Athletic Events 2024-
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These rules are bullsh*t  for UEFA, FIFA and others
to find another indirect way, a loophole, by which to
favor the advantaged. People did not like the offside,
which is crystal clear, machine-judged and equally
enforced, and the charlatans appointed a committee
of useful subservient imbeciles to change it to favor
(you guessed it?) the advantaged, who have the fast
players that, when given a jump start of a body
length, cannot be stopped. Now they put in a rule
that says "8 seconds" for handling the ball. Then,
predictably, a team will say "they gave them a
corner when we kept it for 7.99 and they did not
give us any when they kept it for 8.05. We want a
new committee of useful imbeciles to adjudicate."
So the committee will decide that, if you wear
red or white or blue or purple, you get it at 7.95
whereas, if you wear something else, you get
the rough end of the stick. As fans, we are fed up
with those rules that artificially create winners
and losers without focusing on the essence of
the game
, but only trying to affect the bureaucracy
surrounding it. And we are fed up with attempts to
convert a sophisticated, deliberate and strategic
game, the most beautiful game on earth, to a fast
pace show of relentlessness, a show for the
impatient and the restless
, like an NBA circus.



Μπράβο, Στέφανε!!

Another example of what I was referring to.
They decide to go somewhere simply, or
primarily, for the money, even though they
have enough and they know it's not where they
really want to be. Then they become, naturally
and expectedly, unhappy and, as a result,
they perform sh*t, compared to what they
receive and to expectations. And, even though,
when all is said and done, it is to a large extent
their fault for having agreed to go there in the
first place, they neither return a penny nor are
they forced to atone in any way. Look also at
what transpired with Ronaldo in Torino, with
Neymar in Paris and in Arabia, as well as with
so many others in so many other teams. That
is why, if I were JUVE, I would refrain from
buying any expensive "super-player", I would
rather trust the youngsters coming up from
the academies, thirsty for recognition and
with appreciation for the opportunity to wear
the Historic Jersey, and would nip such dece-
ptive, greedy, exploitative  and degrading
attitudes in the bud.

Personally, I would be happy to see either
Antonio Conte or Gian Piero Gasperini at
the helm at JUVE. On the other hand, if I
were totally honest, had I been in either
one's position and not given a good enough
reason (apart from money) to leave Napoli
or Atalanta, respectively, I would not leave
a team which has been a good fit and to
which I am contributing quite a bit, making
it a protagonist in a difficult league, for
something new, volatile and unknown
that, after Max, has become a total mess.
Besides coaching, JUVE has to make some
difficult decisions regarding players and to
avoid the haphazard moves that we saw last
summer. One of the worst things that occurred
was selling or loaning out very good players
to replace them by expensive big names
that did not pan out. I see, e.g., how Kostic,
De Sciglio, Fagioli, Miretti and Nicolussi were
playing under Max, how they believed in
JUVE (and not in any team that paid), and
compare them with what exists now and how
rewards and poor performance overshadow
belief in team, and I feel terrible for the change
of personnel that took place and for whoever
was responsible for such decisions.
ANYWHERE. And by paying a lot for failure
you make both yourselves and the team look
ridiculous and a laughing stock, the butt of
the jokes and a sucker for the taking by canny,
alert and vulturous hovering agents.


We are JUVENTUS. We have excellent players.
It is true that some of our more recent acquisitions
were resounding expensive failures and some are
performing better than expected. But attributing
the blame for this decadent state to a particular
player is not cutting it.
Motta and Hugeux either do not have any
philosophy or are unable to show what they want
and to impose any consistency. The team, in terms
of both starting selections and starting roles, and in
spirit, seems to be drifting aimlessly from one day to
the next and there is no realization of WHO WE ARE.
I do think that it is time for a change by bringing in
a more experienced, better equipped and more
crystallized in philosophy managerial team. We do
not have to be attacking or be fancy, but we can do
away with drifting perpetually and aimlessly the ball
from left to right and from right to left just to keep
possession and waste time, while leaving our defense
uncharacteristically open for a historically very tight
and successful defensively team. We should recover
our lost identity and it has to happen soon, not in one
or two more years of this unacceptable and very
discouraging and lamentable state.

JUVE-EMPOLI 1-1 (2-4)
Coppa Italia
This journey is also over...

Very good news today from Verona.
Moise Kean was discharged from
hospital after the incident during
the weekend match between Verona
and the Viola
and, apparently, is on
the road to recovery and doing well.
Best Wishes to the Italian striker!


