Athletic Events 2017-2019
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Andrea spoke with Foresight and Wisdom about the
Future on the Continent of the Most Beautiful Sport
on the planet. I applaud and amplify his Vision and
his General Guidelines and think that it would be wise
for the appropriate authorities to follow them, when
the time comes to present more concrete proposals
for moving the sport forward.

Something was not quite right with Tottenham's captain
and keeper this year and his mental scatteredness and his
distractedness was translated into a bodily injury. And,
of course, something is going on in terms of rapport
and chemistry between Ole and the United players.
There are some on the roster, like Pogba, that, even
before Ole, were not giving all and still aren't, possibly
because their minds are elsewhere. But, the problem is,
more likely, more fundamental and goes deeper than
reluctance and lackadaisical attitude.

I hear Milan is opting for Spaletti. They would probably
have been better off with Ranieri, but, of course, it's up
to them to decide their future. And, definitely, opting for
Gattuso would not have been a very bright idea.

Nara may say whatever she likes. After all, she's not
the most objective judge and commentator. The fact
is that Inter is a better team this year, without Icardi,
than it was in the past, without, of course, this having
much to do with his presence or absence. Sorry. Ms.
Nara, but that is the truth, and one match does not
tell the whole story, nor can it be a litmus test for an
entire season.

Pipita is back again in very good form and it speaks
volumes about all those unfortunate, haphazard
summer moves by the Club tending toward his and
Paulo's sale to another club. What a pity would that
have been. They are both integral parts of Juve and
they should absolutely remain in the roster for the
foreseeable future.

NBA, stand for Values and for What Is Right! Do not
sell out for Chinese dough and investments to total
servility and to the detriment of the People, who are
expecting the strong and powerful to join their voices
in their support and condemn abuses and oppression.
If you go totally berserk not to lose China, then you
will lose all your Politically Sensitive and Politically
Aware Fans in our United States, who will then urge
you to move over there and operate in collusion with
the autocrats, whose hands are awash with blood and

Μπράβο, Στέφανε!!

Αν η ΕΠΟ και ο Υφυπουργός Αθλητισμού θέλουν
πράγματι κάθαρση στο Ποδόσφαιρο και επιθυμούν
να επιστρέψει ο κόσμος στο γήπεδο και να έχει το
κοινό εμπιστοσύνη στην Τιμιότητα και στο Ευ
Αγωνίζεσθαι, τότε ο διαιτητής VAR στον αγώνα
Παναθηναϊκός-Ξάνθη Μανώλης Σκουλάς, που δεν
έκανε τη δουλειά του, ή πρέπει να διαγραφεί από
τις λίστες διαιτητών ή να τιμωρηθεί με αποβολή
πολλών αγωνιστικών. Μόνο με ηχηρές τιμωρίες
υπάρχει ελπίδα να εμπεδωθεί στους διαιτητές,
ειδικά αυτούς των VAR, ότι ο ρόλος τους είναι
κρίσιμος και ότι πρέπει να κάνουν το καθήκον
τους με μεγάλη συνέπεια και προσοχή, γιατί απ'
αυτούς εξαρτάται, όχι μόνο το αποτέλεσμα ενός
αγώνα, αλλά και η τόσο αναγκαία σταδιακή, αλλά
άμεση, μεταρρύθμιση του Ελληνικού Ποδοσφαίρου.
Κύριε Αυγενάκη, μην αφήσετε την εξαιρετική
ευκαιρία της εισαγωγής των VAR για επανάκαμψη
του Ελληνικού Ποδοσφαίρου να πάει χαμένη
αποφεύγοντας τις παραδειγματικές τιμωρίες.

I have to confess that, when I saw the starting
configuration of Bayern last night, I thought
that Tottenham had a good chance to surprise
them by finding many open spaces and to have
a successful evening. And, indeed, the first few
minutes of the game seemed to reinforce this
feeling. However, the Spurs were matching the
Bavarians in defensive dysfunctionality
to top it off, Bayern did an excellent job, when
it lost its two maestros, to go out and recruit
key players from Les Bleus, which are making
all the difference. Pavard and Tolisso are good,
but, when it comes to Coman and Gnabry, the
Bavarians have hit a pot of Gold, 24-karat Gold.
I do not think that either Kane or Son are able
to get anywhere close. As for the Belgians in
the Spurs' defense, I had a more favorable
view, but, yesterday, they were scattered to
the four winds by the class, delicacy, and rigor
of the German Champions.

Καλά κάνει ο προπονητής της Εθνικής και
αλλάζει τη σύνθεση. Με το ταλέντο και την
ποιότητα παικτών όπως ο Σωκράτης και ο
Μανωλάς, αν υπήρχε όρεξη, διάθεση και
μεράκι, η Εθνική δε θα φυτοζωούσε. Άρα,
αφου τα "μεγάλα ονόματα" ή δε θέλουν ή
δε μπορούν να τα δώσουν όλα και να
αγκαλιάσουν την Εθνική και να εργαστούν
για να πετύχει, όπως κάνουν και για τους
συλλόγους τους, τότε είναι απαραίτητο να
δοθεί η ευκαιρία σε άλλα παιδιά που ίσως
πάρουν την Τιμή και την Υποχρέωση πιο
σοβαρά και μας δώσουν και πάλι Ελπίδα
και Χαρές.

Μπράβο, Κατερίνα!! Μπράβο και σ' όλα τα τα άλλα
παιδιά που συμμετέχουν στους αγώνες και προσπαθούν
για μία διάκριση, ανεξαρτήτως αποτελέσματος. Η χαρά
της προετοιμασίας και του συναγωνισμού είναι δική
τους, αλλά οι κόποι και οι θυσίες τους δε μένουν
απαρατήρητες. Και ο Πρόεδρος της Δημοκρατίας
και ο Πρωθυπουργός, ελπίζω με τα συγχαρητήρια
στους νικητές να αναφέρουν ότι όλοι παρακολουθούμε
με ενδιαφέρον και εκτιμούμε και τις προσπάθειες
εκείνων που δεν τα καταφέρνουν για μετάλλιο
, γιατί
στον αθλητισμό η συμμετοχή, η προσπάθεια και το
ευ αγωνίζεσθαι τιμούνται πάνω απ' όλα τ' άλλα.

It is the first time that a keeper of such high caliber
keeps exhibiting strange and irresponsible behavior
again and again, in very similar situations, on the pitch.
One wonders what is going on. Is it simply some mental
arrogance and illusion of omnipotence or simply other
problems that cause him to have lapses of focus and
gaps in concentration? In any case, his status, after
repeated gaffes and shenanigans of the kind, is in
serious jeopardy and it will be hard for him to keep
up the reputation he has built with such hard work...

Very good move from Manchester United. De Gea is
definitely, right now, one of the top keepers in the
most beautiful sport and he is bound to play a big
role, should Manchester United find its way back
to consistency and bigger successes.

I heartily compliment Fabio Ravezzani of TopCalcio24.
There is simply no other way to deal with this scourge
other than have zero tolerance and be very direct and
very decisive. Abuses of any kind against our fellow Human
Beings based on Race, Ethnic Background or Sexual and/
or other Personal Preferences and Characteristics are
despicable, unacceptable and cannot be tolerated in any
way, under any excuses and under any circumstances.

It is very unsettling and unpleasant to hear verbal
attacks and insults from fans in a football game,
since the most beautiful sport, like any other sport
on the Planet, is supposed to be an occasion for
joy, fraternity and solidarity. On the other hand,
one has to acknowledge that very few players in
this sport's History have tested the patience of
Teams, Team Mates, Coaching Staff, Directors
and Fans like this immature prima donna has done
and continues doing. Such pettiness and such
unprofessionalism and whining from one of the
most expensive athletes on the planet is scandalous
and provocative and is justifiably raising anger
and fury in the hearts and souls, not only of PSG
fans, but of every reasonable sports follower in the
World. Someone has to draw the line somewhere
on what passes as acceptable attitude and behavior
and what constitutes violation of ethical guidelines
and rules and blatant condescension and disrespect
for Employers, Coworkers and the Public and
there surely should be recourse to Justice, not
only for players whose contracts are terminated
early or unfairly, but also for Clubs, whose most
expensive players are not fulfilling their contractual
obligations in Good Faith, with honesty and with
dedication. One more thing that people involved
in this sport's administration should think about:
Do not overvalue and overpay young "talent" too
soon. Let them, first, mature, and give samples
of their worthiness and indications of their loyalty
and dedication on and off the pitch before dressing
them up in gold and loading them up with jewels...

Unfortunately, our Stars and Stripes exited the tournament
much earlier than expected. I am reading it is the first time
after 2002 that our Dream Team did not make it to the
semifinals of the FIBA World Cup. Too bad, but one has to
give congratulations to France for an excellent game and,
perhaps, invite and encourage the big NBA stars to rethink
about their negative attitude and their reluctance to help our
National Team in an increasingly harder tournament, with
so many remarkable and extremely powerful teams.

Ελπίζω να μην κάνουμε του κεφαλιού μας. Το VAR έχει
δουλέψει πάρα πολύ καλά στη Γερμανία και στην Ιταλία.
Να δανειστούμε (ή να αντιγράψουμε) ακριβώς τον τρόπο
που το χρησιμοποιούν εκεί που έχει πετύχει. Αν το έχουν
στο γήπεδο, να το αφήσουμε στο γήπεδο. Αν το έχουν
κεντρικά να το μεταφέρουμε. Μην ξανααναλύουμε και
ξανασκεφτόμαστε πράγματα τα οποία έχουν άλλοι κάνει
πριν από μας και στα οποία έχουν πετύχει, ούτε βέβαια
να κάνουμε του κεφαλιού μας διαφορετικά χωρίς λόγο.

Η Εθνική πάλεψε και έκανε ό,τι καλύτερο μπόρεσε.
Και οι άλλες ομάδες είναι δυνατές και έχουν μεγάλες
φιλοδοξίες. Ίσως μας άξιζε κάτι καλύτερο με λίγο
μεγαλύτερη συγκέντρωση, οργάνωση και λίγο
μεγαλύτερη προσοχή στην άμυνα και τα τελειώματα.
Όμως το σύνολο που υπάρχει είναι όντως το πιο
δυνατό και ολοκληρωμένο των τελευταίων ετών,
με κερασάκι τον MVP  του πιο απαιτητικού
πρωταθλήματος στον κόσμο και, αν τα παιδιά
συνεχίσουν με υγεία, προσβλέπουμε σε μεγαλύτερες
χαρές και επιτυχίες στο μέλλον. Στη ζωή είναι
και οι αντιξοότητες. Μην ψάχνουμε πάντα αιτίες
και υπαιτίους. Με το ποδόσφαιρο όμως, τί γίνεται;

A checkmate move by Stefanos. He is leaving all sh**ty
social media behind and he is returning stronger than
ever. Looking forward to much higher concentration
and much better and more consistent performance in
the courts! Excellent decision; BRAVO, Stefanos!!

Το ξέραμε ότι οι ελπίδες ήταν ελάχιστες. Ό,τι μπορούσαν
έκαναν τα παιδιά, αλλά η Team U.S.A. είναι Team U.S.A.
και απόλυτο φαβορί και πρόκληση για κάθε ομάδα που
την αντιμετωπίζει, ειδικά με έναν προπονητή που έιναι
αδιαμφισβήτητα ένας από τους καλύτερους στον κόσμο.
Bravo, Greece!! Bravo, U.S.A.!!

Μπράβο, Κατερίνα!!

Νίκησαν τα παιδιά μόλις είδα, αλλά χρειάζεται πολύ
δουλειά ακόμα... Πρωτίστως αμυντικά, ώστε μερικές
σημαντικές διαφορές που αποκτούνται με κόπο να
μη θυσιάζονται τόσο εύκολα και τόσο γρήγορα.

