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Very very good and bright day at Capitol Hill!
The United States House of Representatives,
with an overwhelming majority, sent a clear
unequivocal message to both those electing
and to those elected that ethical standards still
count for something in contemporary America

Elliott Erwitt and Sandra Day O'Connor
are with us no more...

Henry Kissinger, the diplomat who used
evil, subjectivity, sentiment and pseudo-
reasoning to justify and rationalize a theory
that (terrible) ends justify (even highly
controversial, if not outright illegal) means,
has finally croaked. His "theorizing" had
the terrible ultimate consequence of giving
base and credence to "worlds of alternative
facts and alternative reality" that prevail
in today's politics. And it is no consolation
that after helping pioneer and consolidate
it, he realized that, perhaps, this was not a
world that he wanted to live in. He was
instrumental, nevertheless, in bequeathing
it unapologetically to others...

Μιλάμε για τεράστια λέρα, για παρανοϊκό,
επικίνδυνο, προκλητικό, γλοιώδες και άκρως
κουτοπόνηρο υποκείμενο, που δε σέβεται
καν τη νοημοσύνη των πολιτών... Αφού
ξαπέστειλε με συνοπτικές διαδικασίες
πολλούς από τους πιο αξιόλογους και
μαχητικούς ανθρώπους του χώρου, και
κράτησε απεχθέστατα βαρύδια και χοντρο-
αφερέγγυους (μπεεεε), τώρα δήθεν τον
έπιασε η φαγούρα και η όρεξη για ανοιχτό
πολιτικό διάλογο με ανθρώπους που είχαν
ήδη προ πολλού και για σωστούς λόγους
αποχωρήσει. ΝΙΚΟ, ΜΗ ΦΑΣ ΤΟ ΚΟΥΤΟ-

After Argentina, a bad day all around for
the Netherlands and the whole Union.
But it is largely the impotence of the so-called
progressive and social democratic parties to
address problems, and offer viable alternatives
and substantially different paths and solutions,
that should be deemed responsible for the
disastrous ascent of weirdos and crazies who
are adept at exploiting the vacuums and skillful
in disguising themselves as palatable alternatives.
It is striking how the integration in, and almost
total alignment of the "left" with, the prevailing
system and systemic interests has gone hand
in hand with their being utterly discredited and
their almost total inability to convince.
The serious - and, worse, avoidable - errors in
choosing trustworthy and selfless leaders,
and the fiascos in their first tolerating and
acquiescing to, and then, when it is too late,
decrying and condemning, abuses of power
and corruption has led to a disorderly retreat
of the left from leading roles and to its total
and repeated defeats by unworthy impostors.

Νά'μαστε... Παραιτήθηκε κι ο αρχιμαφιόζος
λούμπεν ασεντάδο, για να αφιερωθεί, μετά
τη θητεία των χρυσών κουταλιών, φουλ τάϊμ
στις ασιέντες και στην εκμετάλλευση...
Ήθελα να πω έκανε και κάτι καλό ο Στέφανος,
ξεφορτώθηκαν τον Παπασ*ατούλη, αλλά ας
περιμένουμε, γιατί μπορεί να πα να κολλήσει
σε κανέναν άλλον πιο ντίσεντ για να φλουριά,
κι άντε να το ξεφορτωθείς το ξόανο μετά...

Η Ελλάδα, και ιδιαίτερα η Αριστερά και η Προοδευτική
Ελλάδα, δεν αστυνομεύεται από αυταρχικούς μαλά*ες.
Γύρνα στη Νέα Υόρκη μπας και καταφέρεις να σεντου-
κώσεις τίποτα ομοϊδεάτες και Τραμποειδή σκευάσματα
μεσ' τη μαύρη κασσέλα. Ηλίθιε αλαζόνα, που νομίζεις
ότι έπιασες τον Φραγκίσκο από τα τέτοια, αλλά μεσ'
την παντελή σύγχυση και την απύθμενη άγνοια, το
μόνο που έχεις καταφέρει είναι να ξύνεις τα δικά σου...

Ευγενέστατος ο Κούλης... Είπε πολύ συγκρατημένα
στο φιλόσοφο, για μην τον αποπάρει και τον απογο-
ητεύσει παρουσιάζοντας τη ζωφερή πραγματικότητα,
ότι "κινδυνεύει" το μόρφωμα να γίνει Black Friday,
ενώ η μαύρη κασσέλα τα έχει καταφέρει με κίνηση
ματ να το κάνει μονομιάς τσίρκο, καρναβάλι Πατρών,
καρναβάλι Ρίου, Halloween και dia de los muertos...
Καλόκαρδος ο Κούλης... αλλά... Κλάφτα Χαράλαμπε...

Rosalynn Carter is with us no more...

Αναρωτιέμαι αν η επίμονη χρήση του
αμφιλεγόμενου και πολυφορούμενου
όρου "πατριωτική" αριστερά από τη
μαύρη κασσέλα, όπου σταθεί κι όπου
βρεθεί, έχει κι αυτή να κάνει όχι με
πατριωτισμό, αλλά με δόλο, (κουτο)
πονηριά και δημόσιες σχέσεις.
Ο όρος μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί ως
ένας αθώος και ευήκοος, αλλά τελείως
ασαφής, όρος και για καλό και για κακό.
Μπορεί να σημαίνει, ανάλογα με τον
ποιος τον χρησιμοποιεί και σε ποιούς
1. Ορμπα(υ)νιστική ή Τραμπική "αριστερά"
του εθνοκεντρισμού, του καθαροαίματου,
του απομονωτισμού, της έλλειψης αλλη-
λεγγύης και κυρίως των δικαιωμάτων
και δευτερευόντως των υποχρεώσεων.
2. Ναζιστική "αριστερά" της πατριδοκα-
πηλίας και της μισαλλοδοξίας, της πολι-
τικής και ατομικής εγκληματικότητας και
των παθογενειών.
3. Βαρύγδουπη, εγωκεντρική και άναρθρη
"αριστερά" των ιαχών και των άναρθρων
και ανόητων κραυγών, όπως του πρώην
συγκυβερνώντος του εν λόγω κόμματος.
4. Ανόητη, εμπορική, αυτάρεσκη, υστερό-
βουλη, γλοιώδης, ελληνορθόδοξη και
αλοιφιάρικη "αριστερά", με πολλά στοιχεία
κοινά με τα μικρά κόμματα των ανόητων
τηλεπωλητών και θεολόγων που δυστυχώς
εκλέχτηκαν στα τελευταία κοινοβούλια.
Αλλά μπορεί επίσης να σημαίνει:
5. Ευγενική, διορατική, συμβιβαστική και
εξωστρεφής αριστερά του Νίκου Κοντζιά.
6. Αριστερά Πατριωτική με την έννοια
ότι θέλουμε η Πατρίδα μας να είναι
Πρωτοπόρος στις Παγκόσμιες Αξίες,
στα Ανθρώπινα Δικαιώματα, στην Ειρήνη
και το Διεθνές Δίκαιο. Θέλουμε μία Ελλάδα
Ανοικτή, Φιλότιμη, Φιλοτάξιδη, Φιλόξενη,
με Δημοκρατία, Ελευθεροτυπία, Ευγένεια,
Συμπόνοια, Ανεκτικότητα, Αλληλεγγύη,
μία Πατρίδα με προτεραιότητα τη Στέγαση,
τη Σίτιση, την Υγεία, την Παιδεία και την
Ισοτιμία, με Ισονομία, ίσα Δικαιώματα και
ίσες Υποχρεώσεις, για όλους.
  Καλώ τη μαύρη κασσέλα να σταματήσει
τις πονηριές και τα παιχνίδια με τους όρους,
και, αν εννοεί πραγματικά τον Πατριωτισμό
κατά την τελευταία έννοια, να χρησιμοποιεί
έναν από τους λιγότερο αμφιλεγόμενους
και πολυσήμαντους όρους, π.χ., "Διεθνιστική",
"Οικουμενική", "Αλληλέγγυα" ή "Ουμανιστική"
Αριστερά, ώστε να στείλει ξεκάθαρο μήνυμα
σε κάποιους που συμπορεύοναι μ' εκείνον
μόνο και μόνο γιατί, δικαίως, υποψιάζονται
ότι, τελικά, θα αποδειχτεί ότι η αόριστη και
σκιώδης έννοια της "πατριωτικής αριστεράς"
που συνεχώς πιπιλίζεται και αναμασάται,
είναι διάσπαρτη με δόσεις "πατριωτισμού"
και "ελληναριάς" όπως εκείνοι τις εννοούν
και τις φαντάζονται...

Αυτού του είδους τα δημοψηφίσματα, που
έχει στο μυαλό του ο Στέφανος, αντικατο-
πτρίζουν αδίστακτους δημαγωγούς και
, που, αν δε βρουν τον τρόπο
να εφαρμόσουν την αυταρχική πολιτική
τους και το ξεφόρτωμα του πλουραλισμού,
σίγουρα θα παρερμηνεύσουν το "ηρωϊκό"
ΟΧΙ ως ένα μεγάλο και ακράδαντο ΝΑΙ.
Τέτοια άτομα πάντα βρίσκουν τον τρόπο,
ειδικά όταν αντιληφθούν την ευκολία και
τα αργύρια, και τη δόξα και την αναγνώριση,
ξέροντας τί πρέπει να κάνει κανείς και πόσο
πρέπει να κοπιάσει διαφορετικά με μηδενική
αναγνώριση. Αυτό είναι το άτομο που εσείς
επιλέξατε. Μπράβο σας και να τον χαίρεστε.
Όσο για κάτι φωνές (μπεεεεεε) που κατα-
δικάζουν τον Γεωμέτρη απερίσκεπτα (διότι,
κατά βάθος τον φοβούνται και τον ζηλεύουν),
να πω ότι, όταν όλοι οι συμπολίτες βρίσκονται
στο γυαλό και η θάλασσα φουρτουνιάζει και
δεν υπάρχει καιρός για χάσιμο, δε βλέπεις
αν το σκάφος μπροστά σου είναι δεξιό-
στροφο ή αριστερόστροφο, απλά βοηθάς
να μπούνε όσοι περισσότεροι μπορείς μέσα.
Μετά, αφού σωθείς, έχεις την πολυτέλεια
να συζητάς περί καπιταλισμού, σοσιαλισμού,
σοσιαλδημοκρατίας και κομμουνισμού. Αλλά
τέτοιοι που περιβάλλουν τη μαύρη κασσέλα
(Μπεεεε), πού να αντιληφθούν και να καταλάβουν;
Υ.Γ. Συγγνώμη στα γίδια, που είναι τελικά
πολύ πιο έξυπνα από το γιδοβοσκό...

Η αλαζονεία δίχως όρια. Νομίζουν ότι
όλοι έχουν μείνει ικανοποιημένοι με
την παραίτηση ενός σκουπιδιού και
ανίκανου ανιψιού, που, εξαιτίας τους,
ακόμα τον πληρώνουμε με δικά μας
λεφτά, και ότι κανένας από μας δε
θυμάται ή δεν ενδιαφέρεται να μα-
θευτεί η αλήθεια και να παραπεμφθούν
όλοι όσοι έχουν οποιαδήποτε ευθύνη,
ως συνεργοί στη δολοφονία των
παιδιών που χάθηκαν τόσο άδικα,
από την αμέλεια και τις διαπλοκές
για τα κέρδη. Θέλουν να γίνεται το
σωστό μόνο όταν οι δικές τους
οικογένειες υποφέρουν και θρηνούν,
και δε δίνουν μία για τον πόνο και
την αδικία έναντι άλλων. Τί να πει
κανείς; Ντροπή, αναλγησία, αηδία
και ανοησία. Φύγε τώρα καλαμο-

When Greek Resistance sabotaged Nazi
units of the occupying forces and the Nazi
officers and administrators were impotent
and unable to find the fighters responsible
to appease their anger and relieve their
thirst for blood and vengeance, they
gathered innocent civilians and non-
combatants from adjacent villages and
towns, they massively executed them
and razed some of these villages and
towns to the ground. They thought that
terror and intimidation would work best.
A few years later, their successors and
their heirs had to perform a volte face
and started parading around in subdued
moods and in humiliation because things
did not turn out as they had imagined
and/or as they had calculated...

Netanyahu clams it is an "existential" war
and sends other people's children to die
in battles that many of the victims' relatives
say they do not want to be fought out of
vengeance for their slaughtered relatives.
But how existential he really thinks this
war is is revealed by the fact that he is
sheltering his own son away in Florida,
rather than calling on him to enlist and
share in the "necessary" sacrifices of
other families
. These are the despicable,
abominable and shameful "leaders" that
Israelis have voted to "lead" them.

A sad day in our foreign policy. Despite
our own mistakes which should have
made us think more carefully and made
us much wiser, we are still lending
support to an out of control genocidal
machine, who seeks destruction and
chaos so that it can decisively quash
whatever last glimmers of hope and
whatever specks of aspiration have
remained of another People for Freedom,
Dignity and Statehood, and their basic
right to live as Equals and not under
But not one of us has the courage to
say that, had one-hundredth of what
is happening to innocent Palestinians
now happened to Jews under similar
circumstances, the Jewish State would
not only have had no qualms calling it
a genocide, but they would have been
sending representatives all over the
Globe insisting that it be so called
and seeking unconditional backing
and support.
When the pain only counts when it
is Jewish pain and it is ignored or, at
best, discounted when it is any other
mother's pain for her family and her
children... That is exactly where we
are right now and, perhaps, where
we've been for a long time.

A good day for Justice in our United States.
A scumbag will spend several decades of
his avaricious, preposterous, dishonest,
scheming and scamming life behind bars.

Brutality, inhumanity and barbarism beget
brutality, inhumanity and barbarism beget
brutality, inhumanity and barbarism beget
brutality, inhumanity and barbarism...

Ο πιο ακριβοπληρωμένος χαραμοφάης
στην Ελλάδα θίγεται που συμμετέχουν
κι άλλοι στο ξέφρενο φαγοπότι...

Το θρασύδειλο δεν τον παίρνει καν να
γυαλίσει τα υποδήματα του Ευκλείδη, όχι
να του απαντήσει. Γι αυτό εξάλλου είναι
και φουλ με το Τραμποειδές εμφύτευμα.
Όταν ο Γεωμέτρης έβαζε γενναιότατα
πλάτες, διόρθωνε τις χοντροαφερεγγυόητες
του εγωϊσταρου και βλακέντιου Γιάνη (με
ένα ν) και έσωζε αξιοπρεπέστατα την χώρα,
ο γιδοβοσκός περικούριζε, έτρωγε, έβριζε
και έγλειφε. Πώς λοιπόν να τολμήσει να
βγάλει κιχ μπροστά στην πιο αξοπρεπή
και πιο σεμνή προσωπικότητα της σοσιαλ-
δημοκρατίας στην σύγχρονη Ελλάδα;
Γιδοβοσκέ, ξεκουμπήσου! Παίρνεις
ένα ολόκληρο πολιτικό χώρο στο λαιμό
σου και η γλοιότητα και η ψευτομαγκιά
σου έχουν γίνει πλέον παροιμιώδεις.

Σκεφτείτε το! Θα ήταν ποτέ δυνατόν στελέχη
που ήταν εκεί και έβαλαν πλάτη (ανεξαρτήτως
του αν ήταν επιτυχώς ή όχι) για να διασωθεί
το καράβι "Η Ωραία Ελλάς" τις κρίσιμες ώρες
να αποδεχτούν αδιαμαρτύρητα ως αρχηγό
ένα Τραμποειδές εμφύτευμα που την ίδια
στιγμή ασχολείτο με το να πάει εταιρείες
στα δικαστήρια για να πλουτήσει και να
μπορεί να τριγυρνά και να χαίρεται την
ανέμελη και εύκολη ζωή;
Όσο γι αυτούς που πριν ένα μήνα επί Τσίπρα,
για να επιβιώσουν, τα έβλεπαν όλα καλά, έβγαζαν
μόκο και έκαναν ρεβεράντζες, αλλά ξαφνικά, όταν
εμφανίστηκε ο Στέφανος, άλλαξαν σώβρακα και
απέδωσαν στους περί Τσίπρα (εκτός του χείρι-
στου γιδοβοσκού αρχιγλειψιματία εντος αυτών,
που σοφά άλλαξε κι αυτός σώβρακο) όλα τα
εσωκοματικά προβλήματα, είναι ηλίου φαεινό-
τερο (με αυτήν την πράξη να είναι η απόδειξη)
ότι πρόκειται για οπορτουνιστές χωρίς πυξίδα,
α λα Τράμπ, με μοναδικό κριτήριο την πολι-
τική επιβίωση και εκμετάλλευση. Και όσοι δεν
το αναγνωρίζουν, θα το διαπιστώσουν όταν
δουν τί θα πράξουν όλοι αυτοί όταν αντιληφθούν
ότι οι πιθανότητες διακυβέρνσης από τέτοια
μπάζα και τα βολευτιλίκια αρχισουν να απο-
μακρύνονται και να εξαντλούνται... Ξαφνικά
θα λένε ότι είναι ακατάλληλος ο Στέφανος και
θα γίνουν κολλητάρια του επόμενου, η ίσως
μέλη του επόμενου κόμματος που θα είναι
πιο πιθανό να κυβερνήσει ή εντός του οποίου
θα είναι πιο πιθανόν να εκλεγούν. Από τέτοιους
ανθρώπους "θεός φυλάξoι"...

Martti Ahtisaari is with us no more...

Instead of admitting that he behaved in a slimy
and dishonorable way and that he was coerced
and manipulated by a terrible, greedy, detestable
and avaricious individual whose wants and needs
pointed directly to a free-fall into a bottomless
abyss, he is presenting a totally unbelievable
story that he was stashing bars of gold and
hundreds of thousands of dollars in his home
because his dad had an acute Castro-phobia
and a fear that Diaz-Canel himself would invade
his home and take the money away. I hope that
no juror in their sane state of mind, however
biased they may be towards Cuban affairs,
would blame the regime and the Government
in Cuba for the rapacity, materialism and un-
controllable avarice of a disgraced politician
and his ravenous, insatiable wife.

Menendez, who acted on Principle on many
issues, including those pertaining to USA-
Greek bilateral relations and the International
Rule of Law in international relations, has lost
all confidence. He says that, like the first time,
he will be proven to be innocent. But almighty
only knows how many guilty people who are
themselves extremely powerful and who can
afford to pay attorneys with ill-gotten (through
graft and bribes) gold bars get off scot-free
even when they are up to their necks in mud
and sh*t. Sorry, "senator", but you had the
chance (and the option) to be a beacon, both
in the national and the international stage,
and you chose instead (like many other
fellow citizens of ours, and many of them in
the corrupting environs of politics) the easy
road to fortune and infamy. Sorry... when
there is smoke coming out one's a**, there
is probably fire burning somewhere...

Giorgio Napolitano is with us no more...

Ο γιδοβοσκός υποστηρίζει διακαώς
γιατί νομίζει ότι, όντας
ανίδεος και άπειρος, θα είναι μάλλον
θρασύδειλος, και θα τον έχει του
χεριού του, ενώ, γενικά, οι άλλοι,
οι παλιοί, ξέρουν τί κουμάσι είναι
και πόσο αφερέγγυος είναι και θα
τον βάζουν στη θέση του, οπότε
δε θα μπορεί να κοιμάται ήσυχος
και να έχει εγγυημένο το βολευτιλίκι.
Άλλωστε με τα γλειψίματα και με
τα γυαλίσματα που έριξε στα
συντρόφια, αποκάλυψε ποια είναι
τα πραγματικά του συμφέροντα και
οι πραγματικοί του στόχοι. Παρ'
τον έναν "αριστερό" και χτύπα
τον στον άλλον. Τέτοια κατάντια,
ούτε το ΠΑΣΟΚ δεν έχει περάσει.

Unfortunately, the situation with leftist
and progressive forces in Greece is dire
and has gotten out of control
and this is,
to a large extent, due to the voters of
some of those, supposedly progressive,
formations being opportunists, superficial,
lacking in real political sensitivities and
being ready to get swept off their feet by
the first demagogue and hypocrite
ignoramus that comes their way. How
else could one explain, the fact that they
are all up in arms when they see Trumpism
and opportunism rising in other parts of
the Globe, but ready and eager to support
opportunists, Trumpists and populists,
without political plan or real proposals,
but a seller's acumen, on their own turf?
I am saddened that the leftists have let
themselves become tools to be taken
for a ride by baseless and unfounded
claims and questionable backgrounds.
It seems like there is no real left left in
Greece outside the Communist Party.

Φυσικά και τα πράγματα δεν είναι υπό (απόλυτο)
, όχι μόνο λόγω των φυσικών καταστροφών,
αλλά ακόμα και εκεί που θα μπορούσε να ήταν.
Κι αυτό γιατί, όταν τα οικονομικά μας πηγαίνουν
καλά, αντί να εξοικονομούμε για μία ατυχία ή
για μια πιο δύσκολη συγκυρία, δίνουμε και δίνουμε
και ξαναδίνουμε παροχές (για να επανεκλεγούμε)
σαν να μην υπάρχει αύριο. Αυτά δεν είπαμε να τα
αλλάξουμε; Και μας το λένε και μας το ξαναλένε
και μας το υπόσχονται και μας το ξαναυπόσχονται
και από πολύ λίγο μέχρι καθόλου δεν αλλάζουν τα
πράγματα και η νοοτροπία μας. Και ο Κούλης
παιδί του πατρός του και καμία καινοτομία σ'
αυτά τα ζητήματα παρά τις υποσχέσεις περί
εκσυγχρονισμού και αλλαγής των παλιών και
απαξιωμένων συνηθειών μας. Τί θα απογίνουμε
έτσι που πάμε και πώς να ορθοποδήσουμε;

Those of you, on both sides of the Atlantic, that
have the illusion that you are helping workers
to cope with inflation and price scourging by
increasing their salaries or by subsidizing
various products, even when you have the
best of intentions in mind, you are fooling
yourselves. Helping low income families
and selectively assisting the poorest and
destitute is the way to go (this, of course,
only in societies where those that claim to
be poor and to have low incomes are really
poor and really have low incomes, and are
not simply hiding their under-the-table gains
from the taxman). But, giving increases to
all workers, even to those that are solidly in
the middle income tier, harms in this battle,
since it unequivocally leads to the feeling,
on the side of companies and corporations,
that there is more money circulating out
there and, therefore, an opportunity to
charge more and profit more, and, of course,
on the side of their employees, when seeing
more profits, to demand higher salaries,
which the companies compensate for by
raising prices even more. So putting more
money in the "market" by either helping
everyone or by subsidizing goods leads to
a vicious cycle of inflation upon inflation
and defeats the stated (sometimes noble)
objectives of such moves.