Στα 6.01 ο τρομερός Μανόλο μας στο Πανελλήνιο
Κλειστού Στίβου στο Ειρήνης και Φιλίας. Πλεόν, ο
αγαπημένος μας αθλητής δεν είναι απλώς ένας
πολλά υποσχόμενος νέος, αλλά βρίσκεται στην
ελίτ του Παγκόσμιου Αθλητισμού με απίστευτες
επιδόσεις. Ελπίζω να μείνει συγκεντρωμένος,
ακολουθώντας τα καλά παραδείγματα, και να
ανεβαίνει τα επόμενα 5-10 χρόνια όλο και πιο
ψηλά. Μπράβο, Μανόλο Μας!! Μεγάλη Χαρά.

This journey is over...


Not a very good day yesterday for Italian football.
Both Milan and Atalanta bowed out to competition
that they could have won against to make it through.
Milan has shown signs of instability and some of
its players seem to have other notions in mind and
are not fully focused. But only very recently has
Gasperini's Atalanta shown some signs of weakness
and last night's match was a disappointment.
Let us hope that JUVE will be very very careful
against PSV
today and that the doom will not triple.





Takis Ikonomopoulos is with us no more...

Για το, όποτε δεν κερδίζει ο Παναθηναϊκός
και διαμαρτύρεται για τη διαιτησία, του συστήνει
να ψάξει την παγματική αιτία
της ανημπόριας
του. Από την άλλη πλευρά, όποτε δεν κερδίζει
ο Ολυμπιακός, φταίει πάντοτε και σαφώς η
. Κατα τα άλλα ο πρόεδρος παρουσι-
άζεται ως καλοκάγαθος, αξιέπαινος και ενίοτε
αγαθοεργών. Μόνο βάζει τα παπαγαλακια του
να στριγγλίζουν, να βγάζουν πάντα τη χολή
και να καθαρίζουν τις χέσ*ρες του. Δε μας
παρατάτε επιτέλους κλαμούρηδες. Μπορεί
να κερδισε ο Ολυμπιακός το Κονφερενς, αλλά
η χωριατιά χωριατιά και η νοοτροπία ίδια.


Now with Kolo Muani, on loan from Paris-S.G.,
and two new Portuguese faces, Renato Veiga,
on loan from Chelsea, and Alberto Costa from
Vitória Guimarães. But with a total confusion,
as far as strategy goes, and constant rotation
in starting XI and permutation in positions, the
team and its players cannot, of course, perform
at their best. We saw this again in the first half.
In my view, the blame has to be attributed to
tactical decisions and, therefore, it lies mostly
with Thiago and his assistants. There needs to
be more stability so that everyone knows what
they are doing and can coordinate flawlessly.



Marcus Rashford should transfer to a Club in
Serie A, show there what he can really do and
make United regret it. It is difficult to see how
and why they managed to waste such great
talent and why they are making it sound like
he is a player undeserving of their attention.
When he was starting out a few years ago, his
speed and his style made one think that he had
been of talent and skill comparable to Kylian.

Back to Serie A today, we are visiting
San Paolo in Napoli
to face our very
own Giant's, Antonio Conte's, side.


Bravo to Madison Keys for winning the
Australian Open! Fresh faces and new
winners are always rejuvenating. Even
more right now in a sport that is going,
at professional level, through an acute
crisis of cleanliness and trust amidst
a lot of controversy regarding white-
washing incidents that seemed grave
but were presented to the public as
nothing more than accidents and minor
errors and hiccups and let go without
repercussions and/or only with slaps
on the wrist. People in charge do not
realize the turn off on the part of the
fans and the disappointment and the
negativity towards the professional
aspects of the sport that these events,
and their handling of them, engender.

Mimis Domazos is with us no more...

A positive midweek account overall for Serie A
in the European Competitions.








We should not overpay for players that are
deliberately overvalued by shark clubs, like
Real and Barcelona, so that they can make
an extra buck to buy players better than the
ones they unload at the price of gold to
others. Let us be smarter, keep our $50M
and try to find a couple of defenders from
other clubs in Serie A who may not have
the same luster as Araujo, but can do an
equally valuable and efficient job.

Staying in the City today, being hosted at
the Olimpico by Torino
. I am sure the kids
will do their best, but the absences are quite
dramatic if one realizes that the list of those
not playing includes Bremer, Cabal, Dusan,
Chico and Manuel, who have been pillars
of the squad from the very start. Let us hope
for the best. Dropping more points narrows
aspirations and moderates expectations.

Today Juve is facing Milan for the second
semifinal of the Supecoppa. It could not be
emphasized more emphatically that this
move of purely Italian matches elsewhere
is abject and detestable and only serves
financial interests to the detriment of the
sport and needs to stop. I hope the Clubs
insist on this, and that they boycott the next
tournament if it is not held on Italian soil.