Είναι εύκολο να κάνουμε κριτική σ' έναν αγώνα και σε
έναν προπονητή για τις επιλογές του εκ των υστέρων.
Ας μην το παρακάνουμε κα διασπάμε την συγκέντρωση
και την προσοχή μας, κι εμάς και των παιδιών και του
Team. Βασικά και σε τελική ανάλυση, όλοι μας, τα
παιδιά πρώτα απ' όλους, οι προπονητές και εμείς οι
φίλαθλοι και φίλοι της Εθνικής, θέλουμε να δούμε
την Ομάδα, αν όχι να παίρνει κάποιο μετάλλιο,
τουλάχιστον να βρίσκεται σε κάποια καλή θέση και
να μην είναι από τις ομάδες που αποκλείονται αμέσως
και σχεδόν αμαχητί. Είμαι σίγουρος ότι θα δούμε
βελτίωση και καλύτερες επιλογές, αλλά τα παιδιά
πρέπει να ξέρουν και να πιστεύουν ότι ό,τι και να
συμβεί, θα βρούν πάλι τους φιλάθλους κοντά τους
στην επόμενη διοργάνωση, και είμαστε σίγουροι
ότι τέτοιο σύνολο, παρά τις όποιες δυσκολίες και
τα όποια στραβοπατήματα, θα μας δώσει σίγουρα
μεγάλες διακρίσεις και μεγάλες χαρές στο μέλλον
αρκεί να υπάρχει, πρώτα υγεία και μετά πάθος,
συγκέντρωση, ομαδικότητα και αγωνιστικότητα.

I totally disagree with Zverev's comments about Stefanos
for a couple of reasons. First, there are rules in tennis
concerning behavior and cheating and there are penalties
for violating those rules, including those that Serena suffered
for her behavior earlier last year. Second, within those rules
and within the boundaries they set, each player is allowed
to behave in any way they see fit, since moving within
allowable limits one way or another may be part of one's
strategy and style. Now, if Zverev, does not like the rules,
he may try, with the influence that is apportioned to the
Top 10 players, to change some of those rules and that is
one thing and it is commendable. But, lambasting an
opponent for strategizing within the existing rules' bounds
is neither constructive nor acceptable and creates negative
feelings and bad blood when there is neither room nor
necessity for enmity and negativity.

Group J is the hottest group, but the real fight will be
in Group K, where the Brazilians will try by all means
available to defeat a (slightly lacking and decimated
by self-desertions) Dream Team.

Κρίμα για την Εθνική. Αλλα καλύτερα να υπαρχουν
δυσκολίες και μαθήματα στην αρχή, ώστε να δοκιμαστεί
η αποτελεσματικότητα και να ενδυναμωθεί η μαχητικότητα
και η αποφασιστικότητα, για να πάνε όλα κατ' ευχήν στη

Serbia, Spain, Italy, Poland, Russia and Argentina
already through to the second group stage in China.

Για να δούμε. Ελπίζουμε σε καλή εμφάνιση και με τη
Βραζιλία. Και επειδή είναι γνωστή η νοοτροπία τους,
ελπίζω να  φύγουμε χωρίς σοβαρά περιστατικά και
χωρίς τραυματισμούς...

Ξεκίνησε καλά η Εθνική μας, με μία σχετικά άνετη
νίκη επί του Μαυροβουνίου. Μπράβο, παιδιά! Καλή

The last thing that Juve needed right now.
Giorgio had a serious injury and it is reported
that he will have to miss the entire season. Too
bad for the Team. Best wishes for a fast recovery.

Κώστα Κάισαρη, έχεις απόλυτο δίκιο... Τί να πεί
κανείς; Αλλά η ανατροφή αυτών των παιδιών, η
καρδιά, η αγάπη τους, η καλοσύνη τους και η
δύναμη και το κουράγιο που η οικογένειά τους
τους έδωσε στα δύσκολα ταπεινώνουν όλους
εμάς τους "γνήσιους" και "άσπρους" Έλληνες,
που, αντί να φτιάχνουμε, βρίσκουμε τόσα έτοιμα
και πρόθυμα τα καταστρέφουμε, δικαιολογώντας
μάλιστα την Ελληναριά και το νταβατζιλίκι μας.

Για να δούμε αν θα τα καταφέρει ο ΑΠΟΕΛ στους
. Το μυστικό φυσικά είναι να τους κοιτάξει
όλους στα μάτια και να μην κρυφτεί πίσω από το
δάκτυλό του, όπως έγινε στον επαναληπτικό με
τον Αίαντα...

Κρίμα για τους Δικέφαλους... Πάλεψαν, αλλά δεν τα
κατάφεραν. Θέλουν μεγαλύτερη προσοχή τα πρώτα
παιχνίδια. Ας το θυμούνται όλοι του χρόνου ώστε
να σχεδιάσουν καλύτερα τις στρατηγικές τους.

My view is that it won't be a disaster is Can is let go.
He has not been one of the most valuable players for
Juventus and the Team is well equipped to play at the
same high level without his presence. I wish, though,
that Juve had kept Spinazzola, who had shown great
promise and could be an asset on the left flank, should
either Alex or Blaise go or get injured.

From the first minutes of the game, it was clear that
APOEL was following a disastrous strategy on the
pitch, starting its defensive pressure just a few meters
out of its own area and leaving Ajax with an empty
three quarters of the field without applying almost
any pressure up high. There was a clear 0-0 keeping
mentality without any solutions or strategy for the
period after the unavoidable, sooner or later, break
down of its shaky defenses. The problem is that,
a team without Otto at its helm and with individuals
in no way even remotely comparable to Giourkas
or Traianos or Takis or Michalis stands no chances
of keeping a clean sheet when it starts defending so
close to its own goal against a team that finished last
season in style and in European Elite.
Too bad that this second leg night, APOEL showed
no signs of the game that it was able to play in the
first leg and offered such a disappointing show.

Bravo to Olympiacos! Let's see if APOEL will make it
today. Bravo, also to Stefanos for a worthy performance,
even though he did not make it and, of course, Great, Great
Successes for Panayotidis and Papadimitriou in the Laser
U21 Championships in Poland
. I try to follow all your
efforts and I am very moved, regardless of final results.

Έτοιμα όλα, όπως είπε και ο Γιάννης. Υγεία πρώτα απ' όλα
και αφοσίωση, φιλότιμο, ομαδικότητα και αγωνιστικότητα.

Bravo to both APOEL and Olympiacos. They both
played with determination and organization, showed
very good signs and offered spectacular performances.
Pleasant evenings for both Cypriot and Greek football.

How could anyone turn a misanthrope and harass a
fellow human being for having a penalty kick saved,
when such an occurrence is part of the beautiful game,
as it is winning, tying or losing? How could anyone
show such venom, bigotry and racism in attacking
a fellow human being, simply because of an unfortunate
and unlucky moment in the run of play? To me it is
startling and incomprehensible that both the footballing
authorities and associations and the public have to
constantly deal with an issue that should have long
ago disappeared, based on our Values and Civility,
and should have been a non-issue, allowing Every
One to direct, play and enjoy the beautiful game
undisturbed, uninhibited and free of abuse, slurs
and harassment of any kind and, in particular, of
bigotry, racism and misanthropy.

The "new" Juventus" is unrecognizable. I am reading
they are offering $100M + Dybala for Neymar? First,
Dybala is a most useful player for Juventus right now.
Second, why would you spend so much to buy trouble
and immaturity, constant displeasure and whinnying
and totally undeserved "prima donnism"? Teams must
be crazy to offer a better player plus so many millions
for something so much below par and so detrimental.
I honestly hope (for Juve's sake) this will never come
to pass.

Μεγάλο κρίμα, αλλά αυτά συμβαίνουν. Τί να πει κανείς;

Mama mia!! A couple of touches above the rest!

Μπράβο στον κόσμο που εξήντλησε όλα τα εισιτήρια
και συμπαραστέκεται στον αγώνα της Εθνικής μας, και
μπράβο στα παιδιά που προσπαθούν για ό,τι καλύτερο.
Είναι αλήθεια ότι οι προσδοκίες είναι μεγάλες, αλλά
όποια θέση και να πάρουμε, είτε η παρουσία μας κριθεί
επιτυχημένη είτε αποτυχημένη, την ομάδα αυτή θα την
έχουμε πάντα στην καρδιά μας γιατί ήδη μας χαρίζει
ευχάριστες στιγμές και μας κάνει περήφανους, εκτός
του ότι μας υπενθυμίζει ότι ούτε το Ομαδικό Πνεύμα
ούτε το Αθλητικό Ήθος έχουν εξαλειφθεί από τη χώρα
μας, παρά τα αντίθετα μηνύματα που παίρνουμε συχνά
από τα ποδοσφαιρικά τεκταινόμενα.

What can anyone say about Aris and the brave effort
and mental strength that its players showed throughout
the game... If only they had been more careful at the
first leg, they would have now been through.
Πάλεψε λιονταρίσια ο Άρης μας, αλλά δεν τα κατάφερε.

This year's Acropolis Tournament is expected to be very
powerful with many excellent players in competition,
including NBA MVP Giannis, together with Marco
, Ersan Ilyasova and Nikola Jokic, just to
name a few. What is slightly surprising, encouraging
and uplifting is that four States from the Eastern
Mediterranean and the Balkans, from Greece's
immediate neighborhood, can gather such a cohort
of distinguished players and form such excellent,
phenomenal and, unquestionably, top caliber rosters.

Here is a glimpse at my favotites for Juve's potential
starting roster for the upcoming season:

De Sciglio Bonucci De Ligt Chiellini Danilo Sandro
Bernardeschi Cuadrado Dybala Pjanic Matuidi Costa
Higuain Mandzukic

For a defensive play, I would choose

De Sciglio Bonucci De Ligt Chiellini Sandro
          Cuadrado Pjanic Matuidi

and for a more balanced approach
De Sciglio Bonucci Chiellini Sandro
Cuadrado Dybala Pjanic Costa
             Higuain Mandzukic

I hope (except for possibly unloading Ronaldo) that
no more departures take place out of the club this year.
What is possibly needed is an attacker with team spirit
and who can dribble, pass and play the ball with skill
and grace, not unlike Paulo, but, my guess is that,
Douglas Costa can come up and play this part, having
Blaise behind him on the left side.

Μπράβο στο Νίκο Κιτσιγιάννη! Μόνο να συμπληρώσω
ότι δεν είναι μόνο το ωφελιμιστικό που πρέπει να μας
ωθεί να υποστηρίζουμε τις προσπάθειες και να χαιρόμαστε,
να χειροκροτούμε και να επιβραβεύουμε τις επιτυχίες όλων
των Ελληνικών ομάδων, ανεξαρτήτως "χρώματος", αλλά
και το Αθλητικό Πνεύμα και ο Πολιτισμός μας, που,
δυστυχώς, τα τελευταία (και όχι τόσο τελευταία) χρόνια
είναι μεγάλοι απόντες από τα Ελληνικά γήπεδα και την
Ελληνική ποδοσφαιρική κουλτούρα. Καλά να΄ναι τα
παιδιά σε άλλα σπορ, όπως στο μπάσκετ, στο στίβο και
στο τένις (μόνο τρία από τα πολλά), που μας κρατάνε
σε κάποιο επίπεδο και μας θυμίζουν τί μπορούμε να
καταφέρουμε όλοι μαζί, τη χαρά του Αθλητισμού και
της Άμιλλας και την συγκίνηση του ευ-αγωνίζεσθαι,
ανεξαρτήτως του αν είμαστε τελικά νικητές ή χαμένοι.

Real is not well known for its fair play or for its
wisdom in spending humongous amount of money to
achieve targets that could have been attained with
more reasonable expenditures (not unlike our United
States industrial-military complex). I hear they are
offering $120M + Modric to PSG to get Neymar.
Any other team would have kept Modric and spend
the funds to buy two more excellent players for other
positions rather than giving a valuable player to buy
ultimate constant whining, misery and troubles and
inviting and having to deal with singular immaturity.

Πολύ καλό παιχνίδι στην Τούμπα. Βέβαια η ισοπαλία
δίνει πλεονέκτημα στον Ajax, αλλά ο ΠΑΟΚ έδειξε
τόσο καλά στοιχεία, που μπορεί να τα καταφέρει.
Προϋπόθεση όμως είναι να μείνει συγκεντρωμένος
και να αποφύγει λάθη (όχι μόνο παιδαριώδη, αλλά
παντός είδους λάθη) στην άμυνα, που σε τέτοιο
κρίσιμο παιχνίδι προβλέπεται να είναι το Α και το Ω.
Καλή Τύχη, Δικέφαλε του Βορρά!!

