Harvey "the degenerate sexual predator
and totally unprofessional monster" Weinstein, and how
many films did he produce in his "career"? And is the
total of $25M the best the pseudo-servants of "justice",
lawyers and judges, who look after their own interests
and their own political careers and connections, can come
up with for those numerous victims of Weistein's practices
and abuses? Do responsible people and officials in this
State of ours not realize and are they unable to foresee
that, if you charge someone a negligible amount of their
proceeds for heinous crimes they commit and for
unsavory practices, they end up considering the
penalties as insignificant side-expenditures and costs
for doing business as usual and are encouraged to
continue the same practices and write them off as part
of running business costs? Only when you damage the
financial standing and dig very very deeply into the
pockets of flushed individuals and corporations do
they stop, reconsider and, perhaps, are tempted to
change some of their practices and modi operandi.
But I guess, how could we possibly expect a system
that consists of their friends and associates, scattered
all over in various positions of power and in royal
houses and governing establishments, to inflict on
those individuals and on those ill-gotten interests
the pain and penalties they deserve and should get,
if our society is going to move forward in meaningful
and non-trivial ways?

One would hope that, despite "troubles that go back
centuries", a meaningless and dangerous statement
meant to whitewash current responsibilities and
absolve criminals en mass from current culpability,
their criminal acts and grave breaches of humanitarian
Law and the Customs of War, humans and their leaders
do not remain the same primitive brutes that they have
been centuries ago, despite substantial evidence that,
in Myanmar, behind a facade of progress and change,
and in spite of nice scarfs, high fashion clothes, haute
couture and pseudo-prestigious "medals" and "awards",
even the innocent and lovely looking "heroes" and
"pioneers" of "human rights", are supporters, abettors
and apologists of exterminators and genocidal monsters
and maniacs, backing the worst and most degenerate
instincts of humanity and the most heinous expression
of the worst aspects of human behavior.

There are no reasons not to believe that the Arabian
People are friendly and appreciate Americans, like
they do All Other People and All Other Nations on
Earth. But from the "kings" and "dictators" of the
Saud family, currently holding a stranglehold on the
Arabian Peninsula, those condolences and wishes are
not well received, because they are not offered in Good
Faith. This "house" consists of double dealing self -
interested maniacs, who have repeatedly shown their
true face, despite superficially proper and polite
statements to the contrary. The American People
have felt more than once the effects of this abominable
oligarchy and of its maniacal terrorizing butchers,
who think of themselves as "leaders" and behave
as if above the Law and routinely and nonchalantly
violate International Norms and Customs, and, as a
result, wish to avoid any more encounters until that
day comes when the People of Arabia get a true
Democratic and Representative Government and the
Ownership of the Destiny and of the Riches of that
Great Land and of that Great Nation revert to the
Arabian People, who are their Rightful Custodians
and their Rightful Owners.

The morph has now reneged on two of his most
important announcements; one being the
declaration of a National  Emergency over the
opioid crisis and the second the designation of
Mexican drug cartels as terrorist organizations.
Both cases show that, after shallow and hasty
announcements, the morph caves in to the
pressure of lobbyists and interest groups and
that the announcements are only for show and
they amount to nothing as far as actual will
and policies are concerned. In his egomania,
he may think that he is bluffing in the form
of negotiating, but he would be the first to
admit that bluffing makes one a fool when
bluffing earns you and the People you are
supposedly representing nothing in return
and the only winning parties are, at least
in those two cases, your adversaries, who
keep, via criminal and illegal means, stashing
hundreds upon hundreds of millions of dollars
and dolares, respectively, in safe havens and
under tiles, mattresses and in laundering
criminal financial institutions, respectively.

Those of us, Citizens of our United States, who wish
to stand firm against nepotism and corruption, would
be unable, with clear conscience, to vote for Joe Biden
unless and until he and his son explain in a transparent
and satisfactory way when, how and why he was hired,
seemingly without relevant experience and appropriate
background and at an exorbitant compensation, by
that Ukrainian company. If Joe was able to do that for
his son and he is running for office, alleging that his
son's hiring had nothing to do with undue influence,
nepotism and corruption, he should tell us, all U.S.
Citizens, how, without the relevant experience and
related background, we can go about getting comparable
jobs at comparable salaries to better our families'
situation and prospects, exactly like his family and
close ones were seemingly able to do for themselves
out of the blue. Any less is utterly unacceptable from
someone that claims to be fighting for People's Rights.

I heard factually correct and quite constructive words
from Geoffrey Pyatt during the American Hellenic
Institute forum in Athens. Even though the positions
expressed by the American Ambassador are encouraging,
there is a continued concern, based on the volatility of
American positions and American relationships with
other States, and, especially, the latest shenanigans
governing the personal instability and the perennially
reshaping and remorphing "interpersonal relationships"
and rapport of the morph with other leaders, that they
may eventually mean very little in practice, should a real
need and a request for active support - and not simply
nice words, which, however, can be offered cheaply,
easily and abundantly - arise on the part of Athens
towards its American Allies. We would hope that
Mr. Pyatt would be ready, on such an occasion, to
offer such support and to apply, in a timely fashion
and in Good Faith, his judgement and opinions, and
to exercise his influence to convert them into action.

What good does it do to tout "the biggest Democracy"
on Earth, when, after elections, India looks, more or
less, like a failed State, a State, where corruption and
incompetence are rampant, a State which is unable
to protect its Citizens, especially the most vulnerable,
and only interested in protecting, buttressing, promoting
and rewarding, through grafts and other allowances, its
politicians and its elites, and where there is almost no
Judicial Accountability, both because of the time it
takes to bring culprits to Justice and because of the
corruption, the reluctance in sentencing and other
shenanigans that make victims hopeless in seeking
official Justice? Some of these issues plague, of course,
many States on Earth, but, in India, we have been
observing a situation that has become extremely
brutal, untenable and has had effects beyond belief
and sustainability for any society in the modern World.
Too bad that the Dreams and Aspirations of a Young
and Vibrant State after the Second War have come
to null and that the political and social life of such
a, once, Promising State and such Proud People have
been devolving into complete degeneracy and chaos.

It is a pity. Ms. Harris was a very good candidate
and was running at the right moment, while also
being at the right age, neither too young to grasp
the enormity of the challenge nor too old to be
already too entrenched and too comfortable, with
too comfortable a past and not too great of a stake
in the future of our Nation. A pity...

Δεν μπορεί κανείς να εγγυηθεί ότι θα επιτελέσουν
το έργο του Προέδρου της Ελληνικής Δημοκρατίας
ως αρμόζει, αλλά τουλάχιστον χαίρουν μεγάλης
εκτίμησης και καθολικού σεβασμού της κοινής
γνώμης την παρούσα χρονική στιγμή και δεν είναι
κομματόσκυλα, στην κυριολεξία και μεταφορικά,
που κατά τη γνώμη μου δεν αρμόζει σε Πρόεδρο,
όπως Σαμαράς, Καραμανλής, Γεννηματά και
Βενιζέλος, και γι αυτό, έχουν προς το παρόν, εως
ότου ακουστούν, πιθανώς, και άλλα ονόματα, την
υποστήριξή μου. Ο λόγος για το Συνταγματολόγο
Νίκο Αλιβιζάτο και για τον πρώην Πρωθυπουργό
Λουκά Παπαδήμο, που, αξίζει να θυμηθούμε, έβαλε
πλάτη σε πολύ δύσκολες στιγμές, με συνέπεια και
μεγάλη ψυχραιμία, και είμαι σίγουρος ότι και ο
Κυριάκος το θυμάται και το εκτιμά δεόντως.

Όταν κανείς παρακολουθεί μερικά μαθήματα και,
μετά, ή αποτυγχάνει να πάρει τον τίτλο σπουδών
ή για άλλους λόγους διακόπτει την παρακολούθηση
του προγράμματος, τότε είναι απαράδεκτο να γράφει
στο βιογραφικό του ``σπούδασα στο τάδε πρόγραμμα",
διότι παρόλο που μπορεί να είναι κυριολεκτικά σωστό,
είναι προφανές ότι χρησιμοποιείται με δόλο και χρήζει
παρερμηνίας, ως και εγένετο στην περίπτωση του,
ελπίζω συντόμως πρώην, υφυπουργού εξωτερικών
Αντώνη Διαματάρη. Η σωστή αντιμετώπιση είναι να
γράψει κάποιος ότι στο "Columbia παρακολούθησα
και πέρασα επιτυχώς τα εξής μαθήματα .... του
προγράμματος .... ", χωρίς κανένα υπονοούμενο
ότι ο τίτλος σπουδών του προγράμματος απενεμήθη.

The impression one gets from the maps that Turkey is
publishing and show total ignorance or total disregard
for the Law of the Sea, or total arrogance surpassing
any acceptable limits in Foreign Policy and Diplomacy
are the direct products and byproducts of the outcome
of the Municipal Elections in Istanbul, the gradual,
but steady, erosion of the Sultan's entourage and his
abandonment by even some of his closest domestic friends
and allies, even traditional political cronies. A realization
that all these facts, coupled with a deep anxiety and
dissatisfaction percolating in Turkish society, having
to do with the Economy, the mercuriality and instability
in Foreign Relations, in particular those with the United
States, Russia and the European Union, and the steadily
increasing repression of Fundamental Freedoms, such
as the Freedom of Expression, and a general malaise
in Public Political Life under various pretexts - most
notably the Gülen Affair and ensuing persecutions -
have left the Turks wondering whether they have
the right man at the helm and have shown that the
the Sultan's clock is ticking and that he is living on
borrowed time. This realization has been leading him
further and further into extreme and unstable actions
and reactions, including those morose and unacceptable
plays with Stability and Good Neighborly Relations
and the accompanying games and shenanigans with
planning, fantasizing and strategizing unreasonable
imperial territorial ambitions and ridiculous maps.
I do not think that the Turks, especially those who are
educated and informed, are buying into these, nor do
I think that the Turks are eager or willing to sacrifice
Peace, Brotherhood and Warm Neighborly Relations
in the altar of domestic political maneuvers. Moreover,
the majority of the Turkish Population can discern
what are reasonable and what are totally extravagant
demands and caprices, not based on Rights ensuing
from International Law and Customs.