And, being the Holidays, could we persuade
the most glorious Club in the World and Dusan
to find common ground for the Serbian striker
to renew for a few more years and, also, the
Club's administrators to get in touch with
Porto and see whether some agreement can
be reached to buy Chico and sign him on for
at least a few more years with us? When we
see something truly extraordinary, like this
line of fire with Kenan on the left, Chico/Tim
on the right and Dusan up front, we should
not allow it to change or lapse. Let's fix it and
let the youngsters develop alongside Juve.


today for the Coppa Italia Round of 16.
Since it is pretty clear that we are not ready
yet to contest the Scudetto and that, most
likely, we do not have what it takes to go
too far in the Champions League, Thiago
and the kids have to take the Coppa very
very seriously and try to win it again this
year so that we are not left without any
silverware when we close the accounts.



A nice photo of Napoli's starting eleven
at Udine today.

Tomorrow at Corso Scirea against Venezia.

The Americans, Wes and Tim, can play wonders
down the right hand side, and we knew this from
the Max era. Imagine that some brainless individuals
were pondering over getting rid of at least one of
them during the summer (to buy another expensive
Douglas, no doubt...). Anyway. Let me also mention
that both Pep and de la Fuente try to play this "Latin"
style of football, with infinitely many passes that tire
and dazzle the opponent and create impressive ball
possessions. However, de la Fuente and modern
Spain do this with an incessant eye towards striking
and penetration, whereas Pep's team has lost that
magic touch and has receded to a style of tiresome
football we used to see from Brazil a lot, and from
Spain, before starting to gather trophies. I feel that
City is there, because they have the style and what
it takes, but they need to refocus and remember
why it is constructive to pass; not merely to pass
and waste time and create good, but useless,
possession, but always with the aim to strike,
with the eyes firm on the opposite goal. That is the
detail they need to rework on and to try to get back
into their game so as to recreate the lost magic.


Μεγαλύτερη συγκίνηση, ικανοποίηση και περηφάνεια
ακόμη και από τη χαρά που μας δίνουν με την προσ-
πάθεια και τις διακρίσεις μέσα στα γήπεδα μας γέμισαν
ο Κώστας κι ο Λευτέρης κατά την εκδήλωση βράβευσης
της Ελληνικής Ολυμπιακής Επιτροπής.

Mina Rzouki, BBC. Hard to contest an analysis that is
well-documented, based on facts and well thought out.
With a Juve Heart and with the motto "Fino alla fine"
in mind, let me only add to Mina's comments that,
mistake(s) or not (certainly Paulo, Federico and Adrien's
departures and Luiz's acquisition are among them), right
now we have to stick with Thiago and with our younger
and not so young players in the hope that the team will
click as a well-oiled and well-coordinated machine in
the not too distant future, before things (as is too often
the case in the world of the most beautiful sport on the
planet) catch up with Thiago and deny him the chances
to realize his vision and his project (to everyone's joy).

Nikos Sarganis is with us no more...

Aitana features at the apex of the list of the
best female footballers of 2024 compiled by
the Guardian. Third is our own Sophia Smith.
No doubt they have made the female branch
of the most beautiful sport on the planet even
more competitive, intriguing and exciting to
watch. Here is a beautiful photo of her and
Leo at the Ballon d'Or Ceremony.


Juve is visiting Lecce at the Via del Mare today,
but the match has been overshadowed by the
deeply disconcerting collapse of Edoardo Bove
during the Fiorentina-Inter tie. We all hope that
Edoardo will recover to full health the soonest


A beautiful photo of Juve Primavera 1976-1977,
with one of the most likable, best respected and
most successful Italian Coaches, Gian Piero
Gasperini, currently of Atalanta, on its roster.








Tomorrow at Lille in the Northeast of France,
close to the Belgian border, Juve is facing
Lille at the Stade Pierre-Mauroy
for Day 4 of
the group stage of the Champions League.
Our aspirations do not allow us too much
breathing space. We have to avoid mistakes
and to give all we've got.


Maestro Carlo could not have captured this in
better terms, so I quote:
"Football is a party and you can only celebrate
and party when you, your family and everybody
is well. When people are not well, you don't party...
Football has to stop. Because it is the most
important of the least important things in life."

Maestro Carlo's statement (without having been
crystallized) has been in my mind for quite a
while now, especially with the war, and the
extermination, annihilation and ethnic cleansing
taking place, in Gaza. We play football and follow
football in search of some normality in a World
whose order and ethos are totally corrupted
and priorities completely upside-down...


