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The Directorate for Inter - Services Intelligence
(Urdu: بین الخدماتی
مخابرات; more commonly known as Inter
- Services Intelligence or simply by its initials ISI),
is Pakistan's premier intelligence agency, responsible for
providing critical national security intelligence
assessment to the Government of Pakistan. The ISI is the
largest of the three intelligence
service agencies of Pakistan, the others being
the Intelligence Bureau (IB) and Military Intelligence
(MI). Its work has included supporting the mujahideen in
Afghanistan against the Soviets
in the 1980s (in conjunction with the CIA and its Allies) and
supporting the Taliban against the Indian- and Iranian -
backed Northern Alliance in the Afghanistan
Civil War in the 1990s.
It is the successor of the IB and MI formed after the
Indo - Pakistani War of 1947 to coordinate and operate
espionage activities for the three branches of the
Pakistan Armed Forces. The ISI was established as an
independent intelligence agency in 1948 in order to
strengthen the sharing of military intelligence between
the three branches of Pakistan's armed forces in the
aftermath of the Indo - Pakistani War of 1947, which had
exposed weaknesses in intelligence gathering, sharing and
coordination between the Army, Air Force and Navy. From
its inception, the agency is headed by an appointed 3-star general officer in the
Pakistan Army, despite officers from all three branches of
the Pakistan Armed Forces being served and hired by the
agency. However, after the intelligence gathering and
coordination failure during the Indo
- Pakistani war of 1971, the Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee
was created with a mandate to coordinate and supervise all
military exercises and operations of the Pakistan Armed
The Chief of Army Staff led the appointment of the
director, but official confirmation is needed from the
President, with consultation with the Prime minister. The
headquarters of ISI are situated in Islamabad, Islamabad
Capital Territory.
After independence in 1947, two new intelligence agencies
were created in Pakistan: the Intelligence Bureau (IB) and
the Military Intelligence (MI). However, the weak
performance of the MI in sharing intelligence between the
Army, Navy and Air Force during the Indo - Pakistani War
of 1947 led to the creation of the Directorate for Inter -
Services Intelligence (ISI) in 1948.
The ISI was structured to be manned by officers from the
three main military services, and to specialize in the
collection, analysis and assessment of external
intelligence, either military or non - military. The ISI
was the brainchild of Australian born British Army
officer, Major General R. Cawthome, then Deputy Chief of Staff in the
Pakistan Army.
Initially, the ISI had no role in the collection of
internal intelligence, with the exception of the North -
West Frontier Province and Azad Kashmir. The recruitment
and expansion of the ISI was managed and
undertaken by then Navy's Commander Syed Mohammad Ahsan
who was tenuring as Deputy Director of the Naval
Intelligence. The Navy's Commander Syed Mohammad Ahsan
played an integral and major role in formulating the
policies of the ISI. At the end of December 1952,
Major General Robert Cawthome, Director General of the
Inter - Service Intelligence (ISI), sent a priority report
to the Commander Ahsan, and asked for a detailed reactions
of Pakistan Armed Forces personnel for the Basic
principles for the ISI.
In the late 1950s, when Ayub Khan became the President of
Pakistan, he expanded the role of ISI and MI in monitoring
opposition politicians, and sustaining military rule in
The ISI was reorganized in 1966 after intelligence
failures in the Indo - Pakistani War of 1965, and expanded
in 1969. Khan entrusted the ISI with the responsibility
for the collection of internal political intelligence in
East Pakistan. Later on, during the Baloch nationalist revolt in
Balochistan in the mid
1970s, the ISI was tasked with performing a similar
intelligence gathering operation.
The ISI lost its importance during the regime of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, who was
very critical of its role during the 1970 general
elections, which triggered off the events leading to the
partition of Pakistan and emergence of Bangladesh.
After Chief of Army Staff General Zia - ul - Haq seized power
in July 1977 and became a Chief Martial Law Administrator
of the country, the ISI was expanded by making it
responsible for the collection of intelligence about the Pakistan Communist Party and
various political parties such as the Pakistan Peoples
Party (PPP).
The Soviet war in Afghanistan of the 1980s saw the
enhancement of the covert action capabilities of the ISI
by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). A special Afghan
Section, the SS Directorate, was created under the command
of Brigadier Mohammed Yousaf to
oversee the coordination of the war. A number of officers
from the ISI's Covert Action Division (Special Activities
Division) received training in the United States and many
covert action experts of the CIA were attached to the ISI
to guide it in its operations against the Soviet troops by
using the Afghan Mujahideen.