Βλέπω μία αναπάντεχη και ευπρόσδεκτη αλλαγή στην
Ελληνική Ποδοσφαιρική Κουλτούρα με πολλές από
τις Ελληνικές ομάδες να ενθαρρύνουν, να νοιάζονται,
να εύχονται και να συγχαίρουν τους εγχώριους
αντιπάλους τους για τις Ευρωπαϊκές τους Επιτυχίες.
ΟΛΟΥΣ ΤΟΥΣ ΣΥΛΛΟΓΟΥΣ που με τις Ευχές, τις
Παρακινήσεις και τα Συγχαρητήριά τους βοηθούν
στην βελτίωση της κατάστασης και στην εμπέδωση
Αθλητικού Πνεύματος στη Χώρα μας.
Στους αγώνες
του εξωτερικού είμαστε όλοι μαζί! Και στους αγώνες
του εσωτερικού, χαιρόμαστε όλοι μαζί τα παιχνίδια,
είμαστε αντίπαλοι για 90 λεπτά (ή όποια διάρκεια
έχει το παιχνίδι), αλλά όλοι μαζί χειροκροτούμε κάθε
καλή προσπάθεια και κάθε κίνηση ευ-αγωνίζεσθαι,
και μετά είμαστε όλοι φίλοι και αδερφοί.

I cannot understand why Juve (or anyone) would want
to exchange Paulo for Lukaku. But especially Juve, since
someone of Paulo's position, style and skill is in higher
need right now in Torino than someone of Lukaku's
job and abilities. Is Juve operating according to a
specific plan, or are there simply money to waste and
they are looking ad hoc at whoever, of some value,
comes on the market, trying to spend needlessly?

Juve should ask Tottenham for another $50M and
give them Ronaldo. The pair of Pipita and Zorro
can combine and play miracles together and it is a
real treasure to possess. Keep the Argentinians!

Μπράβο, ΑΕΚ!! Αν σε κάθε τι που κάναμε στο Ελληνικό
Ποδόσφαιρο (και γενικότερα σε όλον τον Ελληνικό
Αθλητισμό) είχαμε αυτό το πνεύμα της αλληλεγγύης
και της αλληλοϋποστήριξης
, ώστε να γίνει το σωστό
και δίκαιο, ανεξαρτήτως αν οι ίδιοι βγούμε νικητές
ή ηττημένοι, θα ήταν ο Αθλητισμός μας και ο Πολιτισμός
μας σε αξιοζήλευτα επίπεδα και έτσι θα ήμασταν ΌΛΟΙ

Nothing personal against athletes or against specific
States, but very disgruntled and disappointed towards
International Athletics Bodies and Associations that
allow athletes that have cheated and broken the rules
to compete again as if nothing happened. Rules should
be changed so that cheating athletes (who are caught)
are banned for life from sport. In that way and after
a few very stringent and unforgiving tests, we would
not have anyone trying to bend the rules of an ultra
flexible and ultra-forgiving system left in competition.

The FIBA Basketball World Cup is approaching and
we continuously hear reports that some of our United
States players who are called to participate as Members
of our National Team find various excuses and other
justifications for declining participation. Being called
in the National Team should be a point of Great Pride
for any player at his/her sport, regardless of financial
situation and/or fame and/or personal factors (other
than injury) and players should not make up reasons
for not heeding the call. If the players themselves are
not Humble enough to serve with Pride when called,
how are we, the fans of the Stars and Stripes, feel any
kind of elation and Pride in supporting the Team?

There is a report about a health issue concerning
Mattia Perin that prevented his signing up with
Benfica. Even though health issues are unfortunate
and regrettable, it may have a positive side effect
for both Mattia and Juventus, leading to his continuing,
for the time being, at least, at the Greatest Club and,
eventually becoming the number one at Torino.

I also disagree with Pipita's sale and I feel disheartened
to hear that Juve has agreed to give away Leonardo
Spinazzola, one of the most promising young players,
who was given a little time by Max and, not only did
not let us down, but was a very, very pleasant surprise.
Rethink strategy and priorities; do not destroy a Great
Team by decimating its current cohesion and consistency
and by trying to build ad-hoc something we are not.

Are Andrea and the people at Juve going crazy or are
we continuously reading myths and fictitious stories
at places like I am reading that Juve is valuing
Pogba, a player that has consistently underperformed
for various, not so honorable, reasons at Manchester,
at 30 million plus a package including Blaise, Douglas
and Joao. I hope this is just fiction. Any team would
be much better off with those three solid players, very
talented work-horses that give their best day in day
out, than by getting a big name that mostly behaves
erratically and plays very well only when he feels
like it. However, if the rumors have substance, then,
the helm at Juve needs urgent changes and the
circumstances and these moves do not augur well
at all for the future of our Historic Club. Andrea
etc., keep it together, act wisely, not erratically.

Why on earth would a decent club give away Paulo
to get something worse that augurs trouble and
negativity? If Andrea and Signor Sarri are pondering
such a move, they should forget about it. Paulo is more
versatile and much much more disciplined. Moreover,
you should stop this awful game, detrimental, I am
sure, to the psychology of the player and the team,
with his name being mentioned continuously as a
giveaway to get somebody else, as if you are already
considering him useless for the team. PAULO IS A
JUVENTINO, should be given the chance to further
develop his talent at Torino, and should not be treated
so awkwardly, as a decoy and a bargaining chip at
every turn and at every opportunity. Cut the crap!

The owner of PSG is, on the one hand, wrong because
he was the one who bought him looking for trouble, and
without thinking about the consequences, but he is, on
the other hand, right, because, once you have him and
are stuck with him, he either has to play by the rules
and do what all other professionals do or get benched
or worse, as is, justifiably, transpiring on the horizon.

Διαβάζω τις καταγγελίες του Εμμανουήλ όσον αφορά
τη συμπεριφορά και τα λεγόμενα (ή να πούμε τα έργα
και τις ημέρες) του ¨προπονητή" Δημήτρη Κυτέα.
Αυτό που σοκάρει είναι ότι, όχι μόνο μεταχειρίζεται
και συμπεριφέρεται στον Εμμανουήλ με τρόπο
ανάρμοστο για και προς οποιονδήποτε άνθρωπο, αλλά
επιπλέον, φαίνεται ότι αυτός ο "προπονητής" ζει ο ίδιος
ως "άνθρωπος" σε μαύρα μεσάνυχτα, έχοντας απόψεις
και ιδέες που η επιστήμη, η κοινωνία και η πολιτική
έχουν προ πολλού διασκεδάσει και καταδικάσει.
Ειδικά στον κόσμο των σπόρ, και γενικά στην Ελλάδα,
δεν επιτρέπεται σε κανένα "άτομο" παρομοίων απόψεων
και συμπεριφορών ακόμα και να σχετίζεται με τον
Αθλητισμό, πόσο μάλλον να είναι Εθνικός Προπονητής
και να εκπροσωπεί την χώρα μας και να "προπονεί"
τους Αθλητές μας και τους Συνανθρώπους μας.
Αυτό δεν έπρεπε να είχε γίνει καν θέμα προς συζήτηση
και η απόλυση έπρεπε να είναι άμεση ακόμα και με
βάση τις αρχικές καταγγελίες από τον Εμμανουήλ
και τα άλλα παιδιά που είχαν το θάρρος να μιλήσουν.

WELCOME, MATTHIJS!! With our World-Class
defense filling up in years and preparing to exit the
game, JUVENTUS is looking ahead, and looking
forward to building a next generation defensive
force second-to-none, as the outgoing one has been.

It is a little upsetting that Mattia Perin was not just
given on loan this year, with the prospect of returning
to Torino after Gigi retires next year. Juve has this
Great Tradition of owning and keeping for a long
time, in leadership roles, the Keepers of the National
Team and it should be continued with Mattia. Now,
it is perhaps too late, since we hear Mattia has signed
with Benfica.

HUMANITY! That's what sports are for. To give
love, joy and hope to All and particularly those,
young and old, who need them the most.

Συγκεντρώσου στο τένις, Στέφανε! Περιμένουμε πολλά,
τώρα που δεν έχεις το άγχος του οικονομικού και μένει
μόνο το πάθος για το άθλημα, αλλά τα χρόνια περνάνε,
δυστυχώς, γρήγορα, πάρα πολύ γρήγορα, χωρίς να το

If PSG does make it to get rid of this baggage, that would
be one of the best examples of a ``good riddance" case from
an ultra whining and ultra-demanding, ultra-overvalued
prima donna, and I offer condolences in advance to whoever
is willing to pay a quarter of a billion dollars to get their
teams and themselves into deep trouble and convert their
club into a counseling outfit for privileged and entitled
immature youths.

Sadly, but truly, the International Federations have long
ago lost any and all credibility and they have, with their
secrecy, self-``investigations", lack of transparency, and
repeated incidents of shameless and blatant corruption
and greediness, done absolutely nothing to recover it.
So it is much easier to believe Lionel and all others
accusing them of whatever we know already they are
doing and to give credence to their claims than it is
to assign any weight to their self-professed ``innocence"
and ``cleanliness". It has been my belief for sometime
now (but, unfortunately, despite repeated proclamations
of displeasure and repeated expressions of indignant
complaints, nothing has happened) that FIFA and other
untrustworthy and self-serving banking organizations,
operating under cover of sports, should be imploded
by their Member Federations, which must think of
other ways to organize regional and International
Events and Meetings on an event-by-event basis with
less expense and extravagance and smaller expectation
for profit and self-enrichment.

Instead of offering Moise to get Matthijs, Juve should find
a buyer for Ronaldo and, with the proceeds, perform the
Colpo Molto Grosso e Magnifico and, not only keep Moise,
but also bring Matthijss to Torino!
Forward Andrea and Signor Sarri!

Wooooooow! The shamelessness and indignity
of some individuals know no bounds.
I know it is extremely harsh to say such things
about human beings, but greedy, avaricious
monsters that have caused so much damage
and are unrepentant deserve nothing but
immediate annihilation and effacement from
the face of this planet to avoid any further
contamination and pestilence.

I hear exciting news from Italy. Gigi is preparing a
homecoming to Torino. Of course, we all want Gigi
back, as a player for the next year and then in the
Team in some other supporting or coaching role.
Such experience, character, personality, gusto and
finesse. very very rarely do we see in football today.

Η μεγαλύτερη διάκριση για το Ελληνικό Μπάσκετ
τα τελευταία χρόνια με το Γιάννη να κάνει περήφανη
την Ελλάδα, την οικογένειά του και όλους τους Έλληνες,
και τους μπασκετόφιλους ανά την υφήλιο, αλλά και να
δίνει μαθήματα ήθους και συμπεριφοράς, που σπανίζουν
σήμερα, δυστυχώς, στον Αθλητισμό και την αθλητική

World Cup 2019 under way in France.
A Special Page for the Competition.

The era of Conte in starting at Inter.

Andrea, stay away from Maurizio. He is a
wonderful human being, an incredibly generous
and accommodating man. But he is not fit to be
the boss in an era of prima donnas and ultra
expensive divas. He obviously cannot keep calm
and instill a sense of discipline and control in the
team. If you want to keep Ronaldo, do not hire
Sarri. If you want to hire Maurizio, get rid of
Ronaldo. I am all for the second option!!

Klopp is absolutely right. These decisions to host
European League Finals in totally underdeveloped
(non)footballing Nations is funny, laughable and
ridiculous and, justifiably, make football fans
suspicious that favors and/or money and/or other
perks and behind-the-scenes exchanges took place
to the benefit and for the convenience of the UEFA
oligarchs and the UEFA deplorables. I still hope
that this miserable outfit will eventually be
imploded by the Associations and football will
return to grassroots and the places where it really
belongs and where it is supposed to be.

I hear that baby ney, who is full of immaturity,
theatrics and braggadocio, but plays terribly,
compared to what he is paid, and cannot even
keep his cool when his teammates confront him
in disappointment and anger with charges
regarding his true incompetence, is expected
to fetch 350 million for a transfer from PSG
to Real. Any reasonable manager would not
want such a quarrelsome and underperforming
diva in his team and, even assuming a certain
value, he is definitely worth less than a third
of the amount mentioned. Pity for the World's
most beautiful sport to have such absurd and
incomprehensible inflation in pricing of talent.

Χάλι μαύρο... Όχι χαρά ασπρόμαυρη.

Εύγε, Μαρία! Εύγε, Στέφανε!