For me at this point in time, the
best 11-13 for Juve have been
                  Perin/Di Gregorio
         Kalulu       Gatti        Cabal
McKennie Fagioli Locatelli Cambiaso
Conceicao/Weah     Vlahovic     Yildiz
I know that the schedule is loaded
and exhaustion and/or injuries would
require some rotation. But Motta has
to also send a signal that there is a
certain degree of stability in the starting
configuration, not least so that the co-
ordination and the chemistry required
develop between the starting players,
and the execution becomes "automatic".

Juve-Parma today. Juve this season is facing
two difficult tasks. And I am characterizing them
as difficult because of the way Juve has been
performing and, given the carelessness with
which, often, it shoots itself in the foot (like
playing both football and kickboxing in the
area and giving penalties away as prizes).
The first will be not to drop points at matches
with teams that are not contesting the scudetto
but have other motivations to appear strong and
show character, especially against behemoths.
The second will be to manage to take points
away (preferably 3) in games against the other
competitors for the title
and, when one watches
some of them play, like Inter, Napoli, Atalanta,
one realizes how difficult that task will be.



Perin, Locatelli and Cambiaso really
tried to fix a dismal appearance. But
two or three players cannot save the
day, especially when the Brazilians
show such cavalier attitude and care-
lessness. And WE NEED A STRATEGY!

Also in Torino this coming Tuesday, for
Matchday 3 of the Champions League,
against Stuttgart.

Back to the Serie A race tomorrow at
the Juventus Stadium facing Lazio.
Without Nico and Teun, it is reported,
but with Tim back in the mix.



It is reported that the Premiership is
considering a rule that would force
the keepers to discard the ball after
a maximum of 6 seconds
. This is
done in the name of avoiding wasting
time. I STRONGLY OPPOSE such a
rule, which is going to convert the
main player of defensive play in a
game to a stressed and constricted
robot, rather than let him play his
fundamental role as a human being.
The pressure before saving is really
high. Imagine making that pressure
even higher after the save (by imposing
extra stress, instead of the well-deserved
decompression), just to save a few
seconds that could be kept as extra
time by the referee anyway...





Johan Neeskens is with us no more...

What can one say? Many chances wasted.
And while it seemed that Douglas was in a
better place than he has been for the start
of the season so far, he makes again this
terrible mistake to concede two points...

Not a single person that follows Serie A closely
should be surprised at all that Simone declined
to discuss moving to Manchester United. Inzaghi
is a smart manager, knows that he has created a
powerhouse in Milano, the likes of which are very
rare in Footballing History, and he is not going
to abandon this magnificent project, nor sacrifice
himself and his work, to get involved in this
mess that the directorial and managerial teams
have created at United. His response is only a
firm confirmation and emphatic reaffirmation of
the qualities that all of us have been admiring
in this terrific, admirable, Italian Coach.

Unbelievable feat with a man down.
But unbelievably poor performance
by Douglas, who came in to make
things better and is faltering terribly.

A man about whom we have not been hearing a
lot, but whose contributions, whose effectiveness
and whose impact have been much greater than
those of many others whom we have been hearing
about much more and who have been rewarded
disproportionately, in comparison, has decided
to retire from International football. All fans and,
certainly, all those of Les Bleus, are going to miss
this very talented and truly extraordinary player
at International Competition.

A rather eerie atmosphere at the Luigi Ferraris
in Genoa, where the game was played without
any fans in the stands, due to the Coppa Italia
fiasco between Genoa and Sampdoria
The pieces at Juve's game are not falling very
well together. Without Locatelli and Cambiaso
things do not look good. And, also, in my view,
Mbagula may be a wiser choice than Nico, who
does not seem to be adapting very well. I still
believe, however, that, as in Max's era, the
American duo, Weston at the right of midfield
just behind Tim at the right flank of the attack,
form the best solution and, if both are given
some freedom to roam when attacking, they
can be very difficult to defend against.


Let me also mention that Khéphren may have
connections, but wearing a heavy jersey at a
young age comes with a lot of responsibility.
So, unless he proves himself, like Nicolò and
Nicolò and Kenan, the opportunities will start
diminishing, despite any advantage.

Totally erroneous move by Motta.
First, Dusan was impactful, whereas Nico
Gonzalez was again dead.
Second, Tim plays much better in Nico's
position than in Dusan's.
A complete miss and a fiasco with this
substitution that probably cost us in the
run of the game.

Totò Schillaci, a legendary striker of the
Bianconeri and of the Azzurri, is with us
no more...