Βασίλη, νά'σαι καλά κι εσύ, που, μέσα στα φάλτσα,
την έλλειψη Ανθρωπισμού, τη μισαλλοδοξία, την
απανθρωπιά και την πατριδοκαπηλία, γράφεις για
τα πραγματικά προβλήματά μας
, τη διαφθορά, την
ανεργία, την έλλειψη Κράτους Δικαίου και, πολύ
σωστά, επισημαίνεις, ότι σε πολύπλοκα θέματα,
όπως η Πολυπολιτισμικότητα, είμαστε ακόμα πολύ
πίσω από πιο ανεπτυγμένους Εταίρους και δεν
δίνουμε όση βαρύτητα χρειάζεται στην Παιδεία
και την Εκπαίδευση. Παρά ταύτα, ας αναγνωρίσουμε,
ως οιωνό Ελπίδας με την προσεχή έλευση της Νέας
Δεκαετίας, ότι τα νέα παιδιά είναι πιο ανοιχτόμυαλα,
και η δικιά τους γεννιά ελπίζουμε και ευχόμαστε,
δε θα υποπέσει στο βούρκο της απανθρωπιάς και
της ασχήμιας που είδαμε στην Σπάρτη και αλλού.
Χρειάζεται, όμως, να είμαστε όλοι σε εγρήγορση
ώστε να αντιδρούμε σε τέτοια φαινόμενα και να
μην αφήνουμε το μίσος και την απονιά να κυριεύουν
τις καρδιές μας. Επίσης να αντιδρούμε σε πολιτικά
σκάνδαλα και προκλήσεις, όπως η φασιστοειδής
ονομασία του χαρτοφυλακίου του Μαργαρίτη στην
Επιτροπή. Μας λένε "υπεράσπιση του δικού μας
τρόπου ζωής",  αλλά δε μας εξηγούν αν εννοούν
``υπεράσπιση της διαφθοράς, της ανεργίας, του
άκρατου νεοφιλελευθερισμού και της έλλειψης
πρόνοιας και Κράτους Δικαίου", που, όπως
επισημαίνεις, είναι "δικά μας" χαρακτηριστικά,
ή αν εννοούν την ``άμυνα ενάντια στην εισβολή
των "διαφορετικών", που παλεύοντας για μια
καλύτερη ζωή και ένα καλύτερο αύριο για τα
παιδιά και τις οικογένειές τους, θα βρεθούν
αντιμέτωποι με το ρατσισμό, την ξενοφοβία,
τη γραφειοκρατία και τα άλλα προβλήματα του
δικού μας τρόπου ζωής". Επισήμως, λοιπόν, παρά
τις επίμονες δηλώσεις τους περί του αντιθέτου,
υποδαυλίζουν αυτή τη μισαλλοδοξία, και κατά
τη γνώμη μου, ο Μαργαρίτης έπρεπε να επιμείνει
να αλλάξει το όνομα ή να παραιτηθεί από αυτή
τη θέση, ώστε να γίνει αντιληπτή η πραγματική
διάσταση αυτού του προβλήματος, και να σειστεί
η καρέκλα της νέας αρχι-επιτρόπου, που, παρά τη
"δημοκρατικότητα" του "δικού μας τρόπου ζωής",
επιλέχθηκε και εμφυτεύτηκε νύχτα, πίσω από
κλειστές πόρτες, και από σκιώδη συμφέροντα,
σε μία πό τις πιο σημαντικές θέσεις στην Ένωση.

Λευτέρη, τα λες και τα ξαναλές και καλά κάνεις και δε
σταματάς να τα λες...
Βλέπω τα βίντεο απο τη Σπάρτη
και, ναι μεν είναι λίγοι εκείνοι που αντιδρούν με τρόπο
ενστικτώδη και ζωώδη, αλλά μου ραγίζει την καρδιά
η απανθρωπιά και η έλλειψη συμπόνιας, ζεστασιάς και
καλοσύνης. Φτάνουν ξεσπιτωμένες οικογένειες, γυναίκες
και μικρά παιδιά από χώρες με Ιστορία, Πολιτισμό και
Αξιοπρέπεια, που κανείς δε θα ήθελε να εγκαταλείψει
αν δεν δημιουργούνταν, εξαιτίας ανώμαλων δικτατόρων
και αρχηγίσκων και άλλων ενδογενών και εξωγενών
παραγόντων, καταστάσεις εκρηκτικές και μή βιώσιμες.
Και στη δικιά μας Χώρα, αυτή του Ανθρωπισμού, του
Πολιτισμού, της Παγκοσμιότητας, των Ταξιδευτών, των
Μεταναστών και των Προσφύγων, τους αντιμετωπίζουμε
σα σκουπίδια και σαν όντα ενός κατώτερου Θεού. Κρίμα,
Λευτέρη, μεγάλο κρίμα, και μέγιστη απανθρωπιά και
ασυνέπεια. Τί άλλο να πει κανείς....

Ο Λευτέρης Χαραλαμπόπουλος και ο Άρης Ραβανός
επανέρχονται στο θέμα της (αν)αξιοκρατίας και των
ρουσφετιών και ημετέρων, του δίνουν τη βαρύτητα
που απαιτείται, το τοποθετούν σωστά ως μείζον
πρόβλημα στο Ελληνικό πολιτικό, κοινωνικό και
οικονομικό γίγνεσθαι και προκαλούν και προσκαλούν
τον Πρωθυπουργό, εάν έχει τις ειλικρινείς προθέσεις
που διατυμπανίζει, να λάβει επιτέλους σταθερά, σκληρά
και αποτελεσματικά μέτρα ώστε να αλλάξουν τα κακώς
κείμενα, να εκσυγχρονιστούμε και να μπούμε σε μία
νέα περίοδο με μία νέα τάξη πραγμάτων.

Today, we are all indeed Albanians, because, when
natural disasters strike and the sorrow and pain
overwhelm a Nation, our Humanity, our Compassion
and our Solidarity and Sense of Responsibility does
transcend borders and does shatter ethnicities and
boundaries and, amidst the shadow of destruction
and pain, the Light of Hope and Brotherhood rises.

There is absolutely not the slightest doubt in my mind
that, if there is any group or groups in this World of
ours that do deserve this designation, the powerful
Mexican drug cartels are these. We have seen other
groups, such as ISIS, using violence and brutality at
an unprecedented scale in modern History and times
to gain political and economic advantages, but what
we have seen in Mexico, a well orchestrated, spotless
execution of a campaign of violence, intimidation,
bribery, corruption, brutality and barbarism at a
scale that affects the entire Nation and State from
geographical head to toe, has no comparison, even
with ISIS, and has been unparalleled in the History
of any Nation State on Earth, perhaps in the entire
History of Humanity. If the World had been, with
good reason, unwilling to allow and dead set
against tolerating the barbarism and brutality of
ISIS, it is, in my view, unjustifiable and a tragedy
that there has not been a wide military coalition of
States, with our United States, being one of the major
players affected, participating, under the auspices
of an impotent and incompetent Mexican State,
invited to go in and start a major, targeted and
relentless operation to seize assets, destroy the
property and the infrastructure and disrupt the
lives and shattering the comfort of the drug lords
and the cartels to the point of utter destruction
and annihilation. I am afraid that, when the situation
and conditions are so bad and the situation so out of
hand, the arguments for sovereignty and the various
justified Historical qualms should be set aside for
the sake of the Health, Sanity and Well-Being of
an entire Nation and the support of a failed State.

I received this very curious email today about a Class
Action Suit Settlement that customers'
lawyers negotiated with Zappos's lawyers and a judge,
apparently somewhere in Nevada:


Dear George Voutsadakis,

You should have received an email in mid-October about a proposed class action settlement, stating that because you were a customer of Zappos in January 2012, you are entitled to receive a 10% discount on your next Zappos purchase.  This discount was part of a settlement reached in the lawsuit filed because of the data breach that occurred in January 2012. 

We wanted to reach out again to remind you that you may use your discount code between now and the end of the year (December 31, 2019 at 11:59 pm pacific time to be exact).  Here are some highlights for using your discount code:

• You may combine it with other promotions, discounts or points that you have on your Zappos account. 

• You can use it on ANY item available on the Zappos app or website, including items that are on sale.

• Your discount code is good on your entire order, no matter how many items you have in your shopping cart.

• There is no limit to how much you can save on your purchase. 

• Or, if you prefer, you can simply transfer the code to someone else to use. 

If you have already used your discount code and you need to return or exchange the items you purchased with it, feel free to contact our Customer Loyalty Team at (877) 927-2332.  They will be happy to assist you and provide you with a new discount code for your return/exchange purchase. 

Once again, here is your one-time-use code: ****-******-******.

Once you've selected the items you want to purchase, select “Proceed to Checkout” and you’ll have a chance to enter your code. 

• For Desktop Users: Under “2. Payment Method,” you’ll see a dropdown for “Add gift card or a VIP code.” Simply enter the code there, click “Apply,” and continue checking out.

• For App Users: Select “Gift Codes” in the top right corner, enter your code, select save, and continue checking out.

For additional information regarding the settlement and your legal rights to object or opt out of this settlement, please visit, which is the only official settlement website.  Please be aware that the website www.zapposdatabreachsettlement .com is a counterfeit website that was ordered closed by the Court.  If you inadvertently visited the counterfeit website before it was closed, you may contact (310) 201-9150 for additional information. 
Thank you for your patience and understanding and, as always, we’re here to help. If you need help with placing an order, please don’t hesitate to reach out by contacting us at or (877) 927-2332.  If you need information about the settlement, please write to:  Zappos Settlement Administrator, P.O. Box 43434, Providence, RI  02940-3434, or telephone 1-855-263-1060. 

We appreciate you,

Your Friends at Zappos

My reaction was stupefaction and outrage at how
any Judge in this Nation of ours would approve
anything like this as "punishment" for reckless
and irresponsible behavior, by essentially rewarding
the company's mistakes by allowing it to exploit the
Court Case to present discounts to sell more products
and make more profits. I understand the "opt-out"
option but, in my view, that is not enough and it is
something that most people do not bother to do,
so it does not counterbalance the terrible effects
of the settlement and its consequences, which
must surely be completely to the opposite direction
than any such reasonable punitive damages should
have had. Here is the message I wrote in response:

Dear Sir,

I do not know in which planet you live and which
lawyers and which "judges" think of such settlements
as fair and just, or whether any of those Principles
have anything to do with Justice in our country any
more. But it seems and sounds outrageous by any
standards that, as "punishment" for the lax security
and the breaches that occurred against consumer
data, you get the advantage, by the blessings of
the State and the Courts, of using discounts to
further promote your business and make even
more money than before. Correct me if I am wrong,
but any company and any CEO and CFO would be
happy, under such circumstances, to allow breach
of data again and be able with another "class action
punishment" to promote his company and his
products further, instead of paying a hefty price
and instead of paying some fine to both the State
and consumers. If it was me, I would have made
it compulsory to hand out payments in cash to
customers who disagree with this to purchase
their shoes and apparel elsewhere. That would
be a fair first step.

Yours (but against your machinations) truly,
George Voutsadakis

Another man totally disconnected from the issues,
the problems and the everyday worries and struggles
of ordinary Americans, has decided to attempt to be
our leader in everything else other than the way we
manage to lead our lives and the way we would like
to deal with and interact with the rest of the World.
Too bad and too sad that those that think they are
in a position to "make a difference" are those who
have been exploiting, benefiting by, and ruthlessly
taking advantage of a crooked, rigged system that
serves their purposes, but have now (for the same
reasons mind you - power, fame and fortune) decided,
all of a sudden, to portray themselves as reformers to
climb to the one, only remaining, top that they have
not yet attained through their wheeling and dealing
and their machinations. Sad and pathetic!

