February 28, 2010
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Elias Holl (February 28, 1573 Augsburg; † January 6, 1646 Augsburg) was the most important architect of early German Baroque architecture.

Elias Holl was born in Augsburg, Werbhausgasse 2. He was descended from a master-builder-Family. His father Hans Holl (1512-1594) was teaching him. In 1596 he passed the exam, the Meisterprüfung. After an abidance in Italy in the years 1600/1601 – he visited Bolzano and Venice– he became in 1602 Werkmeister of Augsburg. In 1629 he lost his office as Stadtbaumeister because he was a protestant. Since then he held the title of Stadtgeometer. He was dismissed from office in 1631.

He was the architect and constructor of Augsburg's landmark: the town hall of Augsburg. More buildings in Augsburg are Zeughaus (1602-1607), Wertachbrucker Tor (1605) Stadtmetzg (1609), St. Anna Gymnasium (1613), addition of the Perlachturm (1614-1616) and the Heilig-Geist-Spital (1626-1631) (it contents the Augsburger Puppenkiste)