Κανένα μα κανένα κάθαρμα ή ζοφερό υποκείμενο
δεν έχει το δικαίωμα να επιτίθεται σε κανέναν
άνθρωπο (πολιτικό ή μη) για τις προσωπικές
του επιλογές και την προσωπική του ζωή, όπως
εξάλλου κανείς από μας δεν προτίθεται να ανεχτεί
εν έτη 2023 παρεμβάσεις και έλλειψη ελευθερίας
στις προσωπικές μας επιλογές (αρκεί να μην
επιβαρύνουν, περιορίζουν ή θίγουν τις επιλογές
άλλων). Αν κάποια καθάρματα θέλουν να κάνουν
πολιτικές παρεμβάσεις και αντιπολίτευση σε
κάποια πρόσωπα να παραμένουν αυστηρώς
εντός πολιτικών παραμέτρων και να αφήσουν
κατά μέρους λαϊκισμούς και χυδαιότητες επί
προσωπικού. Πιστεύω ότι ο Κασσελάκης είναι
ακατάλληλος, αλλά ενάντια στον Κουγιόβοθρο
θα τον υποστήριζα ανεπιφύλακτα.

Yorgos Lanthimos wins the Golden Lion at Venice
for his film "Poor Things" starring Emma Stone
and Mark Ruffalo.

"Διαχρονικές ευθύνες" από πατέρα σε γιο και από
θείο σε ανηψιό και τελικά δεν ευθύνεται κανείς;
Δηλαδή να τρώμε χωρίς καμία ευθύνη και χωρίς
καμία αρμοδιότητα; Αυτή είναι η Ελλάδα της
αξιοκρατίας που ονειρεύεστε και μας τσαμπουνάτε
Μα για μαλά*ες και για ηλίθιους μας περνάτε;

Idiocyn: She does not realize what she is doing,
who she is associating with (a war criminal and
a person that spat on the Principles of the Charter),
nor does she realize that she is gutting her reputation.
Pity, pity, pity... brainless, thoughtless moves.

Αντιλαμβανόμασε όλο και περισσότερο (ελπίζω)
στην Ελλάδα ότι τα αμνοερίφια (συγγνώμη κι
όλας στα τετράποδα) που προκαλούν (ηθελημένα
ή άθελα) το δημόσιο αίσθημα ειναι ανηψιοί και
γιοί πρώην υπουργών και άλλων αρπακτικών
που έχουν από πολυκαιρίσια θητεία και συνήθη
εκμετάλλευση καλοκαβαλίσει το καλάμι.
Χρειάζεται, για να ξεβρωμίζει ο τόπος μας, να
απαλλαγούμε απ' αυτήν την χείριστη και όλως
αδικαιολόγητη συνήθεια να παραδίδουμε το
κουτάλι από πατέρα σε γιο και από πάππου σε
εγγόνι. Αρκετά πια... Μην είμαστε τόσο χαζοί.

Να το επαναλάβω γιατί ό,τι και να πει κανείς δε φτάνει.
Χώρα απολίτιστη, υπανάπτυκτη και τριτοκοσμική.
Όπου η αξία της ανθρώπινης ζωής και η ανθρώπινη
αξιοπρέπεια έχουν σημασία μικρότερη ακόμα κι από
ένα ακτοπλοϊκό εισητήριο. Απονιά και απανθρωπιά.
Ακόμα κι από θαλασσοπόρους που υποτίθεται είναι
πάντα στην πρώτη γραμμή της αλληλεγγύης και της
συμπαράστασης γιατί ξέρουν πολύ καλά ότι, αργά ή
γρήγορα, κάποια στιγμή θα χρειαστούν και οι ίδιοι
τη βοήθεια κάποιων άλλων. Πιάσαμε πάτο βαθύ...

Ακριβώς τα ίδια, αν όχι και χειρότερα και γι αυτούς.
Μιλάμε για απύθμενο βόθρο και βοθρατζήδες, και
αηδιαστικά υποκείμενα, άπληστα και φιλοχρήματα
γλειφτρόνια του κερατά, με ανύπαρκτη παιδεία και,
μάλλον, ανύπαρκτους εγκεφάλους.

Πόσο χαζός, αφερέγγυος και σκοταδιστής πρέπει
να είναι κανείς για να πιστεύει, να εμπιστεύεται
και να ψηφίζει τέτοια φαιδρά, ηλίθια και ανάξια
υποκείμενα όπως αυτά τα σκουπίδια; Κρίμα για
την Ελλάδα του 21ου αιώνα, στην οποία, απ' ό,τι
φαίνεται, μεγάλος μέρος του πληθυσμού ζει ακόμα
προ Αναγέννησης και Διαφωτισμού...

Θα ήθελα να προειδοποιήσω τους ΣΥΡΙΖΑίους να
είναι προσεκτικοί στην επιλογή τους. Ο τρόπος που
ένας από τους υποψήφιους τους για το χρίσμα,
χρησιμοποίησε τη δικαιοσύνη μίας χώρας, η οποία
γδύνει αυτούς που δεν έχουν και φροντίζει δυσανάλογα
αυτούς που έχουν ήδη ανταμειφθεί πολύ παραπάνω
απ' ό,τι τους αξίζει, αρκεί να το παίξουν απατημένοι
και καταταλαιπωρημένοι (και να έχουν τη μονέδα
να προσλάβουν τους κατάλληλους δικηγόρους),
δείχνει παραδόπιστο, θρασύ και αδίστακτο άτομο,
κατάλληλο για παιχνίδια και τερτίπια κέρδους και
κεφαλαίου, αλλά ακατάλληλο για την ηγεσία ενός
προοδευτικού κόμματος του οποίου το σκεπτικό
πρέπει να επικεντρώνεται στην ενσυναίσθηση,
την αλληλεγγύη και στο τί μπορεί κανείς να κάνει
για να βοηθήσει τους άλλους και όχι για να βοηθήσει
τον υπερφίαλο και υπερφουσκωμένο εαυτούλη του.
Εάν δεν τα λάβετε αυτά υπόψιν, θα τα βρείτε μπροστά
σας και ίσως τότε να είναι (αν δεν είναι ήδη) πολύ αργά.

It may not consist of the best crafted or the best
executed portraits in art (especially those of the
Frey siblings), but its History is deeply moving,
fascinating, riveting and enthralling.
BRAVO TO THE MET for its work!!

I do not have a problem with seniors and
I respect their histories and contributions.
But it is unfortunate that, in our country,
we are so stuck to chairs and offices that
we have ended up being governed by
wrecks and dilapidated individuals, because
neither them nor their entourages, relatives
and subordinates, have the courage to tell
them that they are not in service, but, rather,
in disservice, that they are doing injustice
to themselves, their states and our country
and that, at some point in one's life, when
they still have their functions intact, decency
and wisdom impose letting people that are
younger, fully functioning and more alert
(of the next generation) take up the reigns.
All around total lack of sensitivity, wisdom
and awareness of those governing us... pity
for their egocentrism, egomania and mental
paucity and/or incapacity.

These are the things that you do not want a
scoundrel and a hypocrite to utter because the
level of our tolerance, when our intelligence is
insulted, hits zero. He says that "there is one
system for justice for all", when he, himself,
is a shining counterexample to this statement.
At least he acknowledges that the system is
"imperfect". What a joke from the ultimate
representative and beneficiary of a system
that has been and is corrupt to the bone.

I am wondering why they do not spend the money
to support producers to be able to sell the wine at
discount prices, instead of paying to destroy it.
If wine was available at lower prices, now that
inflation and financial woes have hit consumers
hard, then, perhaps, when the financial conditions
improve, consumers would be willing to buy what
they had the chance to taste by paying a little more.
Paying to destroy a product when they could spend
the money to boost its sales and likability seems to
me to be the worst of all possible choices.

The Trump era fiascos and the subsequent efforts
at cleaning house are very important in the big
scheme of things, and not only in the narrow
framework of today's American Politics.
Up to this point, the United States had been
touting Democratic Principles, Human Rights
and Individual Freedoms, and strongly advocating
and campaigning for Democracy, Freedom and
Openness around the Globe from a position of
Power and, in a sense, projecting by Example.
But we could not indicate, except theoretically,
what one should be doing if turmoil struck and
one legitimate democratically elected government
(or regime) gets toppled by another (and, perhaps,
yet by another ad infinitum, as happens in some
African States). Now that we have faced this
scare ourselves, in our own political life, it is
very important that we clean our House in the
right way and that we disinfect clinically, so
that, even in matters of devious and provocative
behavior, we shine outwardly as an Example to
follow on how forcefully one should intervene,
even a posteriori, how mercilessly one has to
prosecute and to punish, and how meticulously
one should insist in protecting institutions that,
unfortunately, take decades (if not centuries) to
build and consolidate, but only hours of bigotry,
scorn, ignorance, mindlessness, egomania and
megalomania to debase and destroy.

I can't hide my detestation for Rama, which stems
from his shady past and nefarious dealings and the
impunity with which he has managed to enshroud
his actions. I consider him to be a piece of dirt clad
in a nicely cut suit and, again, given his own history,
the sincerity of his statements cannot but be put to
question. On the other hand, if taken at face value,
it would be hard for anyone to disagree with his
statements, at least in principle, if not entirely in fact.

STATES! Archaeological treasures are the Heritage
of Humanity and they cannot and must not be
allowed to change private hands in shady deals
between unscrupulous, greedy dealers and private
collectors, for the sake of profit. Swimming in
millions and becoming filthy rich by trading in
the Artistic and Cultural Heritage of Humanity,
which should be in the Public Hands and available
to be cherished, admired and enjoyed by all, is
shameful, contemptible and reprehensible.

Χώρα απολίτιστη, υπανάπτυκτη και τριτοκοσμική.
Όπου η αξία της ανθρώπινης ζωής και η ανθρώπινη
αξιοπρέπεια έχουν σημασία μικρότερη από την οχλο
μανία και την οπαδομανία. Χρειαζόμαστε επειγόντως
ψυχιατρείο και ισχυρά ψυχοφάρμακα μήπως και
τελικά συνέλθουμε και καταλάβουμε τί μας γίνεται.
Ούτε είμαστε μόνοι... Και η UEFA αγρόν ηγόρασε.
Αφού μόνο άνθρωποι πεθαίνουν, αλλά τα γρόσια δε
μειώνονται (τουναντίον μάλλον), τί τους νοιάζει;...

A great day for modernity and civilization
in Ohio. Ohio voters fought a worthy and
successful fight to reject attempts to restrict
the freedom of others by those that are not
satisfied to be free to make their own choices,
but are so arrogant and so dictatorial as to
believe it is natural, right and fair to impose
those choices on others as well. BRAVO, OHIO!!

If Greeks and Turks can live side by side as
Brothers and Sisters, in Peace and Security,
with the common goal of prosperity for both
sides through close cooperation in a climate
of calmness and mutual understanding, then
I cannot see why the same could not happen
between Greek and Turkish Cypriots, who,
after all, share a common homeland.
I call on President Erdogan, the new Foreign
Minister Fidan and the political leaders of
the Turkish Cypriot Community to embrace
this approach and reengage in constructive
negotiations, without the precondition of a
recognition of an independent state. After
all, at the conclusion of any process of
negotiations, both sides (hopefully in a united
island), will be members of the European Family
and, apart from administrative differences and
cosmetic distinctions, they will have all the rights
and responsibilities ensuing by European Norms
and Treaties, which will also form the main
guarantee for bilateral Peace and Security inside
the broader European Family and under a broader
European security umbrella.

Κούλη, αυτά τα διαβάζεις, τα ξέρεις, ενημερώνεσαι;
Και αν ναι, πώς μπορείς να βγαίνεις και να χαμογελάς
και να χαιρετάς και να περηφανεύεσαι και να υπόσχεσαι
από τη μία και από την άλλη να ανέχεσαι να υπάρχουν
στο ψηφοδέλτιο αλήτες (στην κυριολεξία) όπως ο ξεδιά-
ντροπος, αηδιαστικός και ανίκανος, αλλά παρά ταύτα
πανίσχυρος, ανιψιός και ξάδερφος των συγκοικωνιών;

Επειδή ξέρω ότι πολλοί (αν όχι οι περισσότεροι)
ανόητοι προύχοντες δε δίνουν μία για την πρόοδο
και το μόνο που τους ενδιαφέρει είναι τα φλουριά
και οι ψήφοι, αν το πρόβλημα στην Ύδρα είναι
η εργασία και το εισόδημα των γαϊδουράδων,
τότε, με λίγη καλή θέληση, λύσεις μπορούν να
βρεθούν (ας ρωτήσουν και τον Πρωθυπουργό).
Κάποιο μέρος (οι πιο ηλικιωμένοι) μπορεί να
βγούν σε εθελοντική σύνταξη με κάποια κίνητρα.
Και για τους υπόλοιπους, να υπάρξει μία μετα-
βατική περίοδος, κατά την οποία, η ήδη εργα-
ζόμενοι να δουλέψουν με κάποιους περιορισμούς
και κανένας καινούργιος να μην επιτραπεί να
ξεκινήσει. Αντ' αυτού να δοθούν κάποια κίνητρα
να βρεθούν εναλλακτικές πρακτικές ώστε νεώτεροι
άνθρωποι να ασχοληθούν με κάτι πιο σύγχρονο
και καινοτόμο. (Ο Πρωθυπουργός, που γενικά
σε τέτοια θέματα έχει καλή θέληση, είμαι σίγουρος
ότι θα μπορεί να βοηθήσει αν του ζητηθεί να
βρεθούν αποδεκτές, μη ντροπιαστικές, τριτο-
κοσμικές και απάνθρωπες, λύσεις.)

Αδυνατώ να καταλάβω πόσο απεριόριστη είναι
η ανθρώπινη ανοησία, βλακεία και ηλιθιότητα.
Έχει αναλογιστεί άραγε ο "δήμαρχος" Ύδρας
τί θα μπορούσε κάποιος να δικαιολογήσει, πόση
απανθρωπιά, πόσες τραγωδίες και πόσα εγκλήματα,
με το επιχείρημα "γίνεται έτσι εδώ και εκατοντάδες
χρόνια"; Είναι σοβαρά τόσο ανόητος; Πρόοδος
και ανθρωπιά σημαίνει ακριβώς να κάνουμε
κάτι διαφορετικά και καλύτερα απ' ότι γινόταν
στο παρελθόν εκμεταλλευόμενοι νέες μεθόδους
και νέες τεχνολογίες. Αν είμαστε κολλημένοι σε
παραδόσεις, ακόμα και σε εξευτελιστικές, απεχθείς
και ειδεχθείς παραδόσεις, τότε δεν έχουμε θέση
στα κοινά και πρέπει να αποσυρθούμε  πριν η
άγνοια, η αμορφωσιά, η νοοτροπία και η βλακεία
μας οδηγήσουν σε μεγαλύτερες καταστροφές,
οδυνηρές συνέπειες και αδιόρθωτα λάθη.

Everyone is fooling everyone else in a situation
that has escalated out of control. The "influencers"
and "activists", once they become known and amass
power, start living beyond their prior means, start
leaving a much bigger footprint than is due them
and shamelessly cash in on their fame and advocacy.
And this applies not only to climate, but, also, to
other causes, like "black lives" and like "me too".
While the planet is spinning out of control and the
climate effects are accelerating, having already
entered into an unending vicious cycle, as a result
of everyone's real apathy and everyone's desire to
be the center of attention, to profit and to live as
extravagant and luxurious a life as their means
allow. I ask, how many of those celebrities that
constantly and consistently advocate for climate
and the protection of the planet live in mansions
and travel constantly, contributing much much
more than the average Global Citizen in the climate
quagmire? If they were truthful, would they not have
sacrificed those luxuries to show by example what
needs to be done urgently? But everything is done
for show and to be fashionable, to be praised and
to be promoted and recognized. WHAT A SHAME...

The irony and sarcasm in politics. The Greek
Premier, who is paying a visit and fraternizing
with a dictator, who has deprived the Egyptian
People of their freedoms and restricted their
human and political rights, is paying a visit to
the Greek Memorial at the Cemetery of El
Alamein to, according to his words, comme-
morate those that "gave their lives in the
Egyptian Desert during WWII for us to be
free. It was the least I could do for those who
fought outside our borders in the common
fight for freedom"...

Έχει απόλυτο δίκιο το ΚΚΕ. Όλοι παρανομούν
και όλοι παίρνουν άδειες για ένα και κατασκευάζουν
και/ή λειτουργούν άλλο, γιατί ξέρουν ότι, μέχρι να
κουνήσει το ένα πόδι το δημόσιο για να ελέγξει,
θα έχει βρωμίσει το άλλο, ότι, μέχρι να κουνήσει
το ένα πόδι η αρμόδια υπηρεσία για να τους κλείσει,
θα έχει βρωμίσει το άλλο και ότι, μέχρι να κουνήσει
το ένα πόδι η δικαιοσύνη να τους επιβάλλει ποινές
και πρόστιμα, θα έχει βρωμίσει το άλλο. Αν ο
Κούλης δεν το αντιλαμβάνεται, δεν έχει επαφή
με την πραγματικότητα κι έχει χάσει τ' αυγά και
τα πασχάλια. Αν το αντιλαμβάνεται, απορώ πού
βρίσκει το θράσος (και παίρνει και το γλυκανάλατο
εκνευριστικότατο ύφος) να μιλά για "επιτελικό",
"σύννομο" και "αποτελεσματικό" κράτος.
Κούλη έχεις επαφή; Καταλαβαίνεις; Είσαι με
τα καλά σου; Ή ντιπ για ντιπ και γιοκ;

Stupidity, ignorance and narrow-mindedness
go hand-in-hand, tied inextricably together,
in the developed, the developing and the
utterly underdeveloped parts of the globe.

Το πόσο άθλιος ήταν φάνηκε εξ αρχής. Το
τραγικό, όμως, είναι ότι ο Πρωθυπουργός
περιβάλλεται από πολλούς αλητήριους,
άθλιους και οπορτουνιστές, και είναι λίγο
αμφίβολο αν το έχει συνειδητοποιήσει και
ακόμα περισσότερο αμφίβολο αν, παρά
την εμπιστοσύνη των πολιτών, έχει την
εσωκομματική δύναμη και τα κότσια να
τους στείλει σπίτια τους. Βέβαια, ακόμα
και να παραμείνουν στο κόμμα (όπως
έγινε με τον αλήτη των συγκοινωνιών),
δεν είναι ούτε ανάγκη ούτε έχει κάποια
ειδική υποχρέωση ο Πρωθυπουργός να
τους έχει τριγύρω του στην Κυβέρνηση.

Καλά τους τα είπε ο Πρωθυπουργός. Μόνο που
προσέβαλε τη φακή, διότι εκείνη είναι νόστιμη
και αξίζει το σάλιο μας, ενώ κάποιοι στο Κοινο-
βούλιο, που δεν ξέρουν τί τους γίνεται και πού
παν τα τέσσερα, ούτε το σάλιο μας δεν αξίζουν,
παρόλο που παίρνουν πάνω από 3% από τις
ψήφους κάποιων τραλαλάδων και αμνοεριφίων...
Αλλά, Κυριάκο, η επιστολική είναι απαραίτητη
Δε βοηθάει να επιτρέπεται αλλά να μην
μπορούμε να ψηφίσουμε. Κι αυτό ισχύει για
πάρα πάρα πολλούς και πολλές (ακόμα κι αν
δεν είμαστε η πλειοψηφία των αποδήμων, που
μπορεί και να είμαστε...).

A selfish idiot conman surrounded by selfish
idiot conmen. And there are still people in this
State of ours that would like to see (again) this
stinky despicable filth as our president. It is
terrible and frightening for a State and its
citizens to be unable to learn and to digest the
most evident, most gaping and most urgent
lessons from its history...

Tony Bennett is with us no more... He may
not have been a groundbreaking musician
or performer, but he was open-minded and
a true liberal in an era where it took guts,
courage and determination to break norms,
and was not just fashionable and à la mode.

As writers and actors are walking out and
picketing for a fairer share of the profits and
for better working conditions, let me take cue
from Mark Ruffalo's statement and say that
there are many sectors in the professions in
our United States (and, for that matter,
everywhere in the World), where parasites,
with no vital role to play in the functionality
or productivity of an organization, a company
or an industry, are earning multiple times
what the vital workers are afforded and are
steadfastly refusing to yield a fairer share of
the profits. Of course, one might argue that
this is not new at all; that there have been
innumerous examples of such "industrialist",
"entrepreneur" and "professional" types in
history, who, after having squeezed their
employees dry (and, on occasion, in the most
extreme and extravagant cases, having turned
police, national guards etc. against them), they
have turned around and engaged in philanthropy,
gifts and charity work. I will say that, of course,
it is better to do that than doing nothing and
simply stashing the profits away. BUT it does
not have to be this way, not any longer. One
could share more with his employees so that
they, their families and their communities are
not in need of their philanthropy, their "good
will" and their charity, but can cope and hold
their own, based on their toil and their work,
which is, after all, the main ingredient responsible
for the oligarchs' own luxurious, extravagant
and lavish lives.

In Greece and in our United States we have to
stop ostrichism and to understand that these
incidents can no longer be classified as over-
sights and/or gaffes
. These are symptoms
indicative of serious health issues
that have
to do with the (lack of) wholesomeness and
integrity of the mind of someone that is of a
certain age and has had a particularly loaded
medical history. Period. It is high time for
everyone to realize, admit and accept, and
to try (particularly those close to him and
surrounding him in Government and Party)
to gently convince him that he does not have
any longer the strength and capacity required
to perform the job. Being in a position to act,
and, instead of doing this, kicking the ball
down the road, until the inevitable happens,
is a disservice to the President himself, to
our Country and to our Nation.

Ο απόλυτος γελωτοποιός και γλειφτρόνι του
κερατά, που έκανε υποκλίσεις και έγλειψε τα
πάντα για να μη διαγραφεί βλέποντας μόνο
το προσωπικό συμφέρον και τα φλουριά, θα
κατέβει για να συγκρουστεί με τα συμφέροντα!!

At least in Foreign Policy, Greece is, generally,
trekking cautiously, prudently and responsibly,
taking into account both its own interests and
the common good and guided imperturbably
by the Principles and Tenets of International
Law and by a strong desire to maintain close
and warm bilateral relations with as many
Nations on the Globe as possible. I wish the
same could be said when it came to our domestic
affairs and the mess and haphazard, spasmodic,
uncoordinated and disconnected moves that
perpetually characterize our domestic policies
and endeavors. Planning (and sticking to our
plans) is not our strong suit, to say the least...

Milan Kundera is with us no more...

Άλλα αντ' άλλων. Άρμεγε λαγούς και κούρευε χελώνες...
Συμφώνησε και ο "αυτοδύναμος" Κούλης σ' αυτές τις
ανοησίες του κομματόσκυλου; Περιμέναμε καλύτερα
από τους ίδιους "πεφωτισμένους"; Πάρτε τα να τους
θυμάστε και να σκέφτεστε καλύτερα όταν ψηφίζετε.
Η επόμενη κίνηση θα είναι, επειδή τα άλογα δε θα έχουν
"επιτελέσει τη δουλειά για την οποία ιδρύθηκαν και
απαξιώθηκαν", να ενσωματωθούν στο μέγαρο μαξίμου
και να βόσκουν παρέα με τον Κούλη, υπό το βλέμμα και
τις γαλουχίες του Πίνατ. Τελικά είναι ντιπ και για τα
γέλια, ή μάλλον για τα κλάματα.

