June 11, 2011 <Back to Index>
![]() ![]() Jacques-Yves Cousteau (commonly known in English as Jacques Cousteau; 11 June 1910 – 25 June 1997) was a French naval officer, explorer, ecologist, filmmaker, innovator, scientist, photographer, author and researcher who studied the sea and all forms of life in water. He co-developed the aqua-lung, pioneered marine conservation and was a member of the Académie française. He was also known as "le Commandant Cousteau" or "Captain Cousteau". Cousteau was born on 11 June 1910, in Saint-André-de-Cubzac, Gironde, to Daniel and Élisabeth Cousteau. He had one brother, Pierre-Antoine. Cousteau completed his preparatory studies at the prestigious Collège Stanislas in Paris. In 1930, he entered the École Navale and graduated as a gunnery officer. After an automobile accident cut short his career in naval aviation, Cousteau indulged his interest in the sea. In Toulon, where he was serving on the Condorcet, Cousteau carried out his first underwater experiments, thanks to his friend Philippe Tailliez who in 1936 lent him some Fernez underwater goggles, predecessors of modern diving masks. Cousteau also belonged to the information service of the French Navy, and was sent on missions to Shanghai and Japan (1935 – 1938) and in the USSR (1939). On 12 July 1937 he married Simone Melchior, with whom he had two sons, Jean-Michel (born 1938) and Philippe (1940 – 1979). His sons took part in the adventures of the Calypso. In 1991, one year after his wife Simone's death from cancer, he married Francine Triplet.
They already had a daughter Diane Cousteau (born 1980) and a son
Pierre-Yves Cousteau (born 1982), born during Cousteau's marriage to
his first wife. The years of World War II were decisive for the history of diving. After the armistice of 1940, the family of Simone and Jacques-Yves Cousteau took refuge in Megève,
where he became a friend of the Ichac family who also lived there.
Jacques-Yves Cousteau and Marcel Ichac shared the same desire to reveal
to the general public unknown and inaccessible places — for
Cousteau the underwater world and for Ichac the high mountains. The two
neighbors took the first ex-aequo prize of the Congress of Documentary Film in 1943, for the first French underwater film: Par dix-huit mètres de fond (18 meters deep), made without breathing apparatus the previous year in Embiez (Var) with Philippe Tailliez and Frédéric Dumas,
without forgetting the paramount part played, as originator of the
depth-pressure-proof camera case, by the mechanical engineer
Léon Vèche (engineer of Arts and Métiers and the
Naval College). In 1943, they made the film Épaves (Shipwrecks): for this occasion, they used the aqua-lung, which continued the line of some inventions of the 19th century (Rouquayrol's and Denayrouze's Aerophore) and of the early 20th century (Le Prieur). When making Épaves, Cousteau could not find the necessary blank reels of movie film, but
had to buy hundreds of small still camera film reels the same width,
intended for a make of child's camera, and cemented them together to make long reels. Having
kept bonds with the English speakers (he spent part of his childhood in
the United States and usually spoke English) and with French soldiers
in North Africa (under Admiral Lemonnier), Jacques-Yves Cousteau (whose villa "Baobab" at Sanary (Var) was opposite Admiral Darlan's
villa "Reine"), helped the French Navy to join again with the Allies;
he assembled a commando operation against the Italian espionage
services in France, and received several military decorations for his
deeds. At that time, he kept his distance from his brother
Pierre-Antoine, a "pen anti-semite" who wrote the collaborationist
newspaper Je suis partout (I am everywhere) and who received the death sentence in 1946. However this was later
commuted to a life sentence, and Pierre-Antoine was released in 1954. During the 1940s, Cousteau is credited with improving the aqua-lung design which gave birth to the open-circuit scuba technology used today. According to his first book, The Silent World: A Story of Undersea Discovery and Adventure (1953), Cousteau started snorkel diving with a mask, snorkel, and fins with Frédéric Dumas and Philippe Tailliez. In 1943, he tried out the first prototype aqua-lung — designed by Cousteau and Émile Gagnan — which finally made extended underwater exploration possible. In
1946, Cousteau and Tailliez showed the film "Épaves" to Admiral
Lemonnier, and the admiral gave them the responsibility of setting up
the Groupement de Recherches Sous-marines (GRS) (Underwater Research
Group) of the French Navy in Toulon.