They hail this company as a "big innovator", but what
I see are ill-conceived designs in really, really bad taste,
that seem more like useless toys for spoiled kids who
want to impress others, not extraordinary machines that
you would want to buy because of their power, functionality
and durability. As far as design, acknowledging of course
the fact that taste and finesse are, to a certain extent,
subjective, I would take any of the designs from Torino -
Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Maseratis - any day before this
kitsch and ugliness. I am wondering what is the Mago
Giugiaro's opinion and sense about this lack of intuition,
inspiration and finesse that is offered as "revolutionary
design" today. As far as power, durability and functionality,
reasonable drivers - with the right amounts of money -
have choices, like BMWs, Mercedes's, Bentleys, Volvos,
Jaguars, etc., that not only are universally acknowledged
as jewels of auto engineering, but look much much more
appealing and attractive than these absurd designs as well.
Sorry, but I have a very hard time seeing why this
company is celebrated so much, but, maybe, it is, like
many others, because it is new and because its boss
has convinced others, of a similar pocket might, that
it is cool and the "in", trendy, thing, or, perhaps, the
"must" thing, in some circles where you are taken more
seriously, despite your shortcomings, when you flash your
wealth and your eccentricity, to do to drive one of these
things instead of conventional real beauties (in the earnest
sense of the word, not as used by the morph).

The choice made for the President of the Commission
has not been a good one. I urge all Members of the
European Parliament to reopen a search for a new
President of the Commission in a Democratic and
Transparent way that will do Justice to the Principles
of the Treaty of Lisbon and the Fundamental Values
of the European Union and not select clandestinely,
behind closed doors, and, then, simply rubber stamp
a person that has very limited support and confidence
among European Voters and the Public. Do your job
Do not just pay lip service to, and defecate on, those
Values and those Principles.

Now every corrupt politician, who thinks is above and
beyond the Law and entitled to absolute immunity, even
for personal crimes, is singing the same tune when he
is finally investigated and indicted for his actions.
They all want us to believe that all investigations are
politically motivated, that their State is "subjected
to a coup" and that they are suffering "political
persecution". We are sick and tired of politicians
not behaving like all other Citizens, ready to fight
charges in a Court of Law or, if that is helpless,
admit to their mistakes, rotten behavior and criminal
activities and take a plea bargain with prosecutors.
And, of course, in the latter case, resign public office
instead of further upsetting the political doings of
Democracies that, because of them, their ineptitude,
their incompetence, their greed, their avarice and
their corruption, have been veering toward such
dysfunctionality and mayhem that they have been
constantly inviting the formation of dangerous and
unwelcome elements in their mist, dressed up as
"clean-hands" and "reformers".

Business education and business savvy über alles.
Associating with criminal thugs, pederasts and
traffickers, partying together and taking advantage
of the "goods" provided comes next, if at all, and the
conscience remains forever clear... and the "facts"
remain always distorted, always "alternative facts".

Many disheartening news this morning around
the Globe. From the dubious outcome in the Sri
Lanka elections, to the terrible domestic political
decisions in Iran, which, instead of choosing a
path of cooperation and the development of ties
with the International Community, has shown
more and more of a tendency to isolate itself
again, withdraw further and do its own thing,
a policy that is clearly not working for either
the State or its Citizens, to the, unfortunate
but not surprising in any way, revelations that
the British Army has chosen to conceal and/or
whitewash criminal behavior and abuse of
Civilians, serious breaches of Humanitarian
Law, to avoid the consequences and the bad
publicity and the investigations that should
always be carried out, regardless of whether
the crimes are perpetrated by winners or by
losers, but, alas, all too often are only pursued
for the atrocities attributed to losers and almost
never to those of the winners (how else would
George W. be free to roam his ranch, when
there has been unequivocal and clear evidence
of Grave Breaches of the Charter under his watch,
by the persistent pursuance, including despicable
fabrication of evidence and manipulation of
facts and truth, the planning, the initiation
and execution of a War of Aggression under
his command?). And, finally, to the chaotic
and unchecked violence in Hong Kong, which
started out as a Righteous Protest, but has now
turned into a vigorous attempt at overthrowing
the Regime, a fact the may be reasonable from
the point of view of the People of Hong Kong,
but is unattainable and unrealistic unless a
mass Democratic Movement takes foothold
over the entire Mainland, in many of its big
Cities, and time comes for the biggest, most
corrupt and most oppressive oligarchy on the
Planet to give its place to a different Regime.

Ο Ευκλείδης τα είπε καλά, αλλά ο Κυριάκος και
η Κυβέρνηση αρνούνται να καταλάβουν την απλή
λογική ή, μάλλον, επιμένουν σε όνειρα θερινής
νυκτός. Ακούμε συνέχεια ο τάδε φόρος θα μειωθεί,
ο δείνα φόρος θα εξαλειφθεί, η τάδε έκτακτη
παροχή θα δοθεί, και μακάρι να μπορούσαν τα
πράγματα να είναι έτσι χωρίς συνέπειες. Αλλά
η αλήθεια, δυστυχώς, είναι ότι παροχές και
φοροελαφρύνσεις στην Ελλάδα θα μπορούσε
κανείς να δώσει μόνο αφότου υλοποιηθούν
συγκεκριμένοι οικονομικοί στόχοι και όχι με
βάση την απατηλή ελπίδα ότι επιπρόσθετα
προβλεπόμενα έσοδα θα υπερκαλύψουν τα
ελλείμματα που θα προκύψουν. Κυριάκο, μην
χρησιμοποιείς αποτυχημένες μεθόδους του
παρελθόντος για λαϊκισμό και ψηφοθηρισμό.
Πες την αλήθεια στον κόσμο ότι είμαστε μακριά,
δυστυχώς, ακόμα από το σημείο όπου θα υπάρχει
η δυνατότητα, χωρίς άμεσους κινδύνους, να
δοθούν παροχές και φοροελαφρύνσεις και
συνέχισε τη σταθερή και αυστηρή πολιτική
του Γεωμέτρη στα οικονομικά. Εκείνου η
λογική και ο ρεαλισμός έχουν φέρει την αλλαγή
και την αισιοδοξία ότι η Ελλάδα έχει περάσει
τα χειρότερα και βρίσκεται σε τροχιά ανάπτυξης.

We all like Geoffrey Pyatt, but, with all due respect,
the negative vote for starting negotiations with Albania
and North Macedonia would have been a "Historical
mistake" only if the message had been sent that the
future of these Nations lies outside the boundaries
of the European Union, which is not the case at all.
The message, instead, was to the effect that, both
inside the Union and in these Nations, there are
still important and necessary reforms to be carried
out to prepare better the road of their integration
and incorporation into the Union. So it has to be
perceived as a positive message, coupled with
a cautious approach, but also with encouragement
and affirmation that the Future of both States lies
inside and not outside the Union. All sides must
continue on the path of reforms that would bring
them closer sooner rather than later and All States
have to play their part, the bigger ones, France
and Germany among them, more so than the less
powerful and smaller States.

The German crypto-Nazist is playing with our patience,
our intelligence and our sensitivities, and I hope that the
European Parliament won't get duped and let this pass.
Changing an insignificant word, but retaining the gist
of the despicable name, with its clear and hateful tone
and implications, should not give the new commissioner-
to-be a free pass. Call Mr. Schinas Portfolio exactly what
you claimed your intention it was to be: "On the Faithful
Application of the Tenets of and Advancement of the
Principles of the Treaty of Lisbon."

ΜΠΡΑΒΟ, ΛΕΥΤΕΡΗ! Δικαίωμα στην Ελεύθερη Έκφραση
ΝΑΙ! Δικαίωμα στο Συλλαλητήριο, στην Συνέλευση, στην
Πορεία, στη Διαμαρτυρία ΝΑΙ! Δικαίωμα στη Συμμετοχή
και στην Άμεση Δημοκρατία ΝΑΙ! Δικάιωμα, όμως, στην
παρεμπόδιση, την καταστροφή, τη βία και το χάος ΟΧΙ!
Γιατί σε μία καλώς λειτουργούσα Δημοκρατία, που σέβεται
τα ανωτέρω Δικαιώματα, και όπου η ψήφος μετράει ισάξια
και τίμια και οι Κυβερνήσεις αλλάζουν κατά τη βούληση
των Πολιτών, οι Πολίτες έχουν υποχρεώσεις στις οποίες
περιλαμβάνονται και οι ανωτέρω και απο τον εκατέρωθεν
σεβασμό και την ομοψυχία στα βασικά εξαρτάται και η
ομαλότητα και η αποφυγή καταστάσεων και η αποφυγή
ανελίξεων μορφωμάτων που στην Ελλάδα ουτε ένας πολίτης
(ούτε αυτοί που διατείνονται περί του αντιθέτου, αν το είχαν
σκεφτεί καλά και είχαν αναλύσει προσεχτικά τις συνέπειες)
δε θα ήθελε να ξαναδεί, να ξαναζήσει ή να κληροδοτήσει
στα παιδιά και στα εγγόνια του.

Αχαϊρευτος από τότε που ήταν στα Ηνωμένα Έθνη μέχρι
και τώρα. Δυστυχώς, στέλνουμε τους χείριστους στους
πιο Ευγενείς Οργανισμούς της Οικουμένης και είναι
ντροπή για μία χώρα με τόσο μεγάλες ικανότητες και
τόσο πολύ μορφωμένους και ταλαντούχους διπλωμάτες.

He made one crucial mistake, but, unfortunately, it is
one mistake that one too many of the leaders of the
Developing Nations, even those that start out by
wanting honestly and sincerely to contribute to the
betterment of their States and their People, make
too often, with tragic and disastrous consequences,
for there to be any excuse or any justification for.
And that is becoming so cozy and intertwined with
the comforts of power and privilege that they undo
methodically and break term limits and glue their
behinds too firmly and intimately on those chairs
and think, erroneously, that neither gods nor people
could ever manage to remove them and change to
something different. ONCE MORE: IF YOU WANT
I hope many Leaders,
leaders, "leaders" and generalissimos around
the Globe are reading and understanding this
vital need, urgent plea and sine qua non aspect
of Good Governance and Political Development.

Αραγε, ξυπνησε ο Κυριακος και κλωτσησε στον υπνο
του τον Υπουργο Δικαιοσυνης, βριζοντας και ολιγον τα
θεια, και καταλαβε οτι κατι επρεπε να γινει περι αυτου;

President Xi met with the Leader of the Opposition,
who, during his time, solidified the visionary, strategic
partnership between the two States, and, also, and equally
importantly and significantly, visited the Museum of
the Acropolis, where, unequivocally, he lent China's
strong support in the Righteous Demand for the Return
of the marbles stolen by "lord" Elgin, their Reunification
with their indivisible co-entities and their Permanent
Exhibit in the marvelous Museum, under the Acropolis,
in their natural habitat and surroundings.

Αχ, καλέ! Τι λες, μωρή; Έκλασε η φοράδα στ' αλώνι;
Πες μας ποιός σ' το είπε να τον κάνουμε νταντά. Μα
δεν είναι σοβαρή αυτή η κυράτσα.

The Chinese President Xi Jinping is visiting Athens
and has signed multiple Agreements of Cooperation
and Coordination between the two States, reaffirming
their Commitment to International Peace, Security
and Fraternity, their unwavering Respect and strong
Support for the Principles and the Purposes of the
Charter of the United Nations and reasserting their
Determination to work towards strengthening the
Framework of the United Nations, with Full Respect
for International Law, including the Principles of
Territorial Integrity, Equality and Sovereignty of
All States and the Law of the Sea.
I strongly support and applaud these commitments and
welcome those initiatives within Global Cooperation.