I heard on NPR today that the United States
finished the dismantlement of its last remaining
stockpile of chemical and biological weapons
which have been banned by an International
. I am sure that we may not pay as
much attention on this event as it warrants
and I want to strongly commend all our
Governments, all Officials and all Workers
who played a role and made such a remarkable
achievement possible. It serves our country and
the entire World well and we are proud.
On the other hand, maintaining, using or
exporting other weapons
, the legality of whose
deployment under International Law is, to say
the least, questionable
and the horrific conse-
quences of whose use is well documented, does
not make us either restful or proud. My view
is that in such matters, we have no choice but
to provide the best example and leadership
no matter which policies and actions other
actors, whom we have very little respect for,
choose to follow and are engaging in. I call
on the Biden Administration to review these
decisions and moves and on NATO to rethink
such policies and deployments.

How ironic that this terrible 13% who tear their
garments about the gloriousness and superiority
of "greekness" are making Greekness feel like a
frightful, sorry, miserable and pathetic attribute.
To shine, we must show and promote our Hospitality,
our Solidarity and our Generosity at every turn and
at every opportunity and aggressively combat all
traces of those horrific traits, racism, nationalism,
phobias of the other and the different, and bigotry.
These are the features that make one (or a Nation)
exemplary and superior; not using one's nationality
and history in vain to support violence, to injure
and hurt, and to make others miserable and
unwelcome. How can we, Greeks, tolerate such
unacceptable attitudes, when we are, justifiably,
the first to unequivocally condemn them when we
discern them in others and when we find ourselves
and our own on the receiving end? WE MUST

Αυτά είναι που δεν αντέχω καθόλου και θεωρώ
απαράδεκτα και σιχαμερά. Όσο βολεύεσαι με
το βολευτιλίκη και τα πιάνεις, όλα μια χαρά.
Μην τυχόν σηκωθείς και φύγεις τίμια τότε
και χάσεις τα φλουριά... Όταν απολεσθεί το
βολευτιλίκι και τα αργύρια, τότε κάνεις τον
καμπόσο και τον ανεξάρτητο και διαλαλείς
ότι διαφωνούσες με τα καμώματα και τα
τερτίπια. Γι αυτό στην Ελλάδα, όσο αποδεχό-
μαστε να εκπροσωπούμαστε από τέτοιους, δε
θα δούμε ποτέ άσπρη μέρα και δεν πρόκειται
να ξημερώσει.

Η αισχρή σκα*οαχαϊρευτη ζητάει και τα ρέστα.
Δε πα να... Θα έπρεπε να ντρέπεσαι να μιλάς και
να παρουσιάζεσαι. Αλλά τέτοια που είσαι, δεν
έπρεπε να περιμένουμε τίποτα διαφορετικό από
το να σε βλέπουμε κουνιστή και λυγιστή, συρά-
μενη και φεράμενη, να μας ζητάς στο τέλος και
το λογαριασμό. Αισχρά υποκείμενα, που αφού
χέ*ουν κάθε έννοια πολιτισμού, κατηγορούν από
πάνω και αυτούς που τους εξέλεξαν ότι ελλείπονται
αυτά που αυτοί νομίζουν ότι έχουν εν αφθονία.
Αισχρό υποκείμενο χειρίστου είδους και ασυνα-
γώνιστης αγένειας. Αλλά αφού τέτοιοι είμαστε,
τους δίνουμε και το δικαίωμα στην αυθάδεια
και την κοροϊδία... Κοιτάξτε και ποιους εκλέξαμε
τώρα, για να διαπιστώσετε ποιοί είναι αυτοί που
θα μας καθίσουν στο σβέρκο στο μέλλον, όπως
συνέβη και μ' αυτήν τη θρασύτατη κυράτσα...

The Greek LGBTQ+ Community (through
Rainbow Families) are absolutely justified
in showing mistrust and restrain when
thinking about the - not really new - procla-
mations of the Prime Minister concerning
the legalization of same-sex marriage in
. After all, we are seeing daily how
his claims about "the efficiency of a task-
oriented state" constitute nonsense for the
naive and the ignorant (since 2016 there
has been a decision "pending" about the
illegality and the closure of the, by now,
notorious, Rhodes "cantina", and, even
after the outrage and the outcry, it is still
functioning as if there had never been any
decision against it
). Mitsotakis is living,
unfortunately, in a cocoon and is unaware
and not experiencing what Greeks are
experiencing every day; lawlessness, tax
evasion at a rampant scale, and people "at
the poverty level" mistreating others for
profit, but living luxurious, uninterrupted
and carefree lives...

I will say only one thing about what is unfolding
in Rhodes
. I know nothing about this business.
But I am extremely upset and bothered by this
businessman claiming that, because the beach
front of his business is "very small", he had not
been aware that he needed a permit to occupy
. Does he think that Greeks are idiots, because
our State and its authorities do not fulfill the
obligations they are charged with and, when
they do, they are hopelessly late?
This beach, that
he is using and occupying for profit, is as much
his as it belongs to every other Citizen. By him
placing his wares on it, he is effectively denying
other people of the public who want to go there,
but do not want to be his customers, the chance
to enjoy that part of the beach. So, unless he
rents it and is authorized to do so by the relevant
authorities, it is obvious that he cannot do what
he is doing
. Claiming ignorance of the obvious
is absurd and dangerous and, in Greece, we have
enough of such attitudes. I URGE THE

If by "acting independently in the world",
you mean "invading other States", then
the West does very well to try to prevent
this, and you should also support such
efforts and honor your signatures in the
Charter, instead of planning, initiating
and executing wars of aggression and
of carrying out unimaginable atrocities
and war crimes.

Ο Τσίπρας αποχωρεί με το κεφάλι σκυμμένο
και πολύ καλά κάνει. Από το ΣΥΡΙΖΑ, η Ελλάδα
έχει να θυμάται τον Τσακαλώτο, που έβαλε πλάτη,
διαπραγματεύτηκε αξιοπρεπέστατα και κατάφερε
να συμμαζέψει τα ασυμάζευτα των άλλων (ή πιο
εύστοχα, να καθαρίσει τα σκορπισμένα στα μάρ-
μαρα και τις πορσελάνες κόπρανα των μέχρι
εκείνη την στιγμή κυβερνώντων) και τον Κοτζιά,
που έβαλε πλάτη για να επιλυθεί μία ανοιχτή πλη-
γή και ένα αδικαιολόγητα χρονίζον πρόβλημα για
την Ελλάδα (του οποίου η επίλυση ωφέλησε τα
μέγιστα τις μετέπειτα εξελίξεις στην εξωτερική
μας πολιτική). Όμως θα θυμόμαστε πάντα με
απέχθεια, θυμό και αηδία
τις ανοησίες και τις
αστειότητες του Βαρουφάκη, την αμορφωσιά
και ημιμάθεια πολλών στελεχών (συμπεριλαμ-
βανομένου και του Τσίπρα), την ανοχή στην
αγένεια και την έλλειψη πολιτισμού και σε
νοοτροπίες τραμπουκισμού και θρασύτητας
(που αποδείχτηκε, εκ των υστέρων, θρασυδειλία)
α λα Πολάκη, και την ανικανότητα ελέγχου και
επιβολής κυρώσεων για στελέχη που ξεκάθαρα
καταπατούσαν ηθικές αρχές και δρούσαν με
γνώμονα το προσωπικό όφελος σε διαπλεκόμενα
και συγκρουόμενα συμφέροντα, όπως ο Παπα-
δημούλης. Αυτά δε μπορεί κανείς να τα παραδεί
ή να τα συγχωρέσει
. Γενικά, Κλαύτα Χαράλαμπε
(ή, μάλλον, Αλέξη) και Καλά Ξεκουμπίδια

Είναι κρίμα κι άδικο που ασχολούμαστε με
τέτοια ζητήματα στην Ελλάδα (και στον
κόσμο) εν έτει 2023. Αλλά θα ενθάρρυνα τις
κυρίες του δεξιού χώρου να σκεφτούν καλά,
και να συνειδητοποιήσουν ότι η μεγάλη, αν
όχι συντριπτική, πλειοψηφία των σεξιστικών,
ρατσιστικών, ομοφοβικών και γενικά, όπως
σωστά το τοποθετεί η κ. Μιχαηλίδου, αναχρο-
νιστικών, τοποθετήσεων και σχολίων, προέρ-
χεται αδιαμφισβήτητα από το δικό τους, και
από συγγενείς, πολιτικούς χώρους
. Μήπως
αυτό λέει πολλά για το ποιοί κατ' ουσίαν
είναι, για το τί πολλοί απ' αυτούς πιστεύουν,
για το ποιοί τους στηρίζουν και για το ποιούς
υπηρετούν; Είναι αλήθεια ότι στην Ελλάδα
έχουμε υποφέρει από ιδεοληψίες και στείρες
πολιτικές αντιπαραθέσεις, αλλά αυτό σε καμία
περίπτωση δε σημαίνει ότι οι ιδεολογίες, οι
πολιτικοί προσανατολισμοί και, πιο πρακτικά,
η ένταξη σε πολιτικούς χώρους είναι ασήμαντες
και περιττές (γι αυτούς ακριβώς τους λόγους).

A uniform does not automatically convert a
stinky piece of meat into a four-star general,
nor does a nice suit convert an incompetent
semi-ignoramus into a convincing political
mover or a person commanding respect.

Αλαλούμ και στους φερόμενους διορισμούς στα
. Τα ίδια κομματόσκυλα ανακατεμένα,
χωρίς λόγο και αιτία, για να εξισορροπηθούν
κομματικές απαιτήσεις και προσωπικές φιλο-
δοξίες. Δυστυχώς αυτό εννοούμε στην Ελλάδα
όταν μιλάμε για "γερό ταρακούνημα" και για
"επιτελικό κράτος". Όσοι περίμεναν, ή αφελώς
εμπιστεύτηκαν, ότι θα επιτελεστεί "σύγκρουση
με το κατεστημένο" (δηλαδή με τον εαυτό τους)
ελπίζω να έχουν μία άνετη και χαλαρή προσγεί-
ωση και να τους δούμε σε μία από τις επόμενες
πτήσεις του αεροσκάφους "η ωραία ελλάς".

Είμαστε άξιοι της τύχης μας... Πάνω από ένας
στους δέκα έλληνες είναι φασίστας, ρεντίκολο,
πατριδοκάπηλος και υπερεθνικιστής, και δίνει
την ψήφο του σε ανάξια και γελοία υποκείμενα
και κωμικοτραγικούς πολιτικούς σχηματισμούς.

The barechested fraud proved to be exactly
that. He was caught unawares by another
fraud of his own creation. Dog-eat-dog and
cat-fight-cat; that is today's Russia under
the watch and sole responsibility of an
extremely dangerous, distinctly incompetent,
deeply corrupt and utterly irresponsible "man".

A unique, historic appearance of Vasilis
at the Kallimarmaro,
celebrating his 50 Years in Greek Music.

Cormac McCarthy is with us no more...

Yannis Markopoulos is with us no more...

In Our Collective Memory and in Our National
History, you are, and will always be, remembered
as the vice-president "of disgrace" and "abuse".
It shows who you are that, instead of saying you
are sorry and asking for forgiveness from a Nation
that you let down by knowingly siding with a ego-
maniacal, derailed and disgraceful pseudoleader,
you are trying to con the public to vote for you

"Γλυκούλα" γαϊδούρα. Βγαίνει ευρωβουλευτής
(γιατί τέτοιοι είμαστε), βγάζει και ξοδεύει τόσα
(από τα δικά μας) λεφτά, και κάνει και την αδικη-
μένη και την ανήξερη. Απόγειο της ξετσιπωσιάς
και της χονδροαφερεγγυότητας.

Tina Turner, one of the most talented, most
seductive, most electrifying and explosive
rock 'n' roll performers in history, is with us
no more...

Κανένα πολιτικό θάρρος να αποσύρεις απαρά-
δεκτους. Όχι πως το είχε η Κυβέρνηση, αλλά
τουλάχιστον δεν παρουσιάστηκε σαν τσίρκο.
Όταν τα καταφέρνεις να βαφτεί η Κρήτη μας
μπλέ, δεν έχεις κανένα μέλλον. Ξεκουμπήσου.

Μετά τα Τέμπη, το αφήγημα περί σοβαρής και
τεχνοκρατικής διοίκησης, χωρίς ημετέρους και
ρουσφέτια, κατέρρευσε παντελώς και πλέον ο
Κούλης επέστεψε στα παλιά και χιλιοακουσμένα
διλήμματα "ή εμείς ή μπάχαλο", "ή εμείς ή τα
τάνκς", που πλέον, όχι μόνο δεν πείθουν κανέναν,
αλλά, τουναντίον, προκαλούν δυσφορία και εμετό.
Κούλη, άλλα υποσχόσουν, άλλα περιμέναμε, μία
κάποια σοβαρότητα, αλλά γύρισες, και πολιτικά
(με τα γλειψίματα στους ακροδεξιούς και τους
φασίστες) και στην πράξη (με τα ρουσφέτια)
στην εποχή του πατερούλη σου, την οποία
η πλειοψηφία σε ψήφισε να ξεπαστρέψεις.
Κρίμα. Κρίμα. Εύχομαι να έχουμε μοιρασμένες
ψήφους και Κυβέρνηση Συνεργασίας, ώστε,
πρώτον, να υπάρξει ξεκάθαρη συμφωνία ως
προς τις προτεραιότητες και, δεύτερον, το
κάθε μέλος να ασκεί έλεγχο επί των πράξεων
των άλλων μελών, όχι από τα αντιπολιτευτικά
έδρανα, αλλά εκ των έσω, με μεγαλύτερη ισχύ
και αποτελεσματικότητα. Είναι καιρός πια και
στην Ελλάδα να ωριμάσουμε πολιτικά, και να
μην εμπιστευόμαστε κανέναν μόνο του και να
υποψιαζόμαστε τις εύκολες, άδειες υποσχέσεις.

Greedy, despicable opportunists, eager to sell
their own mothers, misinform, corrupt and
destroy a Nation for personal profit and aggran-
dizement. Not a bit different from those Sudanese
and other similar generalissimos, but,
perhaps, more dangerous, since, instead of being
out in the open, killing and maiming, they work
in sly and subtle ways to ridicule, discredit, mis-
inform and undermine democracy and justice
and to wreak their havoc in order to personally
profit from the dire consequences. Shame...

Ομολογουμένως, πολύ μαυρίλα. Δυσκολεύεσαι
πια να ανασάνεις. Απο τη μία ανακοινώσεις για
"τιμή" και "υποδοχή" στην "21η Απριλίου"
και από την άλλη συναντήσεις σε "θερμό κλίμα"
με εθνικόφρονα φασιστόμουτρα και πατριδοκά-
πηλους χειρίστου είδους, που παρ'ολίγον να
βάλουν τη χώρα μας σε μεγάλους μπελάδες...
Τά' χασε παντελώς ο Κούλης (ας το ελπίσουμε,
τουλάχιστον, διότι διαφορετικά, αν γλύφει για
να κάνει λαμπίκο την άκρα δεξιά, τα φασιστό-
μουτρα και τους νεο-ναζί, για ψήφους, είναι
ακόμα μεγαλύτερη ατυχία και συμφορά). Κρίμα.

I hope he doesn't say that he came to India to
meet his dear friends Nehru and Jinnah to
celebrate the Peace Deal between India and
Pakistan. But seriously, I think, despite being
a nice man, some people in his own circle, for
both his own sake and that of our United States,
which deserve a fully aware and cognizant
leader at the top of his/her game, should
advise him that the time has come to pull
aside and let a younger person assume the
reigns and take on the heavy responsibility.
Joe Biden has contributed enough and we
are thankful, but there are certain limits
that should not be crossed.

I am wondering how much of an idiot someone has
to be to go on a vacation with "friends", where one
of the two parties pays all the expenses. This, of course,
happens either with prostitutes or with individuals, like
lobbyists, where one party has the intention of using
the financial offerings as leverage to seek favors in
return. These purported "altruistic offers", with no
ulterior motive, should justifiably make people angry
and suspicious and should have been avoided by any
person (let alone a Supreme Court Justice) in whose
interest lies even the appearance, let alone the substance,
of independence and objectivity. Stupidity and/or naivete
beyond bounds, in my view; nothing surprising from
an obnoxious and arrogant "justice" ...

Chicago elected a new progressive Mayor today,
Brandon Johnson. He has made a lot of promises
and has given the People of Chicago and many
progressives elsewhere a lot of hope, and now
the eyes of Chicagoans, Americans and People
around the World are on him, expecting him to
start delivering. Mayor, do NOT forget! Promises
raise hopes, and burden one with new Obligations
and Responsibilities
. You are being watched and
the City and its People - and Forward Thinking
Citizens everywhere - are counting on you

When I see this morph, the way he behaves and his
declarations and theatrics, there is only one word
that comes to mind, the Greek word "ασυδοσία",
which is the only one I know that summarizes all
his qualities - and our worst fears and nightmares -
uncontrollability, rambunctiousness, imbecility,
thoughtlessness, impunity, unaccountability and
chaos, all in one. I do wish and hope, for the sake
of the Future of our Nation and for Our Place in
the World, that, should the Republican Party be
so forgetful as to reelect this morph once again as
their candidate for the Office of President, he shall
suffer, no matter who his Democratic opponent
happens to be, a resounding and humiliating
defeat, so that such a thing never reoccurs in the
History of our Nation. "Το δις εξαμαρτειν ουκ
ανδρος σοφού" ("Making the same mistake twice
is not a characteristic of a wise man

Τώρα κλείδωσε το βολευτιλίκι και ο αρχιεπαίτης
έγινε πάλι αρχι(*ο)τσέλιγκας
... Αλλά και ο Χατζη-
νικολάου, αν τα ποσά που ακούστηκαν είναι αληθινά,
πρέπει να βγάλει στοιχεία να πει πώς παίζει σε τέτοια
ταμπλό, όταν όλα είναι σφικτά τριγύρω. Η διαφάνεια
και η ολική αντίθεση και αντίδραση στη διαπλοκή
δε μπορεί να είναι α λα κάρτ και προς χάριν κανενός.

Let me just say that I am glad and, retrospectively,
extremely appreciative, that I did grow up in a society
which did not forbid students from admiring pinnacles
of Artistic Creation, Timeless Masterpieces, because
they depict the Human Body. It is a wonder, is it not,
that our officials strut their wares around the Globe
and preach about Liberty and Freedom of Expression
and Thought for men and women around the World,
while at the same time our laws are impotent to
guarantee that those Values are respected here at
home, thus leaving us prey to very few, but extremely
vocal, puritans with Dark Ages mentality.

Gordon Moore is with us no more...

Ο Μητσοτάκης λέει ισχυρές οι τράπεζες και
προστατευμένες οι καταθέσεις και δεν έχω
ούτε στοιχεία ούτε γνώση περί αυτού ή του
αντιθέτου. Αλλά πώς να εμπιστευτεί κανείς
τους ίδιους που έλεγαν, πριν κανένα μήνα,
ότι οι σιδηροδρομικές συγκοινωνίες ήταν
απολύτως ασφαλείς και εγκαλούσαν σε
μετάνοια και απολογία αυτούς που έκρουαν
τον κώδωνα του κινδύνου; Και το άλλο, που
ισχύει και εντός και εκτός των συνόρων, πώς
να εμπιστευτεί κανείς αυτούς στων οποίων
τα χέρια είναι η ασφάλεια των τραπεζών
(π.χ., το Μητσοτάκη και τον αγύρτη τον αρχι-
τραπεζίτη) όταν αυτοί δεν έχουν απολύτως
τίποτα να χάσουν με κατάρευση, αφού και με
το μέγεθος των μισθών τους και τα μπόνους,
έχουν φτιάξει ζωές χαρισάμενες, όχι για μία
αλλά και, για πολλαπλές γενιές απογόνων;

I hear our Government is encouraging other States
to be on the alert for bringing Dictator Putin of the
Russian Federation to Justice at the International
Criminal Court and, I would hope, there is no single
free-thinking Citizen of this World that would be
opposed to such a development. BUT, I want to
send a clear message to the current and to future
U.S. Presidents and Governments and to our
that, based on the well established
Principles of International Law concerning the
Equality and Responsibility of All States, and the
Erga Omnes Applicability of all its Tenets
, we
or letting them die unpunished, while demanding
from other States to extradite and/or punish their
own, or arrest Heads of Government and/or State
of other Nations, without being willing to reciprocate
The past should teach us lessons (even, or primarily,
difficult lessons to swallow) and we have to stop
using International Law and Its Tenets as a political
tool and view it, at last, as a Code of Obligations
that both We and All Other Nations have to abide
strictly and unequivocally by in all situations.

Δυστυχώς, κάποιοι είναι παντελώς άσχετοι, ασυνείδητοι
και θρασείς και έχουν την ξεδιαντροπιά να ψεύδονται
δημόσια μετά από μία τέτοια τραγωδία, ή, πιο ορθά,
εγκληματική ενέργεια. Αν πραγματικά τους ενδιέφερε
να μάθουν οι δημοσιογράφοι και το κοινό την αλήθεια,
γιατί να πάει ο Σκα*οπετρίτης στο σταθμαρχείο, όντας
δέκα μέρες υπουργός, να δείξει συστήματα που ούτε
ξέρει ούτε κατανοεί, και δεν αφήνει τους ειδικούς
των σιδηροδρόμων να δείξουν στους δημοσιογράφους
τί συμβαίνει; Αυτά είναι τραγελαφικά και ανήκουστα
. Προφανώς για τον Σκα*οπετρίτη, όταν
παίζει Master Mind και τηράει τα άσπρα και μαύρα
pegs και αλλάζει τα χρώματα, χρησιμοποιεί τηλεδι-
οίκηση. Κρίμα (ή να πούμε ΑΙΣΧΟΣ) και για τον
Κυριάκο, που δεν τους συμμαζεύει, να τους δώσει
εντολή να μην εκθέτονται και τον εκθέτουν με την
άγνοιά τους και τις γελοιότητες που λένε σε ζητήματα
που δεν ξέρουν και επί των οποίων, προφανώς, είναι
παντελώς άσχετοι...

Ντρέπομαι γι αυτά που συμβαίνουν και λέγονται

αυτή η στιγμή στην Ελλάδα και, μάλιστα, με την
ανοχή, αν όχι με εντολή, του πρωθυπουργού, από
τον οποίο άλλα περιμέναμε γιατί άλλα μας πουλούσε
Πάνω στις σωρούς των αδικοχαμένων νεκρών,
μαλλώνουν για το εάν έκαναν ή όχι αυτά που
απαιτούντο από μία αναπτυγμένη κοινωνία με
σωστή και ποιοτική χρήση της τεχνολογίας, ενώ
είναι ηλίου φαεινότερο ότι η αυτοματοποίηση δε
και ότι, όταν μας λένε για τηλεδιοίκηση,
όπως και σε πολλά άλλα, εννοούν τον παραδοσιακό
τρόπο, κατά τον οποίο βγαίνει ο σταθμάρχης στο
μπαλκόνι και τηραέι να δει εξ αποστάσεως αν όλα
είναι εντάξει, και μετά πάει και ρυθμίζει με το
χέρι τους διακόπτες
. Αλλά δυστυχώς κάπως έτσι
είναι και η ψηφιοποίηση του Πιερρακάκη, μόνο
που, ευτυχώς, εκεί δεν είναι ζήτημα ζωής ή θανάτου
και για κάτι σημαντικό πηγαίνεις πάλι επί τόπου
από γραφείο σε γραφείο να επιλύσεις το ζήτημά
σου, καθότι σχεδόν τίποτα ουσιαστικό δε γίνεται
online, εκτός από το να συμπληρώσεις φόρμες...
σε κάποιες περιπτώσεις...