Guests at the Carlo Castellani in Empoli.
I know that they are fresh in the Team and
that, probably, they will improve with time,
but, the way they are performing right now,
I wish someone could explain what is the
reason for Luiz instead of Rabiot and for
Gonzalez instead of Chiesa. I cannot see,
for the life of me, why one would switch
from a high quality to something inferior
for a specific position.




Nations League
France-ITALIA 1-3

Some new faces at the bench today.
At the defensive line the Frenchman Pierre Kalulu,
just arrived from Milan, and the Swede Jonas Jakob
Rouhi, brought up from Juve Next Gen. At the mid
field, available are Francisco Conceicao on loan
from Porto, the Dutch Teun Koopmeiners just in
from Atalanta and the Argentine Nico Gonzalez
from Fiorentina. I hope there is a plan in which
each one fits in and that these purchases are not
done in the haphazard ``get and give'' way that,
unfortunately, Juve has recently used with heavy,
occasionally, losses and very little returns.

Διαβάζω και για τις μεγάλες προσπάθειες και
τις πολλές διακρίσεις στη Δεύτερη Ολυμπιάδα
στο Παρίσι
. Μας χαρίζουν συγκίνηση και χαρά
όλα τα παιδιά με την προσπάθειά τους, ανεξαρ-
τήτως μεταλλίων. Μπράβο, παιδιά!

We are not yet at the level of being convincing,
but we are doing very well and both the young
kids and the "veterans" have a clear appetite,
and show passion and promise.


A good season opener at Juventus Stadium against
Como, with new faces, Thiago Motta, Michele Di
Gregorio under the posts, Juan Cabal on the left
of the defensive line, K. Thuram on the left of the
center field, and Samuel Mbangula on the left of
the front line. Solid posture and some really good
movement and combinations. We'll have to wait
and see, of course, what happens against better
equipped teams, but things look really promising.
Also fresh from the bench, Nicolo Savona in defense
and Douglas Luiz in midfield.

The Olympics should retain their Classic character.

So only well-established sports should be included
and the practice of inserting and deleting "sports",
as if one was typing a text, should be abandoned.

If those in charge do not realize and cannot respect
this fundamental Olympic Characteristic, they should
resign and let someone with better understanding
of the meaning, and respect for the tradition, do the
job. Once this is decided, the problem concerning
enforced standards for participation will not be an
issue any more, since it is no issue for recognized
and long-established athletic events, but has become
a pseudo-issue as related to "sports" and other
innovations that have no place in the Olympics.
For those, one is free to have World Championships,
Grand Prix, Meetings, street TV shows, strongest
man/woman exhibitions, etc., but keep them away
and out of the Olympics, PLEASE!

Η Ελισάβετ είναι νέα κοπέλα και συγχωρείται
βεβαίως και για κάποια ατοπήματα. Η ίδια μεν
κατατάσει το τένις στα ασήμαντα. Η οικογένειά
της, όμως, δε φαίνεται να έχει καμιά φαγούρα
να ασχοληθεί με τα "σημανικά" και πλουτίζει
απ' αυτά τα "ποταπά" και "ασήμαντα", όπως
εξάλλου και πολλοί άλλοι. Στη θέση της, πριν
μιλήσω δημόσια λοιπόν και "φιλοσοφήσω",
θα προσπαθούσα να πείσω εκείνους πρώτα
να ασχοληθούν με κάτι σοβαρό και να μην
πλουτίζουν από τα τετριμένα... Ας αφήσουμε
όμως τί πιστεύει η Ελισάβετ και, αν αυτά που
πιστεύει, τα έχει καλοσκεφτεί και συζητήσει
με το περιβάλλον της. Η ουσία είναι ότι οι
περισσότεροι, νομίζω η συντριπτική πλει-
οψηφία των Ελλήνων φιλάθλων, έχουν κατά
νου το καλύτερο για το Στέφανο
και η κριτική
που ασκούν είναι καλοπροαίρετη και, ας το
παραδεχτούμε, για κάποιες ακραίες συμπερι-
φορές, δικαιολογημένη. Ποιός από μας δε
θα πανυγήριζε ασυγκράτητα αν ο Στέφανος
νικούσε σε ένα μεγάλο τουρνουά;
Δεν είναι
που θέλουμε να γίνει ξαφνικά Νόλε ή Ράφα.
Αντιλαμβανόμαστε τη δουλειά που χρειάζεται
και γνωρίζουμε ότι αυτά τα ρεκόρ είναι άπιαστα.
Αλλά, ακριβώς επειδή είναι πολύ πιθανό Έλληνα
τενίστα σαν το Στέφανο να μη ξαναδούμε για
δεκαετίες ή και για ακόμα παραπάνω, θα μας
στενοχωρούσε πάρα πολύ να μην τα καταφέρει,
πριν είναι πολύ αργά (λόγω ηλικίας), να φτάσει
σε ένα επίπεδο τέτοιο που να κερδίζει ένα-δύο
ανταγωνιστικά τουρνουά κάθε χρόνο για δύο-
τρία συνεχόμενα χρόνια. Ας βάλει αυτό σαν
επόμενο στόχο. Εμείς του ευχόμαστε κάθε
επιτυχία και, αν τα καταφέρει, εκτός από
τη χαρά και τα κέρδη τα δικά του και της
οικογένειάς του, θα είναι τεράστια και η δικιά
μας χαρά, κι ας είναι για κάτι τόσο ασήμαντο
όσο το τένις.