If this report about Ronaldo turning against his
teammates and blaming Bernardeschi and Chiellini
for the Champions League fiasco
is true, then every
Juve fan should be outraged, like all of us here in the
U.S. were furious about the CEOs and the CF***Os
of the big corporations when the financial system
all but collapsed in 2008. The rich, overvalued and
arrogant, who are draining the resourced of their
companies, organizations or teams by being paid
and compensated by the tens or hundreds of
millions of dollars, bask on the attention and
lavish the focus when everything goes well and
their outfits do well (that they might also have
done without them anyway), and are indignant
that the blame is not theirs, that they did not
see and that they did not know and that they
are only there to relegate responsibility to the
plebeians when their syndicates, under their
``guidance" and their ``captaincy", go down
the drain. None of these characters is worth
keeping around. If you are willing to be the
center of attention and put on your resume
collective successes as personal triumphs to
win even more on the backs of the reasonably
compensated, be brave enough to also shoulder
the bulk of the responsibility for the collective
and not so collective failures.

I strongly applaud China and the Chinese Athletic
Association for their strict and severe enforcement
of rules and of fair play. If we had done this in the
West and in the Eastern Bloc in Europe, then we
would have had much less corruption, bribery and
cheating and other unbecoming and detestable
techniques and behaviors in sports today. If an
athlete who cheats, earns millions of dollars from
competitions and endorsements and then is only
banned for a couple of years that (s)he can easily
afford, then this behavior will be perpetuated
and the penalties would seem to be in place to
encourage rather than deter such activities.

Fernandinho has problems with the VAR I hear.
Well, so be it. The rest of us are grateful that the
VAR showed us very clearly that he is a dirty
player, who should have been red carded beyond
the shadow of any doubt for his mean and
dangerous gesture against Kane out of play in
the first leg, but got away with it because of the
unjustifiable lenience of the Dutch VAR referee
who, inexplicably, refrained from alerting the
referee on the pitch. Dirty players should know
when it is to their advantage to shut up unless
they want to sink further down in the esteem
of the footballing World and of football fans.

The times when one team - usually the richer, best
liked and/or most popular - passed over the corpse
of another with the help - voluntary or accidental -
of eager and willing human referees, to the disbelief
and indignation of stupefied fans, are absolutely over!
An excellent, exemplary, laudable work last night
at the Etihad in Manchester!

I hope all doubts about the fanfare from those caught
in the ``CR7" fever have been quashed and that the
charade and debacle of the Ronaldo affair and the
disastrous direction that Juve is heading to are clear
for all to see. When a new generation of leadership
succeeded the traditionalists, the symbolic passage
``from Gianni to Andrea" so to speak, there occurred
the change from Fiat to Jeep, from reason and team
spirit to wastefulness, show and individuality. The
state of cooperation and coordination, where all toil
together, with equal weight at all lines, scoring was
unexpected, surprising and could come from anywhere
with many combinations, gave way to this sorry and
lamentable state of affairs where one is given such
disproportionate weight and importance and such
draining power and attention that if that one scores,
fine, and if that one does not, too bad...
IN THE WAY IT USED TO BE. Fire the aristocracy
that can only discern fortune and fame and install
at the helm people that are well-versed in football
as a team sport and that look at the limitless power
and possibilities of a well maintained and wisely
groomed forest as a whole instead of focusing
exclusively on a single ``precious" tree.

The first thing that Adam ``the copper" Silver should
propose is to lessen the number of games in the normal
NBA season. Like in all other domestic tournaments
internationally, the NBA should consist of a double
game round robin tournament, in which every team
faces every other team in one home and one away game.
Since there are 30 teams in total, each team will have
to play 58 games total (instead of the current 82 games).
Then Silver can think of what other side-gigs may be
instituted alongside this main ``championship". An
idea would be to also have a ``cup" with mostly knock
out single games in lieu of the tortuous best of seven
playoffs that bend one's knees before the series have
even started. Lessen the number of games and
simplify and rationalize the structure to conform
more closely to international standards.


Follia, Juve Follia!
Forza Forza Juve!

Despite the overall respect and the general good
rating that I believe both Bjorn Kuipers and the
VAR attendant Danny Makkelie deserve, I was
horrified with the first and outraged at the second
yesterday evening at the Tottenham-Manchester
City game when they completely overlooked a
serious anti-athletic infraction by Fernandinho
that could have resulted in serious harm against
Harry Kane. It appeared to be a dangerous,
indecent and intentional attempt at injury and,
even more disconcertingly, it happened out of
the run of play, and, therefore, it most likely
was deserving of a red card. It is telling and
to his credit that Kane kept his cool and acted
professionally in the face of a gesture that, had
it been perpetrated against many a Brazilian,
would have resulted in equally serious counter
measures and retributions. How is UEFA going
to convince us that they genuinely care about
Fair Play, Racism etc. when, even with the
presence of VARs, such appalling gestures
go unpunished without even a yellow card
being shown? In my view it was an additional
indication that UEFA pays only lip service to
values and ideals and is dead set on protecting
the famous and the expensive and shield them
from repercussions from serious infractions
against Fair Play.

Checking the schedule of the Champions League
coverage in the United States, one can see that
the media are nor serious in promoting soccer in
this country of ours, even though it is becoming
more and more popular. In the quarter-final
games, even though they are way outside prime
time and even though we have so many channels
that play garbage at those early afternoon hours,
we still cannot find two channels available and
willing to show each one of the parallel games.

I am reading that the Athletic Tribunals fined Moise
for diving and completely ignored the racial abuses
that he and Blaise suffered in the hands of a number
of despicable and deplorable Cagliari ``fans". If this
is accurate, frankly, there is no other word but
disgust to describe the decision, and UEFA and FIFA
should both intervene with a sizeable fine for the
Italian Federation, which seems to show carelessness
and jemenfoutisme regarding serious, systemic and
pervasive ills in Italian football, to bring then in line
with modern fair play and ethical standards.

Η Μαρία έκανε ό,τι μπορούσε. Μπράβο, Μαρία!

There is no doubt that Leonardo was misunderstood.
A player of that caliber, with his years in the pitch, with
such exemplary behavior all around, and without having
ever given any indication, not an iota - not a single
speck - of provocation nor ever having shown anything
but the warmest of feelings and fair play against all
his teammates and opponents, could not be fairly
judged under any other light. Once more, WE ARE
ALL ONE, and no one has the right to harass and/
or abuse professionals doing their job simply because
of their race, ethnicity or other personal preferences
and characteristics. It is time we behave with civility
and thoughtfulness, and understanding that showing
disrespect against anyone for reasons unbecoming
reflects terribly against ourselves and against our own
societies in terms of brutishness and in terms of basic
and fundamental standards of civility and courtesy.

In the face of uneducated and uncivilized brutes,
we will all stand United, no excuses:

John Barnes is absolutely right! We cannot get rid of
racism in football before it gets eradicated in our societies.
But he is also right when he says that racism cannot be
tolerated and, therefore, football should and must do
its part in helping eradicate racism from society by all
thinking fans and all officials and all people in positions
of responsibility banding together against racism and
imposing fines against racism. As to how many people
one has to hear to get outraged, even one is one too
many. Would you tolerate a kid in school if he was the
only bully and allow classmates to suffer under him/her
because he was the only one bullying? Why, then, would
we allow even a single person abuse and attack our
fellow Human Beings in the course of doing their jobs,
simply because of the color of their skin or because of
their ethnic background or other personal preferences
and characteristics? We should do anything and
everything in our power, even if it seems futile and in
vain. Inaction and relaxation will only send the message
that racism does not matter, that we do not care, that
tackling it is not a priority and that it is not something
that should have been stopped yesterday. The message
is perhaps even more important than the effect, at least
the immediate effect, which might not be substantial,
until, as John Barnes pointed out, other things, outside
football's reach, also change and our general attitudes
get fixed. But football can help, we all can and must help!

If I did have the ear of Andrea and the technical
team at Juve, I would strongly advise them to hire
and cultivate young Italian talent from Juve's or
other academies and from other Italian teams
for the next generation of Juve's defense. Italian
talent in defense, especially in Juve, has never
been lacking and had never anything to envy in
comparison with foreign defenders. Moreover, I
applaud the timing, since, in my view, if younger
players get the chance to play alongside legends,
such as Barzagli, Bonucci and Chiellini, before
this generation retires, they will have the chance
to gather valuable experience and they will have
become, as a result, so much the better for it.
Start now, mix old with young, allow the old
to advise and mentor the youth, and look no
further than home!! FORZA JUVE!

This is going way overboard, like many things
in Greece are actually going way overboard...

Όλη η Ελλάδα, η Ελλάδα του Μπάσκετ και των
Σπόρτς, είναι λυπημένη γιατί λίγοι, πολύ λίγοι,
έκαναν τόσα πολλά για την προώθηση ενός
αθλήματος και για την προβολή της χώρας
αθλητικά σ' όλην την οικουμένη.

Why are we not surprised any more and why have
these things become routine in every aspect of the
operations involving any and all Organizations
based in Switzerland? They have all become
notorious criminal sports cartels consisting of
ruthless gangs and dons polluting every aspect
of many sports and engaging in serious financial
misconduct and, mostly, with arrogance and with
impunity. How many times will we have to repeat
that the Olympic Games have to return, once and
for all, back to Greece where they belong and be
given again the chance to become a competition
where Peace, Ethical Competition and Athletic
Spirit prevail and where corruption and money
are uprooted, or at least delegated to a much
much more inferior and secondary role than
their current almighty and predominance?

Pep Guardiola also came forcefully out in favor of
VAR, implicitly acknowledging that its absence
favors, in general, the powerful and influential,
such as his teams, over the smaller teams who
are fighting a more honest and harder fight
without the advantages of favors. The FA messed
up by being almost the last to be introducing it, but
with almost all significant football personalities
having now come out strongly and vocally in favor
of the technology, there is no more any opposition
left, which is terrific and incredible news, judging
from what we were hearing about it hardly a few
years ago, i.e., how it would disrupt and damage
the most beautiful sport. But instead, it has made
it transparent, much fairer, and more egalitarian,
in other words much more exciting, much more
joyful to watch and much more suspenseful.

With all due respect, Coach Capello did not tell
us anything new. Cristiano is a brute force and
has an unbelievable bodily power and an enviable
endurance. But Lionel is a magician, a charm to
watch, with an organizational intelligence that is
very rare to find. From Fabio's list, I would rather
subtract Maradona; was very capable, but not at
all ethical and nowhere near in ability to Lionel
or to the Giant of the Game, the Great Pele.

Juve, in excellent form, made it through. Great
performances, as expected, by Pjanic and Matuidi
in the center and solid defensive work, as expected,
from our central duo of usual suspects. But one has
to emphasize three particular strong positives and
to point out a saddening fact. Starting from Max,
one can tell that he a great and astute coach because
he dared and gave chances and key roles to younger
players who are fast, very good technically and
passionate about the Game, despite the importance
of the match that involved particular risk on his
part and opened the door to criticism, if something
did not go his way. And I am talking about his idea
of engaging Spinazzola on the left, in a half role,
rapidly advancing high up, and Bernardeschi on
the right, also very fast and in very good form.
And, what a revelation from both, they did Justice
to their coach and they mesmerized the fans.
On the left Spinazzola had nothing lacking in
comparison to greats, such as Marcelo and
Alex Sandro, and on the right Bernardeschi
filled Juan Cuadrado's shoes with absolute
success. On the negative side, even though I
have been for many years one of the biggest
fans of Juve's defense (after all I grew up in
the era of Zoff, Gentile and Scirea), I am, sadly,
discerning a tendency by Giorgio - of whom I
have been a great fan - to veer dangerously
towards the stage. It seems that, lately, he has
developed an ambition to rival Neymar for the
corresponding defensive position at La Scala
as a primadonna. Neymar had already booked
his and signed a lucrative contract with the
Brazilian National Theater and is performing
mostly in center stage... Giorgio, earn back our
respect. Avoid these diving performances and these
theatrics that do disservice to the game and make
you look cheap and dishonest. In the past, you
have shown a different and admirable personality
and both the Game and Juve's fans deserve better.

Either fake news or narrow escape for Real...