Κατεβαίνει ο Πολάκης: ΌΧΙ ΣΤΟ ΣΥΡΙΖΑ
Κατεβαίνει ο Καραμανλής: ΌΧΙ ΣΤΗ ΝΕΑ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ
Ας αποδείξουμε για ακόμα μία φορά ότι η Ελλάδα είναι
χώρα ευθύνης και ότι οι Έλληνες στέλνουμε, χωρίς δεύτερη
σκέψη και ενδοιασμούς, τους ανεύθυνους σπίτια τους.

Πώς κάποιος, από "ατίθασος γιδοβοσκός", καταλήγει
γλειφτρόνι του κερατά που κάνει λαμπίκο στο γυάλισμα
τον αρχηγό και τα συντρόφια για τα φλουριά... Τέτοια
χοντρή ξεφτίλα από ψευτοπερήφανους, ψευτόμαγκες
βολευτές είχαμε χρόνια να δούμε. Μπράβο "παλικάρι"
και "καμάρι" της Ελληνικής πολιτικής ζωής... Σκύψε
κι άλλο, αφού αυτό που σε ενδιαφέρει τελικά είναι το
βολευτιλίκι και όχι η "κορμοστασιά"...

With the deepest sorrow, I read that Kenzaburō Ōe,
a True Master of Rare Insights, is with us no more...

The third, and last surviving, "Grandma of the
World" (Γιαγιά του Κόσμου) Emilia Kamvissi,
is with us no more... She, together with her
neighbors, Maritsa Mavrapidou and Efstratia
Mavrapidou, all three daughters of refugees
from Asia Minor, opened their Hearts and
their Homes, and helped in any way they
could some of the young families that found
their way, across the Aegean, to the Greek
shores after the disastrous Syrian civil war
and subsequent conflict that have uprooted
over a million souls.

President Biden has presented a budget that
reduces our National Deficits by $3 trillion
over 10 years. I think that this is not enough.
I urge both Parties to try to strike a tough,
but much needed, compromise to start
balancing the National Budgets and to
start reducing the National Debt as soon
as possible. We say that our Credit and
our Credibility and Trustworthiness are
jeopardized by the political games played
around raising the National Debt Ceiling,
and that may be true short term. But our
Credibility and Solvency and the Well
Being of our Nation and of our Children
rests more upon starting to pay off and
eventually eliminate, or at least bring
down to acceptable levels, our National
Debt. And in this endeavor nothing can
be sacred, especially expenditures that
devour the largest piece of the pie,
including military and security expenses.
We cannot secure our own happiness and
comfort at the expense of passing the bill
on and shattering the security, happiness
and the dreams of our children.



Αυτά είναι αλισβερίσια παλαιάς κοπής και
χειρίστου είδους, και προσβάλλουν βάναυσα
τη μνήμη των αδικοχαμένων και, φυσικά,
δεν τιμούν ούτε τον πρωθυπουργό ούτε την
κυβέρνηση και δίνουν την αίσθηση ότι αυτές
τις δύσκολες ώρες μας παίρνουν για μαλά*ες
και μας κοροϊδεύουν κι από πάνω. Αν ο πρώην
υπουργός "υποδομών" και "μεταφορών", ή
πιο εύστοχα, "ενταφιασμών", είναι στα
ψηφοδέλτια, καλώ όλους τους συμπολίτες
μας να μαυρίσουν και τη Νέα Δημοκρατία
Όχι πια κοροϊδίες. Με τόσο αίμα στα χέρια
τους, ας αναλάβουν πια σοβαρά τις ευθύνες
τους και ας αφήσουν κατά μέρους τα "που
μας αναλογούν", που μεταφράζονται σε
"ηλίθιοι, ξαναψηφίστε μας ώστε εμείς να
τα πιάνουμε κι εσείς να πάρετε μια από τα

This article describes a terrible history of
railway management in Greece
. If the facts
and the intent of the Italian Railways State
Transportation Corporation (Ferrovie dello
Stato Italiane
(FSI)) are accurate, the Italian
State, the European Union and, above all,
the Greek State, all have to be held morally,
but, also, legally accountable for what
happened. If the "knife is to reach deep
to the bone" as we were promised by the
Greek Prime Minister and Government,
the prosecutions should not stop in the
scapegoating of the station master
, who,
after all, seems to have been burdened
solely with a responsibility that no human
in an advanced and developed state should
be burdened with, but should reach the
highest echelons of Government and
Business, Ministers, CEOs and CFO's
of companies, who deliberately acted in the
way they did, knowingly jeopardizing the
lives and safety of millions of passengers.


Systemic failures that cost the lives and the health
of our fellow citizens. In Greece, we are very slow
in learning and in employing advanced technologies.

We have a government and a prime minister that
proudly declare that they are automating and are
upgrading public services and ushering Greece
in the information era by allowing forms to be
filled electronically instead of forcing citizens to
waste innumerable hours in waiting lines at public
(dis)service offices, but, behind facades, everything
is still moving at snail's pace (EFKA a notorious
example) and, when modernizing essential infra-
structure, we find ourselves in the dark ages. And
all our priorities seem to be upside down, as, e.g.,
on the one hand bragging about electric and
self-driving vehicles and, on the other, relying
on human alertness, acuteness and intelligence
to flip switches that, when forgotten or mixed
up, cause dozens of fatalities. In the United
States, on the other hand, we are dealing with
"business-friendliness" and "lobbyists" of the
worst possible kind, who are ready to sacrifice
everybody else's lives for profit and greediness.

And, because, mainly, of one party which has
lost touch with reality and lacks decency, we are
unable to update and enforce standards that
should be present in any modern, well-functio-
ning society, with a democratic government.

Ο Παπαδημούλης μας υπενθυμίζει ότι ο κόσμος
και η κοινωνία μας υποφέρει από τη δεξιά των
hacendados... Είναι να γελάει κανείς που ακόμα
αυτοπαίρνονται για προοδευτικοί και αριστεροί.
Και με φλάμπουρο τις ανοησίες επιχειρεί να
καλύψει με αποσμητικό τουαλέτας τον αχετό
και να κρατήσει ενεργό τον βρωμερό και ζέχνοντα,
ψευτόμαγκα ζατροτσέλιγκα... Κύλησε ο τέντζερης
και βρήκε το καπάκι. Ελπίζω όλοι οι προοδευτικοί
άνθρωποι, ακόμα και να μην συμφωνούν πλήρως,
να αποφύγουν και ΜέΡΑ25 και ΣΥΡΙΖΑ, παρόλο
που, όπως έχω αναφέρει και πριν, ο τελευταίος
έχει και αξιόλογους ανθρώπους, που έχουν όμως
εξουδετερωθεί από την παρουσία παρασίτων
και χονδροαφερέγγυων.

Dozens of victims again today on the migration
routes through the Mediterranean
. President
Mattarella expressed his sorrow and the need
to take action and assume political responsibility.
Here is an excerpt from La Stampa:
«È indispensabile che l'Unione Europea assuma
finalmente in concreto la responsabilità di governare
il fenomeno migratorio per sottrarlo ai trafficanti
di esseri umani, impegnandosi direttamente nelle
politiche migratorie, nel sostegno alla cooperazione
per lo sviluppo dei paesi da cui i giovani sono costretti
ad allontanarsi per mancanza di prospettive», afferma
il presidente della Repubblica, Sergio Mattarella,
in merito alla tragedia che si è consumata davanti
alle coste calabresi. Nell'esprimere «il cordoglio per
le vittime, la vicinanza ai naufraghi - cui va assicurata
un'adeguata accoglienza - e il ringraziamento ai
soccorritori», il Capo dello Stato sollecita un «forte
impegno della comunità internazionale per rimuovere
le cause alla base dei flussi di migranti; guerre,
persecuzioni, terrorismo, povertà, territori resi
inospitali dal cambiamento climatico».

If one wants to present a plan for terminating Putin's
war in Ukraine, it is counterproductive to claim that
the plan consists of the Charter of the United Nations
+ "Facilitating grain exports" & "Keeping industrial
and supply chains stable". One has, instead, to make
clear proposals upon specific points as to how they
envisage the implementation of the Principles that
are enshrined in the Charter as regards the specific
. The West has unequivocally stated, e.g., that
"respecting the sovereignty" and "territorial integrity"
of all Nations must mean just that and not something
else covered in nice lingo or legalese. In any conflict
initiated in the Era of the Charter, aggressors have
to return to the internationally recognized borders,
i.e., to the status quo ante, unless there is an explicit
Bilateral Agreement, a binding Decision by an Inter-
national Court or Tribunal or a Binding Resolution
by the Security Council to the contrary. If anyone
has a helpful plan to propose, other than, simply,
stating vague principles, they'd better be precise.
All of us want this war, which was started and is
continued by a single man, to end. And all of us
. But just saying this does not help.
In truth, since the culprit here is a single person, as
the master culprit was in the planning and initiation
of hostilities in WWII in Europe, the only way to
avoid further tragedy and/or calamities is for him
to die, to be eliminated or to be overthrown and
arrested. And those that sincerely want a way out
(and I cannot be certain that China is one of them)
have, at least privately, to admit (and be clear about)
this point. As is counterproductive and unhelpful to
state abstract generalities, so is equivocating on or
denying the essentials.

Georgios Romeos, a distinguished Journalist and
Politician, is with us no more...

Καλά ξεκουμπίδια. Το ζενίθ της ανικανότητας και
παράδειγμα προς αποφυγή του πώς να κυβερνήσει
κανείς μία χώρα
και πώς να αντιμετωπίσει (ή μάλλον
να κρύψει κάτω από το χαλί μέχρι να "μην είναι πια
αυτός υπεύθυνος", λες και πριν ήταν) κρίσεις.

Organized religions... All about money, power and
subjugating and reigning on free spirit, in this case
exactly following the footsteps of the founders. The
only people that are blind enough not to realize that
are certain justices sitting on our Supreme Court
who, in their blissful ignorance and having been left
untouched by the Age of Enlightenment, still believe
that religion is the A and the Z of Human Existence...

Αυτοί οι διαχωρισμοί είναι εξαιρετικά επικίνδυνοι.
Ντρέπομαι για τη κ. Σακοράφα και ντρέπομαι ακόμα
περισσότερο για την απόφαση του ΣΕΓΑΣ να στείλει
μία διακεκριμένη αθλήτρια και πολιτικό να καθαρίσει
χέστρες. Να ξεχωρίζει κανείς, και δη πολιτικός με
κάποια πείρα και αθλητής με ακόμα περισσότερη,
τους αμνούς απο τα ερίφια στο βίο και την πολιτεία
κάποιου προς βράβευση είναι προκλητικό και προσ-
βλητικό και, ειδικά, όταν για τον εν λόγω "παράγοντα"
η πλάστιγγα γέρνει βαρβάτα προς την ανηθικότητα,
την αγένεια, την αμετροέπεια και, γενικά, τη συμφορά...
Κρίμα, πολύ κρίμα, κ. Σακοράφα. Πόσο θα είχατε
ανέβει στην εκτίμηση όλων με μία απλή άρνηση.

Antony Blinken is visiting Athens. He was welcomed
by the U.S. Ambassador to Athens at the airport and
by the Prime Minister at the Maximou Palace later in
the day. Welcome, Secretary of State!

Ο γιδοβοσκός ζατροτσέλιγκας έκλασε πατάτες
μην τυχόν και χάσει τα βουλευτιλίκια και μείνει
με άδειες τσέπες. Ελπίζω να έχουν επιτέλους
πάρει πρέφα στο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ το ποιόν του και να
τον μαυρίσουν πριν αναγκαστούν να μαυρίσουν
και αυτόν και τον ΣΥΡΙΖΑ οι ψηφοφόροι...

The First Jewish Mayor of a Greek City,
whose Jewish Population, as also that of
many others, was decimated during the
Shoah, is with us no more...
A man of Integrity and a Professor of Medicine
at the University of Ioannina, Moses Elisaf lost
the battle against cancer a few days ago.
Our President, Ms. Sakellaropoulou. Mr.
Venizelos and our Unites States Ambas-
sador to Athens, George Tsunis, went
to Ioannina to attend his funeral and
to Honor Dr. Elisaf's Dedication and
Service to Science and to his Community
and his State.

One of the Best American Presidents, with
Rare Integrity and a Maverick at Clinically
Using the Powers and Persuasion of our
United States, is now under Hospice Care.

A Permanent Member of our United Nations
Security Council has a unique Responsibility
to uphold the Letter and the Spirit of our
. I hope China does not violate our
World's Peace and Security Principles or
the Tenets of Independence and Sovereignty
of States by aiding and abetting an aggressor
and violator of those Principles
that has,
beyond the shadow of any doubt, committed
grave crimes against Peace and Security and,
therefore, had it not been also a Member of
the Security Council, wielding veto power,
should have been, according to the Rules
of our Charter, sanctioned and suffered the
consequences of Chapter VII.

I had to look at the calendar to make sure that
today is not April Fool's Day
and it is not. But
I am still uncertain... Seriously? A Jew, in order
to reward heroism of a defensive Division of
Mountaineers, renaming it in honor of a Nazi
Corps that perpetrated unthinkable, terrible
against the populations of States that
are now aiding Ukraine and staunchly trying
to defend its independence and sovereignty
through dedication to International Law and
its Principles? Only to Russian units would
such a title be befitting. Another move by an
ignorant charlatan, who were it not for this
war and the abnormalities that it has caused,
would have already been relegated to the
dungeons and the trashcans of History.

Mario Vitti is with us no more...

I applaud Ms. Sturgeon's, Scotland's First Minister's,
decision to withdraw from Public Office after eight
years. WOMEN LEADERS around the globe are
doing the RIGHT THING and are providing their
male counterparts an EXAMPLE to follow
, especially
those who get so stuck and glued to their offices and
their chairs and whom neither a potent solvent nor
their inability to realize that enough is enough, nor
their lack of cognizance that at 80 one cannot have
the same clarity of mind, analytic ability or strength
that a gentleman or a lady of a younger age possesses
are able to unglue from their positions. We need to
see more politicians imposing term limits on them-
selves and, where this does not occur (like in our
Congress) and creates an unpleasant situation of
an almost uniform representation (or should we
say lack of representation) by (super)septuagenarians,
the Citizens should insist on drafting laws for terms
limiting representation by the same old-same old
people, literally and metaphorically, and, thus,
allowing younger, not so entrenched and not so
powerful, Citizens to get involved in their turn.

I wanted also to mention that President Biden has
taken extraordinary measures to ensure that the
United States is ready to assist in any way possible,
with rescue, recovery, short and long-term support
and reconstruction efforts, the Turkish State. I do
applaud his and our Government's decision and,
as in many other cases, our United States stand in
the forefront of Humanitarian Efforts and show
unparalleled Solidarity and Support to those who
find themselves in difficult circumstances around

Με συγκινεί ιδιαιτέρως η στάση του Πρωθυπουργού
στην τραγωδία που όλοι παρακολουθούμε άναυδοι
και που ζουν οι γείτονές μας. Ξέρω ότι προέρχεται
από αίσθημα Ανθρωπιάς, Ευθύνης και Υποχρέωσης.
Ο Κυριάκος έχει επανειλημμένα εκφράσει τη θέση
ότι, με αλληλεγγύη και υποστήριξη στους πιο αδύ-
ναμους και ευάλωτους, τα πάντα διορθώνονται, εκτός,
φυσικά, από την απώλεια των συνανθρώπων μας και
της ανθρώπινης ζωής που, δυστυχώς, δεν ανακτάται.
ΜΠΡΑΒΟ, ΠΡΩΘΥΠΟΥΡΓΕ! Και εσύ και η Χώρα
και η Κυβέρνηση στέκεστε στο ύψος των περιστάσεων,
και στις θέσεις, τις προθέσεις και τις πράξεις σας
αντανακλάται η Ανθρωπιά όλων μας. ΜΠΡΑΒΟ!!

It is only natural that States come together in times
like this. Our Humanity demands and imposes it.
But the real bet is to stay in the same Spirit always,
even outside calamities and emergencies. Can we
do it by remembering always our brittleness and
our Humanity and not only under stress and during
disasters and catastrophes?

Heartbreaking images from Turkey's southeastern
provinces. I hope that everyone that survived gets
rescued on time. I am sure that first responders
and rescuers are very well trained and equipped,
since, unfortunately, Turkey has vast experience
in such calamities, and I hope those who
lost family
and/or relatives find the courage needed to go on.

Good riddance. People who have hurt their states
to satisfy their own egos and megalomanias deserve
nothing less than hell, if such a thing even exists.
But to be concrete, our World is better without them.

Even though Lefteris (I am certain) and I are both
for banning the Golden Dawn and similar "parties",
which are, in reality, gangs of nazist thugs and racist
criminals, from participating in Greece's political
, I am in full agreement with his warning that
such a Law may lead to a perilous, slippery slope,
where the few chosen arbiters of its meaning, either
because of own beliefs or because of external and
untoward influence, decide to use it against genuine
Democratic Principles. I call, with Lefteris, on both
the Prime Minister and the Government, but, also
on the other Political Parties in Parliament and on
President Sakellaropoulou to take a closer and
more careful look at the proposed legislation and,
either withdraw it for now, or examine how safeguards
that assuage those concerns might be introduced.

Despicable, filthy and outrageous propaganda of the
worst possible type and of extremely poor taste. This
time around it was neither Ukraine nor Germany which
were the imperialist and militaristic powers that wanted
to subdue peaceful and brotherly neighbors to acquire
lebensraum. It was Putin's Russia and all can see who
is responsible for the predicaments of a state that
single-handedly overnight relinquished its claim to
higher ideals and abandoned its right to call on others
to respect international law with a single destructive,
ill-thought, ill-planned and terrible move for which
it will be paying in terms of Human waste, material
losses and loss of moral standing and reputation for
many, many years to come. WAR CRIMINALS ARE

We are still waiting for a decent candidate to
compete on the Republican side. Those that
were parading around their wares opportunistically
on the international stage advocating "democracy"
and "good governance" for others, while lending
their support, in an equally opportunistic and selfish
way, to those that were trying to smash and destroy
both at home, are not viable candidates and, as
Americans, we should never lend them credence.
Sorry, Ms. Haley. When you had the chance, you
should have been much much more prudent and
careful who you were throwing your weight behind.

Needless to say I am outraged at oil companies. But
I am also very angry at Joe Biden and the White
House. Why is he only talking about "failure to
reinvest to boost supplies"? Why is he not coming
out guns-blazing to tell the entire truth, which is
that, under various excuses concerning supply and
expenses, which, from the profit reports it turns out
are patently false and fabricated, oil companies
raise prices arbitrarily and engage in shameless
price scourging on the backs of consumers and
against World Peace and Security just to put more
and more staggering amounts in the hands of greedy,
shameless and ruthless executives and shareholders
and further open the social divide and destroy social
cohesion? Why is an allegedly Democratic President
not coming out strong against such blatant market
manipulation and fixing, and advocate imposing
fines proportional to the ill-gained profits, in the
order of billions of dollars to make them suffer
and feel the pain they inflict ruthlessly on the
powerless and unsuspecting consumers for no other
reason than fattening their already fat bottom lines?
I understand this is capitalism, but this is capitalism
unfairly played, with the worst intentions in mind,
total disregard for the social well-being and used
and exploited not in good faith whatsoever, with
all rules violated. A progressive party should never
stand for this, they should never give in to such
absurd and destructive attitudes and behaviors.

Here is also the Prime Minister with Prime Minister
Fumio Kishida of Japan. I strongly applaud both the
Agreements signed and the spirit of the declarations.

Prime Minister Mitsotakis, on an official visit to
Japan, was welcomed by Crown Prince Akishino.
Bilateral relations are strong and expanding further.
Fraternity and Cooperation between partners with
strong Cultural and Economic ties and unwavering
commitment to Peace and Security.

Very good news indeed from the Czech Republic.
Now the Czech Republic took the initiative and
sent us, Americans and its European Partners, a
strong message that we should also all stand for
                             RESPECT and HUMILITY
and unequivocally and decisively defeat bigotry,
nationalism and populism in our own elections.

Σε συνέχεια των προηγούμενων σχολείων και
σχετικά με την βραχεία μας μνήμη, είχα την
απορία εάν κανένα από το πολιτικά κόμματα
του Δημοκρατικού τόξου ήρθε σε επαφή με
το Νίκο Κοντζιά να του προτείνει συνεργασία.
Η χώρα μας του οφείλει αρκετά. Το Κ.Κ.Ε. και
το ΠΑΣΟΚ σχίζουν τα ιμάτια τους ότι πασχίζουν
για την Αδελφοσύνη των Λαών και για Ειρήνη
και Ευημερία. Δεν αξίζει λοιπόν να προσεγγίσουν
τον κ. Κοντζιά και να του προτείνουν μία συνεργασία
μετά από όσα προσέφερε, και δη όχι στα λόγια,
αλλά στην πράξη; Ο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ, που τον απέπεμψε
για την εξουσία και λόγω μίας συνεργασίας με
πατριδοκάπηλους νεο-χουντικούς, δε θα έπρεπε
να επικοινωνήσει μαζί του, να ζητήσει συγγνώμη
και να του προτείνει να επανενταχθεί στα ψηφο-
δέλτιά του; Όσο για τη Νέα Δηκοκρατία, και
εκείνη πολιτικά, και ο Πρωθυπουργός προσωπικά
και η χώρα επωφελήθηκαν τα μέγιστα από το
θάρρος του κ. Κοντζιά. Βεβαίως, λόγω των
"εθνικοφρονούντων" που κινούνται στο χώρο
της, των υπερεθνικιστών, των πατριδοκάπηλων
και των φιλοβασιλικών, που ξεσκεπάστηκαν
πρόσφατα στη κηδεία, ο Πρωθυπουργός δε
θα ήθελε να παραδεχτεί κάτι τέτοιο και να
κάνει μία πρόταση, παρά τις θεωρητικές
ωραιολογίες του, γιατί, ακόμα και αν ίσως
προσωπικά αποδεχόταν ότι ο κ. Κοντζιάς
έβαλε πλάτη για κάτι που ο ίδιος γι αυτούς
και άλλους λόγους ουδέποτε θα τολμούσε,
δε θα ήθελε να έρθει σε ανοικτή ρήξη με τους
νεο-φασίστες που κινούνται και υφέρπουν στον
πολιτικό του χώρο...

