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Good riddance. We need more tolerance, better
understanding and more solidarity and empathy
in our societies. We do not need bigotry, hatred,
divisibility and the bitterness and enmity that
these unrepentant animals advocated.
I hope they end up where they deserve and that
they stand eternally condemned by Humanity
in future societies.

Costas Simitis is with us no more...

Our Jimmy Carter is with us no more...

Putin should follow the same recipe in Ukraine.
Call Zelensky and apologize for the invasion.
You do not have to mention that Russia was
at fault or responsible. We'll understand...

Syrians, respect your compatriot's
beliefs and religions
as you would
like them to respect your own and
respect other peoples' individuality
and their choices as you would like
your own respected. You have a
unique chance to build something
new and beautiful
. Make us jealous;
do not waste it. Do not make your-
selves miserable and your country
a pariah,
contemptible worldwide.

I hear that Israeli Prime Minister, and an
indicted perpetrator of crimes against
humanity and ethnic cleansing, Benjamin
Netanyahu will not attend the Ceremony
commemorating the 80th Anniversary of
the Liberation of Auschwitz. This is only
proper and suitable. Such an anniversary
is to remember and to commemorate the
victims of unimaginable atrocities and of
genocide and those that helped ease the
pain and alleviate, to the extent possible,
the burden. It is not an occasion to host,
greet or have to listen to perpetrators of
similar crimes and of similarly bestial
acts of genocide and of ethnic cleansing.
Such an invitation and/or presence would
render such a commemoration a travesty,
would violate any standards of decency,
and would fill the ceremony with irony,
disrespect and ridicule.

Και, παρεμπιπτόντως, δε βλέπει κανείς την
ειρωνεία, την παρωδία και την κοροϊδία στο
"εγώ ο υπογεγραμμένος Παύλος Ντε Γρες
δηλώνω ότι απεμπολώ τα δικαιώματα στο
θρόνο και σέβομαι το πολίτευμα"; Κατά τη
γνώμη μου, αν κάποιος θέλει να σέβεται
τη νοημοσύνη των πολιτών και να σταμα-
τήσει αυτές τις ανοιχτές και ξεδιάντροπες
κοροϊδίες και το κρυφτούλι, καλά θα κάνει
να απαιτήσει ελληνοποίηση του επιθέτου
χωρίς υπονοούμενα, όπως γίνεται και με
τόσους ξένους, π.χ., Παύλος Βασιλάκης,
ή, αν δεν τους αρέσει η Κρήτη (όπως και
το εύχομαι), Παύλος Βασιλιάδης ή Παύλος
Βασιλόπουλος, που ταιριάζει και καλύτερα.

Διαβάζω τις δηλώσεις της Νέας Αριστεράς περί
των Εμίρηδων, Σεϊχηδων και Κακομοίρηδων
και αναρωτιέμαι γιατί τόση ευγένεια. Λένε "που
την ζούσαν οι πολίτες" λες και μόνο πληρώναμε
για δεδουλευμένες υπηρεσίες, όπως πληρώνου-
με και τους βολευτάς. Γιατί δε λένε ότι, εν τω
μεταξύ, αν θυμάμαι καλά, ήρθαν και σήκωσαν
πολλά, και μας είπαν ότι ήταν δικά τους, αλλά
ποτέ δεν είδαμε, ούτε ποτέ αποκάλυψε κάποιος
με διαφάνεια, τί και πώς σηκώθηκε και σε ποιον
πραγματικά ανήκε. Εξάλλου, λογικό δεν είναι
να έχουμε ερωτήματα και αμφιβολίες αφού
κάποιοι, και τα παιδιά και τα εγγόνια τους,
ακόμα και μετά τον κλώτσο, συνέχισαν να
τριγυρνούν στα τζετσετς, να τρώνε με χρυσά
κουτάλια και να μεγαλοπαντρεύονται, πράγματα
που δε γίνονται προφανώς αν δεν υπάρχει
σάλιο; Και δεν πιστεύω το σάλιο να μαζεύτηκε
επειδή κάποιος τους έφτυνε μεταφορικά απ' έξω,
γιατί, εκτός από εμάς που είμαστε βλάκες και
αφελείς, όλοι οι άλλοι τους έχουν φτυσμένους

I have news for everyone. We want tariffs, we
want to produce goods here in America and
live, unlike workers in other states and regions,
what we call "comfortable middle class lives",
by which we mean 2-3 newer cars in the garage,
a couple of RUVs and a boat or two, and we want
to not have to pay too much about those goods.
Well, I'll tell you what. If it sounds too good to
be true, it probably is. It is not happening because
it cannot happen, unlike the promises some gave
you, with ulterior motives of course...
Second, we want life to go on as usual, but we
also want slashing expenditures and "waste".
I'll tell you what. If we allow people with their
own business interests, who have been milking
the cow for decades to save their investments
and to become rich by providing "services", to
dictate how to become efficient, where to save
from and where to spend, and we believe that,
despite their vested interests and ulterior motives,
they are going to get this right, not only are we
totally delusional and blind, but we deserve what
is coming and should have no grounds to
complain or to claim that we were tricked.
We knew what was coming and we either
bought it outright or we ran like idiots right
into the smartly dressed up and adorned traps.

I truly hope that Syria's new Government
builds solid foundations for Peaceful and
Brotherly Relations with all other States
and All People, and that, in the interior,
they dismantle the state of terror and
of carnage of the years of the beast, and
they create a State that Cares and that Takes
Care of the Basic Needs of All Syrian People,
e.g., Education and Health Care, and supports
the initiatives of All Syrian People, such as
small businesses and entrepreneurship,
and Guarantees the Individual Freedoms
and the Rights of All Syrian People.

Good news from Syria! I hope Syrians grab
the opportunity, and that it does not become
a moment when a few thugs become filthy,
unbelievably rich in a short period of time on
the backs of the majority, like in many other
so called "uprisings", but that the majority
care and watch out for one another and do
their best to establish and to maintain and
to safeguard a regime that works for the many
and that respects fundamental individual free-
doms and fundamental human rights, without
exceptions and without ifs and buts.