Κυριάκο, τί πα**ριές είναι αυτές; Και κάθεσαι και τις
ανέχεσαι; Σε νομίζαμε για πιο μοντέρνο και πιο σοβαρό
πολιτικό, που θα έβαζε φρένο στις παραδοσιακές λέρες,
πα**ριές και αφερεγγυότητες της δεξιάς και σε αρχαίες
νοοτροπίες, αλλά κούνια που σε κούναγε... ΑΙΣΧΟΣ.

Bolivians, focus on the new elections and in supporting
the Party or the side that you believe in and stop violence
and destruction. It is not worth harming your State and
its Citizens and it is not worth giving pretext to all those
dark forces who are lurking in the shadows in all States,
ready and eager to exploit uprisings and irregularities
to seize power and install shady, undemocratic regimes,
which, often, serve foreign interests and/or the few at the
top, and oppress the People and suppress dissent.

Very positive development in the Balkans. The
President of Serbia and the Prime Ministers of
Albania and North Macedonia agreed to operate,
or, shall we better say, to cooperate, in a context
of free movement of Citizens of these States in
the territories of other States, with minimal border
checks, and in an environment that simplifies and
facilitates mutual commerce and, more generally,
encourages social and financial ties between the
three States. Very good news indeed!
BRAVO, Mr. Vučić, Mr. Rama and Mr. Zaev!!

The "professor" has crossed the line from the edge
of an unstable maniacal equilibrium to the abyss
of criminality and murderous rage. That is exactly
the fear we have about the morph. He has, clearly,
the characteristics of mental looseness and of
emotional instability and has lived most of his life
on the edge of an unstable, perilous equilibrium.
It does not take much to cross that line, and the
danger in a public figure is that he may cause
harm to his State and its Citizens, and the danger
in a man that claims absolute immunity and has,
obviously, a large fortune and is so well-connected,
is that he will never be held accountable for any
criminal acts and behavior, regardless of whether
those are performed in the course of duty or are
completely irrelevant and have to do with this
personal volatility and instability running amok.

Και πάλι ο Λευτέρης Χαραλαμπόπουλος ανέλαβε να μας
τα πει χύμα
και να ξεκαθαρίσει τις καταστάσεις. Παρά
ταύτα έμεινα άναυδος και σοκαρισμένος από το πως
μπορεί κάποιος με προσφορά, έστω και σ' ένα σπορ
που στην Ελλάδα, δυστυχώς, δε φημίζεται γαι την ηθική
και την πολιτισμική του συμβολή, να αναπαράγει τέτοιου
είδους στερεότυπα και αισχρότητες, που σε καμία μα
καμία περίπτωση δεν αντικατοπτρίζουν την αλήθεια
για τις συνήθειες και την προσωπικότητα της συντριπτικής
πλειοψηφίας των προσφύγων και των μεταναστών. Αλλά
ακόμα και να υποθέσουμε ότι ήταν αληθή, θα έπρεπε σε μία
πολιτισμένη χώρα με το δικό της πόνο, τη δική της
προσφυγιά και το δικό της κύμα μεταναστών, να είχαμε
βρει τον τρόπο και την πολιτική να προσεγγίσουμε και
να διαμορφώσουμε προσωπικότητες ώστε να τιμούν τον
πολιτισμό και την κοινωνία μας και να συμβάλλουν σ' αυτήν
θετικά (μετά την πάροδο κάποιου χρόνου) κάνοντας και τις
χώρες προέλευσής τους και τους Έλληνες περήφανους και
συμβάλλοντας στην ομόνοια και την αδελφοσύνη όλων
των λαών της γής. ΜΠΡΑΒΟ, ΛΕΥΤΕΡΗ!!

Not even worth the saliva or ink it takes to comment on it.
That's how demented, hallucinatory and pitiful this totally
uneducated, and lacking Historical sensibility and sensitivity,
family is, all members included, except, perhaps, the small one.

Φασιστο-σκατο-καθάρματα. Βλέπεις τις γουρουνόφατσές
τους και εύχεσαι να μην είχαν ποτέ γεννηθεί ή τουλάχιστον
να μην είχαν ποτέ γεννηθεί "έλληνες" και το μολυσμένο
σπέρμα που τους παρήγαγε να είχε αποβιώσει πριν την
"γονιμοποίηση" του σάπιου αυγού.

The senile absurdity still cain't remember and cain't recall,
but just salivates again for public office and earning easy
income on the backs of ridiculed and stupefied taxpayers.

Ξενέρωμα το νομοσχέδιο. Είχαμε μοναδική ευκαιρία
εν μέσω συνολικής και καλής θέλησης, και θα ήταν
εφικτό με κάποιες πρόσθετες παραχωρήσεις, να κάνουμε
και στη Ελλάδα κάτι απλούστερο και πιο προοδευτικό,
ίσως και αξιοζήλευτο, και από άλλες πιο προχωρημένες
χώρες, αλλά τελικά πάλι κάτι σαν τα μούτρα τους, και
με τη μισή καρδιά και το μισό ενθουσιασμό τους, και
με όχι τόσο καλή θέληση, μορφο-εκτρώθηκε. Ντροπή.

It looks increasingly more and more likely that Boeing
did not learn, and has definitely not done enough to
absorb and to digest, the lessons learned from the
infamous, scandalous and provocative fiasco, and the
ensuing thunderous downfall and disintegration, of
Theranos. Public life, public health and public safety
are in no way to be compromised in the altar of profit
and of the corporate bottom line and of personal fame,
egoism, enrichment, greed and compensation packages
and executive bonuses. I think that the company should
change rote and take issues seriously, or else, it will not
be able to remain in the market and compete for much
longer, because it will have to dissolve and spend all its
assets and capital in lawyers, funerals and compensations.

I remember how lean, fast and impressive the chrome
browser used to be when it first appeared. Now, as many
other products that are inflated with bells and whistles
that nobody needs and few people care about, it has
become a piece of s**t that runs slow and hangs often,
even on an i7. Not to mention that it starts a zillion
parallel processes when it used to be that you would
see less than a handful. The only problem is that other
browsers that claim to be lean have issues and that is
one of the few factors that has saved the day for this
unacceptable product.

Despite serious reservations that I still maintain about
the age of the candidates, and my strong wish and will
to see educated, gifted and visionary younger people
getting involved at the highest echelons in our political
process, I am almost ready to support a Sanders-Warren
Liberal Visionary Coalition for 2020, subject to their
finding a way to cooperate. I consider it inappropriate
and questionable to have candidates with similar
positions and ideologies competing, rather that forming
strong alliances and coordinating plans and campaigns.
I also believe that it is the Right Time in History to have
all those super affluent Citizens like George Soros and
Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, who either have vocally
supported raising taxes on the super wealthy or have
been doing, through foundations, significant charitable
work both domestically and overseas, to come together
and strongly advocate for increasing taxes to provide
free health care for All Americans. If they had been
willing to pay more for other purposes and if they
had been willing to help with poverty and disease
in other lands, it only makes sense now to loudly and
unhesitatingly back the bold and visionary plan of
progressive candidates who, so justifiably, think, that,
if we can help and provide assistance through such
extravagant wealth and fortunes, to people in other
lands, we should be eager and ready, a fortiori, to offer
our services and resources for the well being of our
own fellow Citizens. DO THE RIGHT THING NOW

With all my Californian friends, who are fighting again
a difficult fight against devastating natural and man
made disasters, I am happy to declassify the pictures
of these selfless fighters who, through their gluttony
and voracious appetites and their courageous acts,
helped preserve several exhibits from the Ronald Reagan
Presidential Library. Names not fully declassified yet.

Ορθά και τεκμηριωμένα, πάλι, μίλησε και έγραψε
ο Βενιζέλος για τα περί ψήφου. Όλοι οι Έλληνες
Aπόδημοι πρέπει να ψηφίζουν και η ψήφος τους
να λαμβάνεται υπόψιν και να προσμετράται ακριβώς
με τον ίδιο τρόπο που θα ψήφιζαν και που η ψήφος
τους θα επροσμετράτο, εάν ψήφιζαν εντός της
επικράτειας. Όλες οι άλλες ρυθμίσεις και όλοι
οι άλλοι περιορισμοί μπορούν να τεθούν ως
νομοθετικοί περιορισμοί όταν κάποιος ιθαγενής,
αλλά μη Έλληνας Πολίτης, ενδιαφέρεται να
αποκτήσει την Υπηκοότητα. Αφότου την
αποκτήσει, τα Εκλογικά Δικαιώματα εντός
και εκτός θα πρέπει να είναι πανομοιότυπα,
χωρίς διακρίσεις και διαφοροποιήσεις.

Yannis Spanos is with us no more...

I am sorry to pose this question amid so much carnage,
tragedy and heart-ache, but is it so difficult for States
like Pakistan to take simple measures to modernize
the habits and the mentality of their Citizens? Why
can they not, in States such as Pakistan, regulate and
strictly enforce such a simple safety and security
measure, as, e.g., not being allowed to carry and use
within the confines of train carriages gas cylinders
and gas cylinder operated cooking appliances, like
I presume is the Law of the Land in all Civilized
Nations? Why are States, such as Pakistan, not taking
very easy measures such as this, to ensure that they do
not remain in the dark ages, many decades behind
modernity and its safety customs and so substandard
that even being Third World today seems a luxury?

You mean like talking about privilege, poverty and
income inequality in America and campaigning
for "hope" and "change" and then turning around
and buying five super-expensive houses, one in every
major city, and twenty thousand dollar boots. Sorry,
these are not flaws and imperfections. These are actions
that are ridiculing your political ideals and eroding your
ideology. By engaging deliberately in such actions, that
it is very easy with a little more thinking to avoid, you
forego part of your ethical standing and you diminish,
de facto, the power of your convictions.
Various personality flaws and various political
circumstances are, indeed, messy and with
ambiguities. But not simple decisions like these, and
those should be "waken" (or whatever it is you call
it) and vehemently exposed and opposed.
If you had not campaigned on the stances you took,
then, perhaps, you would not have been accused as
a hypocrite and as a misleading figure with any
justification. I am sorry to witness a steady and
constant decline from the Barack of the youth,
of the idealism and the community activism, in
whom we all had placed so much hope and faith,
to the Barack of today, who does not like the
youngsters pointing out the things that bother
and embarrass them, as he did so aptly in his
campaigns, and as many of his Democratic Party
left wing successors are doing right now in the
campaign trail all around the country. The trouble
is not "waking"; the trouble is getting too comfortable
and forgetting about and getting discomforted about
idealism and "waking".

Κατά τη γνώμη μου, τα κορίτσια στη Νέα Φιλαδέλφεια
διάλεξαν λάθος τόπο και, ίσως, λάθος χρόνο για να
εκδηλώσουν τα, κατά τα άλλα σεβαστά και ορθολογικά,
συναισθήματα και απόψεις τους. Ένας από τους λόγους
είναι ότι, αντικειμενικά, το κοινό δεν ήταν ενημερωμένο
και έτσι δε μπορούσε να ταυτιστεί ή να αντιδράσει με
τη δράση τους και την παράστασή τους και, έτσι,
προκλήθηκε σύγχυση και πολλοί νόμιζαν ότι πρόκειτο
για έλλειψη σεβασμού και ανούσια κίνηση. Παρά ταύτα,
δεν είναι και το μείζον πρόβλημα για να συνεχίσουμε να
το αναλύουμε και να το συζητάμε, ούτε και προκάλεσε
πανικό και αναταραχή ώστε να ψάχνουμε για ενόχους
και να παραφουσκώνουμε κάτι σχετικά αμελητέο.
Ας το ξεχάσουμε λοιπόν, κρατώντας μόνο το θετικό,
ότι υπάρχουν ανεξάρτητα σκεπτόμενοι άνθρωποι στην
ηλικία τους που είναι έτοιμοι για δράση και συμμετοχή
με σκοπό να αλλάξουν πολλά από τα κακώς κείμενα.