A little later it became the GERS (Groupe d'Études et de
Recherches Sous-Marines, = Underwater Studies and Research Group), then
the COMISMER ("COMmandement des Interventions Sous la MER", = "Undersea
Interventions Command"), and finally more recently the CEPHISMER. In
1948, between missions of mine clearance, underwater exploration and
technological and physiological tests, Cousteau undertook a first
campaign in the Mediterranean on board the sloop Élie Monnier, with
Philippe Tailliez, Frédéric Dumas, Jean Alinat and the
scenario writer Marcel Ichac. The small team also undertook the
exploration of the Roman wreck of Mahdia (Tunisia). It was the first
underwater archaeology operation using autonomous diving, opening the
way for scientific underwater archaeology. Cousteau and Marcel Ichac
brought back from there the Carnets diving film (presented and preceded
with the Cannes Film Festival 1951). Cousteau and the Élie Monnier then took part in the rescue of Professor Jacques Piccard's bathyscaphe, the FNRS-2, during the 1949 expedition to Dakar. Thanks to this rescue, the French Navy was able to reuse the sphere of the bathyscaphe to construct the FNRS-3. The adventures of this period are told in the 2 books The Silent World (1953) by Cousteau and Plongées Sans Câble by Philippe Tailliez. In 1949, Cousteau left the French Navy. In 1950, he founded the French Oceanographic Campaigns (FOC), and leased a ship called Calypso from Thomas Loel Guinness for a symbolic one franc a year. Cousteau refitted the Calypso as
a mobile laboratory for field research and as his principal vessel for
diving and filming. He also carried out underwater archaeological
excavations in the Mediterranean, in particular at Grand-Congloué (1952). With the publication of his first book in 1953, The Silent World, he correctly predicted the existence of the echolocation abilities of porpoises. He reported that his research vessel, the Élie Monier, was heading to the Straits of Gibraltar and
noticed a group of porpoises following them. Cousteau changed course a
few degrees off the optimal course to the center of the strait, and the
porpoises followed for a few minutes, then diverged toward mid-channel
again. It was evident that they knew where the optimal course lay, even
if the humans did not. Cousteau concluded that the cetaceans had
something like sonar, which was a relatively new feature on submarines. Cousteau won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival in 1956 for The Silent World co-produced with Louis Malle.
With the assistance of Jean Mollard, he made a "diving saucer" SP-350,
an experimental underwater vehicle which could reach a depth of 350
meters. The successful experiment was quickly repeated in 1965 with two
vehicles which reached 500 meters. In 1957, he was elected as director of the Oceanographical Museum of Monaco.
He directed Précontinent, about the experiments of diving in
saturation (long-duration immersion, houses under the sea), and was
admitted to the United States National Academy of Sciences. In October 1960, a large amount of radioactive waste was going to be discarded in the Mediterranean Sea by the Commissariat à l'énergie atomique (CEA). The CEA argued that the dumps were experimental in nature, and that French oceanographers such as Vsevelod Romanovsky had recommended it. Romanovsky and other French scientists, including Louis Fage and
Jacques Cousteau, repudiated the claim, saying that Romanovsky had in
mind a much smaller amount. The CEA claimed that there was little
circulation (and hence little need for concern) at the dump site
between Nice and Corsica, but French public opinion sided with the
oceanographers rather than with the CEA atomic energy scientists. The
CEA chief, Francis Perrin, decided to postpone the dump. Cousteau
organized a publicity campaign which in less than two weeks gained wide
popular support. The train carrying the waste was stopped by women and
children sitting on the railway tracks, and it was sent back to its
origin. A meeting with American television companies (ABC, Métromédia, NBC) created the series The Underwater Odyssey of Commander Cousteau, with the character of the commander in the red bonnet inherited from standard diving dress) intended to give the films a "personalized adventure" style. In
1973, along with his two sons and Frederick Hyman, he created the
Cousteau Society for the Protection of Ocean Life, Frederick Hyman
being its first President; it now has more than 300,000 members. Three
years after the volcano's last eruption, on 19 December 1973, the
Cousteau team was filming on Deception Island, Antarctica, when Michel