On September 2001, Pervez Musharraf appointed a new
Director General for ISI, Lieutenant General Ehsanul Haq
which was later on replaced by the Let. Gen. Shuja Pasha.
ISI's headquarters are located in Islamabad and currently
the head of the ISI is called the Director General who has
to be a serving Lieutenant General in the Pakistan Army.
Under the Director General, three Deputy Director Generals
report directly to him and are in charge in three separate
fields of the ISI which are Internal wing - dealing with counter - intelligence and
political issues inside Pakistan, External wing - handling
external issues, and Analysis and Foreign Relations wing.
The general staff of the ISI mainly come from
paramilitary forces and some specialized units from the
Pakistan Army such as the some chosen people from SS Group (SSG), SSG(N), and
the SS Wing. According to some experts the ISI is the
largest intelligence agency in the world in terms of
number of staff. While the total number has never been
made public, experts estimate about 10,000 officers and
staff members, which does not include informants and
- Joint Intelligence X: coordinates all the other
departments in the ISI. Intelligence and
information gathered from the other departments are sent
to JIX which prepares and processes the information and
from which prepares reports which are presented.
- Joint Intelligence Bureau: responsible for gathering
political intelligence. It has three
subsections, one devoted entirely to operations against
- Joint Counterintelligence Bureau: responsible for
surveillance of Pakistan's diplomats and diplomatic
agents abroad, along with intelligence operations in the
Middle East, South Asia, China,
Afghanistan and the Muslim republics of the former
Soviet Union.
- Joint Intelligence North: exclusively responsible for
the Jammu and Kashmir region and Northern Areas.
- Joint Intelligence Miscellaneous: responsible for
espionage, including offensive intelligence operations,
in other countries.
- Joint Signal Intelligence Bureau: operates
intelligence collections along the India - Pakistan
The JSIB is the ELINT,
COMINT, and SIGINT directorate that is
charged to divert the attacks from the foreign non -
communications electromagnetic radiations emanating from
other than nuclear detonations or radioactive sources.
- Joint Intelligence Technical: deals with development
of science and technology to advance the Pakistan
intelligence gathering. The directorate is charged to
take steps against the electronic warfare attacks in
Pakistan. Without any exception, officers from this
divisions are reported to be engineer officers and
military scientists who deal with the military promotion of science and
In addition, there are also separate explosives and a
chemical and biological warfare sections.
- SS Directorate: which monitors the terrorist
group activities that operates in Pakistan against the
state of Pakistan. The SS Directorate is comparable to
that of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Special
Activities Division, and responsible for the covert
political action and paramilitary special operations.
The ISI headquarters are in Islamabad. The complex consists
of various adobe building separated by lawns and fountains.
The entrance to the complex is next to a private hospital.
Declan Walsh of The Guardian said that the entrance
is "is suitably discreet: no sign, just a plainclothes
officer packing a pistol who direct visitors through a
chicane of barriers, soldiers and sniffer dogs". Walsh said
that the complex "resembles a well funded private
university" and that the buildings are "neatly tended," the
lawns are "smooth," and the fountains are "tinkling." He
described the central building, which houses the director
general's office on the top floor, as "a modern structure
with a round, echoing lobby."
Both civilians and members of the armed forces can join
the ISI. For civilians, recruitment is advertised and is
jointly handled by the Federal Public Services Commission
(FPSC) and civilian ISI agents are considered employees of
the Ministry of Defense. The FPSC conducts various
examinations testing the candidate's knowledge of current
affairs, English and various analytical abilities. Based
on the results, the FPSC shortlists the candidates and
sends the list to the ISI who conduct the initial
background checks. The selected candidates are then
invited for an interview which is conducted by a joint
committee comprising both ISI and FPSC officials.
- Collection of information and extraction of
intelligence from information: ISI obtains information
critical to Pakistan's strategic interests. Both overt
and covert means are adopted.
- Classification of intelligence: Data is sifted
through, classified as appropriate, and filed with the
assistance of the computer network in ISI's headquarters
in Islamabad.
- Aggressive intelligence: The primary mission of ISI
includes aggressive intelligence which comprises
espionage, psychological warfare, subversion, sabotage.
- Counterintelligence: ISI has a dedicated section which
spies against enemy's intelligence collection.