I do not have a dog. But I am declassifying its non-existence and
declassifying the info that (s)he has not helped me with anything.
I am not willing, however, to declassify his/her name. Sorry.

Good Riddance! Hasta la Vista! It was long overdue!!

It is a terrible mistake and a terrible miscalculation
on the part of Zaev and the North Macedonian State
to threaten, directly or indirectly, the European Union
through explicit or implied statements that his State
may renege on (some of its) obligations ensuing by
the Prespes Agreement. If voluntary disregard of
obligations under the Treaty occur, then Mr. Zaev
may assume, almost with certainty, that the next
time around, not only one, two or three, but many
more States of the Union will raise objections, have
qualms and be hesitant about casting a definite
affirmative vote for giving the green light to his
State for starting accession negotiations. The North
Macedonian State must embark on necessary reforms
and measures, not only and not mainly because of its
obligations due to an accession agreement, but because
it is necessary to become a Well-Governed Modern
State and to update its political, social and economic
structures mainly for the sake of its own development
and of its own bilateral and multilateral ties with its
neighbors and with all other States.

Με μεγάλη λύπη και βάρος στην καρδιά διάβασα το
καταιγιστικό, αλλά και γεμάτο ερωτηματικά και
απορίες, αλλά και συμπόνια και ανθρωπισμό, άρθρο
του Βασίλη Κανέλλη στο in,gr
. Έχει, φυσικά δίκιο
και θέτει μεγάλα ερωτήματα, για τα οποία δυστυχώς
δεν υπάρχουν έτοιμες απαντήσεις, αλλά για τα οποία
μας παροτρύνει να αναρωτηθούμε και να σκεφτούμε
και να προβληματιστούμε. ώστε να αποφύγουμε, ει
δυνατόν, ή τουλάχιστον να αντιμετωπίσουμε ταχύτερα,
με πολύ μεγαλύτερη ευαισθησία και με μεγαλύτερη
προσοχή, παρόμοιες καταστάσεις και παρόμοια
περιστατικά στο μέλλον. Δεν αρμόζει σε πολιτισμένες
κοινωνίες να κοιτάζουν απαθείς και να μένουν άπραγες
μπροστά στην εκμετάλλευση και τη χειρίστου βαθμού
κακοποίηση των πιο αδύναμων μελών τους, των
οποίων η προστασία είναι μέλημα και υποχρέωση όλων,
από τους πιο ισχυρούς και τους πιο "σεβάσμιους".

One spasmodic move after another. Lamentable, totally
haphazard and incoherent foreign policy
, that would
be unfit even for a Nation with a small and inexperienced
corps of diplomats and advisors, let alone a behemoth,
with huge diplomatic experience and a horde of well
educated, experienced and skillful diplomats. Sad and
unbecoming for our Nation that aspires to be leading
the Free and Democratic World.

Είναι απαραίτητο και Συνταγματικά Κατοχυρωμένο η
ψήφος όλων να έιναι ισότιμη. Οι Πολίτες Εξωτερικού
να είναι εγγεγραμμένοι σε καταλόγους Περιφερειών και
να ψηφίζουν, και η ψήφος τους να προσμετράται, ακριβώς
όπως και η ψήφος εταίρων Πολιτών της ίδιας Περιφέρειας
που ψηφίζουν εντός Ελλάδας. Δε νοείται να κατοχυρώσουμε
δικαίωμα ψήφου και να χωρίσουμε τους Πολίτες σε δύο
κατηγορίες με ψήφους να έχουν άλλη εφαρμοστικότητα
ή άλλη βαρύτητα ανάλογα με την κατηγορία. Αυτό, αν
γίνει, που το απεύχομαι, ελπίζω να κριθεί ξεκάθαρα και
άμεσα αντισυνταγματικό από το Συμβούλιο Επικρατείας.

Συγγνώμη, αλλά δε θα έπρεπε με βάση και Ελληνικούς
και Ευρωπαϊκούς Κανόνες Ποδοσφαίρου να υπάρχει
ασυμβίβαστο μεταξύ ενός δικηγόρου ιδιοκτήτη μίας
ΠΑΕ που συμμετέχει σε ένα επαγγελματικό πρωτάθλημα
και της πρόσληψής του ως δικηγόρου υπεράσπισης
ενός ποδοσφαιριστή της ίδιας ή όποιας άλλης ΠΑΕ
που συμμετέχει στο ίδιο πρωτάθλημα έναντι της
κατηγορίας για δωροδοκία και παράβαση καθήκοντος?
Πώς είναι δυνατόν να συζητάμε στην Ελλάδα για
¨κάθαρση" και για ευ αγωνίζεσθαι, όταν δεν εφαρμόζυμε
ελάχιστους και στοιχειώδεις κανόνες αποφυγής και
απαγόρευσης διαπλοκών αισχίστου βαθμού;

I stand with Australia's Press. Each time a government
imposes new restrictive measures on the Freedom of
Information and the Freedom of Reporting, under the
pretext of national security, it is not to enhance national
security, but to boost the opportunities of powerful,
rich and well-connected oligarchs, like the political,
military and industrial elites, to act like unchecked
autocrats and gangsters and engage in unchecked
plundering and corruption, and the People should
not stand idle and buy meaningless and unverifiable
excuses and fictitious reasons for new restrictions, but
should demand, instead, openness and transparency
or else vote or push those responsible out of office.

Στην Ελλάδα πολλές φορές απεργούμε "εύκολα" και
κάποιες φορές που η ασφάλεια και η επιτέλεση του
καθήκοντος το επιβάλλουν δεν το κάνουμε. Διαβάζω
για τη δειλή και άνανδρη επίθεση εις βάρος μίας
δασκάλας στα Χανιά από έναν αγροίκο, θρασύδειλο
και βίαιο γονέα, με βεβαρυμένο δικαστικό παρελθόν,
ο οποίος εξακολουθητικά καταπατά δικαστικές
αποφάσεις χωρίς έννομες συνέπειες. Τα σχολεία
στα Χανιά προχώρησαν σε στάση εργασίας ως
ένδειξη συμπαράστασης στην αθώα, άτυχη και
τραυματισμένη δασκάλα. Δεν θα έπρεπε να έχουμε
μία πανελλήνια στάση εργασίας ως διαμαρτυρία
για την κακομεταχείρηση και τη βία στις κοινωνίες
μας, αλλά και για την έλλειψη ευαισθησίας από
πλευράς αστυνομίας και κράτους, που θέτει σε
κίνδυνο την ασφάλεια και τη ζωή μαθητών και

London got flooded today!! Fraternity, Unity and a deep
sense of a Common History and of a Common Destiny are
Alive and Well and Powerful, Moving and Overwhelming
Motivations in our U.K., as they are everywhere in the
. Something extremely Valuable and Extremely
Powerful was handed down to us by Visionary and Daring
Politicians after the losses and devastation of war, and we
must think twice and resist attempts to damage or demolish
it. Listen and absorb History's Lessons! BRAVO, U.K.!!

In my view, there is little to worry about in the E.U. decision
to decline starting negotiations for the Accession of North
Macedonia and of Albania in the European Union. Most
States in the Union and the majority of Citizens remain
committed in admitting both States in the Union in the
future and, if not today, they will get the green light for
embarking on the difficult process soon. BUT THERE
. On the Union side, President Macron's
thoughts are to the point and all States of the Union
MUST take advantage of this temporary hurdle and
deliberate and plan, with France's Leadership, urgently
needed reforms with regards to the accession process.
Macron did not hesitate out of spite, but because he has
good reasons to do so, and the Partners should listen to
what he has to say, should respond, and should act and
correct deficiencies, inefficiencies and shortcomings.
On the aspiring States side (Albania and North Macedonia),
there has to be a realization that reforms are not only,
not even mainly, for the Union and for cosmetic reasons,
but the required modernization, Good Governance,
development and getting rid of nepotism and corruption
is to their benefit, both as States and as Societies, and
that they should strive to attain reform as fast as possible,
regardless of external factors and other players' decisions.
This will not only make them modern and vibrant States,
but, once the green light from the Union is given, having
already done substantial work in multiple sectors and
having aligned their States to EU standards, would help
make the admission and joining process more streamlined,
expedited and less testy and cumbersome. FOR THESE

There is something awfully askew in academia these
days. We have news from Cambridge that a professor,
with a record of repeated sexual misconduct and of
repeated unwelcome insinuations and insistent sexual
teasing and innuendos, who was thought to have been
dismissed, had not really been dismissed and now has
been reinstated in his duties (he is a don alright, but
not an academic don). We also hear news from our
dairy land's Capital that a black staff has been also
dismissed, not for using the n-word to attack or to
belittle or to humiliate anyone, but because he used
the n-word to insist that a student at the school not
use the n-word to attack him and other people of color.
In academia, we have rules. But it seems that the ones
that are applicable and should not be bent, we bypass
at will, and the ones that are not applicable and should
be reexamined, based on the particulars of a specific
case, we insist in applying like imbecilic stubborn mules.
People in charge, from Cambridge to Madison, I am
afraid, should be assigned an F- for their distortion of
reality, for the purposeful erroneous interpretation of
rules and regulations, and for their bias in the application
of rules, which are supposedly there to protect the innocent
and to reward the virtuous, but are handled instead in
a way that resubjects the innocent to new harassment
and chastises those that are fighting for Dignity, Equality,
better days and a brighter future for All. Disappointing,
utterly disappointing and com[pletely unjustifiable.

Μπράβο στα κόμματα για τη συνεννόηση.
Με το συγκερασμό απόψεων και την ανοιχτή
και εποικοδομητική διαβούλευση, φαίνεται
ότι καταλήγουμε σε ένα καλό συμβιβασμό,
που όχι μόνο λύνει ένα χρονίζον - χωρίς λόγο -
πρόβλημα, αλλά έχει και την υποστήριξη
ενός ευρέως πολιτικού φάσματος και, ελπίζω,
και της συντριπτικής πλειοψηφίας των
Ελλήνων Πολιτών και Πολιτικών.
Μπράβο στον Κυριάκο και σε όλους τους
Πολιτικούς Αρχηγούς, που πήραν το κάλεσμά
του στα σοβαρά και αντιμετώπισαν το θέμα
με την απαραίτητη λεπτότητα και ευαισθησία.

Η Διαμαντοπούλου διαψεύδει ότι υπάρχει συζήτηση περί
αυτής για την Προεδρία της Δημοκρατίας. Αλλά στην
Ελλάδα, όταν κάτι διαψεύδεται, και δη κατηγορηματικά,
σχεδόν πάντα βγαίνει άσπρος καπνός και ντουμανιάζει το

We lose so many innocent people, especially African-American
brothers and sisters, because our "police" forces hire so many
retards, psychopaths, incompetent bigots and racist maniacs
to embellish further their already glorious and shiny reputation.
With our Nation in short supply of mental care facilities, it seems
that the police departments have become asylums for the mentally
deranged, the unstable and the schizophrenic, who, on multiple
occasions, have proven they are completely incapable of empathy
and, moreover, unable or incompetent to understand policy or
put into action basic skills of (existing?) training.