Ενόψει εκλογών, αξίζει νομίζω, επειδή ως λαός σε
μερικά κρίσιμα ζητήματα έχουμε μνήμη βραχεία,
να θυμηθούμε και τον Γεωμέτρη, ο οποίος με το
ένα χέρι απλωμένο εκ μέρους όλων μας, ταπεινός
και έχοντας γνώση της δεινότατης κατάστασης
και θέσης στην οποία βρσκόμασταν και βρισκόταν
χωρίς δική του ευθύνη (και σε αντίθεση με το τουπέ,
την αλαζονεία και την τζάμπα μαγκιά άλλων
), αλλά
και με σύνεση και αξιοπρέπεια, διαπραγματεύτηκε
και έσωσε τη χώρα στο παρά πέντε από οδυνηρότατες
συνέπειες. Μεταφορικά μιλώντας και χαριτολογώντας,
τώρα που εκ των υστέρων έχουμε την πολυτέλεια,
όχι μόνο αξίζει την ψήφο όσων κινούνται στον εν
λόγω πολιτικό χώρο, αλλά και ανέγερση προτομής
στο Σύνταγμα, και να καλέσουμε και τη Σκάρλετ
για τα αποκαλυπτήρια. Και σε σχέση με το ίδιο
ζήτημα, αξίζει να μαυρίσουμε αυτούς που είχαν
μέγιστο μέρος της ευθύνης
για την κατάντια και
άφησαν, υπό την εποπτεία τους, τη χώρα να πλη-
σιάσει στο χείλος του γκρεμού, εν μέρει λόγω
ανικανότητας, εν μέρει λόγω ευθυνοφοβίας και
εν μέρει λόγω πολιτικο-κομματικών υπολογισμών.
Βαθύ μαύρο σε τέτοιους αλήτες.

Επειδή πλησιάζουν εκλογές, καλώ όλους
να επιλέξουμε σωστά και να εκλέξουμε ένα
Κοινοβούλιο για το οποίο να είμαστε όλοι
ικανοποιημένοι και περήφανοι.
ψήφο στο μοναρχικό ΜέΡΑ25 (εκτός, φυσικά,
αν είστε ο Μπαρουφάκλας ή η γυναίκα του),
αποφύγετε ψήφο στους λωλούς των ακροδεξιών
και αποφύγετε ψήφους, αν υπάρχουν
σταυροί, σε άτομα με ανύπαρκτο πολιτικό
πολιτισμό και ζωώδη ένστικτα και συμπεριφορά
όπως, π.χ., ο Κρητικός "ζατρο"τσέλιγκας του
ΣΥΡΙΖΑ. Ας επιλέξουμε σωστά γιατί κάθε
μας λανθασμένη απόφαση, αφενός την
πληρώνουμε για τουλάχιστον 3,5-4 χρόνια,
και, αφετέρου, εκθρασύνει ακόμα περισσότερο
τους ανίκανους, ατίθασους και ανεξέλεγκτους.

I do not know if these allegations are true. After the
"spare prince"'s book, now even the least well-read
and the most illiterate people on the planet realize
that editors and publishers are in the business of
selling and, if embellishments, amplifications,
beautifications, occasional misinterpretations and
juicing-up help bring in the profits, so be it and so
much for the truth. But, if they are true, then this is,
unfortunately how the third world - not developing
or developed, but veritable third world - really looks
like. Two states, large parts of whose citizens have
nothing to eat and live in abject poverty and barely
survive, are toying and cowboying and threatening
one another with nuclear weapons... Bottom of the
bottom, or shall we rather say, bottomless. Look at
yourselves! Thousands of your citizens fleeing your
states every year in desperation to seek acceptable
living conditions elsewhere, which clearly implies
that you are unable to provide, totally disorganized
and corrupt, in a chaotic state of affairs, and you
dare threat to destroy and annihilate? FOOLS,

How many more of those do we have to see before
we decide to do the Right Thing? It is clear that
"police" academies need to change radically their
curricula and that "police" mentality, rules and
procedures must be radically revamped. In addition,
"officers" (or shall we say thugs) have to be fired
if they give even the slightest indication that they
are blood-thirsty, fighting-prone, gun-ho criminals.
If you are conducting an arrest and the person flees,
do not shoot; let the person go. If (s)he is one of such
a record that warrants arrest, then go arrest him/her
later in an organized operation, without murders
and without victimization. It is also clear that
allowing unrestricted gun ownership in this State
of ours is nor working. Every, even slightly disturbed,
individual with even minor grudges thinks it is
their god-given right and their prerogative to
acquire a weapon, take "justice" in their own
hands and seek revenge for all the "ills" that
have befallen them. As long as we allow everyone
in this Nation to own guns so easily, under cover
of a Constitutional Clause that is grossly misin-
terpreted and taken out of context and out of
time, these incidents shall not stop; they will
be more and more frequent so long as human
character exists and mental health is weak and/
or nonexistent. As a Nation, we have a distinct
opportunity and responsibility vis-a-vis our kids.
This "dilemma" is a false one. Why would anyone
side with anything other than hunting rifles vs.
the safety and well-being of their, and everybody
else's, children and relatives? Let us reconsider!
Let us do, at last, the Right Thing!

BRAVO to the Mayors of Balkan Cities who have
gathered in Athens for the 2023 Mayors Summit.
YES to Peace, Brotherhood, Stability, Cooperation
and Prosperity!
Economy, Innovation, Sustainable
Development and Culture are some the areas in
which the Balkan Cities are trying to strengthen
cooperation and make breakthroughs. NO to
artificial frictions, enmities, nationalism and
pseudo-patriotism that foster divisions and turn
one people against another.
To those politicians
who find it expedient and profitable to use those
as weapons to advance their careers and achieve
their ambitions the mayors are sending a decisive
message that they are alone and no one will follow.

There is talk that Argentina and Brasil are cooperating
in creating a common currency, with the vision that this
will eventually lead to a monetary union of South America.
BRAVO, ARGENTINA & BRASIL!! This is really and
truly momentous, an extraordinary development! On the
theoretical level, it means Peace, Stability, Cooperation
and Prosperity, which are more than welcome in a shaky
and volatile World. On the practical, everyday, level, if
most States eventually join, it shall lead to a great, and
very welcome, facilitation of transactions, communications
and traveling for ordinary people, which, of course, has
as a byproduct the strengthening of fraternity and of bi-
lateral and multilateral ties between the Nations involved.

I admire her and I respect her greatly. In
the era of the "not being a quitter", even
when someone is obviously unable to do his
/her job properly any longer and to give it
all because they are totally spent and/or
extremely tired and/or of extremely old
age, she has the courage, the audacity, the
mental awareness, the introspective acu-
and the boldness to say "I gave most
of what I had to give; I cannot work in a
position of such high responsibility and of
such expectations, with clear conscience, while
not being able to afford 100% any longer".
I will personally remember you very fondly and
I hope New Zealand will also afford you the same
respect for the lessons you are teaching us all!

Gina Lollobrigida is with us no more...

Bravo to Representative Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY),
a Member of the Hellenic Caucus in our Congress,
who spoke openly and without equivocation about
the lies and fabrications of George Santos and their
possible impact and grave consequences for our
public life. I am sure the House has the power and
the means required to cleanse itself from disgrace,
and it should not hesitate or delay doing the Right
Thing when something like this happens. Our Public
Life and our Citizens surely deserve better.

Μπράβο στο Κ.Κ.Ε., στο Δημήτρη Κουτσούμπα
και στο Σταύρο Ξαρχάκο. Πραγματικά Ιστορική
Μέρα και Μεγάλη Βραδιά στο Στάδιο Ειρήνης
και Φιλίας. Mια βραδιά, πολιτικά, κοινωνικά και
καλλιτεχνικά, βγαλμένη απ' τα παλιά. ΜΠΡΑΒΟ!!

Είναι αλήθεια ότι όσον αφορά το περιβάλλον, είμαστε
όλοι ένοχοι, και λέγοντας όλοι, αναφέρομαι ειδικά στις
ανεπτυγμένες χώρες και στις υπό ανάπτυξη που έχουν
ανεξέλεγκτη πληθυσμιακή ανάπτυξη. Αλλά έχει σίγουρα
δίκιο και η Κίττυ Ξενάκη διότι, όπως θα θυμάστε και
από τα δικά μας, είχε έρθει εδώ ο δολοφόνος από την
Αραβία και πήγε στο Μαξίμου να "πουλήσει" στον
αχάμπαρο Κούλη "πράσινη" ενέργεια. Φυσικά, με τον
όρο αυτό, στην καλύτερη περίπτωση, ήθελε να βάλει
την παντόφλα στην πόρτα με ωραιολογίες, όπως ακριβώς
συνιστούν οι δημοσιοσχεσίτες, και μετά να ξετυλίξει τα
ντίλς για το πετρέλαιο, και/ή, στη χειρότερη, αλλά και
πιθανή, των περιπτώσεων μιλούσε ευθέως και ξεδιά-
ντροπα για το "πράσινο" πετρέλαιο... Η αλήθεια είναι
ότι δε με ενοχλεί που το (μοσχο)πουλούν οι άνθρωποι.
Αφού το έχουν και οι άλλοι το χρειάζονται ή το θέλουν,
καλά κάνουν. Αλλά με ενοχλεί που το βαφτίζουν αλλοιώς
για να φαίνονται διαφορετικοί απ' ό,τι είναι, όπως έκανε
άλλωστε και ο "μεγαλειώτατος" μετά τη στυγερή, εν
ψυχρώ, δολοφονία και το διαμελισμό στην Πόλη...

Lisa-Marie Presley, a gifted singer and songwriter,
and a tormented soul, is with us no more...

Κάποιοι μας λένε ότι μη θέλοντας να πληρώσουμε
κι άλλα σπασμένα για χάρη του Κοκού και/ή της
οικογενείας του, που και ύπουλοι και αχόρταγοι
και φιλοχρήματοι έχουν αποδείξει εαυτούς στο
παρελθόν, ξεχνάμε ή παραγράφουμε ή αλλοιώνουμε
την  Ιστορία μας
. Σοβαρά; Μήπως εσείς, κάποιοι
νοσταλγοί του τραγικού παρελθόντος, που θέλετε
να παρέχετε κι άλλα για την πάρτη τους, έχετε
μάλλον ξεχάσει ή έχετε συμφέρον να παραποιείτε
την Ιστορία; Σε μία Δημοκρατία με αυτοπεποίθηση,
που επικαλείστε, όσοι έχουν εκλεγεί ή επιλεγεί
νόμιμα, αλλά έχουν δράσει ύπουλα και/ή παράνομα
ή έχουν ενθαρρύνει δράσεις που υπέσκαπταν το
νόμιμο και το διαφανές (και μάλιστα όταν αυτές
οι πράξεις οδήγησαν σε τραγωδίες και αδιέξοδα),
δεν πρέπει να εξακολουθούν να έχουν θέσεις στα
κοινά, πόσο μάλλον να τιμούνται μεταθανάτια.
Για μένα το ότι οι λιγοστές, ελπίζω, αυτές παρα-
φωνίες εκφράζονται από τον κυβερνητικό χώρο
(που ήταν και ο φυσικός των βασιλοφρονούντων),
δίνει ακόμα μεγαλύτερη σημασία στην απόφαση
που πήραν, και ιδιαιτέρως τιμά τον Πρωθυπουργό
και την Κυβέρνηση. Θα ήθελα να τον ήξερα
προσωπικά πιο καλά, ώστε να μπορούσα να
εγγυηθώ ότι το έκανε γιατί αυτό είναι το Σωστό
και το Δίκαιο, και όχι για προσωπικό όφελος και
για ψηφοθηρικούς λόγους. Αλλά, φυσικά, ούτε
αυτό το προνόμιο έχω, ούτε κάτι τέτοιο είμαι σε
θέση να επιβεβαιώσω.

Jeff Beck is with us no more...

Many disconcerting and discomforting events.
Irresponsibility and carelessness on the part of
the governing concerning their handling of
sensitive information
. They either do not take
the rules seriously or they are complacent to
the point of ignoring them. Nepotism and in-
breeding at the highest echelons of business
and luxury
. Ruthless people treating companies
and financial groups as their fiefdoms and as
their personal assets to bequeath to whomever
they like and whomever they wish to shame-
lessly promote. This should be against the
rules, if any confidence is to be maintained in
the workings of a market. Last, but, perhaps,
most importantly, another despicable, grave
murder by an aggressive, gun-ho cowboy in
the streets of our cities
.  How demented can
you be to murder a boy, even if you thought
he was tampering with your own car? How
demented can you be to not have absorbed
that Human Life is worth a bit more than
that? Bring charges for murder and change
the laws of this land to make people realize
that Life is indeed more important than pro-
perty and replaceable material possessions
Enough is enough.

Ο Πρωθυπουργός και ο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ επέλεξαν λίγα
λόγια και καλά. Για το βίο και την πολιτεία και
τις λεπτομέρειες, για όσους από μας έχουν αρχίσει
λιγουλάκι να ξεχνούν, ας διαβάσουμε το Λευτέρη
και το Βασίλη, που κάνουν μία Ιστορική αναδρομή
και μία κριτική των τόσων όσων το κακορίζικο
το Κράτος μας υπέφερε υπό του Βασιλέως.
Επίσης ο Βαγγέλης Στεργιόπουλος παραθέτει
αποσπάσματα από την ομιλία/κάλεσμα του Μάριου
Πλωρίτη προς τον ελληνικό λαό στις 28 Νοεμβρίου
1974, λίγες ημέρες πριν από το κρίσιμο δημοψήφισμα
της 8ης Δεκεμβρίου και σε απάντηση προηγούμενης
αντίστοιχης ομιλίας του Κωνσταντίνου, που πάρα
πολύ αξίζει κανείς να διαβάσει.

The Greek Prime Minister captured the feelings
of an entire Nation with his few and wise words.
Λίγα λόγια και καλά. Μπράβο, Πρωθυπουργέ!
Μπράβο και στο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ. Λίγα λόγια και καλά!

Good good riddance... Unfortunately, in this life,
he got much much more than he deserved, but is
it not the case with many of us?

This is really fantastic!! Bravo, Molly!!

Αν ο πρώην θέλει, ας ταφεί όπου έχει δικαίωμα σύμφωνα
με τους υπάρχοντες νόμους της Ελληνικής Δημοκρατίας.
Αν η Πολιτεία τολμήσει να εγκρίνει "δημοσία δαπάνη",
ύστερα από τόσα όσα αυτές οι οικογένειες έχουν λεβάρει,
τότε θα ήθελα να δω όλους τους Έλληνες, με επίγνωση
της Ιστορίας, να απέχουν από την κηδεία, δηλαδή να μη
δώ σχεδόν κανένα, ούτε επίσημο ούτε ανεπίσημο. Ας πάει
μόνο η χαφτάδικη χλιδάτη οικογένειά του, που έχου απο-
μιζήσει και απομιζούν τους πάντες και τα πάντα, και δεν
πα' να'ναι στη μητρόπολη ή όπου αλλού και ας είναι και
δημοσία δαπάνη. Ας δείξουμε που τους έχουμε γραμμένους...

Μπράβο στο Βασίλη Λαμπρόπουλο για τις
λεπτομερείς αναφορές και την ενημέρωση
σχετικά με τα τεκταινόμενα και τις έρευνες
για διασπάθηση χρήματος, για ψευδείς και
ιδιαίτερα απεχθείς δηλώσεις από "προέδρους"
και άλλους συνυπεύθυνους ανεύθυνους του
οργανισμού και για τα αντικειμενικά στοιχεία
που παραθέτει για το βίο και την πολιτεία των
εμπόρων και των αγυρτών της φιλανθρωπίας.

Είναι εξαιρετικά λυπηρό και ψυχοφθόρο
να διαβάζει κανείς τα γεγονότα, αλλά η
δημοσιογραφική έρευνα και η ενημέρωση
του κοινού είναι απαιτούμενα ώστε, αφενός,
να κινηθούν οι απαιτούμενες διαδικασίες
(Μπράβο και πάλι στην κ. Μιχαηλίδου) και,
aφετέρου, να γνωρίζει το κοινό τί συμβαίνει
και να παίρνει ενήμερο τις κατάλληλες απο-
φάσεις σχεττικα με το τί ενέργειες αρμόζουν
και οφείλει ο καθένας από μας να πράξει.

Για να επανακτηθεί σε κάποιο βαθμό (αν
αυτό είναι ακόμη εφικτό) η "εμπιστοσύνη"
του κοινού σε τέτοιες φιλανθρωπικές και
αυτοκρατορικές αρπαχτές, χρειάζεται και
ο σκατό-Γιαννόπουλος αλλά και όλοι όσοι
ενέκριναν (αν όντως γινόταν αυτό συλλογικά)
αυτές τις "ενέργειες" και τις "παραχωρήσεις"
για προσωπικό όφελος και χρήση, να μπουν
φυλακή για πολλά (πάρα πολλά) χρόνια.
Αν δε είναι και κάποιας ηλικίας, κι έτσι
έπρεπε να γνωρίζουν καλύτερα, να σαπίσουν
εκεί μέσα, όπως ακριβώς αξίζει σε τέτοιους
στυγνούς και αδίστακτους εγκληματίες.

Representatives should very carefully scrutinize
the concessions made by a ruthless individual,
who, after being rejected fourteen times, clearly
showing that he lacked support and was unwanted,
persisted, based on personal ambitions, to grab
the role at any cost, regardless of the damage
that his machinations may inflict to the well
being of our House, Congress and our State.
If conscientious Republican Representatives
(if the sort still exists) realize that the price to
pay is too high, they should resist passing new
rules, based on the promises that a power-
hungry and over-zealous individual made to
a few extremists to satisfy his personal,
almost maniacal, uncontrollable ambition.

The "elgin" marbles should not be returned either
as a "lease" or in an "exchange" with pieces whose
intrinsic value and historical significance for Greece
are almost as momentous. First, those other pieces
we are hearing about should be exhibited also in
their native environment, exactly like the Parthenon
masterpieces, and secondly, "leasing" would signify
an implicit (at least) admission of ownership and
would encumber and, perhaps, completely defeat
future efforts to permanently repatriate them
unconditionally, if those were to rigorously reoccur
at some other time.

We should send a clear message to the European Union
that salaries in the order of 20K or 30K a month are not
. No person is worth that much and people
that are in Brussels to get rich quickly should get out,
or voted out, more quickly
RIGHT NOW or, else, GET OUT!
You do not serve
the Union and its People by being extraordinarily
avaricious, extremely rambunctious and legally on the
take, and by looting the Continent's limited resources
for personal profiteering. AND HOW DARE YOU

Notis Mavroudis is with us no more...

Μπράβο στην κ. Μιχαηλίδου! Φταίμε και εμείς
και η Πολιτεία που έχουμε αφήσει τις "δομές"
(αηδιαστικό πλέον όνομα με πολλά υπονοούμενα)
να αλωνίζουν ως παράγοντες πλούτου των εμπόρων
της "φιλανθρωπίας". Είναι καιρός να μπουν αυστηροί
κανόνες εποπτείας και περιορισμοί. Το προσωπικό μου
όνειρο είναι να δω ανθρώπους που δεν έχουν ανάγκη
από χρήματα, όπως συνταξιούχους CEO και CFO
εταιρειών, αλλά έχουν το μεράκι για δουλειά ακόμα
και την όρεξη να προσφέρουν, να διοικούν "δομές"
και άλλες φιλανθρωπικές οργανώσεις αφιλοκερδώς.
Βγαίνω από τα ρούχα μου όταν ακούω μισθούς, και
άλλα προνόμια και μπόνους, που λαμβάνουν αυτοί
οι αλήτες, άρπαγες και κλεφτρόνια, που διοικούν
τέτοιες δομές, και έχουν και το θράσος από πάνω
να βγαίνουν στη γύρα και να ζητάνε κι άλλα (δήθεν
για το ευ ζειν των παιδιών, αλλά πάνω απ' όλα για
το δικό τους...)

A despicable loser whose lying binge caught up with
him. There should be consequences for such abject
behavior. No manipulator of these proportions should
walk free with simply a slap on the wrist, or, worse,
a pat on the back, if he is allowed to continue in office.

BRAVO to Steve Rosenberg, BBC's Russia Editor,
reporting from Moscow, for not pulling any punches.
When facts and actions are in stark black-and-white,
I am a little tired (but, also, respectful) of the BBC,
for portraying them, in the name of objectivity, in
gray and in an undeserved nuanced way. A spade
is a spade and, regardless of how one calls it, it shall
always remain a spade.

Δεν υπάρχει αμφιβολία, κατά την άποψή μου,
ότι ο Χειμάρας θα φάει σουτ μπανάνα, α λα
Μέσι, από τον Κυριάκο. Ο Πρωθυπουργός,
παρά τα λάθη και τις παραλείψεις, έχει δείξει
ότι τέτοιες σκιώδεις μπίζνες και πισώπλατα
μαχαιρώματα δεν τα ανέχεται, και δεν πρόκειται
ούτε να συμβιβαστεί ούτε να χαλάσει την εικόνα
του - και την εικόνα της χώρας μας, που μάχεται
με νύχια και με δόντια ενάντια στις διαπλοκές -
χρονιάρες μέρες για χάρη κανενός. Θα το ανα-
κοινώσει οσονούπω, προς τί η καθυστέρηση
είναι λιγουλάκι άξιον απορίας, αλλά ίσως θέλει
να ενημερωθεί για το μέγεθος της (άλλης μίας,
δυστυχώς, αποκαλυφθείσας σε σύντομο χρονικό
διάστημα) αρπαχτής.

Όταν τα γεγονότα είναι τόσο συνθλιπτικά, είναι
δύσκολο να γράψει κανείς κάτι... Αλλά, αφού
μπόρεσε να εκφράσει η Μελίνα τις αγωνίες και
την απόγνωση όλων μας γι αυτά που ζούμε και
, ας τη διαβάσουμε προσεκτικά. Και
παρ'όλο που είναι δύσκολο να επικεντρωθούμε
στο τί μπορούμε να αλλάξουμε άμεσα ώστε να
ελαχιστοποιήσουμε την πιθανότητα να ξανα-
συμβούν τέτοια γεγονότα, ας σκεφτούμε και
εμείς ως Πολίτες, και η Πολιτεία, και η Αστυ-
νομία και οι Δικαστικές Αρχές, αλλά και όλα
τα παιδιά μας, τί μπορούμε να κάνουμε σε ατο-
μικό και συλλογικό επίπεδο ώστε κανείς συν-
άνθρωπός μας ή συμμαθητής τους να μην
περάσει ποτέ ξανά τον εξευτελισμό και τα
βασανιστήρια, σωματικά και ψυχολογικά,
στα οποία υποβλήθηκε αυτό το άμοιρο και
αθώο πλάσμα.

Joseph Ratzinger and Barbara Walters are with
us no more...

I wholeheartedly agree with Lefteris. I was deeply
moved by this initiative of Thessaloniki Pride. I
strongly believe that, regardless of the particular
feelings and outlooks of parents on such issues,
exposing young kids to everything different in a
safe, enjoyable and nurturing environment
increases significantly the probability of their
becoming caring and loving Citizens later on, and
contributes substantially to the ideal of an open
and free society, devoid of discrimination against,
suspicion towards, and hatred for the marginal
and the different. Bravo primarily to all those
who participated and organized the event, and
Bravo, also, to Lefteris for doing the Right Thing
by highlighting the right attitudes towards such
unique and commendable initiatives.