Not only was this decision correct (a little on the
marginal side, but correct, nevertheless), but, in
addition, during the World Cup there were critical
decisions, which ended up being outcome altering,
that were reviewed and should have been called
for the offense, but were instead called for the
defense, when hands and limbs were protruding
in extravagant ways and the ball's orbit was
affected in critical ways. I would side with UEFA
on this and, in my view, how much the ball's orbit
is affected by an arm (especially when it is directed
towards the area) should outweigh how deliberate
the arm was or how fast it could have been withdrawn,
which are relatively subjective factors
. If this rule
gets encoded in the Rules, there will be much less
gray space and much less controversy in these
decisions and that would be very helpful for the

I hear Perez is adding oil to the fire; we were
not expecting any better. On the other hand,
what is the damage? Are there any goals left
that can be accomplished? Everything is going
to fall on the shoulders of the permanent new
coaching team to be selected for next year and,
hopefully, a new administration at the helm.

Ο Βασίλης έγραψε... Βασίλη, από το στόμα σου
και στης Μεγάλης Κυρίας το αυτί!

Next week is our turn. We must do it
like Ajax and like Manchester United.

The big Legends and the small legends. All
(Manchester) United in joy!

I hope everything goes well. But, to use one of
the morph's favorite expressions, we'll have to
wait and see...

I apologize for being a little bitter and sarcastic
about this, but, in addition to all other woes, the
introduction of the VARs is bidding farewell (or
shall we say beat-it-and-never-return) to the days
when Real and Barcelona were clubs consistently
favored by referees ``by chance" in all European
Competitions and now, they have to get used to
playing on equal terms and with most critical
decisions reviewed. When this advantage gets
lost, one must really plan and make wise decisions,
like every other team, and cannot rely on buying
ultra-expensive and super-well-known players,
who, unavoidably, have had a bigger sway and
input in referees' ears than the younger and the
unknown. So Real and all teams that were
using those tools are seeing a new, fairer and
brighter, day dawning on football and they
have to face it and cope with it like every other
team and create their chances on more equal
and, I may add, much more advantageous for
the palpability of the sport, terms.

This is totally unbecoming, You are paid by the
truckloads and you are supposed, in exchange,
to be professionals, regardless of grudges and
complaints, and behave accordingly, as least
as long as you belong to a certain club. This
kind of behavior shows lack of respect and that
the player is a spoiled brat that has crossed the
line of decency.

Μπράβο, Μίλτο! Μπράβο και σ'όλα τ' άλλα
τα παιδιά που αγωνίζονται και δίνουν τον
καλύτερό τους εαυτό ανεξαρτήτως τί θέση
λαμβάνουν. Διαβάζω και για τη Βούλα, για
την Ελένη, τον Κώστα, το Στέφανο και πολλά
άλλα παιδιά που προσπαθούν να διακριθούν
στα τουρνουά της εποχής και κανενός η
προσπάθεια δε μ' αφήνει ασυγκίνητο,
ανεξαρτήτως αποτελέσματος. Μπράβο σας!

Very important, in my view, that Rafa Benitez
came out also in strong support of VARs, with
solid and convincing arguments. I think that
with the way VARs have been used, even the last
remnants of opposition will be swayed to the right
side of footballing History. For me, a nod to the
Bundesliga Authorities that have done a very
good job in introducing the technology and, by
the coincidence of having no VARs on the
opposite side of the Channel, have given a stark
contrast in comparison with some of the unfair
critical decisions that we have seen in the
Premiership and that could not, due to absence
of the technology, be reversed during play.

I have to add that Jonathan Moss is one of my
favorite Referees and I felt really bad that he
was placed in such an awkward position as to
have to go to the sidelines to find out what was
the issue and what was happening concerning
such a (otherwise) routine matter as the
substitution of one keeper by another before
penalty kicks start. I did not take it lightly
that he was forced to deal with personal
caprices of a spoiled footballer and with
internal serious matters and dissensions
that Chelsea is coping with. Solve your
problems internally and let others do their
job undisturbed by pettiness and whines.

This cannot be dressed up and passed over as a
simple misunderstanding. All of us saw what
happened in the field and there is no question
on the intentions of either side. I am completely
surprised by Sarri being conciliatory on this;
he must be an extraordinarily forgiving Human
Being and this does not augur well with discipline
when he has under him players of Kepa's
character and mentality. On the other hand,
Kepa claiming that he did not want to show
disrespect is absurd. Clearly, if it had been a
matter of misunderstanding over an injury, he
could have gone to the sidelines to explain to his
manager that he felt he was in form. Instead, he
chose to mule it out in the middle of the field in
a way that deliberately and pointedly exposed
his coach to disrespect, condescension and
ridicule. If I was a director at Chelsea, I
would tell him to try to find a new team
and, if I was a director at any other club,
I would refuse to put him on the roster.

Iranians, do not disappoint us in this way. It is
a different thing to have a dress code because of
domestic religious sensitivities and a different
thing to cancel the airing of a Bundesliga match,
played half a World away, because the female
Referee is dressed in a suit suitable for the activity
and culturally appropriate at the place where the
game is played.  Rethink those decisions and try
to liberalize these antiquated rules. We are all
part of the same World and needless obstacles
like those should be set aside and not present
a problem.

Μπράβο, Κατερίνα και Νικόλ!

In an appalling performance in Madrid La Vecchia
Signora got away with 2 down after a big favor by
the German referee, who, despite consulting the VAR,
not only did he not card Giorgio for diving and
theatrics, but disallowed Morata's clean header.
Agnelli and the Family have placed money and the
simple Anglo-Spanish recipe of pell-mell acquisition
of stardom above Team Values and Team Spirit.
To anyone following Juve this year, it is clear that
the Chemistry that existed (like a lethal spark)
between Pipita and Zorro, with Mario close behind,
is nowhere to be seen this season, and the fact that
the new expensive acquisition scores some goals and
has the personality to sway reefree decisions in his
favor (as was also happening heavily in Madrid)
does in no way make up for the loss. The managers
and directors should start again valuing reasonably
priced options that would fit well together over
ultra expensive implants.

Last night in the Liverpool - Bayern tally for the
Champions League we witnessed two of the best
and most touted keepers active in the game today
behave carelessly, recklessly and with complete
disregard for the critical damage that their
perfunctory and hasty actions could have cost
their teams. One could not but wonder what was
the reason that goalies of such caliber were tempted
to behave so casually. On the other hand, have
we not seen such behavior even in a recent World
Cup Final by someone else who, being in the same
elite, should also have known better?

United may dream about Icardi, but they should
forget about Dybala. Zorro is not for sale!

Honestly, no one cares about any other International
Footballing Competitions other than the World Cup
and, in Europe, the Euro, the Champions and the
Europa Leagues. All other plans for Nations Cups
and Clubs Cups and Blah Blah Blah are just for the
greedy and insatiable FIFA and UEFA to make money;
money for nothing and without any interest to anyone;
so keep fighting it out for nothing avaricious idiots!

Giannis is in our hearts and how else could it be?
Only grudge... he's defeating the Pistons mercilessly.

Μπράβο, Κώστα!

Είσαι πολύ νέος. Συγκεντρώσου στο τένις στο οποίο έχεις
αδιαμφισβήτητα ταλέντο και το οποίο σε αναδυκνύει.
Άσε τη μπούρδα και τις αμπελοφιλοσοφίες για αργότερα,
όταν, με το καλό, βγεις στη σύνταξη και αρχίσεις να βαριέσαι
και θέλεις να βαρέσεις κατακούτελα και τους υπόλοιπους...

Μπράβο, Κατερίνα!

Μπράβο, Κώστα!

Στέφανε, αυτοσυγκέντρωση, αφοσίωση και πολλή
δουλειά. Αυτά τα περί ``the next big thing"  και
άλλες σαχλαμάρες, άσ'τα να μπαίνουν από τη μία
και να βγαίνουν από την άλλη. Είσαι νέος, πολύ
νέος, και το παιχνίδι και το στύλ σου, όσο καλό
και να έιναι έχει απεριόριστα περιθώρια βελτίωσης.
Κάνε τον εαυτό σου, τους δικούς σου κι όλους εμάς
περήφανους, όχι κερδίζοντας έναν φοβερό αντίπαλο,
ή κερδίζοντας ένα Grand Slam, αλλά δουλεύοντας
συνέχεια, βελτιούμενος συνέχεια και με το ήθος,
την ψυχραιμία, την αλληλεγγύη και την Ανθρωπιά
στο γήπεδο. ανεξαρτήτως αποτελέσματος.

Μπράβο, Εμμανουήλ!

Μπράβο, Στέφανε!

Dybala for Isco? I do not think so. CLOSE THE DOOR.

Bravo to Juve for declining to send Benatia to Arsenal
as part of a deal to acquire Aaron Ramsey. Medhi is of
such value to the Vecchia Signora's defense formation
right now that it would be preferable for Ramsey's deal to
fall through rather than parting with the Moroccan

Εκατομμυριούχος γκλαμούρης και κλαμούρης.
Καλά καταλάβαμε στο μουντιάλ ότι μόνο για
θέατρο κάνει.

If a striker can play in the 2nd division until age 51,
then perhaps Gigi can play in Serie B until age 60!

Μπράβο, Μαρία και Στέφανε!!

It is not simply a matter of winning or losing.
It is, above all, mostly and primarily, a feeling
of Calmness, of Confidence and of Joy that any
player, professional of not, should feel, under
the right circumstances, about the Sport they
are involved in, if it is a sport they love and one
that they enjoy practicing and playing.
Unfortunately, sometimes, selfishness, greed
and other factors deprive us of the very basics
and transform the enjoyable into a burden...

Totally and completely unacceptable! The Italian
against Juventus to see if anything inappropriate
took place, in terms of money changing hands,
before the match against Sampdoria
and, if this
did not occur, then retire referee Valeri immediately.
VARs are there to aid the referee to double check
its decisions and impose fairness and objectivity.
How is it possible for a trained and experienced
referee, who consulted the VAR multiple times,
to get all decisions, based on that advice, wrong?

Some referees with their biases and/or incompetence
give both their leagues and the use of VARs an
unjustifiable and undeserved notoriety.

Sad news from Italy... Not only did an Inter fan lose
his life
right before the Inter-Napoli match, but, on
the pitch, Kalidou Koulibaly, through no fault of his
own, but simply because of the color of his skin, was
subjected to terrible, persistent and utterly unacceptable
and reprehensible racial chants and slurs
by brutes,
uncivilized Milanese ``fans" that have no idea and
no perception whatsoever of Respect and Sportsmanship
and do not give a damn about tainting and destroying
the Joy that the Most Beautiful Sport on Earth is meant
to deliver to All. Football, and all sports, more generally,
represent to us the Unity, Fraternity, Harmony and
Universality of Feeling and All Citizens of this World,
All Our Brothers and Sisters should be Free,
Undisturbed and Equally Safe and Secure when
going to and/or when watching a game.

The surprise would have been if a dirty player with a
dubious personality and a sarcastic manager with an
unacceptable personality had been the best of friends...

I wish the best of luck to the new Manchester United
manager and I am sure - no offense meant to my dearest
Portuguese or my fellow Mediterraneans - that his being
from the North will contribute to some cooler heads
prevailing at the Club, something that is very much
needed currently after the shameful and idiotic behaviors
of an abysmal failure lacking self-knowledge and humility
to such a degree as to dare make faces, grimaces and
twisting ears after a single success amidst a drowning
and paralyzing series of losses and abject chaos.

His attitude, superficiality and selfishness make him
unfit to lead any aspiring club right now. He should
first see a shrink before getting appointed anywhere
else for serious repeated damage to be avoided.
Excellent move by Manchester United, which had
been left hanging and wandering after having one
of the most iconic and exemplary coaches in History.