- Diplomatic missions: Diplomatic missions provide an
ideal cover and ISI centers in a target country are
generally located on the embassy premises.
- Multinationals: ISI operatives find good covers in
multinational organizations. Non - governmental
organizations and cultural programs are also popular
screens to shield ISI activities.
- Media: International media centers can easily absorb
ISI operatives and provide freedom of movement.
- Collaboration with other agencies: ISI maintains
active collaboration with other secret services in
various countries. Its contacts with Saudi Arabian
Intelligence Services, Chinese Intelligence, the
American CIA and British MI6 have been well known.
- Third Country Technique: ISI has been active in
obtaining information and operating through third
countries like Afghanistan, Nepal, the United Kingdom,
Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Iran, Turkey and China.
1982: ISI, CIA and Mossad carried out a covert
transfer of Soviet made weapons and Lebanese weapons
captured by the Israelis during the Israeli invasion of
Lebanon in June 1982 and their subsequent transfer to
Pakistan and then into Afghanistan. All knowledge of this
weapon transfer was kept secret and was only made public
1982–1997: ISI are believed to have access to Osama bin
Laden in the past. ISI played a central role in the U.S.
backed guerrilla war to oust the Soviet Army from
Afghanistan in the 1980s. That Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA) backed effort flooded Pakistan with weapons and with
Afghan, Pakistani and Arab "mujahideen". The CIA relied on
the ISI to train fighters, distribute arms, and channel
money. The ISI trained about 83,000 Afghan mujahideen
between 1983 and 1997, and dispatched them to Afghanistan.
B. Raman of the South Asia Analysis Group, an Indian think
tank, claims that the Central Intelligence Agency through
the ISI promoted the smuggling of heroin into Afghanistan in
order to turn the Soviet troops into heroin addicts and thus
greatly reducing their fighting potential. The factions that
were backed by the ISI were Gulbuddin Hekmatyar's Hezb-i Islami, and the forces
fighting for Jalaluddin Haqqani.
1986: Worrying that among the large influx of Afghan refugees that had come
into Pakistan due to the Soviet Afghan war were members of
KHAD (Afghan Intelligence), the ISI successfully convinced
Mansoor Ahmed who was the Charge - d' - Affairs of the
Afghan Embassy in Islamabad to turn his back on the Soviet
backed Afghan government. He and his family were secretly
escorted out of their residence and were given safe passage
on a London bound British Airways flight in exchange for
classified information in regard to Afghan agents in
Pakistan. The Soviet and Afghan diplomats tried their best
to find the family but were unsuccessful.
1994: The Taliban regime is widely accepted to have been
supported by the ISI and Pakistani military from 1994 to
2001, which Pakistan officially denied during that time,
although then Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf now
admits to supporting the Taliban until 9/11.
According to Pakistani Afghanistan expert Ahmed Rashid,
"between 1994 and 1999, an estimated 80,000 to 100,000
Pakistanis trained and fought in Afghanistan" on the side of
the Taliban. Following the 9/11 attack on the United States
allegedly by Al-Qaeda, Pakistan says it felt it necessary to
cooperate with the US. Others, however, maintain Pakistan
continues to support the Afghan Taliban, which Pakistan
2008: The Indian embassy in Kabul was attacked by terrorists
in 2008. Afghanistan's National Directorate of Security
spokesperson Luftullah Mashal told mediapersons that Inter -
Services Intelligence was behind the terror plot to target
the Indian Consulate General in Jalalabad and had given Rs
1.2 lakh for the operation as confessed by two persons
arrested by Afghan authorities.
2001 onwards: American officials believe members of the
Pakistani intelligence service are alerting militants to
imminent American missile strikes in Pakistan's tribal
areas. In October 2009, Davood Moradian, a senior policy
adviser to foreign minister Spanta,
said the British and American governments were fully aware
of the ISI's role but lacked the courage to confront
Islamabad. He claimed that the Afghan government had given
British and American intelligence agents evidence that
proved ISI involvement in bombings.
2010: A new report by the London School of Economics (LSE)
claimed to provide the most concrete evidence yet that the
ISI is providing funding, training and sanctuary to the
Taliban insurgency on a scale much larger than previously
thought. The report's author Matt Waldman
spoke to nine Taliban field commanders in Afghanistan and
concluded that Pakistan's relationship with the insurgents
ran far deeper than previously realized. Some of those
interviewed suggested that the organization even attended
meetings of the Taliban's supreme council, the Quetta Shura.