Pele is with us no more...

Κυρία Μιχαηλίδου, εδώ δε χρειάζονται "αιχμές¨ και
"ευχές". Εδώ χρειάζεται ενδελεχής έλεγχος από τα
αρμόδια όργανα της Πολιτείας και παραπομπή στις
αρμόδιες εισαγγελικές και δικαστικές αρχές. Γιατί
να κρυβόμαστε πίσω από τα δάχτυλά μας; Δεν είναι
υποχρέωση όλων μας να διασφαλίσουμε ότι και το
τελευταίο ευρώ που δωρίζεται για την προστασία
και την προκοπή των παιδιών χρησιμοποιείται προς
όφελος των παιδιών; ΌΧΙ ΑΛΛΕΣ ΑΡΠΑΧΤΕΣ...

If there is a provision under the Law for gathering
signatures to recall a blatant liar and an abject and
despicable individual, I would encourage all his
constituents, regardless of political affiliation, to
start a recalling process and send a strong message
that people who deliberately try to ridicule public
life, to mock our voting processes and to convert
our politics to a sewer would not find any sympathy
and shall not be tolerated, even when they cannot
be held legally accountable for their actions.

They fall from windows, or they die out of depression
because their friends die jumping out of windows, or
they die because they consume a lot of alcohol (like
all Russians their age and status do)... You must be
kidding me... Who, on earth, in a sane mental state,
could ever believe or give credence to such explanations?
It is difficult for me to discern whether the BBC is at
all serious in reporting this; of course, I have a tough
time discerning the British irony and humo(u)r, but
they do report these absurdities as if there might
have been even a slim chance of them being factual...

It is interesting to play a mental game with the pseudo-
religious pseudo-reasoning of gangs and outfits like the
Taliban. If, in the question of whether God meant women
to participate in the life of a Nation, they answered no,
then they would clearly believe in a God that expected
a Nation to survive with half its population sidelined,
i.e., a God that would have condemned a Nation to
certain failure. Why would anyone believe in, and serve,
such a God and, why, under such a God, would one want
to be governing a Nation divinely doomed to failure? If,
on the other hand, they answered yes, then they would
contradict their own philosophy and actions, which bar
women from participation, while alleging that it is done
based on God's will.  Damned if you do and damned if
you don't; and that's fine (and sweet) as far as they, and
their medieval attitudes, are concerned; but what right
do they have to pull an entire Nation with them down to
the precipices of failure simply because their deviance,
their imbecility and their incompetence have condemned
their own selves and their associates to failure?

The visit of the Greek Prime Minister in Albania
and, particularly, in areas where the majority of
the sizeable Greek minority live, was of great
interest and importance. Two things must be
very strongly and particularly emphasized:
First, all Nations, and especially so Balkan
Nations, are obligated to, and should fully
respect the Rights of minorities
(not only ethnic)
and treat them equally with all other Citizens
under the Law. Second, as the Greek Prime
Minister clearly and unequivocally mentioned
during his visit, minorities everywhere, but,
again, especially so in the Balkans, should be
embraced and perceived, not as problems, but
as bridges of Peace, Friendship, Understanding
and Cooperation between Nations
. Lastly, as
the Prime Minister also pointed out during
his visit, as Neighbors develop and prosper,
so do all People in a Region
, not only their
own Citizens and Minorities, but everyone
around them get more opportunities, and the
prospects of stability, fraternity and close
cooperation in a peaceful environment
solidify and increase. Lefteris wrote this
excellent commentary in the same spirit
his message is very important and, in my
view, it should be read carefully and, together
with the Albanian-Greek relations and mutual
understanding, explored and deliberately and
purposefully analyzed by both Serbia and
Kosovo (more specifically, by Belgrade,
Mitrovica and Pristina) with a view towards
jump-starting a new chapter in Balkan History,
filled with Peace, Brotherhood and Cooperation
between all Neighboring Nations, and radically
different from the ones preceding, as befits this
(relatively) New Millennium.

Three different, but, in the big scheme of things,
interconnected, incidents we are hearing about
in the last few days in different places of the
World show that our politics and policies are
at an inflection point and that, perhaps, we are
not smart enough to make improvements.

First, starting from home, we heard for the
umpteenth time that an unscrupulous and
ruthless financial institution, Wells Fargo, is
playing games on the backs of its own customers
and taking them for a ride
. And yet, it is reported
that this scummy outfit is somehow involved in
the financial affairs of one-third of the American
Public. How stupid can we all be, when we hear
that some company or business is ruthless and
follows unethical practices, to still keep giving
them our business and being involved with them,
as if nothing has happened? Why, all of you out
there that deal with this despicable bank, after
hearing of all those shenanigans, these repeated
violations of your own rights, are still banking
with them and not switching institutions?
more do you want to hear or see happen?
Do you need your broker to come into your
house and physically steal your wallets? By
doing nothing we are complicit in encouraging
those attitudes we so strongly despise and criticize.

Second, in South Africa, the ruling party reelected
a person who is facing serious accusations of
corruption and mismanagement and who is,
clearly, unworthy of leadership
. What more
do you, South African Members of his party,
need to hear or see to vote him out of office, of
leadership and to support his referral to Justice?

Finally, the preceding two incidents are leading
to the situation developing in Peru. With part
of the population, the haves, going about their
business as if nothing is happening and using
all kinds of deviance and ruthlessness to amass
even more lucrative rewards and lavish and
unjustifiably expensive lifestyles, and the great
majority, the have-nots, watching in horror,
ridicule and disbelief, how are we expecting
to hold Peace and Stability in our political
systems, Social Cohesion and the Fraternity
and Cooperation that are needed for States
to wok out their problems and move forward?
We, as the Public and Voters in Democratic
States, have enormous power, but it all starts
with us being responsive and doing the Right
Things in a small scale, e.g., in our daily affairs.

And, unfortunately, what I am witnessing the
last few days makes me skeptical of whether
or not most of us are willing and/or able to
assume that responsibility, even in small
routine things, like choosing honest companies
to do business with or voting for honest people,
in which it should be easy and straightforward
to act in the right way, especially in view of
abundant and condemning information.


If anyone had any questions concerning the intentions
of the Sultan and which methods he desired to perfect
by meeting with the czar (under cover of being a
negotiator and a conciliator - but only for show in
Turkey's foreign relations), one does not have to look
further than this... What a pity for the Turkish State
and its nonexistent democratic polity and institutions...

Ο Σταμάτης Μαλέλης μιλάει για "επάγγελμα ΠΑΣΟΚ".
Πολύ φοβάμαι όμως ότι τα τελευταία γεγονότα παγκοσμίως
επιβεβαιώνουν ότι μία μεγάλη, δυστυχώς, μειοψηφία των
ενασχολούμενων με τα κοινά, στην πολιτική (Ευρώπη),
στον αθλητισμό (FIFA), στις επιχειρήσεις (μπιτ για μπιτ
κόϊν) και στα σκα*ο-παπαδαριά (κιβωτός του διαβόλου
και του αγύριστου) επαγγέλονται την αρπαχτή και τις
δημόσιες σχέσεις προς θόλωση των υδάτων. Πρέπει,
μου φαίνεται, να βγει στο τουϊτερ ο Αξιότιμος Καθηγητής
Μπαμπινιώτης να μας διαφωτίσει πώς να κλίνουμε την
"αρπαχτή" γιατί αλλιώς δε βλέπω δουλειά να γίνεται.
Η αρπαχτή, της αρπαχτής, ώ αρπαχτή...

The guy, this abject scum, that "did not intend
to commit fraud or mislead anyone", was caught
in the Bahamas, where he had escaped like a rat
intending to live the high life from now on like
a king, embracing tightly and holding on to as
much of the loot as he was able to hide away
and stash into his personal bank accounts, only
almighty knows how many and where, at which
of those places and "financial institutions" that
are the "beauties" of our financial system and
serve the most despicable, the most avaricious
and the biggest frauds. It is high time an end
is put in such behaviors and, if an International
Conference (and an International Agreement) is
needed to facilitate the opening of bank accounts
everywhere for investigations, it has to be called
immediately and act efficiently and swiftly to
face this out-of-control situation without delay

If they found so much money in bags and such
huge scale corruption in circles of the European
Union, which, at least, has some oversight
mechanisms and is subject to State controls,
can anyone even start to imagine the bags, the
boxes, the gifts and the offshore deposits that
went to members of FIFA, which has absolutely
no oversight mechanisms and which, supposedly,
examines its own actions (!!!!) and cleared itself
from wrongdoing (!!!!)????
We are living in a
world full of ridiculous and laughable bodies,
organizations, outfits and individuals
and the
worst thing about it is that no one seems to
care and no one seems to be doing anything
decisive even though things like that occur
and reoccur continuously and our own
intelligence is being taken for a ride...

"Fight Impunity" my a**... "accountability as a central
pillar of the architecture of international justice" my a**...

They stripped her of her high offices. Are they going to do
the right thing at National and European level and strip
all of them of the right to hold National or International
Office ever again?
This Right goes hand-in-hand with heavy
Responsibilities and, unless there is a start today with severe
penalties for those that abuse the Right, how is the European
Union ever again have the shamelessness and the audacity
to go around the World and preach about well-governance
and incorruptibility, with dirty hands, and when it, itself,
has such permissive and loose structures in imposing and
in enforcing the principles it is preaching on others? And,
by the way, when one hears big words, such as "our own
way of life", hold a small basket
(as we say in Greek),
or, rather, take with you an oxygen mask, because, most
likely, you may end up finding yourself in the sewers...

The first message is that men and women are
in no way different in either virtue or vice.
It is said that by electing more women, we
may be able to clean up politics and make
some of the despicable attitudes of their
male colleagues disappear. But humans are
humans and greed, avarice and corruption
is there in both sexes in positions of power.

Secondly, of course PASOK bears primary
responsibility for what happened
the person under investigation, who was
swimming in the swamp of Qatari bribes,
was its choice and the party thought that,
regardless of what she did, her good looks
would carry the day and sway voters, even
after claims that were provocative and
unfounded in the face of so many contra-
dictory well known devastating facts and
. And finally, I hope that they
learn a lesson in Brussels. Lower the salaries
of MEPs!! You cannot, in clear conscience,
pay those extravagant salaries and perks
we hear about
. If MEPs are there to get
rich and become hacendados and take
advantage of political connections to get
even more money and secure contracts for
themselves, like Papaskatoulis, then they
should not even be there in the first place.
The MEPs should be paid enough to have
a decent life, but their jobs should be, above
all else, considered jobs that serve the People
of Europe and it should be an Honor, not
a source of wealth and extravagance, to serve.

It is a good day for the fight against large scale
fraud and corruption in our United States also,
and, more importantly, it is a Great Day for
Constitutionality and against political fraud,
arbitrariness and scheming with catastrophic
consequences for Peru and South America.
BRAVO to all those that operated effectively
and swiftly to protect the
Peruvian Constitution!!

It is a good day for Argentina and a good day
for anti-corruption struggles around the World.
Just a word for those mindless individuals who,
usually swayed by stardom and herd mentality,
go out and support politicians who are robbing
their country and are stealing from the wealth
of its People. If you think that a criminal stands
for you, you are demented. If you show support
based on political affiliations, then you can still
stick to the same political ideology and/or ideas,
while switching support to honest and clean
politicians of the same political orientation.
Why lending support and spending your voice
and you energy on people that do not give a
damn about either you or the well-being of
your state, and are, instead, only working to
enlarge their own wealth and power?

Some States are where the United States was
in the 1920's... as if passing a law banning the
"manufacture, transportation and sale of
intoxicating liquors" (or, even worse, a
Constitutional Amendment for that matter;
which fools decided to mar the admirable
U.S. Constitution with something that petty
and despicable?) would stop people from
drinking or curb consumption. And mind
you, even though drinking alcohol is most
likely coextensive with Civilization, it
is not as integral to one's functionality as
part of the animal species as is sex. So
banning it before, during or after, inside
or outside, above or below marriage is
going to have exactly the same effect as
prohibition had, i.e., absolutely none.
Wake Up, Lawmakers in Dark States,
with nothing better to do in your hands
than passing absurd laws and meaning-
less and ineffective directives!
will rise up, see your hypocrisy, your
pretentiousness and your idleness, and
will send you right where you belong.

I am sick and tired of Harry and Meghan.
About Meghan I could not care less; she
is simply his problem. But Harry should
shut up and dance. I just want to remind
him that the fact that he is even known
and that he has a forum to speak does
not have anything to do with what he
has accomplished or with who he is,
but only with the fact that he was born
a royal. So he owes everything to the
royal family and to the bankrupt English
polity that has not abolished this system
and has not sent all of those parasites
home yet, to be raised and work like
ordinary citizens and not be spoiled
and demanding, without realizing how
undeservedly they have been pampered.

I just read that Iran abolished its Morality
Police "force", whose only role was to harass
and to intimidate people into submission and
made the everyday lives of Iranian women
difficult, if not outright unbearable, and led
to unjustifiable, horrible deaths. This is a
very positive step. Iran has a Great History
and a Great Culture and it should abandon
radical Islam pseudo-interpretations, which
only serve to curb the freedoms and the
vitality of its Citizens, and return and
contribute as a positive and friendly force,
in the spirit of brotherhood and cooperation,
to the Life and the Community of Nations.
Both Iran and other Nations can reap mutual
benefits and advance if they work together.

It turns out that South Africa was extremely
lucky to have one Nelson Mandela
, since it
has become apparent that all his "associates"
and the majority of those seeking and vying
for power in his ANC formed a muddy and
disastrous swamp full of s**t and s**theads
not unlike many of those pseudo-parties
that emerged out of African independence
movements and led to "leaders" spending
a lifetime in power, grossly abusing their
fellow Citizens (as if the reason they gave
their lives was to get rid of white torturers
to be subjected to the same abuses by black
monsters and murderers) and amassing in
the process, illegally and without any over-
sight or accountability, immeasurable sums
of money and amounts of wealth and assets.
My heart bleeds for Africa. Africa will only
start on the right path when the time ripens
for the majority of its Nations to rise again
this time not against colonialism and white
barbarity, but against despots and pseudo-
leaders of their own, who only care about
their own aggrandizement and could not
care less about servicing their States and
doing the right things for the well-being of
their people.

Enel's boss of bosses Francesco Starace:
"it will take years to get energy prices back to
pre-Ukraine War levels." Translation for those
that are ignorant, blind or naive: "We will be
fattening our pockets for years on the backs
of you fools, under cover of costs, when what
is responsible for those prices are greed,
avarice, deceitfulness and unscrupulousness
on our part, which lead us to higher and
higher profit margins especially at those
unsavory and perilous for the public times."
I invite him to make public his salary and
his benefits and bonuses, before shamelessly
uttering another deceitful word in the form
of a "justification" or "explanation" for the
unjustifiable and the inexplicable.

Φυσικά και "τα ράσα του δεν έχουν τσέπες". Οι
ιερείς που βγάζουν 25 λεπτά ή μισό ή ένα ευρώ
να δώσουν σε κάποιο άπορο στο δρόμο ή που
πάνε για ένα καφέ ή ένα κρασάκι να συναντήσουν
τους φίλους και συνανθρώπους τους να πουν
μια κουβέντα, ξοδεύοντας 5-10 ευρώ, φορούν
ράσα με τσέπες. Εκείνοι που έχουν μπράβους,
υπόδουλους, τσιράκια και χαφιέδες, που
κυκλοφορούν με Πόρσε και έχουν οδηγούς,
και που χειρίζονται δεκάδες χιλιάδες ευρώ
σε ρευστό και κάρτες, τί να τις κάνουν τις
τσέπες στα ράσα; Αυτοί χρειάζονται θυρίδες
και πορτοφόλια king size με πολλές θήκες
για αμέτριτες πιστωτικές και χοντρό κομπό-
δεμα. Έχει απόλυτο δίκιο λοιπόν ο σκατο-
πατήρ Αντώνιος (για να χρησιμοποιούμε και
τις σωστές κατά Καθηγητή Μπαμπινιώτη

Two pseudo-leaders, who damaged the status and
the reputation of Greece irreparably, and who,
periodically, with their reappearances in political
plots and machinations, insult our collective memory,
decided again to play a role that they think they can
play, but that is doubtful they can and, definitely,
they are not welcome to play any longer, since,
when they had the chance, they proved abject
and dismal failures.

Adding insult to injury before a trial that will prove
that he did not act in good faith is unwise and simply
emphasizes the correct impression that this person
is greedy, avaricious, unscrupulous, dishonest and
corrupt. Besides, words are cheap. OPEN YOUR
BANK ACCOUNTS and show us how much you
did stash away before declaring bankruptcy on the
backs of others and, then, quitting
. That is the main,
the most important, point in cases of this kind. To
follow the loot and uncover the avarice and greed.

Jiang Zemin is with us no more...

Women are not extraterrestrials and the press
must stop perpetuating sexism, in politics and
all other walks of life
. A journalist from a
serious and respectable medium could inquire
about the purpose of this meeting, since they
are both elected representatives of the people
and they travel on the public purse, and it is
their responsibility to answer. But to imply a
purpose, and try to create impressions in a
clearly sexist way under cover of inquiry, and
elicit, with an, admittedly, terribly concocted
"rhetorical" question, an answer in the form
of what one would like to hear to reascertain
existing prejudices, does disservice to the press,
which has such an important role to play in an
open and serious debate in democratic societies.

Όσοι είχατε δει το σκατοπρεσβύτερο και τη
σκατοπρεσβυτέρα να κινούνται με Πόρσε,
ενώ ζητούσαν δωρεές, γιατί περιμένατε να
ξεσπάσει σκάνδαλο για να μιλήσετε; Δε
μπορούσατε να πείτε κάτι πιο πριν; Ή μήπως
θεωρείτε ότι η επαγγελματική φιλανθρωπία
από "κληρικούς" είναι κάτι το φυσιολογικό
και το αναμενόμενο και ότι μπορούν με τους
μισθούς τους, εάν είναι τίμιοι, να διατηρήσουν
ζωή και πολυτέλειες επιπέδου εφοπλιστών;

Zelensky had lost much of his credibility with the
Vogue fiasco and, last night, with his insistence in
involving NATO in the war, based on fake news,
he showed that, on the one hand, he does not fully
appreciate the gravity of such a move and, on the
other, he does not realize the potential disastrous
consequences of such a move occurring on fake
evidence and on a fabricated pretext. In that way,
Zelensky has lost its remaining credibility. Under
normal circumstances, he would not be able to
maintain the confidence of a well informed
electorate, but, unfortunately for all involved,
these are not normal circumstances... and for
this the blame lies entirely and squarely on the
Russian side. Now, Russia and its autocrat may
be realizing that what they have achieved through
this "special military operation" is exactly the
opposite objectives from those that would have
served Russia's interests best, but it is too late.
Besides reputation and prestige, both totally
and irreparably gutted, they have decimated
their armed forces, with tens of thousands of
casualties in the process, and nothing to show
for it.

I am wondering, how much did he make it to
stash into his own private bank accounts before
declaring bankruptcy for the firm, and why is it
not a crime - a serious crime - in our country to
do something like this? We are talking about
ruthless individuals who manipulate markets
and others mercilessly and bank, in the process,
potentially millions while on the take and, then,
let their companies get the slack for their greed
and their grab. That is outrageous and it should
be criminal and punishable by severe penalties.

Uneducated, brainless bigots who are given
out of the blue undeserved positions, and put
in charge of speaking fora to blubber nonsense
and unintelligent and baseless garbage, are a
real threat to our social cohesion and harmony,
a slap to our decency and abuse and insult our
intelligence, our freedoms and our democracy.

Barack had expressed this in his own, powerful
and eloquent, way so many times in similar words
for various issues. If you know deep down that,
if your own daughter had some traumatic and/
or unwanted pregnancy, you would support her
and her decisions and you would go out of your
way to accompany her to another state, if need
be, to terminate it, how would you deny that
same right and not show the same compassion
for some other dad or mom struggling with the
same or a similar issue? And we saw this in
many States, and in our own, in Michigan, that,
fundamentally, regardless or varying ideological
beliefs and other differences, American People,
in their overwhelming majority, are decent and
compassionate and tolerant and smart and do
not want to have to reopen meaningless debates,
or return to the dark ages, or restrict others in
being able to do things, however unpleasant
they may be, that they know they may one day,
themselves and/or their own, be in a position to
need. I hope that Republicans, especially
Trumpists, white supremacists, extreme right
wingers, ultra-religious and neo-fascists, realize
that they are totally out of sync with today's
America and abandon all efforts to return our
country backward in a direction no one, not
even those living under absolutist regimes,
would want to go.

Such valuable collections constitute part of the
Heritage of Mankind. They should not be sold
to individual collectors
, but be purchased by
and housed in Museums
. In that way, the Public
would have uninhibited access to visit them and
admire them and get inspired by the unique
talent and creativity that gave rise to these
miraculous works. Also, it is not acceptable to
leave the existence and preservation of such
treasures up to the whim and fortunes of
individuals and, more and especially so after
having witnessed, recently and very distressingly,
 the mercuriality and mental instability of some
of those super rich. We cannot and should not
be allowing as Humanity, our most precious
intellectual accomplishments to be in volatile
hands and in uncertain environs.

Άλλα κι άλλα. Σαχλαμάρες με περικεφαλαία.
"Υπεύθυνα" άτομα μέσα σε απύθμενα πηγάδια
μέθης, παράνοιας και ανοησίας. Υπάνθρωπες
ψευτο-σκα*ο-προσωπικότητες, χειρότερες κι
από τις δήθεν περσόνες και τις ινφλουενσερς
των σοσιαλ μίντια... Απόγνωση και παραισθήσεις.
Κρίμα για μια χώρα σαν τη Ρωσία που κατάντησε
μετά από τόσα βάσανα να κυβερνάται από
υπανθρώπους, εγκληματίες και δολοφόνους.

The same goes for Israelis. They reelected a leader
who is shortsighted and unsuitable to lead a Jewish
State. He was willing to fraternize and carouse with
the morph to get a few scattered advantages here
and there and did not have the intuition and the
mental astuteness to realize that, in the long term,
the behavior, rhetoric and ideology of the morph
was spreading and intensifying antisemitism,
racism and hatred which are now coming back to
bite and discomfort all Jews around the World.
I wish Jewish voters had been smarter and more
alert on that respect and had sent this charlatan
in retirement for good.

Italians (but also many voters in other nations) are
hypocrites and charlatans. They have elected a neo-
fascist to head their government, but they pretend
to be shocked and outraged by the fact that she
appointed as minister a neo-Nazi. What a surprise!
Wake up! You are getting exactly what you voted for.

Jerry Lee Lewis is with us no more...

It is reported that the Polish State is "demolishing"
Soviet era monuments celebrating the joint resistance
and commemorating those that fought and/or lost
their lives in the fight against Nazism and for the
liberation of Poland from the axis powers. The view
of History changes with time and monuments are,
accordingly, going up or down, but History cannot
be revised, nor changed at will, and Historical
Monuments should never be destroyed. If it is
deemed that they should not stand in public view,
they should be placed in museums and preserved
for future generations to either celebrate virtue
or to remember evil (and everything in between)
so that the Historical Lessons are never forgotten
and so that the faux pas of preceding generations
are never repeated. I hope this "demolishing"
really means "removing" and not "destroying".