I would like once more to commend the Bundesliga
for its exquisite, expert, efficient and clinical use of
VAR in a meaningful and substantial way. The game
between Borussia Dortmund and Werder Bremen
yesterday was an excellent example, where referee
Guido Winkmann took a tiny clinical break, raising
his index to the earpiece before reversing an erroneous
offside decision and admitting Paco Alcacer's clear
goal for the hosts. In contrast, I was astounded to
find out last week during the Everton-Watford
game that in the Premiership, despite their claim
to be the ``premier league" in quality, they still do
not have VARs and many games are unfairly judged
and their outcomes are adversely affected by
arbitrary referee errors and omissions. This is
unacceptable, when on the other side of the Channel
and on the other side of the Atlantic VAR Efficiency,
Fairness and Accuracy have been tried and proven
beyond the shadow of any and all doubt. In the
``premiership", one sees the earpieces, one watches
expectantly after almost blatantly erroneous decisions
for the index finger to go up and for the palm to signal
for a small eagerly anticipated break, but, alas, one
finally realizes that the hope will come to naught
and that the earpieces are just for show, perhaps
to ask for the time or to send greetings to family
and friends! What a let down, what a disappointment!

Real is making a mistake by, effectively, changing
Navas for Courtois. On the other hand, Navas is
doing what any keeper in the top 10 should do
when he is at a team, even if it had been the best
in the World, where he is not but a substitute.
There are enough excellent teams in this World
that it is a pity for a top 10 keeper to not be given
top spot and play in the first team, and it is a waste
for the teams, the fans and the beautiful sport.

Both sides are professional and say what is legally
correct and abide by all that is legally binding to
avoid repercussions, but neither the Club nor
Mourinho are committed to one another as they
make it sound. The truth is that, if an inexpensive
and saving-face formula is devised by mutual
consent, both sides would be happy to disengage
and leave one another behind and exit such an
unfortunate phase of  their mutual relationship...

Ελπίζω όταν λέει ότι "θέλει να παίξει η Εθνική
ελκυστικό ποδόσφαιρο", να μην εννοεί ότι θα τους
πει πριν μπουκάρουν μέσα "είστε οι πιο ελκυστικοί
και δείξτε το στο γήπεδο με τη βοήθεια της Παναγιάς",
αλλά να κάνει και κάτι ουσιώδες προς αυτήν την
κατεύθυνση. Έχουμε πραγματικά βαρεθεί με τα
μπλα-μπλά, τις προσδοκίες και τις προβλέψεις,
που δεν είναι ούτε ρεαλιστικές ούτε ανταποκρίνονται
στην πραγματικότητα, και δεν είναι και το καλύτερο
σημείο εκκίνησης σε μία προετοιμασία, όπου η
αυτογνωσία, το μέτρο και η στρατηγική που θα
μπορούσαν να βοηθήσουν να ξεπεραστούν
μειονεκτήματα και δυσκολίες θα ήταν προφανώς
πιο ελπιδοφόρα και πιο προσοδοφόρα.

This man is out of control and both National Football
Authorities and UEFA should forbid his involvement
in the sport in any capacity and ban him for life from
entering into venues during official games. His statements
on twitter are not only outrageous and unbecoming of
any sport and incompatible with sportsmanship, but
they are also insulting to any Greek, because they are
discriminatory, racist and ultra-Nationalist, and their
character should be judged and condemned severely
by UEFA and FIFA. By going after men of that sort and
by imposing hefty penalties and showing no equivocation,
the footballing authorities have a responsibility to show
fans that crossing the line of decency and using race
and nationality as a weapon to insult and demean is
not acceptable in the World's most beautiful sport,
and that Courtesy and Fraternity are a MUST for
official participation in the sport.

I am reading that Juve wants to replace Alex Sandro
by Marcelo. I like both players, but I am not sure
that there is a huge amount to be gained by such a
move. With Sandro on the left, backed by Matuidi,
and with fast options on the right, like Cuadrado,
Juve has all that it needs to play at the highest level.

There is no question that Thibaut is in the top 10.
The Top 15 List, though, includes some questionable
choices; not keepers that are not distinguished in
some way, but definitely keepers that currently
cannot be said to be at the top of the their game
and/or at top form and performance level.

Andy Robertson seems to have found out yesterday
what some people had already discovered long ago,
at least since the World Cup. That Neymar owes
its fame not so much to his talent and his abilities,
but mostly on his theatrics, antics and acting skills.
Careful observers had already sent recommendation
letters for him for a job at the Brazilian National
Opera to hire him as a Prima Donna in excruciating
pain roles and close-to-death situation plays, which
are his specialty.

David Greene, not unlike yours truly, has gotten so fed
up by the ``modern style" of NBA basketball, where
a spectator is expected to ``enjoy" games between two
teams that play as nothing but Harlem Globetrotters,
running like madmen with their pants on fire from
basket to basket and neither them nor their coaches
giving a rat's you know what about defense, but are
employing the NBA technique of ``stare, jump and
wish", that he called an ``expert pundit" to find out
what is going on, when the statement above is the
simple, sad and unfortunate truth. In any case, the
pundit told him that blah, blah, blah and yada, yada,
yada,... the rules in the books about not been able to
defend effectively (because you will be fouled if you
do) and the tall guys shooting 3-pointers like crazy
have contributed to the misery of the sport's fans
having to watch in-defensive and indefensible 150
point games of a quality that one could probably
want to watch only on an all-star weekend, where
making points and ``offering" what the NBA and
its Commissioners view as ``a good show" (but not
an interesting 2-team 2-end sport) is the requirement.
I guess the game does not matter anymore, what
counts only are the finances; as long as it sells by
offering what people consider ``good entertainment",
that is all that owners, teams and league care about...
Defense rarely sells (maybe some people know Buffon,
Chiellini, Bonucci, Barzagli etc., but everybody knows
Ronaldo, Messi, Kane, etc.). Let us all admit the truth
and leave the pointless explanations (that only serve
to reinforce the truth (why are those rules on the
books? why are the tall men so successful from the
3-point line? why are coaches delegating defense
to a second tier skill?)) aside...

If the news that I hear about the new permissive legal
framework in Greece, allowing owning a football team
while at the same time being engaged in businesses
incompatible with ownership, is accurate, and if the
Greek Athletic Authorities are unwilling to withdraw
the relevant articles from the proposed legislative
framework, then I consider it the responsibility of
UEFA and of FIFA to interfere and to impose heavy
sanctions on Greek Football to ensure a clean and fair
game and to safeguard transparency and objectivity.

These things happen in International Football and they
are neither unexpected nor should they be cause for utter
disappointment and lamentation; other examples are
Italy and the United States, which have been very strong
internationally, but are now at a historical low in terms
of performance and results. The issue here is to find
effective solutions both in terms of managing and in
terms of strategy and performance and, therefore, to
provide the impetus and dedication and psychological
support that is needed to the new generation of players
to bring the National Team back up to the position that
it was and that all its supporters want to see it occupying.
Maybe some hints and cues can be taken by the success
and performance of athletes such as (only to name but
a few among many excellent ones) Korakaki, Petrounias,
Stefanidi and Tsitsipas and their hard work, dedication
and overcoming of obstacles.

Robbie Savage writes ``United is chasing shadows",
but what he does not know is that they are really
chasing the a**hole's ear and grimace. So long, hasta
la vista, and hope for a better luck elsewhere when you
stop showbizzing and start coaching...

Well, Manchester United wished you had been doing
your job and nothing more... But you are a charlatan,
nothing but show biz, losing almost continuously
and, with the occasion of one win among so many
losses and ties, you become belligerent and provocative
against a team that had not lost for many games and
of whom I am sure you wish you had been the coach...
Too bad for Manchester United, but your days at the
helm there are coming to an end and the clock is
ticking down fast...

Stop building statues for active and living footballers.
You are doing a terrible, incorrigible and excremental
job anyway... Let History first go by and Judge their
Contributions both in the pitch and outside in the
Grand Scheme of Things and, then, if deemed worthy
later on, genuine and talented artists and intellectuals
will, I am certain, pick up their cause.

Stinky embarrassing nonentities and pseudo-personalities.
They never provide satisfactory answers on the substance.
They only cry foul on procedural issues on how others made
it to possess their emails that reveal wrongdoing. What an
embarrassment and what a fiasco. FIFA has been in need of
implosion for the longest time, but they are continuing with
business as usual with impunity and lack of accountability.

Μπράβο, Λευτέρη!!!!

Ειναι νεος ο Στεφανος και, φυσικα, καποια λαθη στην
ηλικια του συγχωρουνται. Αλλα ολοι μας ελπιζουμε να
τον δουμε, ως πρωταθλητη και κορυφαιο του αθληματος,
να δινει μαθηματα Πολιτισμου και Συμπεριφορας, ακριβως
οπως αρμοζει σε εναν Ελληνα και σε εναν Αθλητη.

Assuming a reasonable transfer fee, David will definitely
be a very good addition to Juve's roster and will provide
another pair of solid gloves besides those of Wojciech.

Μπράβο, Στέφανε!!

More multimillionaires that only know how to win
gracefully, but they behave like uncivilized brutes
when they are displeased or losing. NBA and its
commissioner have very little, I am afraid, room
for maneuver, and their actions and/or inaction
and the severity of the punishments that they will
impose will show whether in NBA the purity of
the sport and sportsmanship take precedent over
money, fame and glamor or that it is yet another
organization that is covering up for siphoning
billions of dollars from naive and pliable fans
to the pockets of players and parasites that are
very little deserving and very easily swayed and
manipulated by the almighty buck.

Rummenigge and Hoeness are classical bullies who
do not know how to lose. When everything is rosy
and wins come aplenty, they are beaming and have
no complaints to make. When things turn sour,
instead of searching for the real reason and try to
make amends, they turn around and threaten the
press and the critics. Too bad that two footballing
legends have proven to be terrible executives and
bosses, below par and below expectations, who make
one cringe and worry about the beautiful sport and
about fair play in the hands of the terrible, the angry
and the irresponsible... Too bad, also, for such a
Glorious and Historic Club... to be led by spoiled
and whining morons.

However much he may try, he is not going to survive
in the History of the Sport as one of its cleanest and
most noble representatives. Another medal in this
unfortunate tradition of Maradonism which has
stained and burdened the most beautiful sport on
the Planet for so long.

GOOD NEWS from USA Gymnastics. Failures and
undeserving and under-performing individuals should
not be allowed to serve U.S. Sport at the National level
and they should not be appointed in the first place.
Kudos to the athletes that, with their courage and their
fearlessness, forced a bad decision to be rescinded
without any further damage to the shaky reputation
of an already faltering organization and suffering sport.

If I were a director at Milan, I would not hesitate to
make an offer.

Η συνάντηση λέει θα κρίνει το μέλλον... Ποιό μέλλον;

If the Tennis Associations want to preserve the integrity
of the Game and not ridicule and trivialize it, they ought
to impose hefty penalties, including bans for a substantial
amount of time, to players that either have zero respect
for umpires and opponents or whose personalities and
nerves are such that they do not deserve participating
in competitive sports. Part of being eligible to compete
in a tournament is accepting the responsibilities and the
requirements, including that of abiding by the rules and
regulations of the tournament and those of basic civility
and sportsmanship, that go with it.

Ωραία... Ο 82χρονος μπούγκα μπούγκα πάρτυ μάβερικ
ετοιμάζει ομαδα θαύμα με πιστοποιητικά απο το
Παρθεναγωγείο και τον Καρδινάλιο της περιοχής
και έτοιμη για τα καλλιστεία χωρίς ούτε επιπλέον
τρίχα, ούτε επιπλέον ίχνος μελανιού ή κοσμήματος...

The NBA change of the rule to allow 14 instead of
24 seconds for a play after an offensive rebound is
uncalled for and detrimental to the game. As was,
the game has been already too fast and excessively
oriented towards offense and high scoring. What
the game needs is a reworking towards better
accommodating and factoring in strategy and
This new rule does not help and will leave
all of us who want to watch an intelligent sport, and
not merely running and throwing, rather wanting
and wondering...

Pity, just pity. What can one say. Unfortunately, it is neither
the first nor the last time that Brazilians have not showcased
exemplary behavior on the pitch.