They want to portray serious, deliberate and determined
personas. But they are ridiculous pariahs and charlatans
who support an incoherent, disconnected and haphazard
foreign (non)policy and a mentally and emotionally unstable
and volatile twitter-in-chief, who does not remember today
what he did or said yesterday, nor does he know why and
which consequences and repercussions his discussions and
his actions might entail, and responds impulsively, in a
totally incomprehensible and discordant way, that can
only be a sign of his incompetence and incapacity for the
demands of his office and the difficulty and complexity of
that office, which he is clearly unfit for. If you two had been
serious people and conscientious politicians, you would not
have been serving under someone who jeopardizes the
security and the interests of our United States, nor would
you have ever conceded into playing the role of stooges
and lackeys sent to belatedly control the damage by
proclaiming ornamental policies that contradict, but do
nothing in essence to correct, your incompetent boss'
haphazard and totally ill-thought and incoherent actions.

Heart warming results from Hungary!!
Bravo to the Citizens of Budapest!!
It was overdue that Hungarians started cleaning
their national politics from pseudo-nationalists,
isolationists and populist scams.

Με συγκίνησε πάρα πολύ, και πολύ ευχάριστα, το άρθρο
της Υβόννης Κλάπα στο
προς απάντηση του
κατάπτυστου και αναίσχυντου κ**όχαρτου που τύπωσε
και μοίρασε η (Π)Ο(Ρ)ΝΝΕΔ Πεντέλης. Όλες οι απαντήσεις
της Υβόννης είναι ακριβείς και εκφράζουν, ελπίζω, εκτός
από διεθνή πρότυπα, και τις απόψεις της συντριπτικής
πλειοψηφίας των Ελλήνων, που, ναι μεν αντιλαμβανόμαστε
την πίεση, την υποχρέωση και την ευθύνη με τις οποίες η
προσφυγική κρίση επωμίζει ένα μη εύπορο κράτος και μία
ευάισθητη και ήδη τεντωμένη κοινωνία, αλλά κάνουμε ό,τι
μπορούμε γιατί έχουμε τη συναίσθηση, ότι οι κοινωνικές
και οικονομικές δυσκολίες είναι αμελητέες μπροστά στον
πόλεμο, τη συμφορά, την προσφυγιά και τον ξεριζωμό,
ειδικά οσον αφορά τις επιδράσεις στα παιδιά, σε όλων
μας τα παιδιά. ΜΠΡΑΒΟ, ΥΒΟΝΝΗ!! ΜΕ ΤΗ

Great and fatal error from our United States to withdraw
out contingents from Northern Syria and allow the Sultan
carte blanche to cleanse the area of its Kurdish fighters
and inhabitants. By the way, this might be the first in
recent memory, where a Nation's Fighting forces are
exploited and used by the International Community to
help it rid itself from perils and dangers and, after having
fulfilled their mission and their duty, are deemed useless
and expendable and, summarily sentenced to death, by
allowing their enemies to get in and slaughter whoever
they want or deemed fit, convenient and suitable. We are
again totally ashamed by our role in this massacre.
Probably worse, that the Sabra and Shatila Fiasco
of Sharon and his buddies, since, in this case, we are
referring to allies that have been used and betrayed,
even though the betrayal of Civilians is equally and
heinously reprehensible.

Μπράβο σε όλους τους αρχηγούς που πήραν ζεστά το
κάλεσμα του Κυριάκου για συνεννόηση για το θέμα
της ψήφου των ομογενών. Με ενθουσιάζει που ένα
τόσο σημαντικό θέμα αποτέλεσε αιτία ομοψυχίας
και ελπίζω και εύχομαι, σε παρομοίως και σε ακόμα
πιο σημαντικά θέματα, οι πολιτικοί αρχηγοί να μπορούν,
ή τουλάχιστον να προσπαθούν, να βρούν τρόπους
συνεννόησης και ομοψυχίας. Έχουμε βαρεθεί τις
φωνές και τις στείρες αντιπαραθέσεις στη Βουλή,
παρόλο, που φυσικά, είναι στα πλαίσια της Ελευθερίας
και του Δημοκρατικού Πολιτεύματος, που όλοι οι
Έλληνες παίρνουμε εξαιρετικά σοβαρά και κάνουμε
ό,τι μπορούμε να υπερασπιστούμε και να υποστηρίξουμε.

Διαβάζω για τις διαφωνίες μεταξύ Νέας Δημοκρατίας και
ΣΥΡΙΖΑ για την ψήφο των ομογενών. Δεν νομίζω ότι οι
διαφορές είναι τραγικά μεγάλες και ότι δεν μπορούν να
επιλυθούν με εποικοδομητικό διάλογο, ώστε να πάμε σε
μία ψηφοφορία με σνολική αποδοχή.
1. Ως προς το ποιός:  Η καλύτερη λύση είναι η χρυσή τομή
    μεταξύ των δύο θέσεων. Δηλαδή αυτό το νομοσχέδιο να
    επιτρέψει ψήφο στους Έλληνες Πολίτες και να συμφωνηθεί
    η υπερψήφιση ενός δεύτερου νομοσχεδίου που θα απλουστεύει
    και θα επιταχύνει τη διαδικασία Ελληνοποίησης των κατόχων
    Ιθαγένειας, που θα ενδιαφερθούν να συμμετέχουν.
2. Ως προς το πού και πώς: Η πρόταση της Νέας Δημοκρατίας
    είναι η μόνη λογική λύση καθόσον στις μεγάλες χώρες
    η απόσταση από τα καντινότερα προξενεία και πρσβείες
    είναι απαγορευτική. Συνεπώς η επιστολική ψήφος είναι
    εν των ων ουκ άνευ για την επιτυχία του επιχειρήματος,
    είτε η αποστολή γίνεται στην Πρεσβεία, το Προξενείο,
    ή την Περιφέρεια όπυ ο εγγεγραμμένος ψηφοφόρος θα
    ασκούσε το Εκλογικό Δικαίωμα εάν βρισκόταν εντός
    της Επικράτειας.
3. Ως προς τον τρόπο προσμέτρησης, θα είναι ντροπή, εάν
    η ψήφος θεσπιστεί για Έλληνες Πολίτες, να μετράται
    με οποιοδήποτε άλλο τρόπο απ' αυτόν που χρησιμοποείται
    για τις ψήφους των Ελλήνων του Εσωτερικού εντός της
    ίδιας περιφέρειας, όπου ο ψηφοφόρος ασκεί το Εκλογικό
    του Δικαίωμα, οταν βρίσκεται εντός Επικρατείας. Όποια
    άλλη λύση θα στέλνει το μήνυμα ότι η Ελλάδα δεν δίνει
    την ίδια βαρύτητα και δε λαμβάνει σοβαρά τη συνεισφορά
    και τα δικαιώματα των Αποδήμων.
Υ.Γ. Τα όποια επιχειρήματα διαβάζω από πλευράς ΣΥΡΙΖΑ
περί πολιτικοποίησης των Οργανώσεων των Ομογενών, με
αφήνουν πλήρως ασυγκίνητο. Αλέξη, εδώ μιλάμε για μία
εκλογική διαδικασία. Φυσικά και εάν δοθεί η ψήφος, θα
υπάρχει κάποιος βαθμός πολιτικοποίησης και αντιπαράθεσης,
επιθυμητός και απαραίτητος για κάθε ελεύθερη εκλογική
διδικασία στην οποία οι ψηφοφόροι δείχουν αυξημένο ενδιαφέρον.
Αλλά μετά τις εκλογές, οι Ομογενείς θα είναι πάλι ενωμένοι
όπως πριν. Μην υπερβάλλουμε υπέρ ρηχών επιχειρημάτων.

Οπου φύγει φύγει οι Τζουλιανοτσολιάδες και
Τζουλιανοσυμμορίτες. Α να χαθείτε κωθώνια.
Να σας πάρει και να σας σηκώσει και να
πληρώσετε τη νύφη πολύ ακριβά.

We do import some shady characters, or "beauties"
as the morph would have called them, but these are
not the Mexican workers and the Mexican immigrants
who cross the border seeking a safer and better life
for their families and for their children, but those
Eastern fruits, Russians, Ukrainians and Belorussians,
all kinds of smelly, rotten fruits, that collude and
conspire with the morph himself and engage in
questionable activities with questionable motives.

He's a comedian alright! "Until you investigate the
Bidens, no dime in military aid. I do not see any
blackmail or quid pro quo", I can imagine him
saying in his talk show and making faces about it
so that the audience gets the truth (and sarcasm)
of the underlying message. Of course, when you
become president of something, rather than simply
a performer, you are required to be a Monsieur,
a Gentleman, a Herr, a Señor..., you may no longer
be straightforward and sarcastic about the raw
reality. Ironic and hypocritical to the end.

It would be extremely surprising and disappointing,
and a significant and lamentable step backwards, if
the Supreme Justices of our Nation declare that the
domestic Individual Rights of our Fellow Citizens may
be limited and trampled on, based on their sexual
preferences and personal characteristics, while
at the same time the Executive Branch is taking drastic
measures to ensure that other States do not discriminate
based on ethnic and racial characteristics and do not
tamper with the Individual Human Rights of their own
Citizens. For us, in the United States, these Struggles
and the Overarching Principles are Unified and they
have a Common Background based on the Sanctity
of a Human Being, the Right to Dignity and Respect
and its Constitutionally Enshrined Right to the Pursue
of Happiness, a Notion that, by definition, each Fellow
Human Being and each Fellow Citizen must have the
freedom and be afforded the opportunity to decide
for themselves without their being subject to threats,
harassment and discrimination and risks to their lives.

And if Italy can do with less, Greece definitely can do
with less too. It is high time the number of MPs is cut
in the Hellenic Parliament to 200 or less. A State with
less than 10M people does not need 300 MPs and the
accompanying expenditure and waste.

I am not an expert in this field, but is it not unconstitutional
to block the Legislative Branch from conducting an inquiry
and to prevent it or inhibit it from exercising its oversight
power over the Executive? And, needless to ask, should the
branch of Government, which is supposed to be the subject
of the investigation, not be disqualified from being the arbiter
of whether the investigation to which it is being subjected is
a valid or legitimate one? Finally, if the only authority that
has oversight over the Executive is the Legislative Branch,
is it not absurd to claim that it does not have jurisdiction
to investigate? Even more so and in a more absolute and
decisive fashion, since the subject of the investigation has
repeatedly insisted that the only alternative, which is an
investigation through the Judicial Branch, in inapplicable,
due to total and complete immunity? I URGE THE
, because it
seems to me that we have in our hands an executive
coup, which has resulted in a severe constitutional crisis,
emanating from the fact that one branch of Government
is refusing to abide by its Oath to Uphold the Constitution
by even denying the Fundamental Principle of the Balance
and the Separation of Powers. Without this Principle, our
State is heading towards absolutism and a rampant and
unchecked authoritarianism.