The German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is on an official
visit to Athens, where he was warmly welcomed by
Prime Minister Mitsotakis on behalf of all Citizens.
Here they are visiting the Parthenon on a guided
tour of the Acropolis.

Κατά την άποψή μου, δεν είναι αρκετή η αποπομπή
του Πάτση. Φυσικά και ήταν απαιτούμενη και μάλλον
ήδη καθυστερημένη, αφού απ' ό,τι φαίνεται πρόκειται
για γιουρούσι στα κρατικά ταμεία και οικογενειακό
τσιμπούσι και ηδονή, χωρίς κανένα έλεγχο και/ή
λογοδοσία, παρά τις προειδοποιήσεις που έπρεπε
να έχουν σημάνει απο τα "πόθεν έσχες" του εν λόγω
αρχιαγύρτη. Αλλά, απαιτείται και εις βάθος έρευνα
και τιμωρία από τη Βουλή των Ελλήνων και τις
δικαστικές αρχές, διότι, διαφορετικά, τα "πόθεν
έσχες" και η εμπιστοσύνη των Ελλήνων Πολιτών
στις Επιτροπές που τα ελέγχουν θα είναι από εδώ
και πέρα υπό του μηδενός, εντελώς ανύπαρκτη.
Άλλη μία μεγάλη αποτυχία του Κούλη μετά το μέγα
φιάσκο με τις χουντοειδείς παρακολουθήσεις...

Tories have to be honest with themselves. They
are all collectively responsible for the tempest
that has swept away their party, because each
and every one of them has contributed in his/
her own way to turning the Party into a Trump-
ite style lunatic asylum in both the May and the
Johnson eras. So Truss is not by herself responsible
for the current extreme weather phenomena, but
she was unprepared and naive enough to choose
to dive in, and thought she would be able to fight
and to survive, amidst the humongous waves
that had already been there, mostly caused by
actions of her predecessors. So, only in that
sense, is she deserving of what she is begetting.

You cannot force, of course, anyone to "love you".
Nor will anyone love you because you are old enough
to die but not wise enough to cry, or because you look
like a bulldog but you behave like a poodle. People
will love you for standing up for and for doing the
right things, but it's been decades since the last time
that Russia, or was it the Soviet Union, showed any
idealism in words or in actions, be it in domestic or
in foreign policy. What a waste, what idiocy... But
the worst of all is the contempt for and spitting on
International Law and Customs, including Jus ad
Bellum and Jus in Bello. And international criminals
MUST pay.

In Britain, the Tories are in a complete chaos,
mess and disarray, a shame and a disgrace for
the country, and have already cost Britain, both
in terms of its reputation and its actual stature,
due to meaningless shenanigans and absurd
moves, allegedly to achieve "goals" whose
other actions seem to completely ignore or
outright defeat. The British Public would do
very wisely to sweep them aside and bring in
Labour with overwhelming majority and, also,
give the new Government a clear mandate to
negotiate for reentry to the Union and for
reestablishing complete freedom of move for
people, goods and services and scatter all ill-
conceived and ill-planned restrictions out to
the four winds, where they deserve to be.

A few words about this unsavory saga involving
this inhumane beast. First, those that are backing
up pseudo-personalities like it (him or her is not
appropriate here) and believe lies, fantasies and
conspiracy theories are idiots and accomplices
in the deliberate and intentional harassment,
injuring and torturing of harmed and vulnerable
people who need our sympathy and compassion
instead of becoming targets of unimaginable
enmity and hatred. Moreover, the degree of
complicity increases exponentially when, even
when it becomes clear that such beasts are
frauds and are referred to investigative and
judicial authorities, idiots keep sending them
funds to "help them" with their legal expenses.
Second, every penny that can be gotten out of
such beasts and of the stashes they have made
on the backs and through the pain of the people
they have taunted and tortured for such a long
time is worth the effort and justified. Not a
single dime they try to hide from ill-gotten
profits should be left unearthed. And this
must be done even for those properties and
assets that have been transferred to family
members or companies, in anticipation of the
unavoidable involvement of authorities, to the
full extent of the law. And if the law is not
cooperating, then the law has to be changed
so that, in similar cases in the future, which
are bound to occur since such animals are
plentiful around us, there would be no place
to run and no place to hide. Finally, it is a
total shame that, if a person gets killed by a
police-brute, the family gets a couple of million
dollars if they are lucky, but, for pain caused,
not by executing someone but, by denying that
their murder took place, we see damages a
hundred times as big as that. It is clear that
the judicial system and the sentences that are
in the books for various crimes are unjustifiably
out of whack, completely and shockingly
arbitrary and unreasonable, and stunningly
disproportionate, relative to the gravity, the
severity and the brutality of the crime committed.

Some things are hard to swallow. I am reading
that 35 Nations in our United Nations General
Assembly have abstained from condemning
Russian actions in Ukraine
. I am wondering
whether those Nations have even the most
basic and fundamental understanding of the
Goals and Mission of the Organization. To
remind them, it was founded to protect and
safeguard Equality Between Nations, the
Territorial Integrity, Independence and
Sovereignty of Nations, especially against
the actions of the powerful and the behemoths,
and to universally condemn in the strongest
possible way the unilateral use, or threat of
use, of force to grab and annex territories
and to subdue and threaten weaker states.
Do they even remember why they are there
in the first place, and why they joined?

I am wondering...

Throughout my life, I have been observing this
phenomenon in disbelief. People belonging to
racial. ethnic, religious and/or other minorities,
who have suffered so much through bigotry,
discrimination and, occasionally, cruelty and
inhumanity, instead of becoming firm sup-
porters of equal rights and anti-discriminatory
practices and to campaign for the rights of All
People, are turning around and ferment and
spew and amplify hatred and racism against
other minorities. It is totally puzzling and
completely disheartening to observe, instead
of compassion and solidarity, condescension
and contempt. But I have seen it, in large scale,
at national level, in Israel and in Eastern Europe,
and I am seeing it happening everyday, at personal
level, and, unfortunately, most recently, also
in grand scale, in our United States. It is really
alarming, really worrisome and really saddening
and I wish there was a way to change minds and
to promote better attitudes and bring people to
their senses. Both the words, the demeaning and
totally unacceptable language used, but also the
political actions discussed, racist gerrymandering
and abuse of political power, cannot be tolerated.

It is saddening, and deeply concerning and disturbing,
that, on the one hand, we consider it routine and rather
insignificant to gamble with and put the lives of some
of the best trained and most courageous men we have
on both sides of the Aegean in jeopardy aimlessly and,
on the other, that in challenging global conditions and
a difficult financial situation, we are spending enormous
amounts of funds for military exercises and warring
posturing that are needless and could be avoided if
both sides showed some good will and compromising
and neighborly spirit. Why do we need an accident,
to lose someone irreplaceable, to show some fraternity
and civility as befits neighboring, allied and friendly

A gangster in suit and tie... this also the Italian way.
Rumor has it that trafficking in vaccines has been
his most innocent type of trafficking and his least
profitable. He owes it to the public to confess about
all other kinds that he has allegedly engaged in,
but, like all cowards, he only speaks openly when
he speaks from a position of power and safety, and
seeming benevolence and superiority, and only when
he is certain to pull others down with (or, preferably,
instead of) himself.

Loretta Lynn is with us no more...

To understand how derailed and how out of touch
he is, it suffices to realize that he thinks that such
declarations and actions make Russians proud,
when the only feelings that they arouse are deep
stupefaction, embarrassment and humiliation.

I hope that the Turkish People take the statement
of the Greek Prime Minister, when he declared
that the Greek People "are not your enemies; they
are your neighbors", to heart. The efforts by the
Turkish President and other Turkish politicians,
including the Foreign and Defense Ministers, on
a daily basis, to bang the drums of enmity and
war and to indoctrinate the Turkish Public with
hatred and lies and fill them with fear and with
insecurity for personal political gains, I hope, will
fall on deaf ears. The Turkish People know better.
On the Greek side, we do not have, and we hope
that Turkey does not have either, any claims on
the other side's territory and we remain deeply
devoted and firmly committed to the Principles
of Territorial Integrity, Sovereignty and Indepen-
dence enshrined in the United Nations Charter.
Moreover, we fully believe that Mustafa Kemal
and Venizelos settled all there was to be settled
in mutually acceptable and agreed upon terms
and that the Two Nations, not only have moved
past that era, but, understand and realize that
their destiny is, in a Neighborly Spirit, with
Brotherly Feelings, to work together for Peace,
Stability, Security and Cooperation to mutual
benefit and for the well-being of all our children
and the entire World Community.

Russian politicians - and not only those of the
opposition - especially those who have a chance
of being part of a successor regime to that of
Putin, must clearly and unequivocally declare,
even in the face of personal risk, that, for them,
the proposed annexation of Ukrainian territories
is null and void and that they remain fully and
devotedly committed to the Principles of the
United Nations Charter
, which was agreed
upon and signed by the Soviet Union, Russia's
predecessor State. Otherwise, the conditions
of confrontation and perpetual isolation will
be looming large and the possibility of Russia's
reintegration into the World Community of
Civilized Nations, as a trustworthy and reliable
partner, will be almost nonexistent. Not to
mention that the status belli in the heart of
Europe will become a permanent feature, at
least for the foreseeable future.

Russia, and more precisely Putin, has made two
obvious strategic mistakes, and this regardless
of the outcome of the war in Ukraine. The first
is that it has let systemic and persistent severe
corruption and graft affect its armed forces with
devastating and lethal consequences
. This can
be seen from the fact that they have been depleted
and have been outdated to such an extent that it
is forced to purchase weapons from North Korea
and buy technologically advanced UAV's from
Iran, but, also, from the fact that it is handing
out antiquated and rusty weapons to its reserves
The other is that, because of the easy, abundant
and straightforward profits that could be made
from the energy sector, it has neglected to diversify
its economy
, which is vary basic, Economics 101.
Even the Arab States that had been dependent
exclusively on oil revenues, seem to have done
a better job in that respect. And both of these
mistakes would have made negligible difference
if Russia had been a peaceful and fraternal State
and did not have expansionist and imperialist
aspirations. Since none of its neighbors has any
claims or demands on Russian soil, the armed
forces would have had a very small role to play
and their deficiencies would not have been either
realized or pronounced to such a degree. And
all its neighbors, and all other States in the World,
would have had no problem trading in Russian
oil and natural gas, and so diversification would
not have been so serious either, despite the fact
that it is necessary for a State to prosper and
be financially secure regardless.

Italians, wake up! You owe it to your European
Partners to defeat the neo-fascists, and any new
populist formation supporting bigotry, hatred
and discrimination, decisively, without excuses
and without ifs, buts and maybes.

Iran has surrendered its self-respect. From a beacon
of cultural contributions and pioneering philosophical
thinking, it has slowly abandoned its position in the
center of World developments and has been receding
into the position of a pariah, mostly by its own choices
and miscalculations, insecurities and isolationism.
Iranian People and, among them, Iranian Women
primarily and foremost, deserve much much better.
If Iranian authorities looked inside Iran, to its own
culture over the ages and did not rely on religious
fundamentalism, which is only a recent development
and in no way reflects Iranian History over the ages,
not even over the majority of the "modern" era,
they would have made radically different decisions
both in terms of domestic policies and in the way
they see, interact and cooperate with other Nations.
Iran deserves no less! Iranians deserve much better!

No one, absolutely no one, wants to be sent to fight
far away, in foreign lands, in an unjust and unfair
war of aggression that has absolutely nothing to
do with defending one's fatherland, its territorial
integrity and its independence. Russian People
are no different in that respect than any other
People and no matter how high the dosages of
propaganda and indoctrination, the World, as a
Community of People, is so open today that they
do realize that justice is not on Kremlin's side
and that, whoever takes part in the invasion of
Ukraine, are aligning themselves with the wrong
side of History.

I plead with President Putin and Minister Lavrov.
After the latest developments in Ukraine, do not
make the choice to escalate this terrible attack
and war against a brotherly nation. Withdraw
Russian troops to the border and, together with
Ukraine, accept a limited number of international
troops under UN auspices, perhaps manned jointly
by European Union and Chinese soldiers, to oversee
the Peace and to ensure that no abuses and/or
atrocities are suffered by civilians on either side.

They made the choice to opt out and to distance
themselves from the Royal Family and Royal
Duties and became, in essence, private citizens.
They have no right to ask for privileges from
the British State or Crown. They have to realize
that one cannot have their pie and eat it too.
But, the whole issue here is the existence of
the monarchy itself. It is the right time for the
British Public to reconsider this antiquated
institution that is extravagantly and unjustifiably
expensive by modern standards and that creates
this greed and entitlement and the detestable and
arrogant behaviors that one sees from members
of the royal family. They should all have been
private individuals working, like everyone else,
for a living and having no time on their hands
for spats, friction and parties with the Epsteins,
while expecting lavish handouts and glamorous
titles from the state.

Kostas Kazakos and Irene Papas are with us no more...

It is disheartening that so much is spent in extravagant
ceremonies amidst relative financial difficulties and
hardship for many ordinary people and a war, with an
uncertain ending, raging on on the Continent. But, it
seems that no one in Britain cares, since the money is
spent again in the service of one family that is entitled
to it, whereas they would be up in arms if it was sent
to Brussels to support programs of a much wider
scope and much wider benefit. It is their money after
all, and they may spent it in however mindless fashion
they may choose (or waste it for that matter), but the
whole affair reminds one why it is much much better,
for financial among many other reasons, for modern
democratic states to do away with antiquated forms
of government, such as monarchies. (I am wondering,
when all these fanfares are concluded, will people in
charge of finances publish the total amount in the
bill (to ferry entire families, for their security, to
mobilize so much personnel and to cover the entire
land of the U.K. for so many days)? or will they,
quite smartly, refrain from disclosing the information
to avoid a reaction of shock and awe by the public?)

Jean-Luc Godard is with us no more...

I do hope that Russian forces get pushed back
to the border and that this horrific conflict ends
by a treaty in which Russia recognizes Ukrainian
territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence.
I also hope that this ill-conceived war and the
Russian debacle send a clear message to all those
that have middle-ages perceptions and ideas on
their minds about changing borders by force and
about imposing their will on others through the
threat or the use of force, even though they are
Parties to the Charter of our United Nations, that
they shall find the entire community of civilized
nations, and especially the most powerful ones,
united to thwart their desires, their brutality
and their expansionism.

Queen Elizabeth II, the queen who oversaw
the British exit from the European Union,
the boldest, most courageous and most
forward looking structure ever created
towards establishing and solidifying
Fraternity, Solidarity, Peace, Stability
and Prosperity in a war-torn, tortured
and brittle Continent, is with us no more...

I applaud Chileans' decision to reject the new
proposed Constitution
. I do not agree that what
caused its rejection was its overly progressive
character. A Constitution should be a concise
document, guaranteeing all Rights and Freedoms
in a concise, summarizing way, so that it is easy
for any Citizen to read it many times and consult
it as necessary, and should leave it up to the laws
to specify the precise nature of implementation.
After all, laws evolve and adjust according to
current needs and new demands, whereas a
Constitution should not be changed again and
again, at least not as a matter of course.
My feeling is that, being pulled in various
directions and being held captive to various
demands, the composers of the new document
chose to put an inordinate and extraordinary
amount in, instead of trying to synthesize and
summarize and distill from the various demands
to come up with a relatively short document that
would be concise, precise and easily accessible.
I urge Chileans in the next attempt to try to
do this. I also encourage them strongly to look
carefully at the U.S. Constitution. Even if they
do not agree with everything in its contents,
the U.S. Constitution is, in my view, a textbook
document, an Exemplary Work on Constitutional
Writing, on how Constitutions should be written,
how long they should be, how accessible and easily
readable and how functional and forward looking
they should be

Animals, brutes, thugs, killers...
What did this kid do to you, inhuman
monsters in city-provided uniforms?
Armed police should not exist in any
American City. No matter how much
is spent to "train" those untrainable
beasts, nothing ever improves.
jailing them or making them pay is
not a solution either, since it does not
bring back the lives they arbitrarily
lay to waste.

Sad day for Sri Lanka. A monster has returned
to resume and continue his plundering business.

Ας μην κρυβόμαστε πίσω από γενικολογίες και
. Οι παπάδες (οποιασδήποτε
βαθμίδας) είναι δημόσιοι λειτουργοί, αμοιβόμενοι
από το Ελληνικό Κράτος. Όπως και οι περισσότεροι
δημόσιοι υπάλληλοι, στην πλειοψηφία τους μπορεί
να είναι καλοί και άγιοι. Όμως στο Δημόσιο, όταν
κάποιος δεν είναι συνεπής στις υποχρεώσεις του,
τιμωρείται ή απολύεται. Στα παπαδαριά, κρυβό-
μενοι πίσω από την ελευθερία έκφρασης, είδαμε
και κατά τη διάρκεια της πανδημίας, αλλά και
τώρα με τον μητροχέ*τη Δωδώνης, να εκφράζονται
αντιλήψεις που ακόμα και από μικρό μέρος του
"ποίμνιου" να ακολουθηθούν, η βλάβη για το
κοινωνικό σύνολο θα είναι τεράστια. Και το
μόνο που συμβαίνει, είναι να συνέρχονται εκ του
ασφαλούς στις αναπαυτικές τους πολυθρόνες τα
αρχιπαπαδαριά και να "καταδικάζουν" τις εν
λόγω δηλώσεις χωρίς καμία ουσιαστική απόφαση,
τιμωρία ή έμπρακτη συνέπεια. Έχουμε κουραστεί
με γενικολογίες και θρησκευτικά μαθήματα και
χριστο-παναγο-λαγνεία στα λόγια και με ελεύθερα
όλα τα αντίχριστα, επιβλαβή και ανόητα, ζώα να
αλωνίζουν στις ανώτατες θρησκευτικές θέσεις
και στις πιο πολυτελείς θρησκευτικές αυλές.

Οι δύο μαϊντανοί (αηδιαστικά υποκείμενα
αμφότεροι) καταλήγουν με τον πιο φυσικό
τρόπο στα δικαστήρια. Όταν κανείς ανοίγει
συνέχεια το στόμα του πριν καν προλάβει
να πάρει στροφές το ανύπαρκτο μυαλό του,
και όταν εμφανίζεται δέκα φορές την ημέρα
στις ΤιΒι και στις κάμερες για κάθε ψύλλου
πήδημα (μη έχοντας τίποτα καλύτερο και
πιο εποικοδομητικό να κάνει με τη ζωή του),
φυσικό είναι να καταλήγει εκτός ελέγχου...

Good news from Alaska. The message was that,
if you are an ignorant fool. no matter how many
"Hail Trumps" you chant, you may still, even in
this lamentable political climate, be defeated by
an astute and alert electorate.
Sad news from the east, where it seems that the
climate of social terror in Russia and of ethnic
discrimination, ethnic cleansing and political
persecution and elimination on a mass scale in
China are still (and perhaps becoming more so)
the order of the day.

Mikhail Gorbachev is with us no more...

Δε θέλουμε έτσι - μπάτε σκύλοι αλέστε - τη χώρα μας.
Δε θέλουμε "μεγαλειώτατους" δολοφόνους και Αγγλο-
καθωσπρεπείς εγληματίες πολέμου στο Πρωθυπουργικό
Μέγαρο της Ελλάδας, καλοδεχούμενους ως φιλαράκια.
Ντρέπομαι και λυπούμαι που ο πρωθυπουργός ή δεν
καταλαβαίνει ή κάνει πως δεν καταλαβαίνει ή επιλέγει
να αγνοεί πράγματα που επ'ουδενί δεν αγνοούνται (και
που μετά δίνει και διαλέξεις για το Διεθνές Δίκαιο, το
ότι είναι η πυξίδα μας, κλπ. κλπ.).

I am sorry for the human loss and the human plight,
especially when it strikes at such a large, unfathomable
scale. But, frankly, Pakistan and other like-minded
states do not have the right to appeal for international
aid, or, more accurately, do not have the right to expect
any international aid. It should look instead at raiding
its nuclear program. I am appalled by states whose
majority, or overwhelming minority, of populations
survive, not even paycheck to paycheck, but, rather,
handout to handout, finding so easily funds to funnel
into nuclear programs, experiments and adventures,
and into bankrolling and stirring cries and paeans of
war and terrorism. Enough is enough is enough.
If such states used their own resources wisely and did
not siphon them off by the truckload (literally) into
military, intelligence and private pockets, then they
would have enough to help all their citizens, without
begging for support for the most important things.

There should be term limits in leading positions
in such organizations. No one, no matter how
good they are, has the right to stay stuck and
become a dinosaur and/or a mummy in such a
position. And clearly Dr. Fauci is no Einstein.
States and the World can benefit more by
having a variety of individuals, and, perhaps,
younger in age, in such leading positions. I hope
we see changes that incorporate term limits in
the constitutions or regulating documents of
as many organizations or institutes of this kind
as possible.

Needless to say that I am appalled by the
assassination of Darya Dugina. Freedom of
Thought, Freedom of Speech and Freedom of
Expression are fundamental Human Rights
and no person has the right to physically
attack other individuals for their thoughts
or for their words, however disagreeable
and however painful. On the other hand,
freedom of thought and freedom of
expression lose their meaning completely
in states where they are applied selectively.
One cannot mourn and praise the qualities
and lament the loss of individuals who

express all and only what one wants to hear
while sending bombs or contaminating with
anthrax or killing in broad daylight those
who think and express opinions different
from one's own. Certain war criminals at
a certain historic seat of government in a
certain State should keep this in mind
ALWAYS, if they want their words to
carry any weight and their attitudes and
their protestations to be worth a dime.

If they think they are not being watched, they
can do this and worse. For all they care, they
could kill someone, dump their bodies and
then pretend they are on search and rescue.
They are  brutes and animals. Our cities do
not deserve criminal "police" thugs to be
"serving and protecting" them in this way.

Φυσικά και έχει ένας/μία πολιτικός το δικαίωμα
στη χαλάρωση, την ξεκούραση και τη διασκέδαση.
Με όποιο τρόπο εκείνος/η επιλέξει, αρκεί να μη θέτει
σε κίνδυνο άλλους ή περιορίζει τις αντίστοιχες επιλογές
άλλων. Ειδικά στην περίπτωση μίας Πρωθυπουργού
σε μία Προεδρευομένη Δημοκρατία, όπως η Φινλανδία,
και ενός Προέδρου σε μία Προεδρική Δημοκρατία,
όπως η Γαλλία, τα πράγματα είναι λίγο πιο περίπλοκα.
'Οταν η διασκέδαση ενός/μιας Αρχηγού Κυβέρνησης
είναι πολύ "ζωηρή", ειδικά ενέχει χρήση αλκοόλ σε
μεγάλες ποσότητες και/ή άλλων ουσιών, τότε καλό
θα ήταν να υπάρχει επικοινωνία με αντιπρόεδρο ή
υπουργό, ώστε σε περίπτωση άμεσης ανάγκης να
μπορεί κάποιος να πάρει κρίσιμες αποφάσεις μή
ων/ούσα υπό την επίρρεια ουσιών που ενδέχεται να
μειώσουν την αναλυτική ικανότητα, την οξυδέρκεια,
την αποφασιστικότητα κ.λπ. ενός ατόμου. Ειδικά δε
στην περίπτωση της Φινλανδίας, που γειτονεύει με
μία υπερδύναμη κυβερνώμενη από ανισόρροπους και
απολυταρχικούς, φασιστοειδείς εγκληματίες πολέμου
και με την οποία έχει ιστορικά προβλήματα, αυτό
επιβάλλεται, διότι αν, ο μη γένοιτο, κάτι προκύψει,
κανείς δε θα ήθελε να πιαστεί σε ανετοιμότητα, σε
ύπνο ή σε κατάσταση μέθης και/ή παραισθήσεων.