Unfortunately, as with everything else in life,
these Olympic Games have had many negatives
among the many more positives, which should
be mainly remembered and celebrated. Starting
from the Competition itself, unfortunately, even
in the Greek Team, we had a suspected doping
, which is not acceptable. After one
succeeds going to the Olympics, a clean 20th
place, with honest effort and sacrifices is a much
more Worthy Achievement than a 5th on steroids.
Today, we heard that the Romanian Gymnastics
Team appealed to be given back a Bronze medal
not because there was a mistake in the decision
in substance, but because of a 4 seconds deviation
from a technicality in a rule, allowing appeals.
Even though they might have been legally right
and according to the letter of the law, I think that
what they did contravenes the Olympic Spirit and,
if I had been heading the Romanian Delegation,
I would have insisted that they refrain from that
action or sought a different way for compromise.
Finally, I cannot detail all, but we all heard
organization glitches, misfortunes and plain
missteps that, even though, unavoidably, happen
in every competition of that size, they seem, in
this event, to have surpassed the average and to
have caused some disruptions beyond what one
would deem acceptable.
Finally, but very importantly, let me close by
reiterating my wish that the Olympic Games
will return sometime soon permanently in
, and that, to celebrate that decision,
an accompanying International Olympic
Ceasefire Treaty will be signed
that would
ensure that, during the Month of Competition,
All Nations, which are gathering together in
Peace, with Respect One for the Other, and
to showcase their best and most admirable,
would stop all skirmishes and fighting for
the duration of these Games and to give
Peace, Humanity & Fraternity a Chance
after the Games. WE CAN DO THIS. WE

The Dream Team outclassed the Hosts, who
fought a good fight against insurmountable
odds, to bring home another Gold in a team
sport. If only NBA basketball had been as
much a Team Effort as was the first half of
the Olympic Final for Team USA... Unfortunately,
the individuality and lack of defensive effort
in most NBA games have relegated our
domestic competition to a show rather than
a sport. On the flip side, on the one hand, our
college competitions and, on the other, that
same individuality, are producing players
that are unbeatable, when they cooperate,

on the World stage. BRAVO, TEAM USA!!

Our girls did what they were supposed to do and brought
home again the Olympic Gold in Football. The Team is still
very young and the quality, admittedly, is not yet close to
that of the monumental era of Julie Johnston and Carli Lloyd.
But they are on their way, with high quality at the back,
based on the unparalleled Naomi Girma and Emily Fox,
and a very good mentality in all lines, with stubbornness
and workhorse feistiness, with players of superior skill,
such as Sophia Smith, Trinity Rodman and Crystal Dunn.
Where inexperience shows is mainly at the development
of the game, the organization, the imagination (or lack
thereof), and the final touches. But, I am sure those will
come with time, as Ms. Hayes and the girls keep working
on it. BRAVO TO THE WHOLE TEAM for what they have
accomplished. You have made us proud!




It makes one wonder sometimes whether the
most exhilarating feeling is that one won in
the Olympic Games or whether one beat an
athlete of the caliber of Simone Biles. And I
do half-think and half-imagine that the same
exact overwhelming sentiments took hold of
the Winners in Ancient Greece. In a relatively
restricted geographical area, with a relatively
few City States, the news must have spread
fast and the Spirit of Friendship and Compe-
tition must have been all around, despite much
slower means of travel and of communication.
But the Achievements and the accompanying
Glory and Fame of some must have inspired
Others to Overcome, to Train and to Surpass
to accomplish their Goals like nothing else,
like an invisible, all-powerful uplifting force.


What Motta is doing is incomprehensible.
He was not hired to dismantle and totally
destroy the team; he was hired to build
on top of existing strengths. Putting up
for sale Wojciech, Federico and Weston,
arguably three of the best players in the
last few seasons, does not make sense
at all. Another disastrous passage, it
sounds like... And then what? Back to
Max to fix the rubble?