Μπράβο, Λευτέρη! Η σωστή μεταχείρηση των εργαζομένων
και η Τίμια, Ορθολογική και Έγκαιρη Ανταμοιβή για την
εργασία που προσφέρουν, είναι όχι μόνο Ηθικά και Κοινωνικά
Απαραίτητες, αλλά, εν τέλει, όπως έιναι αποδεδειγμένο σε όλες
τις καπιταλιστικές κοινωνίες, είναι και εκ των ων ούκ άνευ από
Οικονομικής πλευράς, καθώς και στις ανεπτυγμένες οικονομίες,
όπως στην Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες, στη Γερμανία και στην Κίνα.
αλλά και, ακόμα πιο κρίσιμα, στις αναπτυσσόμενες και ημι-
ανεπτυγμένες, που δεν παράγουν ακριβά και υψηλής τεχνολογίας
αγαθά, όπως στην Ελλάδα, η καταναλωτική κίνηση, που προφανώς
εξαρτάται σε μεγάλο βαθμό από την οικονομική ευρωστία κυρίως
των εργαζομένων και της μάζας του πληθυσμού, αποτελεί την
κύρια μορφή οικονομικής και κοινωνικής ανάπτυξης. Όπως
λοιπόν σωστά και με ακρίβεια επισημαίνεις
, γενικά αλλά και
ειδικά στην Ελλάδα, Οικονομική Ανάπτυξη με ταυτόχρονο
εμπαιγμό και απαξίωση των εργαζομένων, δεν πρόκειται ποτέ
να υπάρξει και τα επιχειρήματα περί αυτού είναι χρεωκοπημένα.

Clearly, the two sides are fooling one another, and the
European Citizens, and, in discussions, occasionally,
instead of being forthcoming and frank, they are
dancing around the issues in nonconstructive ways
(that are not elegant either). Angela Merkel was
absolutely justified to call a spade a spade and
to not give the blond disaster too much hope, but
wake him up to his predicament and the reality in
an unwavering and direct way. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
Referendum to Stay, that the entire Continent supports,
or take Britain out now and pay the Historical and the
Political price for your actions and lay accountable to
History for your shortsightedness and your destructive
populism and demagogy.

Μαύρο χάλι το οικονομικό "πρόγραμμα" της Νέας
Δημοκρατίας. Θα τα βρει μπροστά της με Μαθηματική
Ακρίβεια, αλλά τότε θα είναι αργά και θα αφήσει πάλι
κάποιον άλλον να τρέχει αλλού και απανταχού για νέες
βοήθειες και με θρασυδειλία θα προσπαθεί πάλι να
απεμπολήσει και να ρίξει αλλού τις ευθύνες. Κυριάκο,
το δις (πόσο μάλλον το πολλάκις) εξαμαρτείν ουκ
ανδρός σοφού (ή μάλλον ανδρός φαιδρού)...

The Geometer responded, unfortunately, very wisely to
the budgetary plans of the new government. I hope that
the Prime Minister takes his analysis seriously and
reverses some of the measures proposed that shall lead
with a Mathematical and Historical Accuracy to very
disastrous consequences, before it is too late and before
New Democracy is, once more, held accountable for
critical failures in front of the voters and powerless to
respond, and bequeaths to another Party the sorting out
of the chaos and disaster of its irresponsible fiscal policies.

Listen! Listen closely and carefully... The Great Oracle spoke.
Do not miss her great and unmatched wisdom.
Great and Unmatched Wisdom and Brotherly Leader of the Remaking of the Greatness of America.

Sex, drugs, rock' n' roll, power, money and corruption.
The menu has it all and no one (except, perhaps, the
Londoners, if they had been in their right state of mind)
would really mind, had it not been for the populism, the
lies and the demagogy that were exported abundantly and
placed the Union in such a tortuous and perilous state.

It is astounding and dumbfounding that the United
States, having exploited the Kurdish Forces in Syria
for their own interests, are now leaving Erdogan an
absolute carte blanche in dealing with Syrian affairs
as he sees (un)fit. It is one thing never to get involved
in a Foreign Conflict, especially a quagmire of huge
and unprecedented proportions, but it is another
altogether going in, forging alliances, potentially
by having made explicit or implicit promises and
having attained some common understandings,
having contributed with your presence to make
things worse and to an unwarranted escalation of
enmity between other Parties, and then, suddenly,
at the whims and temperament of someone, when
everything is in flux and potentially unstable, to
withdraw, leaving your former allies stone cold.
The worst thing is that the United States has done
this before and it seems that either lessons have
not been learned or the analytical and comparative
Historical skills of the people in power and the
commanders advising are lacking or non-existent.

Greek civility and civilization and Greek hospitality
at their best. I am deeply embarrassed and ashamed
and I ask for forgiveness on these humanoid pigs'
behalf (with apologies to the much better behaved

Bravo to the Iraqi People for their Political Awareness
and for protesting against an untenable and unacceptable
state of affairs in their country. The "prime minister" says
that time is needed for "reforms". He, and his entourage and
his "government", have lost all credibility and this request
and these proclamations should be read as demanding more
time to enrich themselves through graft and rampant and
unchecked corruption. Unfortunately, in Iraq, the only
good paying jobs, through bribes and kickbacks, are those
related to the governmental apparatus and services. So the
only acceptable change would be a constitutional change
to shorten terms and impose term limits so that more people
can get elected to the grafting machine and reap the benefits
of enjoying the only lucrative jobs and make their fortunes
in one of the few ways possible and the only way guaranteed
to lead to good and humongous fortunes. SHAME ON THE


Such idiocy the World has rarely seen. In fact, worse
than Pavlov's dogs. They crossed the line and they got
the proverbial shock and, instead of withdrawing and
trying to, at least, gather some of the broken pieces of
their dignity that have been left (very few indeed), they
keep insisting on enjoying this hedonistic pleasure
from getting continuously shocked (and shocking us)
by their stupidity. One is certifiably a psychopath
that cannot think; the other had some intelligence at
some point in history, but is now broken and senile,
completely incompetent for the role he's assigned to

Κυριάκο, μή μας απογοητεύσετε με ψήφο στα προξενεία.
Για μερικούς από εμάς ταξίδι σε προξενείο σημαίνει πτήση
ή οδοιπορία κάμποσων ορών. Αφού είναι να γίνει η δουλειά,
ας γίνει επιτέλους για μία φορά στην Ελλάδα σωστά και με
σύγχρονο τρόπο. Νομοθετήστε επιστολική ψήφο, είτε προς
την Ελληνική Πρεσβεία της χώρας μόνιμης κατοικίας, είτε
προς το Δήμο ή την Περιφέρεια όπου οι απόδημοι ψηφίζουν,
όταν είναι παρόντες εντός της επικράτειας. Αποφύγετε την
παγίδα να θεσπιστεί ψήφος με ταλαιπωρία συκρίσημη με
ένα ταξίδι επιστροφής, που μόνο μία μικρή μειοψηφεία θα
έχει την τιμή και το πλεονέκτημα να απολαμβάνει.

These guys will not come to reason unless and until
they give up the ghost on the campaign trail. Is it
so hard to realize that one cannot and should not
be running up until they are 100 years old, no
matter how comfortable they may think they feel,
simply because we are both Civilized and Human
beings, and, thus, on the one hand, we should absorb
that the World is not ours any more but of our kids,
and. on the other, that we are brittle, extremely
delicate and very, so very, much finite?
I wish the Vt Senator fast recovery and a faster
return to reason and accompanying withdrawal.

Unfortunately, in Greece, as in most other European
States, there do not exist any more strong and
credible Center-Left Parties, that would not be stuck
into an antiquated and bankrupt rhetoric, but would
have policies supporting social cohesion and giving
priority to social concerns. There only exist desperate
and, mostly, discredited leftist political structures that
are advocating wholesale for what cannot exist
and are not expressing a confluence of ideas, some
from the traditional Right and some of the traditional
Left, that most Citizens espouse. As a result, Voters
are left with the only choice of, at best, supporting
Center-Right Parties that best express many of
those ideas and, at worst, those pseudo-nationalist
and neo-nazi anthropomorphs that are willing, and
more than eager, to exploit, in a populist way, this
dissatisfaction and lack of genuine constructive
choices in part of the political spectrum.

A murderer is warning the World of imbeciles that
the price of oil may be too high if we do not back
him and his despicable outfit of bloodthirsty thugs
and gangsters. We are not buying. As Ms. Thunberg
might have said ``You are killing people, silencing
and torturing opposition, oppressing women and
exploiting immigrants, and all you are talking about
is oil, money and security. How dare you, s**tface?"

No one can trust them and no one will ever know
what happened or the truth on why a person with
such close ties to the heads of this murderous and
bloodthirsty outfit got eliminated.

Είναι να γελάει κανείς. Ο Γεωμέτρης είπε (ελπίζω για
αστείο) ότι δε φοβάται "πασοκοποίηση", δηλαδή δε
φοβάται για κάτι που έχει ήδη συμβεί σε βαθμό
κακουργήματος και που έχει επιφέρει ήδη μέγιστη
κατάντια και συμφορά...

Thank you, BBC! But, we'll stay clear until the Sauds
are toppled and the People get to be in charge of the
Arabian peninsula, which, together with its resources,
belongs solely and entirely to them, as People, and to
no particular families or ruthless and maniacal outfits,
be it of killers, gangsters or sadomasochists, or to any
particular individuals.

Would Biden's son ever have had even the remotest
chance of being hired by that company in Ukraine
with such high remuneration had he not been Biden's
son, having at his fingertips access to a Senator and
a Vice President with intimate and immediate access
to the President? We are not idiots or imbeciles.
We know how things work and the answer is
definitely and absolutely not, in the same way that
any other person, in the general population, even
more qualified, experienced and educated than Mr.
Biden's son, would have 0.000000% chance of ever
obtaining such a position at such a salary. So Mr.
Biden, from your lips, never again, I would hope,
are we to hear anything about Good Governance,
Transparency and Fight Against Corruption and
. On the other hand, how could a person
who hires his totally inexperienced daughter as
special advisor and who hires his totally inept,
diplomatically ignorant and inexperienced and
incompetent and inexperienced in negotiating
son-in-law as U.S. chief envoy and negotiator for,
perhaps, the most challenging and difficult issue
on the Political Life of the Planet, and who uses
his political clout and influence, if not to profit
from, at best, to freely advertise his buildings,
his businesses and his properties, even dare raise
questions about nepotism and corruption in any
one else and of any one else's family? How could
someone like that even dare to encourage the
investigation of another when his own actions
and his own bio stink and reek of corruption,
nepotism and unchecked favoritism to such an
extent and in such a shameless and despicable
What are we to think and to conclude?
STATES, are taken for imbeciles by both sides
and are used in a ruthless game, where every
single politician is raising, for show and for
placating us for their own benefit, the specter
of corruption on others, while shamelessly
employing the same methods and same tactics
that sees as corrupt in others for his own and
his family's benefit without giving even a second
thought and, then, even bragging about it and
finding excuses and laughable alibis for those
same actions. WE WANT THE MORPH OUT

There is no other way to put it: He simply f**ked up.
Because of his arrogance and spitefulness, and due to
his proclivity to allow his mouth and his fingers to
move faster than his brain (whatever exists of it), he
fell into the trap and the gaping political hole that he
had been digging for himself and for his entourage and
close associates for a long time. Abominable and sad...

