Athletic Events 2024-
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Step-by-step the kids that have booked a ticket
for the Olympic Games in Paris this summer
are preparing for the monumental competition.
I would like to re-express my hope that the
Competition will, once again, in the not too
distant future, return permanently to Greece,
where it belongs. I wish the Team Health,
Strength and the Best of Luck in their games
and/or individual battles, and encourage them
to enjoy the events and Stand for the Highest
Ideals, both during Competition and outside.
Participate in the Spirit of Fraternity and Unity.
Καλή δύναμη. Ούριος άνεμος στα πανιά σας.

Ανόητο και αηδιαστικό πληρωμένο παπαγαλάκι
οικονομικων και διαπλεκομενων συμφεροντων.
Με μια φράση, βλαξ με περικεφαλαία, αλλα απο
τετοιους, με το βιο και την πολιτεια τους, τίποτα
καλύτερο δεν πρέπει κανεις να περιμένει.

Almost there, EURO 2024 from Germany.
A page for the Champions of Luciano Spalletti.

Μετά τα άλλα παιδιά, εξαιρετική εμφάνιση
και από τον Μανόλο, που έκανε κι εκείνος
το καθήκον του και, όπως και η Κατερίνα,
πάλεψε για να ξεπεράσει προβλήματα.
Μπράβο, Εμμανουήλ!

Μπράβο, Μίλτο! Μπράβο, Κατερίνα!
Μπράβο, Πολυνικη!

Bullsh*t, lack of moderation and disgusting
shenanigans from the very beginning...
Pity for such a coach, showing such huge
immaturity and such insecurity, despite his
age and despite his record... Pure Mourinho.
A special case indeed...

The season concluded with Real winning
2-0 in the Champions League Final against
Borussia Dortmund at Wembley, to bring
home its 15th Trophy in the competition.
Even though they were not the better side
throughout the game, the experience of
Maestro Carlo and of some of its players,
Courtois, Carvajal, Nacho and Kroos, among
others, and the explosiveness of some of its
youngsters, such as Vini, were more than
enough to overpower the opponents, who,
however, also played powerfully and with
determination and offered high-quality and
admirable football and exquisite plays in
an unforgettable evening in London.