A spokesman for the Pakistani military dismissed the report,
describing it as "malicious". General David Petraeus,
commander of the US Central Command, refused to endorse this
report in US congressional hearing and suggested that any
contacts between ISI and extremists are for legitimate
intelligence purposes, in his words “you have to have
contact with bad guys to get intelligence on bad guys”.
1993: The ISI was involved in supplying arms to the warring
parties in Bosnia - Herzegovina to protect themselves from
Serbian attacks.
1950s: The ISI's Covert Action Division was used in
assisting the insurgents in India's North - East.
1960s: In the late 1960s assists the Sikh Home Rule Movement
of London based Charan Singh Panchi, which was subsequently
transformed into the Khalistan
Movement, headed by Jagjit Singh Chauhan in which many other
members of the Sikh diaspora in Europe, United States and
Canada joined and then demanded the separate country of
1965: The 1965 war in Kashmir provoked a major crisis in
intelligence. When the war started, there was a complete
collapse of the operations of all the intelligence agencies,
after the commencement of the 1965 Indo - Pakistan war, was
apparently unable to locate an Indian armored division due
to its preoccupation with political affairs. Ayub Khan set
up a committee headed by General Yahya Khan to examine the
working of the agencies.
1969 – 1974: The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and ISI
worked in tandem with the Nixon Administration in assisting
the Khalistan movement in
1980: The PAF Field Intelligence Unit at their base in
Karachi in July 1980 captured an Indian agent. He was
interrogated and revealed that a large network of Indian
spies were functioning in Karachi. The agent claimed that
these spies, in addition to espionage, had also assassinated
a few armed personnel. He also said the leader of the spy
ring was being headed by the food and beverages manager at
the Intercontinental Hotel in Karachi and a number of
serving Air Force officers and ratings were on his payroll.
The ISI decided to survey the manager to see who he was in
contact with, but then President of Pakistan Zia-ul Haq
superseded and wanted the manager and anyone else involved
in the case arrested immediately. It was later proven that
the manager was completely innocent.
1983: Ilam Din also known as Ilmo was an infamous Indian spy
working from Pakistan. He had eluded being captured many
times but on March 23 at 3 a.m., Ilmo and two other Indian
spies were apprehended by Pakistani Rangers as they were
illegally crossing into Pakistan from India. Their mission
was to spy and report back on the new military equipment
that Pakistan will be showing in their annual March 23
Pakistan day parade. Ilmo after being thoroughly
interrogated was then forced by the ISI to send false
information to his R&AW
handlers in India. This process continued and many more
Indian spies in Pakistan were flushed out, such as Roop Lal.
1984: ISI uncovered a secret deal in which naval base
facilities were granted by Indian Prime Minister Indira
Gandhi to the USSR in
Vizag and the Andaman & Nicobar Island and the alleged
attachment of KGB advisers to the then Lieutenant General
Sunderji who was the commander of Operation
Bluestar in the Golden Temple in Amritsar in June
1984: ISI failed to perform a proper background check on the
British company which supplied the Pakistan Army with its
Arctic - weather gear. When Pakistan attempted to secure the
top of the Siachen Glacier in 1984, it placed a large order
for Arctic - weather gear with the same company that also
supplied the Indian Army with its gear. Indians were easily
alerted to the large Pakistani purchase and deduced that
this large purchase could be used to equip troops to capture
the glacier. India quickly mounted a military operation
(Operation Meghdoot) and captured a large part of the
1985: A routine background check on various staff members
working for the Indian embassy
raised suspicions on an Indian woman who worked as a school
teacher in an Indian School in Islamabad. Her enthusiastic
and too friendly attitude gave her up. She was in reality an
agent working for the Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW).
ISI monitored her movements to a hotel in Islamabad where
she rendezvoused with a local Pakistani man who worked as an
nuclear engineer for
Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission. ISI then confronted her
and were then able to turn her into a double agent spying on
the Indian Embassy in Islamabad.
1988: ISI implemented Operation Tupac a three part action
plan for covertly supporting the militants in their fight
against the Indian authorities in Kashmir, initiated by
President Zia Ul Haq in 1988 after the failure of "Operation
Gibraltar". After the success of Operation Tupac, support to
militants became Pakistan's state policy. ISI
is widely believed to train and support militancy in the
Kashmir region.