I have to confess that I heard with dismay and sadness
the morph, the "president" of the most Powerful State
in the World and the ``leader" of the Free World, utter
the non-sequitur "the future belongs to Patriots, and
not to Globalists". How demented, how insane and how
detached from reality, current events and current
developments must someone be to be able to express
such an absurd opinion? Merely the fact that physical
travel and communications have made the World one
large physical space, and that interdependence on so
many sectors of life and so many issues and fronts, such
as social, political, commercial, economic and, perhaps
and most importantly, environmental, is already well
established and growing in importance and in urgency
daily, and cooperation on those issues a sine qua non
for the mere survival of Humanity, let alone for Peace,
Fraternity, Brotherhood and Prosperity that All
Humans, regardless of Race and Nationality, wish for
and dream of and talking about and fighting for in
order to have something more desirable and more
precious to pass down to their Children and to Future
Generations than what they inherited, is making those
opinions and proclamations misguided and those
who believe in them simply out of date and place,
nostalgic for a non-existent and unrealizable world
and tragicomic figures, ignorant sorry fighters on the
side of a lost cause, dwellers of a long gone universe,
existing only in their own delusional minds.

Καλά έκανε ο Νίκος Ταχιάος και εξήγησε. Πολύ σεβαστή
και τεκμηριωμένη η άποψή του, με την οποία συμφωνώ
στα περισσότερα, αλλά η ανάγκη να θυμόμαστε και να
τιμούμε "θετικά σύμβολα της Σύγχρονης Ιστορίας" δεν
σημαίνει ότι χρειάζεται να έχουν απαραιτήτως προτεραιότητα
σε σύγκριση με Ιστορικές Προσωπικότητες, με Οικουμενικά
Αναγνωρισμένους Έλληνες Παγκοσμίου Εμβέλειας. Ούτε
φυσικά το ότι "όταν παίρνουμε το μετρό, ξέρουμε πού
πάμε" και ότι, αν κρατάμε κινητό, μπορούμε να δούμε
χάρτη ή να γκουγλάρουμε, δικαιολογεί την απαξίωση, ή
έστω την υποβάθμιση, της χρησιμότητας των ονομασιών,
ειδικά για τους επισκέπτες που έρχονται στην Πόλη μας
για πρώτη φορά και μαθαίνουν για την τοπογραφία της
Πόλης, μεταξύ άλλων, ακούγοντας και τις ανακοινώσεις
για τις στάσεις του Μετρό που προσπερνούν, κατευθυνό-
μενοι προς τον προορισμό τους.

Μεγάλο Μπράβο στον Κώστα Μπακογιάννη.
Με το μήνυμά του, ο Δήμαρχος της Αθήνας,
και γιός του αδίκως χαμένου συνανθρώπου
μας και πολιτικού, τιμά τη Μνήμη του Παύλου
περισσότερο και πέρα από κάθε επίσημη και
επισήμως εγκεκριμένη κίνηση ή μετονομασία.

Polk County Steak Fry.

I fully support, in the strongest possible way, the
pressure put upon the Labour Leadership by many
Conference Delegates to publicly announce a clear
and unequivocal Party Position for Staying in our
European Union and for trashing Brexit
. The next
National Elections, with Labour unhesitatingly and
firmly behind Bremain, should become an implicit
new Referendum for the issue and send a strong,
I hope, message to the Tories, and to other similarly
catastrophically and backward-minded Parties
throughout our Union, that using issues and Alliances
of Universal Importance and of Historical Dimensions
for petty pseudo-Nationalism, politicking and to attain
personal advantages and satisfy personal petty political
ambitions is something that neither the Britons nor any
other Civilized Nation is ready to accept or espouse,
much less reward.

Bravo to Iran! It announced publicly its intention
to extend a hand of Peace and Brotherhood to its
Regional Neighbors and this move has to be tested
for its sincerity and its meaning
. The only way for
it to become a Spring of Good Will and a Beginning
of a New Era of Harmony in the Middle East and
the Gulf Region is for other States to Respond
Positively and Constructively, Return Good Will
and engage Iran and Test the Honesty of its very
encouraging Public Proclamations. I further
encourage and strongly recommend to the Iranians
to not stop at this public show and public statements,
but to immediately use existing Diplomatic Channels
to try to formally pass on to its Neighbors, including
Israel, and to our United States messages of Peace
and Friendship and to let them know, without
aggressive rhetoric and war-posturing, that, even
though Iran is ready to defend itself, according
to the Rights ensued from the Charter and other
Tenets of International Law, it is, nevertheless,
a Brotherly and Civilized Nation that wants to
leave enmities behind and to establish Friendly
and Cooperative Relations with All Other Nations
on the Planet, including, first and foremost, its own
immediate Neighbors and, in particular, the Jewish
State and its People, and our United States.

Δεν είναι που δεν έχω διάθεση να τιμηθούν πρόσωπα
που πραγματικά το αξίζουν, αλλά:
1. Πιστέυω ότι αν άλλαζαν ονόματα, θα άρμοζε πιο
    πολύ να δοθούν ονόματα με Ιστορική Αξία, π.χ.,
    της επιστήμης, των τεχνών και των γραμμάτων,
    ή και της πολιτικής, αλλά όχι τόσο σύγχρονα.
2. Καλύτερα, όμως να μην αλλάζουν ονόματα, διότι
    τα τοπωνύμια είναι πολύ πιο βοηθητικά, από το
    να πρέπει κάποιος να αποκωδικοποιεί κάθε φορά
    πού είναι ο κάθε σταθμός που αναφέρεται όχι με
    το πού είναι, αλλά με κάποιο ονοματεπώνυμο.
ΣΥΝΟΨΗ: Μην αλλάζετε ονόματα και συνεχίστε
     να χρησιμοποιείτε τοπωνύμια. Αν αλλάξετε, δώστε
     ονόματα Ανθρώπων με Οικουμενικά Αναγνωρισμένη
     Οικουμενική Αξία και όχι αμφισβητούμενης εμβέλειας.

Mine, mine, mine... Disaster. Total and complete disaster...
Unfortunately, Trudeau has been giving, here and there all
along, indications of his questionable personality before,
and one cannot say that these latest revelations come as
the most stunning and unexpected surprise. Moreover, they
are clearly shedding new light on a semi-educated, rather
shallow, privileged dude, not entirely empathetic and not
entirely compassionate with People of All Races and of All
Walks of Life. If Canada is different politically than the
United States, and Canadians care about revelations that
question the suitability of a person to lead their Government
and to work for All Canadians without prejudice and biases,
Trudeau might not be, after all, the right choice to make.

I hope Benny Gantz makes it to form a Progressive
Government. First, Israel needs a change. The same
man has stayed on for too long and has become very
inept and corrupt. Second, it is high time that a more
skillful person with a more far-sighted and Global
view of the role that a Peaceful and Friendly Israel
can play in the World assumes Leadership and
extends a hand of sincere Friendship and starts
negotiations in Earnest and in Good Faith with
its Neighbors to resolve in a Fair, Lasting and
Viable way the Palestinian issue. It is a top priority
and to the best interests of Israel, the Palestinians,
the entire Region and the World to move forward,
at last, boldly, in a conciliatory spirit and prepared
to make mutual concessions for a Lasting Peace,
Fraternity and Solidarity between all Parties.


The States in the Gulf Region should be smart
enough to realize that it is in their utmost and
vital interest to extend a hand of Friendship
to one another and to work for Peace and
Stability in the Region so as to ensure social
cohesion and economic prosperity for their
own Citizens. If they are not smart enough
to understand that and bold and adept enough
to take the steps to make it happen, then our
United States and their Western Allies should
stay aside and let them fight it our and resolve
their differences in whichever way they feel
like. But I would hope that, under pressure
from their own Citizens and from Public
Opinion, the Gulf States will work closely
with one another to iron out differences and
refrain from getting mixed up in another,
very dangerous, chronic conflict or, worse,
in another murderous, catastrophic, and
disastrous unending war that will shatter
lives, infrastructure and economies without
any reason or purpose other than idiocy and
stupidity and the encouragement of those few,
but powerful who are going to profit from it.

I am afraid that the new Commissioner is slightly
clueless or, perhaps (though I doubt it), idealistic,
as far as from whom those Values that she lists
and keeps repeating are threatened. The Immigrants,
who are either Refugees fleeing war, devastation and
prosecution or are simply Human Beings seeking a
new start and a better life with more opportunities
somewhere else, where the Rule of Law supposedly
prevails, are not the ones that constitute the main, or
even a, threat to those Values. Ms. von der Leyen,
take a moment to think, e.g., about Italy and its
predicaments, a State with a high rate of immigration
and at the forefront of immigration reception in
the Continent. And think of how and in which ways
the Personal Dignity, the Freedom, the Democratic
Ideals, Equality and Justice for All under the Law
and Respect for Human Rights and Guarantees for
Human Safety are threatened and compromised in
Italy. It is not the Immigrants who bare the gravest
responsibility for abuses against these Values, but
the oligarchs and the absurd, torturing, shady
bureaucracy that these governing elites, industrial
elites and their dark state, in collusion with domestic
criminal outfits, have created to serve their interests
and to fill their pockets, with complete and utter
disregard for those Values and Ideals, which are
supposedly characteristic of your "European Way
of Life". And, as you and all of us know very well,
maybe Germany and some other States in the Union
do not face such an acute problem, but, nevertheless,
similar problems, a pure European threat from the
elites and financial interests in those States, exist
in Germany as in most other States. But I doubt
that you have any interest in dealing with those
threats whom, in some sense, you were appointed
to represent and to appease. So, if you had any
Honesty and Dignity and were really interested
in Defending those Values and Ideals, you should
first look in the mirror and turn against those who
are the real culprits for creating those problems
and constituting major threats, instead of vilifying the
new, the different and the foreign, which bares little
to no responsibility for oppressing and suppressing
these Values, including Dignity, Equality, Justice,
Freedom and Safety.

Our United States and Iran should lower the tone
of confrontation. Iranian People are friendly and
we have very little to divide us, owing much to
Iran in terms of Culture and Civilization. I suggest
that Iran refrain from any provocations so as not
to give the current incoherent and disjointed U.S.
(non)administration any pretexts or excuses to
attack or abuse Iran, but, instead, wait and look
for opening direct and indirect Diplomatic Channels
towards both the United States and Israel, whose
People are Friendly and Well-Meaning towards
Iran, but whose States are currently under sorry
and negatively predisposed administrations.
Iran should take the long-term approach and its
Government must pave the way for Dialog and
Negotiations with the Political Successors of the
current "leaders" of Israel and our United States,
who will be, hopefully, much more coherent and
with more constructive attitude and outlooks.
Us, in the United States, will try to make sure
that we get a new Administration that is Educated
and knows what it is talking about and how to deal
with difficult issues in a calm, measured and
inspired way, motivated by Friendship for and
Solidarity with all Other Nations and, hopefully,
such a change will be not very long in coming.

The four most dishonest and deceitful political
charlatans in recent Political History.

With all due respect to the Chancellor, I am worried
and have started wondering if, unbeknownst to her or
other officials, they have implanted the Commission,
and got us stuck in the process for years to come, with
a bigoted, fear-mongering, fear-cum-anxiety-exploiting,
racist and xenophobic crypto-Nazist pig...