Μόλις έτρεξε και η Πολυνίκη.

Μεγάλες επιτυχίες στο νερό μας δίνουν
μεγάλη χαρά και πώς θα μπορούσε να
ήταν διαφορετικά άλλωστε; Αλλά και οι
μεγάλες προσπάθειες των παιδιών στο
στίβο και αλλού πάρα πολύ συγκινητικές.
Θα παραλείψω πάλι μερικούς αθλητές,
άθελά μου, αλλά διαβάζω για το Χρήστο,
την Παναγιώτα και την Τατιάνα, τη Ζωή
και τη Μιλένα, τον Πέτρο και τον Αντώνη,
το Μιχάλη, τη Χριστίνα και την Ευαγγελία,
και, φυσικά, τον Απόστολο και τον άλλο
Απόστολο και τις ομάδες μας που προ-
σπαθούν με πείσμα και επιμονή για ό,τι
καλύτερο. Μέσα στις τραγικές και απάν-
θρωπες συνθήκες στη γειτονιά μας
, η
Ολμπιάδα και τα παιδιά μας μας δίνουν
λίγο κουράγιο, λίγη χαρά και λίγη ελπίδα.

Μπράβο, Θοδωρή!

Μπράβο και στον Απόστολο και στη Δώρα,
πρώτα απ' όλα βεβαίως για τις θυσίες και
για την τεράστια προσπάθεια και μετά, αλλά
όχι δευτερευόντως, όπως σωστά το θέτει ο
, γιατί, παρά την φυσιολογική για
εκείνους, λόγω των ατομικών τους στόχων
και προσδοκιών, απογοήτευση, δε ψάχνουν
δικαιολογίες και δίνουν σιωπηρά την υπό-
σχεση για συνέχιση της μεγάλης προσπάθειας.
Για μας, και για την προσπάθεια της χώρας
μας κάποια στιγμή να Φιλοξενήσει ξανά
μόνιμα τους Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες, η
Ευγένεια, η Ειλικρινής Προσπάθεια, το
Ολυμπιακό Πνεύμα και το Ευ Αγωνίζεσθαι
είναι πάνω απ' όλα, και Μέγιστη Επιβράβευση
και Μέγιστη Ικανοποίηση είναι όλοι οι Αθλητές
και οι Αθλήτριές μας να είναι Αδιαπραγμάτευτα
Πιστοί Εκπρόσωποι αυτών των Αξιών.

In singles, both Stefanos and Maria advanced
to the next round. Unfortunately, in doubles,
Petros and Stefanos were not able to overcome
Nuno Borges and Francisco Cabral's pressure
and were eliminated after putting up a good fight.

I hope this rumor is completely unsubstantiated.
Juve would make one of the worst mistakes in its
recent history, if they let Federico go. His style
of play and his effectiveness on the field are
unparalleled, not only for Juve, but for any Italian
winger or attacker at present. He may not be a
flashy or a selfish player or one of those super
egos that could claim to change a game on his
own, but he is very very dangerous and causes
silent but clinical trouble to opposing defenses.
Like Kenan, he is definitely a player to hold on to.

This is long overdue. Only drug cartels in certain
failed states and certain sports "organizations",
including FIFA and UEFA, are behaving in such
an outrageous way. They are grossly abusing
power and they are demanding "independent"
status (that is, to behave as a "state within a
state") and forcing, due to their de facto position
of dominance and monopoly, Governments to
allow them to "self-regulate", which includes
the de facto right to impose their will and to
abuse, with immunity and impunity, those that
they deem below them in rank and whom they
can subdue and manipulate based on finances.

It is reported that Juve has difficulties in finding
a main shirt sponsor
after the contract with Jeep
expired after 12 years. LavAzza is based in Torino,
it was founded in 1895, two years before Juve,
and has some kind of commercial partnership
already in place with Juve. I am thinking, just
thinking, that, perhaps, one of the best Brands
in the World and one of the best and most
Historic Clubs in the World, which happen to
share the same Heritage and the same City,
could come together to a mutually beneficial
long term agreement on reasonable terms.

Jasmine Paolini advanced to the Final at
Wimbledon. Bravo, Jasmine!