1980s: Israel had always perceived a nuclear armed Muslim
state to be a threat to its existence, although, Israel is
nuclear itself. This is the reason why it destroyed the
Iraqi nuclear facility in Operation Opera, and the Syrian
nuclear facility during Operation Orchard. Israel had
similar plans to destroy the Pakistani nuclear facilities in
Kahuta during the 1980s with the assistance of India but
failed to do so.
2002: According to Time magazine, French intellectual Bernard - Henri Levy, has
claimed that Daniel Pearl, an American - Israeli, was
assassinated by elements with backing from Pakistan Inter -
Services Intelligence, over his alleged role in gathering
information linking ISI and Al-Qaeda.
The ISI was also accused to be involved in a corruption
scandal the Mehran bank scandal
dubbed "Mehrangate", in which top ISI and Army brass were
allegedly given large sums of money by Yunus Habib (the
owner of Mehran Bank) to deposit ISI's foreign exchange
reserves in Mehran Bank.
1980: ISI became aware of a plot to assassinate the
President of Pakistan, Zia-ul-Haq and then launch a bloody
coup to depose the current government and install an Islamic
government in its place. The attempted assassination and
coup was to occur on March 23, 1980 during the annual March
23 Pakistan day parade. The masterminds behind the coup were
high ranking Military and Intelligence officers and were led
by Major General Tajammal Hussain Malik, his son, Captain
Naveed and his nephew Major Riaz, a former Military
Intelligence officer. ISI decided against arresting these
men outright because they did not know how deep this
conspiracy went and kept these men under strict
surveillance. As the date of the annual parade approached,
ISI was satisfied that it had identified the major players
in this conspiracy and then arrested these men along with
quite a few high ranking military officers.
1985: ISI's Internal Political Division has been accused by
various members of the Pakistan People's Party in
assassinating Shahnawaz Bhutto, one of the two brothers of
Benazir Bhutto, through poisoning in the French Riviera in
the middle of 1985 in an attempt to intimidate her into not
returning to Pakistan for directing the movement against
Zia's Military government, but no proof has been found
implicating the ISI.
1990: The ISI has been deeply involved in domestic politics
of Pakistan since the late 1950s. The 1990 elections for
example were widely believed to have been rigged by the ISI
in favor of the Islami Jamhoori Ittehad (IJI) party, a conglomerate of nine mainly rightist
parties by the ISI under Lt. General Hameed Gul, to ensure
the defeat of Bhutto's Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) in the
2000 – present: ISI is actively engaged with the Pakistan
armed forces in the War in North - West Pakistan against
Tehrik - i - Taliban Pakistan, and is reported to have lost
several ISI personnel, most notably Khalid
Khawaja and Colonel Imam.
2000s: ISI has been actively involved in suppressing a
bloody Separatist Insurgencies in Balochistan since, which
recently the Militants have been accused of targeting people
of non - Balochi ethnic groups and Balochi who do not agree
with separatism . Over two hundred bodies with signs of
extreme torture and a shotgun wound to the head have been
found in the region during the period of July 2010 to July
2011, and Human Rights Watch says evidence points to
complete ISI responsibility. Whilst the Provincial
Government says it is doing its best to improve law and
order and end target killing which it blames on rival
factional fighting. As many as 985 people have been
sentenced so far while the cases of 875 accused in various
crimes were in the courts."Nawab Akbar Bugti was killed in a
Capture Operation Launched by the Pakistan against his
private militia, ISI provided key intelligence during the
operation .
2011: Five Pakistanis who worked as informant for CIA to
pass information leading to the Death of Osama bin Laden had
been arrested by the ISI. In particular the US
is trying to seek the release of Dr Shakil Afridi, a
Pakistani who worked for the CIA, passing intelligence
leading to the death of Bin Laden.
1978: ISI decided to spy on the residence of Colonel Hussain
Imam Mabruk who was a Military Attaché to the Embassy of
Libya in Islamabad as he had made some inflammatory
statements towards the military regime of Zia-ul-Haq. The
spying paid off as he was seen talking with two Pakistani
gentlemen who entered and left the compound suspiciously.
The ISI monitored the two men and were later identified as
Pakistani exiles that hated the current military regime and
were Bhutto loyalists. They had received terrorist training
in Libya and were ready to embark on a terrorist campaign in
Pakistan to force the Army to step down from power. All
members of the conspiracy were apprehended before any damage
could be done.
