SI - Supplemental Instruction
What is SI?
- Series of weekly peer-led study sessions for students taking historically
difficult courses
- Improves your understanding of the course materials
- Sessions open to all students and can be attended on a voluntary
How SI works?
- Available to anyone enrolled in the course
- SI leader addresses material that is presented in the text and lecture
- Goal is to help students
What should not be expected from SI?
- Not designed to be a "quick-fix" for students struggling
- SI is NOT a replacement for class
- Not required to stay for any length of time. A drop-in session is just
a drop-in session. If you have one question stop in and ask it or if you
need help on all the homework,
do not be afraid to ask questions. Just ask in the Learning Center where
Heather or Filipe, MA111 leaders,
are and the receptionist will point you in the right direction.
Learning Center - Basement of the Library
Monday 11:00 to 1:00 CRW 121
Tuesday 12:30 to 2:00 CRW 204
Tuesday 3:00-5:00 CRW 205
Wednesday 11:00 to 1:00 CRW 121
Thursday 12:30 to 2:00 CRW 121