Serena went way over the line. It was disgraceful for
the game and, I am afraid that, if one cannot control
their frustration within certain limits and think of
everyone else except themselves at fault for their bad
performance, shortcomings etc. then it is, perhaps,
an indicator that it is time they started thinking about
retirement. It is sad to make such calls, since she has
indeed been one of the Greatest Players in the courts,
but, on the other hand, no success can waive the
requirement for minimum civility and constraint,
no matter who the players and no matter which
sport they are participating in. I hope she realizes
this and apologizes for her behavior, mainly to the
umpire, but also to the spectators in New York,
who are there to enjoy the sport and not to be subject
to shouting and verbal assaults nor to witness a
psychoanalysis session or to resolve serious issues
that may exist in the world of tennis.
P.S. Serena may be right about double standards
between men and women. However, in this game
two women were facing each other and the Umpire
would have done exactly the same thing and imposed
the same penalties for the same violations had they
come from Naomi's side. So to say that he was
penalizing her unfairly and calling him a ``thief"
was completely inappropriate and out of line.
Moreover, airing legitimate grudges emanating from
sexism, unequal treatment of men and women, and
other issues that tennis and other sports are facing,
during a final of a major tournament in the form of
misbehavior and harassment of officials is rather
puzzling. Everyone would back her for airing these
complaints and for starting a discussion of substance
about these issues if she does so between tournaments
in the right fora and even if she decides to wear special
attire during tournaments, like several players have
done to draw attention to racism and other social
issues in NBA. But during a game, such behavior is
utterly improper and disrespectful to umpires,
opponents and spectators alike.

Μπράβο, παιδιά!!

I do understand where Tottenham is coming from,
but I, for once, would be lenient; it is not easy to
be the captain of the World Champions, it is not
easy to be captained by the captain of the World
Champions and he does deserve another chance.

Both Courtois and Navas are excellent keepers, but,
in my view, Navas is a constant and more dependable
and, if I were at the helm in Real, I would keep him
as a first choice. Courtois should have stayed with,
or gone to, a team where he would be indisputably
the first choice and that would have been very easy,
since in the overwhelming majority of teams, even
at most top clubs, that would definitely be the case.

Μπράβο, παιδιά!

Μπράβο και στα παιδιά της κολύμβησης στο Δουβλίνο!
Μπράβο, Μιχάλη και Γιώργο!

Μπράβο, Δημήτρη!

Μπράβο, Λευτέρη!

Μπράβο, Βαλεντίνη!

Μπράβο, Μαρία!

Μπράβο, Βούλα!

Μπράβο, Κατερίνα! Μπράβο, Νικόλ!

Μπράβο, Μίλτο!

Μπράβο, Μαρία! Μπράβο, Στέφανε! Κάθε μέρα και
καλύτεροι για μεγάλες επιτυχίες!

BRAVO to the members of the Greek National Side,
who decided to donate their first salaries from
upcoming international engagements to help in
the reconstruction effort after the fatal and
devastating fires in Attica. I would urge them
to contribute more as a group, not only financially
to the maximum of their capacity, but also by
taking other initiatives and making moves in
cooperation with willing foundations and other
organizations to make sure that the wounds
start to heal, the damage alleviated and that
the consequences and the impact of this
unimaginable Armageddon get redressed,
to the extent possible and as soon as possible.
Thank you and Bravo to all for your civility.

Σωστότατη ανάλυση του Μουντιάλ από τον Εθνικό
μας Εκλέκτορα. Και να φανταστεί κανείς ότι παρά
λίγο να έτρωγε σούτ από τα ανίδεα και άξεστα
πα**ρια της ΕΠΟ, ενώ ο άνθρωπος και η ομάδα
είχαν εξαιρετική πορεία στα προκριματικά, αν
αναλογιστεί κανείς ότι είχαμε στο γκρούπ τη 2η
και την 3η καλύτερη ομάδα στον κόσμο...

President Putin is correct in his evaluation that
the Russian Team, its coaching staff and its players,
played with a Fighting Spirit and Valor and gave all
they had to the struggle for a good placement in this
year's World Cup and it is to his credit that he is
inviting the Team to the Kremlin to honor and to
congratulate them. On the other hand, it is only
Right that the team did not advance, since we did
see in this tournament other teams, including the
four teams left standing, that were more talented,
more experienced and better prepared for that
level of play than the Russian Team was. But,
given the time and the experience and having
shown that they do not lack in spirit and in
perseverance, it would not be a surprise to see
in an upcoming competition Russia doing even
better than they did in the 2018 World Cup.

A quick word about ``super stars". Peter Schmeichel
is absolutely correct that Neymar's theatrics and antics
are despicable and repulsive
. Instead of football, he
should be recommended for Brazil's National Theater
to play a weeping prima donna in excruciating pain.
Second, NO to Ronaldo coming to Juventus. JUVE
is a club that always valued the excellent relations
in the dressing room, the harmonious atmosphere
and the collegiality between the players and has
forever based its terrific performance in teamwork
and coordination. We may regret getting  a ``super
star", with a salary far superior than average, that
will be able to monopolize attention and to dictate
terms. JUVE and Agnelli, be very careful.

The German Football Association made the wise
decision to keep L
öw as a manager for the next
few years, unlike other associations that are
impulsive and hasty in finding scapegoats to
exorcise collective failures and to deflect
collective responsibility.

I was very sorry to see Japan get defeated in the
round of sixteen. Not because I dislike Belgium
or because I did not think that Belgium deserved
to be in the quarterfinals, but because Japan's
performance was moving and convincing, and
something that many other teams, including
much higher ranked ones, like Germany and
Spain, could not even remotely claim this year.
I hope that the Japanese Association keeps
Japan's Coach and provides the resources
necessary to keep building this remarkable
program and to see them, enjoy them and
get mesmerized by them again the next time
around. BRAVO, JAPAN!!

Some referees are incorrigible and utterly bad news.
How can one explain otherwise terrible decisions made
by Cakir in the Argentina-Nigeria game and by Pitana
in the Mexico-Sweden game not to penalize blatant
handballs in the area that clearly affected the plays
involved, despite VAR reviews and the obviousness
of the infractions? VAR WORKS ONLY IF IT IS

Argentina has indeed disappointed up to this point.
This is not, however, reason for lament and condemnation.
It is reason to rethink and restrategize and show a revised
character and redouble one's efforts. I believe that that
will happen with the Nationalmannschaft, which, not only
is going to show an explosive improvement, but it is
still likely that he will jump ahead with renewed appetite
and concentration and win all. I expect and hope that
Jogi and the Panzers will do the job and fulfill their duty.

Great news for North America! And of course we would
like to see all three Nations in the Finals! However, this
is a good chance for FIFA to reconsider the decision of
allowing a host to qualify automatically. Every Nation,
regardless of status, must prepare, compete and perform
well in the qualifying stage to prove that it is capable and
ready to participate in the finals. SO, DISCONTINUE

I thought that in these matters Greece was rock bottom.
But nope! Spain is worse...

Good riddance, dirty money laundering!
World football will be all the better for it.

Very rarely does one see a player as dirty in his game as this.
But from this season's Real all was to be expected and, alas,
all was indeed seen...

No one would be surprised if this man went to Real Madrid...
He may sit on the bench for the rest of his ``career", but he
will surely be lavishly rewarded for his services by Mr. Perez.

The thief emerged from the trashcan of football
history and gave his unwanted ``opinion" about
organizing world cups. When he had the chance
to lead and to reform, he chose instead personal
enrichment, corruption and amassing personal
wealth to the detriment of the sport. I am amazed
that his senility prevents him from realizing that
he is no longer welcome nor is it acceptable for
such a bandit to appear in media and express
his ``opinions" and ``ideas" about the sport that
he helped disgrace and bring to its lowest point

I stand 100% unequivocally, enthusiastically and vocally
behind Roma's President in the call for the umpteenth
time for the introduction of VARs. Do not damage or
destroy the beautiful sport! If you do not have any shady
motives and any behind-the-scenes dark interests, and
you are at the helm of European and World Football.
what is the purpose of your resistance in introducing
technology that is used in almost every other sport at
the highest level and can contribute to fairness and to
avoiding the ridicule of having entire tournaments
misshaped at the whim, at the mercy, at the bad luck,
at the incompetence, or, even worse, at the  potential
corruption of a single human being?
At the top level,
 the best players on Earth should be directed by the top
referees in the World assisted by the top technology in
the World. Making humongous amounts of cash and
stashing them in your private accounts in Switzerland,
instead of reinvesting and doing the best for the Game
and providing the Game all its needs in terms of vital
services and accommodations, is reprehensible, despicable
and plainly criminal. Change your mindsets! Do RIGHT!

I feel sorry for football and the destruction of the
beautiful sport by critical outcome-changing errors
in refereeing that are consistently and persistently
and blatantly and shamelessly favoring the same
old protagonists all of the time. If you want to
correct this outrageous state of affairs, bring in
VARS and allow direct red cards for Maradonisms.
And, by the way, an admission and a ``sorry" after
the fact and after your team has advanced unfairly
in two stages does not cut it in any way.

He has many fans and he has many detractors...
But that is exactly what LEGENDS are made of.

Very, very good news from Torino.

Ατομάντζα αποδείχτηκε κι αυτός. Δυστυχώς μία από τις
πάμπολλες που έχουν αναμιχθεί με το Ελληνικό Ποδόσφαιρο
και στις οποίες αναλογεί μέρος της ευθύνης για την απαξίωση,
τη βρωμιά, και, γενικά, τη συνολική κατάντια...

I am reading about the use of VAR in the Mainz-Freiburg match.
That is exactly how it should have been in all European Leagues
and in all European Competitions starting a long time ago!

No one should abuse a referee on unsocial and retarded
media and, a fortiori, no one should abuse a referee's
wife, family, relatives, or anybody else, because of  a
referee's mistake(s). On the other hand, how could one
express love or appreciation or declare affection and
ascertain ``greatness" for a referee that sent a team
that exerted super human effort home by a mistake
so easy to avoid, even if it was not intentional? One is
entitled to expect and must expect refereeing of the
highest possible caliber in the quarter-finals of the
Champions League and that is certainly not what the
fans, Juve fans or anybody else, except, perhaps, Real
fans, witnessed on Wednesday evening in Madrid.

Tom Gores, it is now time to think about basketball
and to replace at least the General Manager and,
perhaps, even the coach. It has been obvious to some
of us for many years that SVG has been suffering
from some psychological syndrome - perhaps good/bad
memories of playing with game cards as a child - that
has been leading him to incessant, mindless and aimless
trading. Bringing players, good and bad, fitting and
unfitting, without any plan, and trading them after
short periods of time for others without investing
any trust or any specific task or any specific confidence
in them. Clearly this damages both the gaming output,
results and quality, as well as the team's psychology:
How could a player feel part of the Piston's family
and get into 100% Pistons mentality if it is very
likely, according to random whims and random
behavior, that the general manager who brought
him in six months ago may suddenly trade him
for someone else? If the Pistons had stuck with
the players they had before giving away Monroe
and has added a couple of key players, like Tobias,
to the roster, and they had kept working at it with
good strategy and coaching, the team would have
been in a position to make the playoffs every year,
if not advancing further. SVG simply needs to be
replaced and I trust that Tom will do the right thing.
We want the owner and his executive team to think
carefully and to bring in someone that can

The last couple of days were memorable for Italian football.
The best and one of the best loved teams played with mental
strength, focus and determination and with very well thought
out strategies against formidable opponents and against very
debilitating odds. Moreover, they both had the necessary
amount of luck, which is always a requirement at that level,
to accompany skill and focus: they scored early on and this
allowed them to fortify their strength and to renew their
hopes that a miracle was achievable after all. However,
there was a big difference between Roma and Madrid in
the last couple of nights, which is shameful. In Roma the
referee was open to any result. In Madrid, on the other hand,
the referee had an agenda. That agenda was to see Real
through at any cost before the fat lady sang at the 94th
minute. And he made sure to push his agenda through by
whatever means. What makes this even more lamentable
is that this has happened several times before and that it
always happens in favor of the Spanish giants, perhaps
because the financial odds are so high that UEFA does
not want to have a final four without either of them in.
It is disgraceful not only because it damages and blackens
the reputation of the beautiful sport, but also because
those two teams have such humongous budgets and such
powerful rosters that a. they should be embarrassed to
accept extraneous refereeing favors and b. they should
not have been in need of those, in the first place. But,
unfortunately, these last two days, help was needed and
help was enthusiastically forthcoming and help was given.
I can only hope for one outcome for the sake of Divine
Justice: that Liverpool, Roma or Bayern will be the
winners of the trophy this year...

Μπράβο, Κορίτσια!!