1981: In 1981, a Libyan Security company called Al Murtaza
Associates sent recruiters to Pakistan to entice former
soldiers and servicemen for high paying security jobs in
Libya. In reality, Libya was recruiting mercenaries to fight
with Chad and Egypt as it had border disputes with both
nations.ISI become aware of the plot and the whole scheme
was stopped.
1979: After the failure of Operation Eagle Claw, the U.S.
media outlets such as Newsweek and Time
reported that CIA agents stationed in Tehran had obtained
information in regard to the location of the hostages,
in-house information from a Pakistani cook who used to work
for the U.S. Embassy. ISI successfully gathered evidence,
and intercepted communication documents and showed it to the
Iranian Chief of J-2 which
cleared the cook. The Iranian chief of intelligence said,
"We know, the Big Satan is a big liar."
1979: ISI discovered a surveillance mission to Kahuta Research Laboratories
nuclear complex on June 26, 1979 by the French Ambassador to
Pakistan, Le Gourrierce and his First Secretary, Jean
Forlot. Both were arrested and their cameras and other
sensitive equipment were confiscated. Intercepted documents
later on showed that the two were recruited by the CIA.
1980: ISI had placed a mole in the Soviet Union's embassy in
Islamabad. The mole reported that the Third Secretary in the
Soviet Embassy was after information in regard to the
Karakurum Highway and was obtaining it from a middle level
employee, Mr. Ejaz, of the Northern Motor Transport Company.
ISI contacted Mr. Ejaz who then confessed that a few months
ago the Soviet diplomat approached him and threatened his
family unless he divulged sensitive information in regard to
the highway such as alignment of the road, location of
bridges, the number of Chinese personnel working on the
Highway, etc. The ISI instead of confronting the Soviet
diplomat chose to feed him with false information. This
continued until the Soviet diplomat was satisfied that Mr.
Ejaz had been bled white of all the information and then
dropped him as a source.
1991 – 1993: Major General Sultan Habib who was an operative
of the ISI's Joint Intelligence Miscellaneous department
successfully procured nuclear material while being posted as
the Defense Attaché in the Pakistani Embassy in Moscow from
1991 to 1993 and concurrently obtaining other materials from
Central Asian Republics, Poland and the former
Czechoslovakia. After Moscow, Major General Habib then
coordinated shipping of missiles from North Korea and the
training of Pakistani experts in the missile production.
These two acts greatly enhanced Pakistan's Nuclear weapons
program and their missile delivery systems.
1980s: ISI successfully intercepted two American private
weapons dealers during the Soviet - Afghan war of the 1980s.
One American diplomat (his name has not been de-classified)
who lived in the F-7/4 sector of Islamabad was spotted by an
ISI agent in a seedy part of Rawalpindi by his automobile's
diplomatic plates. He was bugged and trailed and was found
to be in contact with various tribal groups supplying them
with weapons for their fight with the Soviet Army in
Afghanistan. Another was Eugene Clegg, a teacher in the
American International School who also indulged in weapons
trade. One American International School employee and under
cover agent Mr. Naeem was arrested while waiting to clear
shippment from Islamabad custom. All of them were put out of
2002: Some authors allege that ISI supported the 1999
release of Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh who was subsequently
convicted of the 2002 beheading of Wall Street Journal
reporter Daniel Pearl.
2000s: ISI is suspicious about CIA attempted penetration of
Pakistan nuclear asset, and CIA intelligence gathering in
the Pakistani lawless tribal areas. Based on these
suspicion, it is speculated that ISI is pursuing a counter -
intelligence against CIA operations in Pakistan and
Afghanistan. ISI former DG Ashfaq Parvez Kayani is also
reported to have said, "real aim of U.S. [war] strategy is
to denuclearize Pakistan."
2011: In the aftermath of a shooting involving American CIA
agent Raymond Davis, the ISI had become more alert and
suspicious about CIA spy network in Pakistan, which had
disrupted the ISI - CIA cooperation. At least 30 suspected
covert American operatives have suspended their activities
in Pakistan and 12 have already left the country.
2011: A Chinese woman believed to be an ISI agent, who
headed the Chinese unit of a US manufacturer was charged
with illegally exporting high - performance coatings for
Pakistan’s nuclear power plants. Xun Wang, a former managing
director of PPG Paints Trading in Shanghai, a Chinese
subsidiary of United States based PPG Industries, Inc, was
indicted on a charge of conspiring to violate the
International Emergency Economic Powers Act and related
offences. Wang is accused of conspiring to export and
re-export, and exporting and re-exporting specially
designed, high performance epoxy coatings to the Chashma 2
Nuclear Power Plant in Pakistan. Wang and her
co-conspirators agreed upon a scheme to export and re-export
the high performance epoxy coatings from the United States
to Pakistan's Chashma II plant, via a third party
distributor in People’s Republic of China.