Crónica de una muerte anunciada...

From Africa, unfortunately, we were not expecting
anything better or more decent. African politicians,
from the time of independence to the present day,
with very, very rare exceptions to prove the rule,
have learned and practiced the worst of the West,
without retaining much of the principles and the
theoretical ideals underpinning democratic customs,
at least not applying them successfully in practice
to any noticeable degree at all. Pity for the Mother
Continent, which, after having suffered horrible
trials at the hands of foreigners, is now suffering
comparably at the hands of its own greedy vandals.

I was deeply moved today by the apology issued by
the Academy to Ms. Littlefeather for what happened
half a century ago. Bravo to the Academy for doing
this and for recognizing a mistake. One is filled with
hope witnessing similar actions, because the truth
is that to advance substantially towards a path of
reconciliation, hope and progress in social issues,
a State has to recognize, understand, absorb and
digest mistakes and disgraceful, unfair, abominable
incidents that have marred its policies, its behavior
and its actions. Every little step in that direction is
a step forward and is very helpful.

Scott "trashcan" Morr-a**-on... What a ridicule,
what a banana republic this country is proven to
be... Possible to appoint oneself secretly to head
five portfolios? Was he also drawing corresponding
salaries? Not unlike how an ex-president of ours
is set to humiliate us with his brainlessness and
his absurd actions and statements... Shame.

Iran is determined to disappoint all of us who,
based on Historical and Cultural ties, want to
see a different, open, cosmopolitan Iran, assume
its rightful and deserved position as a constructive
contributor and a positive force in the Community
of Nations. Pity, just pity. Iran deserves better, but
its own authorities are undermining its potential.

We had hoped that we wouldn't have to deal
or comment on this shameful and appalling
period in the History of our Country again,
but we cannot stay silent when we hear that
things are said that show that some people
are taking us for morons and for imbeciles
perhaps because they are so used to the
docility and servitude of some of their own
fans and supporters who fit perfectly in that
"I have a standing order that what I take from
my office and store or hide at my private quarters
and on my own computer is deemed declassified"?
I am speechless. Who, in their right state of
mind, if they are sane and believe they are
conversing with sane individuals, could say.
or even think of saying, something like this
other than in a dictatorship or in a banana
republic, where principles, rules, laws and
regulations are only for show, and, where a
petty generalissimo can do anything he
likes and where his whims and his word are
the law of the land? Where does this idiot,
this brainless mass of flesh that we had
unfortunately elected as president, think
he is living in? Does he think of this country
as his own fiefdom and us as his subjects?

Israel has killed 2 top Islamic Jihad militants.
And the "collateral damage", children among
them, is in the thirties and counting
. I ask
that you imagine, just imagine, what Israel
would do if some group, to eliminate two
Jewish officers, had killed tens of innocent
Jews in the process. We would have heard
cries of genocide and antisemitism for weeks
on end in all States around the Globe. Why
is it so difficult, for a State so sensitive to the
damage and the plight inflicted on its own
people not so long ago, to realize that other
People also have similar Rights
, and have to
be afforded the chance to live Independent,
with Dignity and Pride, in a State of their
? Wake up, Jewish State! The damage
you do to others may be done unto you and,
when you realize this, the time for repentance
and for compromise may be slipping away.

To be clear, a visit by a politician, no matter
how unfortunate or improper it is judged,
does not justify military threats, posturing
and escalation, nor severing ties and cutting
channels of communication between two
States. So I would ask China to reconsider
and show calmness and good will
. On the
other hand, Pelosi's trip did not contribute
anything essential in improving Taiwan's
status or security and, since it was in reality
a photo-op with no substantial results and
it was clear that it could jolt a delicate
balance, it should probably have been
avoided. From that viewpoint, I would ask
politicians to think twice before taking steps
that make the work of our Secretary of
State and our Diplomats more difficult,
without attaining any results or reaping
any benefits
. At her age and with her
experience, Pelosi should have known
better, and the administration should not
hide behind independence and coequality
of Branches of Government to avoid issuing
strong advice and warnings against unne-
cessary acts, when such advice is actually
proper and serves our national interests.

Τσοβόλα, (έρχονται εκλογές) δώστα όλα!
Κι ας έχει η χώρα το χειρότερο χρέος σ'
όλη την οικουμένη, κι ας απέπεμψα (για
φιγούρα) κάποιον που τόλμησε κι είπε
ότι είχαμε κερδίσει τις εκλογές γιατί
βγήκαμε με τσάντες και τα δώσαμε όλα.
Ούλοι τελικά ίδιοι είναι. Ένα και το αυτό.

Μπράβο και πάλι μπράβο στην Όλγα Στέφου. Δε χωρούσε το
μυαλό μου αυτό που διάβασα, και δε μπορούσα να εκφράσω
καν τις σκέψεις μου, Τί να πει κανείς όταν ακούει τέτοια άτοπα
και ανήκουστα πράγματα
; Μένεις με ανοιχτό το στόμα.
ΜΠΡΑΒΟ, ΟΛΓΑ! Γιατί βάζεις τα πράγματα στη θέση τους
και εκφράζεις όλους όσους, διαβάζοντας, έχουμε μείνει άφωνοι.

Good riddance! Egyptian doctor my a**...
Sincere Hippocratic Oath he took this filthy
rat (apologies to the little animals).

Bill Russell and Nichelle Nichols are with us no more...

From serious and responsible politicians, one
does not expect such crap. But, for fascists
and war criminals, who find themselves in
extremely unpleasant situations and suffer
from acute angst and insecurity, everything
becomes plausible and all reason vanishes.

The Iranian authorities must honor the History
and Civilization of Iran. Stop treating people worse
than animals and respect Humanity. Stop those
executions and show leniency when criminality
is induced by wounds inflicted through savage
and inhumane treatment. From Iran, in terms
of domestic norms, but also in terms of World
Peace and Cooperation, we are expecting more,
but we are always shortchanged and unpleasantly
. Become fraternal,
thoughtful and productive members of the World's
Community. Iran deserves nothing less.

It is really sad when a supposedly educated person of
the US elites and "intelligentsia" is unable to under-
stand and/or digest and/or accept the indisputable
fact that, historically, and in the present, what he
calls "religious liberty", i.e., religious obedience and
subservience to "higher" and "divine powers", is the
ultimate weapon used by governments, elites and
other authorities and authoritarians,  i.e., by "those
who want to hold complete power", around the globe,
but especially in the U.S., to intimidate, threaten, scare,
suppress and subdue their "subjects" and disciples
into stupor, inaction and acquiescence, so that they
solidify and secure their own control, privileges and
status, unchallenged and uninhibited. Is Mr. Alito so
blind, so completely ignorant of human history? Or,
perhaps, and most likely, he finds the deference and
docility that religions induce and advise convenient,
since he is fraternizing and feasting with the big fish?

Αυτά είναι όντως αηδίες. Δεν ξέρω τί προσπαθούν
να καταφέρουν. Αν το κάνουν για χρήματα ή για
προσωπικά οφέλη ή για να εξασφαλίσουν ένα πιο
επικερδές μέλλον οικογενειακά όταν ο πόλεμος
τελειώσει με τον έναν ή τον άλλο τρόπο και με
το ένα ή το άλλο αποτέλεσμα. Πάντως, φωτος
σε αφερεγγυα εντυπα εν καιρω πολέμου, από
προεδρο εμπόλεμης χώρας της οποίας η εδαφική
ακεραιότητα έχει πάει περίπατο και της οποίας
η ίδια η ανεξάρτησία και η εθνική κυριαρχία
κινδυνεύουν, όχι μόνον "ουκ ανδρός σοφού",
αλλά μάλλον πρόκειται πράγματι περί κλόουν,
γελοίου και τσαρλατάνου.

These are unfortunate moves to say the least and,
more likely, outright foolishness and imbecility.
I am not sure why they are engaging in a personal
advertising campaign, whether they are doing it
for money, for personal profiteering or fame and
a better future when this war ends in some fashion
with one or another outcome. But to pose for such
magazines while a war is raging and while one is
commander-in-chief of the weaker warring side,
whose territorial integrity is certainly gone and
whose independence and sovereignty are at stake,
not only is it not "a wise man's move" but, rather
shows that the person is superficial and shallow,
lacking self-awareness and awareness of the gravity
and severity of the situation, untrustworthy, rather
a ridiculous clown and a veritable charlatan.

Εμετικό και αηδιαστικό. Τον γυάλισε ξεδιάντροπα.
Να μια γλώσσα έξω και "μεγαλειώτατε" και δώστου
"μεγαλειώτατε" σ'ενα βρωμιάρη, παλιοτόμαρο και
στυγνό, αδίστακτο δολοφόνο, που σκοτώνει και δεν
πληρώνει καν, για τα γρόσια και για την ενέργεια.
Σημειωτέον από "ανανεώσιμες" πηγές, πράσινο το
πετρέλαιο. Αλλά τί να κάνει αφού έβαλε τον φονιά
στο σπίτι μας; Εξάλλου, δε σκότωσε τη γυναίκα του
Κούλη. Κάποιον ξένο ξεπάστρεψε και κατατεμάχισε,
κι αυτό στην Πόλη, όχι στην Αθήνα. Τί μας νοιάζει;

Unfortunately, Tunisia has now rejoined the states
with absolutist constitutional dictatorships. In a -
probably fake - referendum yesterday, Tunisia's
new dictator made sure that nepotism, corruption
and unchecked power by him and his cronies will
be, from now on, the order of the day in Tunisia
with the backing of its medieval new constitution.
. Another terribly sad day for Africa...

I feel for them; what can they say or do? Their State
sends them on Mission Impossible, to convince smart
people that a leprous, gangrenous and cancerous body
is healthy, alive and kicking... But what else could they
do? If they are independently affluent and have enough
savings, they could resign and stay abroad, but if they
cannot leave and they need a job, imagine! If they did
resign over this and got back, they would not be able
to find employment anywhere; they would be lucky
to be given a glass of water to drink and, in the worst -
but alas, as we all too well know, common - case, they
may be fed anthrax instead, like it happened to others
before them. I feel for them for all the absurdity and
the BS they are forced to sell and explain.

David Trimble is with us no more...

Paul Sorvino is with us no more...

Bin "the butcher" Salman is not welcome to Athens.
The Greek Government, not unlike the American
President, is making a terrible mistake in fraternizing
with dictators who commit openly and unrepentantly
atrocities and sh*t diarrhea sh*t on human rights and
individual freedoms under the cover of "traditions"
and "religious" values. This is a terrible mistake that
makes us ashamed and terribly uncomfortable. As a
Democratic State, a Member of the European Union
and one that purports to strongly support Human
Rights and Individual Liberties at International Fora,
we should not only know but also do better...

Sorry, Mr. Reichel. The atrocities and brutalities
were not committed "in Germany's name"; they
were committed by Germany, by the German
State and by its official and elected representatives,
everything done properly and according to the
German Constitution in existence at the time. Let
us not play with words to ease responsibility and
to lessen culpability where blame and liabilities lie.
The modern German State and its Citizens have
done mostly well in keeping those memories alive
and in pondering over those actions and delibera-
ting on their grave consequences and the guilt of
their predecessors. And they, and all of us, should
keep this tradition and continue to commemorate
without whitewashing and embellishments so that
nothing, even remotely, similar is ever allowed to
occur again. Let us not allow ourselves to deviate
from the truth, however much it may hurt or may
make us uncomfortable or trigger our guilt.

Από τα λίγα λόγια του Πρωθυπουργού για την
επέτειο αποκατάστασης της Δημοκρατίας μας.
"Αυτήν την ημέρα, τα μηνύματα των αγωνιστών κατά
της Δικτατορίας γίνονται φάροι για τους μαχητές της
σύγχρονης Δημοκρατίας. Μας καλούν να την προστα-
τέψουμε από το ψέμα και τη δημαγωγία. Και να την
βαθύνουμε με περισσότερα δικαιώματα. Να συνδυά-
σουμε την ελευθερία με την ευθύνη. Την ατομική στά-
ση με την ενότητα. Και, κυρίως, τη συνέχεια της
δημιουργικότητας με τη σιγουριά της σταθερότητας.

Τους ήρωες εκείνους, σήμερα τους θυμόμαστε.
Τους τιμούμε και τους ακούμε."

Ίσως δεν είναι η πιο κατάλληλη στιγμή, αλλά πρέπει
να αναφερθεί το εξής: Παρόλο που τιμούμε τη συνεπή
και αδιαπραγμάτευτη στάση του ΚΚΕ και τον αγώνα
και τις θυσίες των μελών και των αγωνιστών του
είναι πολύ κουραστικό, όταν προσπαθεί κανείς να
διαβάσει λίγα λόγια από κάθε κόμμα για την επέτειο,
να έρχεται αντιμέτωπος με ολόκληρο το Das Kapital
του Karl Marx
. Μία ανακοίνωση για μία επέτειο,
δεν είναι η κατάλληλη στιγμή ούτε το κατάλληλο
φόρουμ για μία θεωρητική ή πρακτική ανάλυση,
ούτε για μία λεπτομερή ιστορική αναφορά, αλλά
ούτε και για ένα αντι-ΗΠΑ, αντι-ΝΑΤΟ, αντι-
καπιταλιστικο-ιμπεριαλιστικο-φιλελευθερο μανι-
φέστο και για μία συλλήβδην καταδίκη όλων των
υπόλοιπων κομμάτων που εκπροσωπούν τη βούληση
των Ελλήνων Πολιτών στο Ελληνικό Κοινοβούλιο,
πόσο μάλλον όταν κι αυτά είχαν στις τάξεις τους
συνεπείς ανθρώπους που έδωσαν πολλά για την
αποκατάσταση τις Δημοκρατίας και πάλεψαν
χέρι-χέρι με τους αριστερούς Συμπολίτες τους.
Κάποια στιγμή, αυτό πρέπει να το καταλάβει το
ΚΚΕ και να μην έχει έτοιμο ένα μακροσκελές
κείμενο για κάθε περίσταση, αλλά να συντάσσει
μία σύντομη ανακοίνωση επί του αντικειμένου
και να μας επιτρέπει, όσους επιθυμούμε με καλή
πίστη, να ενημερωνόμαστε χωρίς να χρειάζεται να
διαβάζουμε ολόκληρο βιβλίο αντί ανακοίνωσης...
(ΣΥΡΙΖΑ 13 γραμμές, ΠΑΣΟΚ 31 γραμμές,
ΚΚΕ 156 γραμμές)

Preserving and defending the Artistic and Cultural
Heritage of Humanity should be a highest priority.

«Η Ελλάδα είναι ιδρυτικό μέλος των Ηνωμένων Εθνών
και κράτος μέλος της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης. Η Ελλάδα
υπήρξε πάντοτε σθεναρός υποστηρικτής του Διεθνούς
Δικαίου και μιας διεθνούς τάξης βασισμένης σε κανόνες.
Καταβάλλουμε δε, κάθε δυνατή προσπάθεια για να
προβάλουμε τα οφέλη μιας στάσης τήρησης του διεθνούς
δικαίου στις διακρατικές σχέσεις, σύμφωνα με τις αρχές
που κατοχυρώνονται στον Καταστατικό Χάρτη του ΟΗΕ»
Law of the Sea Forum, Kastellorizo

Sri Lankans do not accept Wickremesinghe as president!
Do not waste this unique chance to cleanse political life
and reform Sri Lankan politics! Do not accept another
of the same; the same wolves in a sheep's fleece.

Τα λίγα λόγια του Πρωθυπουργού για ένα σύγχρονό μας
Εθνικό Ευεργέτη που αποχαιρετούμε με ευγνωμοσύνη
και συγκίνηση.

Θέλω να πω στον κάθε άσχετο που είτε δεν παρακολουθεί
ή παρακολουθεί αλλά δεν καταλαβαίνει
ότι είδαμε με τα
πρόσφατα γεγονότα και σε Ανατολή και σε Δύση ότι ακόμα
και εκεί που υπάρχει Δημοκρατία, ή που νομίζουμε ότι
υπάρχει Δημοκρατία και ότι οι Δημοκρατικοί Θεσμοί
είναι βαθύτατα ριζωμένοι και απολαμβάνουν καθολικής
αποδοχής και στήριξης, καλό θα ήταν, και χρειάζεται,
να βρισκόμαστε πάντα σε εγρήγορση και σε ετοιμότητα
γιατί όντα αντιδραστικά, ολιγάρχες, απολυταρχικοί,
φασισταριό και κάθε άλλου είδους τραμπούκοι υπάρχουν
άφθονα και βρίσκονται σε αντεπίθεση και ενδυνάμωση.
Συνεπώς, ακόμη και στις καλές εποχές, όταν νομίζουμε
ότι είμαστε απολύτως τυχεροί και ελεύθεροι, και έχουμε
την πολυτέλεια να απολαμβάνουμε στις "ταβέρνες παϊδάκια"
ή κανένα κοψίδι, καλό είναι και ευγενέστατο να θυμόμαστε
και να τραγουδάμε κανένα αντάρτικο. Αυτό που είναι
απαράδεκτο είναι να χρησιμοποιούμε τα αντάρτικα για
πλεονεξία και εκμετάλλευση, για ψευτο-αριστερισμό, για
πολιτικό συμφέρον και οπορτουνισμό και για φραγκολαγνεία,
χωρίς καμία πολιτική τιμωρία και συνέπειες, και οφείλουμε
να το θυμόμαστε αυτό όταν πάμε να ψηφίσουμε.

I have a proposal to make. A little radical considering
the polarization that permeates the political climate in
our country these days, but I think it could be a way
out and a way forward that may help reset and jump-
start our Congress and motivate it into taking some
steps to advance and deal with some of the problems
we are facing and help us move in the right direction.
How about getting a couple of politicians of relatively
low profile coming from different sides of the political
spectrum to launch a joint bid for 2024? Of course,
per constitutional requirements, one would run for
President and the other for Vice President, but they
could start together from the outset as a joint ticket
and make it clear that, despite formalities, they would
work together as a co-Presidential Team to pinpoint
burning issues, look at viable ideas emanating from
both left and right and try to synthesize and devise
original and innovative solutions and convince
Congress to support them across Party lines.
There may be better qualified people than the ones
I will suggest here and would be delighted to hear
other politicians that would want to participate in
such a cooperative endeavor or do something along
similar lines. My suggestion is based on my having
followed closely American-Greek relations, and
knowing that both of these Congressmen have
contributed positively and have stood on principle.
One is a Democratic Senator, the other a Republican
Representative, one is from New Jersey, the other
from Florida, one is relatively older, the other less
so, and, as far as I know, they have not given us
reasons to disrespect them or to have ill-feelings
towards them, as is the case with many politicians,
some from the left and many from the right. I am
talking about Senator Menendez and Representative
. (But of course, I do not know if something
like what I am suggesting would be of interest to
either of them.)

A friendly, but urgent, advice to President Biden and
his entourage and advisors: Show some respect for
Democracy, Politics, the State and Citizens (especially
the younger ones). Age does not permit you running
again in 2024, and our current challenges require
younger, more alert and steadier hands. NOW is the
right time to announce that you will not be seeking a
new term in 2024
so that the Party, the Candidates
and the Citizens have adequate time to deliberate, to
present, to judge and to plan and prepare for a new
era ahead, with so much at stake, so many serious,
unresolved issues and such huge responsibilities.
President Biden, DO THE RIGHT THING!!

Η Ελλάδα ενωμένη, ως αρμόζει, υποκλείνεται στο ταλέντο,
αναγνωρίζει τον κόπο, τις θυσίες και τις αγωνίες, και θαυμάζει
την προσωπικότητα, τη δημιουργικότητα και το έργο ενός
μοναδικού Έλληνα, αλλά και ενός Πολίτη της Οικουμένης.
"Σταύρο Ξαρχάκο, σε ευγνωμονούμε για όσα μας προσέφερες,
για όσα μας προσφέρεις και για όσα θα μας προσφέρεις ακόμα."
"Σε ευχαριστούμε από τα βάθος της καρδιάς μας και σου
ευχόμαστε να είσαι πάντα γερός, δυνατός και με σώμα και
νου αεικίνητος."

I feel pity for them. Decrepit old men who, even in the
face of the pain, sorrow, mayhem and destruction of
war so apparent in our own neighborhood, are incapable
of abandoning the rhetoric and propaganda of enmity
and hatred, and indulge in an open and friendly policy
promoting peace and cooperation. Complete failure to
realize that the old (with one foot in the grave) have a
distinct responsibility to encourage the young to meet,
to accept one another and to work together, instead of
promoting and amplifying divisions and nationalism.

The Rajapaksas should resign immediately. No State that
respects the Rule of Law and Democratic Principles should
provide them safe haven and Interpol, with other National
and International Financial Investigating Agencies, should
pursue their assets, properties, investments and cash stashes,
and return them to Sri Lanka without delay
Enough is enough is enough.

Arizona, vote Kavanagh out of office with the first
chance you got. His law is essentially meant to
intimidate Citizens and obscure the rules
so that
you all feel uncertain and threatened by fines
and sentencing, and do not dare expose police
brutality and aggression. Vote Kavanagh out and
put pressure on your lawmakers to repeal this
monstrosity of a law.

Joint statement by Dmitry and Maria (Vladimir
and Sergei Bulldog declined to comment)
"There are potatoes - and that's it. Russia is self
sufficient and no potato shortage exists. It is only
a special potato scarcity operation provoked by the
West that wants to bring Russia culinarily on its
knees. They say they want to defeat us on the
potato fields. Go ahead! We have just started."
The other Dmitry added: "[Burp] F*ck you all,
agents of the Satan, filthy snakes. [Burp]"

I am particularly impressed that the security detail
of the former Prime Minister tackled and arrested
the assassin with bare hands and without further
incident. Sorry to say that, had it been in the United
States, the suspect would have been dead with, most
likely, hundreds of bullets piercing his body and the
"police" would have escaped scot-free under the
presumption that "police" always make here,
regardless of specific circumstances, that a person
presents a clear and present danger for everyone
on the scene and needs to get eliminated without
further ado (except of course when a suspect is on
rampage inside a school, shooting kids and teachers
indiscriminately, in which case they "judge" they
can wait, or that it is not their responsibility to
decide what to do at all...).

Shinzo Abe is with us no more...
We echo the few words of our Secretary of State.