Pity and disappointment. But mistakes were made from
top to bottom and Real does not forgive mistakes, nor can
one expect much at that level of play with childish errors.
A questionable line-up, childish mistakes from the highest
reputed and most talented defenders on the globe and a
striker that doubles as a cheater and, then as a karate
kid, despite knowing that his name was in the book.
Even one mistake is one too many against a team that can
and may win it all again. Last night at Torino, La Vecchia
Signora, unfortunately, made many...

Pressure tirelessly, pressure high up, pressure tight!
The three most important aspects of a winning strategy.
The goals:
1. Disrupt Real's quick and precise flow of the ball;
2. Avoid being besieged and offering chances around the area;
3. Play closer to, and stay in contact with, Pipita and Zorro.

Juventus fulfilled its duty at the Juventus Stadium and
took again a 4-point lead over Napoli at the top of Serie A.

My opinion is that the penalties imposed on PAOK
and the people (or shall we say brutes) related to this
scandal, who showed unacceptable and reprehensible
behavior, totally antithetical to the athletic spirit
and athletic ideals, are mild, but not unacceptably
so. A WARNING though: They are indeed mild
enough that they do not admit further weakening
in stages of Judicial Appeals.
If Courts of Appeal
weaken them any further, this will signify biased
handling, a travesty of justice and will send the
message that neither courts, nor the Government,
nor the teams and their associations and, perhaps,
above all, nor the European Football Authorities
(these ridiculous and out of touch with reality, but
in touch with their pockets, bodies) are serious
about tackling brutish behavior and gangsterism
in the pitch, which, sooner or later, if allowed to
continue unpunished, will result in tragedies,
catastrophe, injuries or worse.

I am a big fan and highly respect Manuel Neuer.
On the other hand, his experience and his class
would dictate that, even if he is ready medically,
being the Captain, after so many months in
recovery and out of the pitch, to maximize the
Nationalmannschaft's chances for another World
Class Performance and another World Cup, he
would voluntarily opt to stay on the bench and
let ter Stegen, warm and with an excellent season
at Barca, be the starting goalie for the Pnnzers.
That would be my advice for him, for what it is
worth, even if Jogi decides otherwise.

Juve gallops unstoppable for yet another title in Serie A.
And the dream is that it can make it sweeter by topping
it with one of the most coveted trophies on the planet!

Ανίδεοι και παντελώς αδιάφοροι. Μόνο να φουσκώνουν
οι τσέπες και δε πα να καίγεται ο κόσμος και να διασύρεται
και να απαξιώνεται πλήρως το άθλημα. Και μετά μιλάνε
(μόνο κάθε φορά που είναι να εκλεγούν βεβαίως, όπως
και κάθε άλλος ``ικανός" πολιτικός και κοθώνι) για
μεταρρυθμίσεις, διαφάνεια, μηδέν ανοχή κλπ. κλπ., όλα
ανούσιες σαχλαμάρες και μπούρδες, μόνο η τσέπη και
τα φλουριά και η καλοπέραση με μυστικότητα στην
Ελβετία. Ξεδιάντροποι, ασχροί και διαβολεμένοι...

Juve played a better game yesterday and advanced to
the eight of the Big Tournament. On the other hand,
some of the same problems that peeked through in
the first game showed up again. But this time, despite
intervals of passive resistance and defending too far
back for a team needing desperately to score, Juve
was able to move the ball more smoothly and to open
up spaces and not let Tottenham completely dominate.
As far as players, three comments are in order, based
on both presence and absence.
1. Khedira is a solid player, but, in my view, slow and
    static, and Juve needs to move the ball and flow.
2. Mandzukic is also a good player, but, when he is in,
    his diving, theatrics and complaining are disruptive
    to Juve's taking initiative and dominating the flow
    of the game. In my view, he has been unjustifiably
    given too much priority in Juve's line-ups.
3. Finally, Cuadrado is a player that can and often
    does make a difference, moving fast, defending
    tight up high and creating chances by advancing
    fast on the right wing.
If Pjanic and Costa played behind Pipita and Zorro,
with Blaise on the left and Juan on the right, Juve
could potentially make a fast, dangerous and World
Class team indeed. Not to mention the back, always
our pillar, where Benatia has now adapted fully and
tied in his game with the old crew, Giorgio, Andrea
and Alex, and, of course, GIGI at the helm.
Barzagli Benatia Chiellini Sandro
Khedira         Pjanic         Matuidi
Dybala         Higuain           Costa

Judgement Day has come for Napoli. And I hope that
JUVE is going to take full advantage and gallop at full
force for the 2017-2018 title. FORZA JUVE!!

VARs are a great addition in ensuring the fairness of the
. Those opposing them have dark motives in mind
and do not have fairness as a priority. However, VARS
are misused in many games
and some referees and some
VAR personnel and VAR referees are not properly trained
in their use. We saw an unacceptable usage of VARs, both
in terms of timely calls and in terms of delays, in the
FA cup rematch Tottenham versus Rochdale, but we
should not allow the incompetence of some referees
to darken the anticipation of a completely fair and a
completely transparent game using VARs. The FA
and its clubs must make bold moves and must invest
in training to lead UEFA and FIFA in the successful
introduction of this new technology
and to ensure that
it is decisively and properly used.

If Allegri is unable to field at the Juventus Stadium a team
that can see Tottenham eye-to-eye and play them as equals,
then it clearly is time he stepped down as Juve's manager.
After the first few minutes of the game we saw hardly any
part of the match where Juve could be said to be in form
and competent against her opponents.

The last dissenters of VARs should watch the FA Cup match
between Liverpool and West Brom in which the referee Craig
Pawson used the technology in such a decisive, clinical and,
at the same time, undisruptive and efficient way, that, no doubt,
that game observed carefully, should change the heart and the
mind of any open-minded, fairness-oriented and unbiased
skeptic, without hesitation or equivocation. BRAVO TO
that showcased
what can be achieved when Humans realize their limitations
and both ask for help and use technology in an efficient and
meaningful way!

Ελπίζω να μην καταστρέψουν τελειωτικά και
την άρση βαρών, όπως έχουν κάνει και με τόσα
άλλα αθλήματα, μέσω διαφορών, διχόνοιας
και άλλων χονδροαφερεγγυοτήτων...

Η επικοινωνιακή πολιτική των ομάδων με τα
μέσα ενημέρωσης βασίζεται στο αίσθημα της
εμπιστοσύνης και, δυστυχώς, ο Καραπαπάς
έχει απολέσει κάθε φερεγγυότητα λόγω των
γνωστών εσκεμμένα ψευδών πρόσφατων
δηλώσεών του. Εάν ο Ολυμπιακός θέλει να
διατηρήσει αυτήν την εμπιστοσύνη και τον
αλληλοσεβασμό με τον τύπο, ο Καραπαπάς
πρέπει να παραιτηθεί και να αντικατασταθεί.
Όποιος δε λέει την αλήθεια εσκεμμένα, δεν
έχει θέση στην ενημέρωση.

Εγώ πάντως θα τον έπαιρνα για φουνταριστό!!

Spoiled multimillionaires that know that, in the
despicable world of glamor and celebrity, behaving
like a clown and an a**hole and cultivating the
image of a vulgar eccentric increases your value
and price.

Ξανάχεσε η φοράδα στ'αλώνι και καθόμαστε και
ασχολούμαστε με οπίσθια... ``Δοξάστε με..." που
έλεγε και α Χάρρυ Κλύνν...

Δε πα να λένε και να λένε και να διαψεύδουν και
να ξαναδιαψεύδουν... Στην Ελλάδα όταν επιμένει
ο διαψεύδων, η πληροφορία είναι συνήθως έγκυρη
και οι αλλαγές άμεσα αναμενόμενες. Όπως λέμε
εξάλλου ``βαρεί τη θύρα, ν'ακούσει η παραθύρα"...

Closing 2017...

Mourinho, you should be ashamed to say things like
when your own - coach - salaries are astronomical.
Any coach, if his team spends billion(s) in transfers
and buys the best players on Earth, can be successful
and, guess what, the honors will not be entirely, or
even mostly, his. The art of a good coach, a distinguished
coach, and the feature that makes him worth the money
spent on him, especially if he is one of the most expensive
coaches on Earth, is to be able to compete for titles and
Championships with a team that is not over bloated
to a level of containing the best players and of leaving
players who rank among the best in the World on the
bench and with a humongous spending level. Therefore,
the work that Ranieri did at Leicester or Rehhagel did
with the Greek National Side or Valverde did with his
teams before joining Barcelona is much more worthy
and appreciable than the work of Zidane at Real or the
work of Guardiola at City or the work of Conte at
Chelsea or the work of Emery at PSG, who have at
their disposals astronomical budgets and can buy and
change the best players on Earth as is they had been
underwear. In teams like this, winning is not a distinction;
rather losing with so much talent is a sign of incompetence
and a disgrace.

In my view, at this point in time, it will be negative
and damaging for Paulo, if his brother encourages
him and pushes him, instead of renewing with Juve,
where he has been comfortable and where he has
tremendous potential for improvement, to sign up
for one of those teams that have many many players
of even greater caliber and where he will be confined
to the bench, barring a substantial and immediate
jump in performance. Money and championships
are not everything. Improvement and self-fulfillment,
as well as joy for the game and the love of fans, are
what a younger player like Paulo, needs at this stage
in his career and I hope his brother does not mess
things up for him.

Πώς μπορεί μία ομάδα που δεν έχει να πληρώσει τους
παίκτες που ήδη έχει και που κάνει συνεχώς νέους
διακανονισμούς για να μην εκτροχιαστεί οικονομικά,
να μπάινει στο παιχνίδι για νέες μεταγραφές; Νομίζω
ότι στον Παναθηναϊκό θα πρέπει να σοβαρευτούν,
να λύσουν πρώτα, τουλάχιστον μεσοπρόθεσμα και
με φερέγγυο τρόπο, το σοβαρό οικονομικό πρόβλημα
που αντιμετωπίζει ο όμιλος και μετά να κινηθούν
με ένα καλά σχεδιασμένο και ορθολογικό τρόπο
για την αγωνιστική ενίσχυση της ομάδας.

Udinese played the trick on Inter and has given a chance
for both Juve and Napoli, which play against Bologna at
the Renato Dall'Ara and against Torino at the Olimpico,
respectively, tomorrow to lead again the Serie A table.
Forza Juve!!

In San Paolo, Juve forced Napoli to suffer its first
defeat of the season in Serie A and allowed Inter
a chance to climb at the top of the table.

I am afraid that UEFA must have some shady ulterior
motives for not supporting the introduction of VARs
in the 2018 World Cup. UEFA's President claims that
he is all for fair play and fair decisions, but that this
``kind of technology" is untested and too early to be
introduced at a World Cup level competition. Alas,
his position makes it sound as if we had been talking
about rocket science and not simply of a replay and
a second look at situations where the human referee
has missed play or needs assistance by another
referee with the advantage of that instant replay.

Sorry, Mr. Čeferin, but I cannot believe that you
believe what you're saying without having some
additional motivation at the back of your mind to
be resisting a tool that would make football fairer,
cleaner and would avoid unacceptable and biased
decisions, so common in the past, which have left
a black stain in the body of this beautiful sport.

Πολύ καλά νέα για την Εθνική μας ομάδα.
Η Ε.Π.Ο. αποφάσισε να ανανεώσει το συμβόλαιο
του Ομοσπονδιακού μας τεχνικού για ακόμα δύο
χρόνια και να του δώσει την ευκαιρία να οδηγήσει
την ομάδα στα προκριματικά και - γιατί όχι - στην
τελική φάση του Πανευρωπαϊκού Πρωταθλήματος
του 2020. Καλή τύχη, Michael! Θα μας χρειαστεί!


Among the two most famous keepers in the history of
Italian football, the revered Gigi Buffon, retired from
International Football in the most infamous event in
the History of the Beautiful Sport. Unfortunately, one
who witnessed the last three games of the Azzurri
could have no illusions but that a team that played a
whole class below Spain and stood as miserable equals to
Albania, FYROM and Israel would have slim chances
to qualify against Sweden. But of course, for the fans,
who justifiably proclaimed ``No Italia, No Party in
Russia", hope died last, at last, last night in San Siro.
The irony is that, had Italy qualified, Ventura would
have been considered as successful and Italy would
have presented a similar humiliating mess in Russia.
Now that the change is not needed for furthering a
goal, he will be sacked... At least steady hands may
lead the team through the first stages of the next goal.