Yamal is still very young. So some degree of
immaturity is to be expected and can be forgiven.
Nevertheless, he should know that, like with all
other footballers (and humans), there are two
roads opening in front of him. One is that of
arrogance, delusion, more words and much
less quality in practice (Neymar style), which,
in general, make one unlikable, inhibit hard
work and destroy careers, ending them much
below expectations and fanfare. The other
(Vini style) is that of a lower profile, less
words and braggadocio and more action,
leaving answers and demonstrations on the
field and refraining from unnecessary and
damaging provocations. I hope that Lamine
consciously chooses the right path; it is not
a choice that comes randomly and by chance.

BRAVO to Kylian and to Marcus and all the other
players of the Tricolore, who did not mince their
words and who did not hold back any punches
when the time came to talk about political
developments in their State and in our Continent
In my view, there is no point in stating all the nice
things, "football unites", "no to racism", "no to
nationalism" and "no to extremism", on the one
hand, and, in this way, pretending to care and to
contribute, like UEFA and FIFA do, and, on the
other, when this counts the most, during elections
that determine the direction that Humanity will
follow and the Values that Humanity is to adopt,
refraining from actively participating, and from
unequivocally and vocally siding with these
same Ideals and using one's influence to sway
voters and the public to follow them in practice.

Όσα καταγγέλλουν οι αθλήτριές μας είναι
σοβαρά και καταδικαστέα. Κατά τη γνώμη
μου, επειδή υπάρχει μεγάλη ζηλοτυπία και
ζηλοφθονία γενικά στην κοινωνία, που
εκφράζεται με τέτοιες ενέργειες και παρε-
νοχλήσεις, και επειδή ο αθλητισμός ειναι
αναπόσπαστο μέρος της κοινωνίας, αυτά
τα φαινόμενα πολύ δύσκολα θα εξαλειφθούν.
Αυτό, φυσικά, δε σημαίνει σε καμία περίπτωση
ότι θα πρέπει να γίνονται ανεκτά, να αγνοούνται
ή να μην καταδικάζονται ή καταγγέλλονται.
Η συμμετοχή, η προσπάθεια, οι διακρίσεις
και οι επιδόσεις των αθλητών μας, παρά
τα προβλήματα, τις πιέσεις και τις ενοχλήσεις
που δέχονται και την ανάρμοστη συμπεριφορά
των άλλων, που αναπόφευκτα τους επηρεάζει,
είναι η σιωπηρή, αλλά και καλύτερη απάντηση.
Όσο μπορείτε, προσπαθείστε να αγνοείτε
αυτούς που η Κατερίνα αποκαλεί "άσχετους"
και να συγκεντρώνεστε στην πρροσπάθεια,
στον αγώνα και στην επίτευξη των στόχων σας.

Step-by-step the kids that have booked a ticket
for the Olympic Games in Paris this summer
are preparing for the monumental competition.
I would like to re-express my hope that the
Competition will, once again, in the not too
distant future, return permanently to Greece,
where it belongs. I wish the Team Health,
Strength and the Best of Luck in their games
and/or individual battles, and encourage them
to enjoy the events and Stand for the Highest
Ideals, both during Competition and outside.
Participate in the Spirit of Fraternity and Unity.
Καλή δύναμη. Ούριος άνεμος στα πανιά σας.

Ανόητο και αηδιαστικό πληρωμένο παπαγαλάκι
οικονομικων και διαπλεκομενων συμφεροντων.
Με μια φράση, βλαξ με περικεφαλαία, αλλα απο
τετοιους, με το βιο και την πολιτεια τους, τίποτα
καλύτερο δεν πρέπει κανεις να περιμένει.

Almost there, EURO 2024 from Germany.
A page for the Champions of Luciano Spalletti.

Μετά τα άλλα παιδιά, εξαιρετική εμφάνιση
και από τον Μανόλο, που έκανε κι εκείνος
το καθήκον του και, όπως και η Κατερίνα,
πάλεψε για να ξεπεράσει προβλήματα.
Μπράβο, Εμμανουήλ!

Μπράβο, Μίλτο! Μπράβο, Κατερίνα!
Μπράβο, Πολυνικη!

Bullsh*t, lack of moderation and disgusting
shenanigans from the very beginning...
Pity for such a coach, showing such huge
immaturity and such insecurity, despite his
age and despite his record... Pure Mourinho.
A special case indeed...

The season concluded with Real winning
2-0 in the Champions League Final against
Borussia Dortmund at Wembley, to bring
home its 15th Trophy in the competition.
Even though they were not the better side
throughout the game, the experience of
Maestro Carlo and of some of its players,
Courtois, Carvajal, Nacho and Kroos, among
others, and the explosiveness of some of its
youngsters, such as Vini, were more than
enough to overpower the opponents, who,
however, also played powerfully and with
determination and offered high-quality and
admirable football and exquisite plays in
an unforgettable evening in London.