2011: ISI operative Mohammed Tasleem, an attache in the New
York consulate, was found by the FBI in 2010 to be issuing
threats against Pakistanis living in the United States, to
prevent them from speaking openly about Pakistan's
government. US officials and Pakistani journalists and
scholars say the ISI has a systematic campaign to threaten
those who speak critically of the Pakistan military.
Ramzi Yousef: Ramzi Yousef, one of the planners of the 1993
World Trade Center bombing as well as the Bojinka plot.
Pakistani intelligence, and the Department of State - U.S.
Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) Special Agents, captured
Yousef in Islamabad, Pakistan. On February 7, 1995, they
raided room #16 in the Su-Casa Guest House in Islamabad,
Pakistan, and captured Yousef before he could move to
Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi: In November 2001, Ibn al-Shaykh
al-Libi, a Libyan paramilitary trainer for Al-Qaeda
attempted to flee Afghanistan following the collapse of the
Taliban precipitating the 2001 U.S. invasion of Afghanistan
but was captured by Pakistani Forces.
Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh: Sheikh Omar Saeed, a British born
terrorist of Pakistani descent was arrested by Pakistani
police on February 12, 2002, in Lahore, in conjunction with
the Pearl kidnapping. Pearl had been kidnapped, had his
throat slit, and then been beheaded and Sheikh Omar Saeed
was named the chief suspect.
Sheikh told the Pakistani court, however, that he had
surrendered to the ISI a week earlier.
Abu Zubaydah: Abu Zubaydah, an Al-Qaeda terrorist
responsible for hatching multiple terrorist plots including
sending Ahmed Ressam to blow up the Los Angeles airport in
2000. He was captured on March 28, 2002, by ISI, CIA and FBI
agents after they had raided several safe houses in
Faisalabad, Pakistan.
Ramzi bin al-Shibh: Ramzi bin al-Shibh, an Al-Qaeda
terrorist responsible for planning the 9/11 terrorist
attacks as well as the attack on 2000 USS Cole bombing, and
the 2002 Ghriba synagogue bombing in Tunisia. On September
11, 2002, the ISI successfully captured Ramzi bin al-Shibh
during a raid in Karachi.
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was the
principal architect of the 9/11 attacks as well as other
significant terrorist plots over the last twenty years,
including the World Trade Center
1993 bombings, the Operation
Bojinka plot, an aborted 2002 attack on the U.S.
Bank Tower in Los Angeles, the Bali
nightclub bombings, the failed bombing of American Airlines Flight 63,
the Millennium Plot, and the murder of Daniel Pearl. On
March 1, 2003, the ISI successfully captured KSM in a joint
raid with the CIA's Special Activities Division paramilitary
operatives in Rawalpindi, Pakistan.
Abu Faraj Farj al-Liby: Pakistani intelligence agencies and
security forces arrested Abu Faraj Farj al-Liby, mastermind
of two failed attempts on President Pervez Musharraf's life,
in May 2005.
Maulvi Omar: Senior aid to Baitullah Mehsud captured by ISI
in August 2009.
Abdul Ghani Baradar: Taliban's deputy commander, Abdul Ghani
Baradar was captured by U.S. and Pakistani forces in
Pakistan on February 8, 2010, in a morning raid.
- Critics of the ISI say that it has become a state
within a state and not accountable enough. Some analysts
say that this is because of the fact that intelligence
work agencies around the world remain secretive. Critics
argue the institution should be more accountable to the
President or the Prime Minister. After much criticism,
the Pakistani Government disbanded the ISI 'Political
Wing' in 2008.
During the Cold War the ISI and CIA worked together to
send spy planes into the Soviet Union. The ISI and CIA
also worked closely during the Soviet - Afghan War
supporting groups such as Gulbuddin Hekmatyar's Hezb-i Islami and Jalaluddin
Haqqani, leader of the Haqqani
Some report the ISI and CIA stepped up cooperation in the
aftermath of 9/11 attacks to kill and capture senior Al
Qaeda leaders such as Sheikh Younis Al Mauritan and Khalid Shaikh Mohammed (the
planner of the 9/11 attacks who was residing in Pakistan).