Laval, Calypso's second in command, was struck and killed by a propeller of the helicopter that was ferrying between Calypso and the island. In 1976, Cousteau uncovered the wreck of HMHS Britannic. In 1977, together with Peter Scott, he received the UN International Environment prize. On 28 June 1979, while the Calypso was on an expedition to Portugal, his second son, Philippe,
his preferred and designated successor and with whom he had co-produced
all his films since 1969, died in a PBY Catalina flying boat crash in
the Tagus river near Lisbon. Cousteau was deeply affected. He called
his then eldest son, the architect Jean-Michel Cousteau, to his side. This collaboration lasted 14 years. In 1980, Cousteau traveled to Canada to make two films on the Saint Lawrence River and the Great Lakes, Cries from the Deep and St. Lawrence: Stairway to the Sea. In 1985, he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Ronald Reagan. On 24 November 1988, he was elected to the French Academy,
chair 17, succeeding Jean Delay. His official reception under the
Cupola took place on 22 June 1989, the response to his speech of
reception being given by Bertrand Poirot-Delpech. After his death, he
was replaced under the Cupola by Érik Orsenna on 28 May 1998. In June 1990, the composer Jean Michel Jarre paid homage to the commander by entitling his new album Waiting for Cousteau. He also composed the music for Cousteau's documentary "Palawan, the last refuge". On 2 December 1990, his wife Simone Cousteau died of cancer. In
June 1991, in Paris, Jacques-Yves Cousteau remarried, to Francine
Triplet, with whom he had (before this marriage) two children, Diane
and Pierre-Yves. Francine Cousteau currently continues her husband's
work as the head of the Cousteau Foundation and Cousteau Society. From
that point, the relations between Jacques-Yves and his elder son
worsened. In November 1991, Cousteau gave an interview to the UNESCO courier, in which he stated that he was in favour of human population control and population decrease. In 1992, he was invited to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
for the United Nations' International Conference on Environment and
Development, and then he became a regular consultant for the UN and the World Bank. In 1996, he sued his son who wished to open a holiday center named "Cousteau" in the Fiji Islands. On 11 January 1996, Calypso was rammed and sunk in Singapore harbor by a barge. The Calypso was refloated and towed home to France.
Cousteau died on 25 June 1997 in Paris, aged 87. Despite persistent
rumors, encouraged by some Islamic publications and websites, Cousteau
did not convert to Islam, and when he died he was buried in a Roman Catholic Christian funeral. He was buried in the family vault at Saint-André-de-Cubzac in
France. An homage was paid to him by the city by the inauguration of a
"rue du Commandant Cousteau", a street which runs out to his native
house, where a commemorative plaque was affixed. Cousteau's
legacy includes more than 120 television documentaries, more than 50
books, and an environmental protection foundation with 300,000 members. Cousteau
liked to call himself an "oceanographic technician." He was, in
reality, a sophisticated showman, teacher, and lover of nature. His
work permitted many people to explore the resources of the oceans. His
work also created a new kind of scientific communication, criticised at
the time by some academics. The so-called "divulgationism", a simple
way of sharing scientific concepts, was soon employed in other
disciplines and became one of the most important characteristics of
modern television broadcasting. Cousteau
died on 25 June 1997. The Cousteau Society and its French counterpart,
l'Équipe Cousteau, both of which Jacques-Yves Cousteau founded,
are still active today. The Society is currently attempting to turn the
original Calypso into a museum and it is raising funds to build a successor vessel, the Calypso II. In his last years, after marrying again, Cousteau became involved in a legal battle with his son Jean-Michel over
Jean-Michel licensing the Cousteau name for a South Pacific resort,
resulting in Jean-Michel Cousteau being ordered by the court not to
encourage confusion between his for-profit business and his father's
non-profit endeavours. In 2007, the International Watch Company introduced
the IWC Aquatimer Chronograph "Cousteau Divers" Special Edition. The
timepiece incorporated a sliver of wood from the interior of Cousteau's
Calypso research vessel. Having developed the diver's watch, IWC
offered support to The Cousteau Society. The proceeds from the
timepieces' sales were partially donated to the non-profit organization
involved into conservation of marine life and preservation of tropical
coral reefs. |