Pakistan claims that in total around 100 top level
al-Qaeda leaders / operators were killed / arrested by
Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton said Pakistan was paying a "big price for
supporting the U.S. war against terror groups. ... I think
it is important to note that as they have made these
adjustments in their own assessment of their national
interests, they're paying a big price for it".
Other senior international officials, however, maintain
that senior Al Qaeda
leaders such as Osama Bin Laden
have been hidden by the ISI in major settled areas of
Pakistan with the full knowledge of the Pakistani military
leadership. A December 2011
analysis report by the Jamestown
Foundation came to the conclusion that "in spite
of denials by the Pakistani military, evidence is emerging
that elements within the Pakistani military harbored Osama
bin Laden with the knowledge of former army chief General
Pervez Musharraf and possibly current Chief of Army Staff
(COAS) General Ashfaq Pervez
Kayani. Former Pakistani Army Chief General
Ziauddin Butt (a.k.a. General Ziauddin Khawaja) revealed
at a conference on Pakistani – U.S. relations in October
2011 that according to his knowledge the then former
Director - General of Intelligence Bureau of Pakistan
(2004 – 2008), Brigadier Ijaz Shah (retd.), had kept Osama
bin Laden in an Intelligence Bureau safe house in
Abbottabad." Pakistani General
Ziauddin Butt said Bin Laden had been hidden in Abbottabad
by the ISI "with the full knowledge" of Pervez Musharraf. U.S. military
officials have increasingly said, they do not notify
Pakistani officials before conducting operations against
the Afghan Taliban or Al Qaeda, because they fear
Pakistani officials may tipp them off.
International officials have accused the ISI of
continuing to support and even lead the Taliban today in
the War in Afghanistan (2001 -
present). As Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, Mike Mullen
The fact remains that the Quetta
Shura [Taliban] and the Haqqani Network operate from
Pakistan with impunity ... Extremist organizations
serving as proxies of the government of Pakistan are
attacking Afghan troops and civilians as well as US
soldiers. ... For example, we believe the Haqqani
Network -- which has long enjoyed the support and
protection of the Pakistani government ... is, in many
ways, a strategic arm of Pakistan's Inter - Services
Intelligence Agency.
The Associated Press reported that "the president said
Mullen's statement 'expressed frustration' over the
insurgent safe havens in Pakistan. But Obama said 'the
intelligence is not as clear as we might like in terms of
what exactly that relationship is.' Obama added that
whether Pakistan's ties with the Haqqani network are
active or passive, Pakistan has to deal with it."
The Guantanamo Bay files leak, however, showed that the
US authorities unofficially consider the ISI as a
terrorist organization equally dangerous as Al Qaeda and
Taliban, and many allegations of its supporting terrorist
activities have been made.
India has accused ISI of plotting the Mumbai terror
attack in November 2008. According to the United States
diplomatic cables leak the ISI had previously shared
intelligence information regarding possible terrorist
attacks against in India in late 2008. ISI is also accused
of supporting pro independence militias in Jammu and
Kashmir while Pakistan denies all such claims.
India accuses ISI of supporting separatist militants in
Jammu and Kashmir while Pakistan claims to give them moral
support only.
The ISI have been accused of severe human rights abuses.
The ISI has been accused of massive human rights abuses in
Balochistan by Human Rights Watch, with the disappearances
of hundreds of nationalists and activists. In 2008 alone
an estimated 1102 people were
disappeared from the region. There have also been reports
of torture. An increasing
number of bodies are being found on roadsides having been
shot in the head. In July 2011, the
Human Rights Commission of Pakistan issued a report on
illegal disappearances in Balochistan and identified ISI
and Frontier Corps as the perpetrators. Through daily news
reports it has been noted that ISI and Frontier Corps puts
to death illegally abducted Balochs whenever there is
attack on FC's personnel or bases in Balochistan.
Till September 2011 more than 190 dead bodies have been
found. The Frontier Corps and ISI have been accused of
being behind the killing. The Special Operations Wing
(SOW) of Frontier Corps has also been allegedly involved
in it. The methodology of ISI is to work with Frontier
Corps to tackle the situation. ISI has installed various
intelligence units all over Pakistan to gather
information. Most of ISI's alleged abductions come from
the Makran and coastal regions of Balochistan. Baloch
passengers of these areas have witnessed illegal
abductions by ISI on the local bus routes of Balochistan.