January 04, 2020 <Back to Index>
![]() Abū ʿAlī al-Ḥasan ibn al-Ḥasan ibn al-Haytham (Arabic: أبو علي، الحسن بن الحسن بن الهيثم, Latinized: Alhacen or (deprecated) Alhazen) (965 in Basra – c. 1040 in Cairo) was a Muslim scientist and polymath described in various sources as either Arab or Persian. Alhazen made significant contributions to the principles of optics, as well as to physics, astronomy, mathematics, ophthalmology, philosophy, visual perception, and to the scientific method. He also wrote insightful commentaries on works by Aristotle, Ptolemy and the Greek mathematician Euclid. He is frequently referred to as Ibn al-Haytham, and sometimes as al-Basri (Arabic: البصري), after his birthplace in the city of Basra. He was also nicknamed Ptolemaeus Secundus ("Ptolemy the Second") or simply "The Physicist" in medieval Europe. Born circa 965, in Basra, present day Iraq, he lived
mainly in Cairo, Egypt, dying there at age 74.
Over - confident about practical application of his
mathematical knowledge, he assumed that he could regulate
the floods of the Nile. After being ordered by Al-Hakim
bi-Amr Allah, the sixth ruler of the Fatimid caliphate, to
carry out this operation, he quickly perceived the
impossibility of what he was attempting to do, and retired
from engineering. Fearing for his life, he feigned madness
and was placed under house arrest, during and after which
he devoted himself to his scientific work until his death. Alhazen was born in Basra, in the Iraq province of the Buyid Empire. Many historians have different opinions about his ethnicity whether he was Arab or Persian. He probably died in Cairo, Egypt. During the Islamic Golden Age, Basra was a "key beginning of learning", and he was educated there and in Baghdad, the capital of the Abbasid Caliphate, and the focus of the "high point of Islamic civilization". During his time in Buyid Iran, he worked as a civil servant and read many theological and scientific books. One account of his career has him called to Egypt by Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah, ruler of the Fatimid Caliphate, to regulate the flooding of the Nile, a task requiring an early attempt at building a dam at the present site of the Aswan Dam. After his field work made him aware of the impracticality of this scheme, and fearing the caliph's anger, he feigned madness. He was kept under house arrest from 1011 until al-Hakim's death in 1021. During this time, he wrote his influential Book of Optics. After his house arrest ended, he wrote scores of other treatises on physics, astronomy and mathematics. He later traveled to Islamic Spain. During this period, he had ample time for his scientific pursuits, which included optics, mathematics, physics, medicine, and the development of the modern experimental scientific method. Some biographers have claimed that Alhazen fled to Syria, ventured into Baghdad later in his life, or was in Basra when he pretended to be insane. In any case, he was in Egypt by 1038. During his time in Cairo, he became associated with Al-Azhar University, as well as the city's "House of Wisdom", known as Dar al-`Ilm (House of Knowledge), which was a library "first in importance" to Baghdad's House of Wisdom. Among his students were Sorkhab (Sohrab),
a Persian student who was one of the greatest people of
Iran's Semnan and was
his student for over 3 years, and Abu al-Wafa Mubashir
ibn Fatek, an Egyptian scientist who learned
mathematics from Alhazen. Alhazen made significant improvements in optics, physical science and the scientific method. Alhazen's work on optics is credited with contributing a new emphasis on experiment. His influence on physical sciences in general, and on optics in particular, has been held in high esteem and, in fact, ushered in a new era in optical research, both in theory and practice. The Latin translation of his main work, Kitab al-Manazir (Book of Optics), exerted a great influence on Western science: for example, on the work of Roger Bacon, who cites him by name, and on Johannes Kepler. His research in catoptrics (the study of optical systems using mirrors) centered on spherical and parabolic mirrors and spherical aberration. He made the observation that the ratio between the angle of incidence and refraction does not remain constant, and investigated the magnifying power of a lens. His work on catoptrics also contains the problem known as "Alhazen's problem". Meanwhile in the Islamic world, Alhazen's work influenced Averroes' writings on optics, and his legacy was further advanced through the 'reforming' of his Optics by Persian scientist Kamal al-Din al-Farisi (d. ca. 1320) in the latter's Kitab Tanqih al-Manazir (The Revision of [Ibn al-Haytham's] Optics). The correct explanations of the rainbow phenomenon given by al-Fārisī and Theodoric of Freiberg in the 14th century depended on Alhazen's Book of Optics. The work of Alhazen and al-Fārisī was also further advanced in the Ottoman Empire by polymath Taqi al-Din in his Book of the Light of the Pupil of Vision and the Light of the Truth of the Sights (1574). He wrote as many as 200 books, although only 55 have survived, and many of those have not yet been translated from Arabic. Even some of his treatises on optics survived only through Latin translation. During the Middle Ages his books on cosmology were translated into Latin, Hebrew and other languages. The crater Alhazen on the Moon is named in his honor, as was the asteroid 59239 Alhazen. In honor of Alhazen, the Aga Khan University (Pakistan) named its Ophthalmology endowed chair as "The Ibn-e-Haitham Associate Professor and Chief of Ophthalmology". Alhazen (by the name Ibn al-Haytham) is featured on the
obverse of the Iraqi 10,000 dinars banknote issued in
2003, and on 10 dinar notes from 1982. A research facility
that UN weapons inspectors
suspected of conducting chemical and biological weapons
research in Saddam Hussein's Iraq was also named after
him. Alhazen's most famous work is his seven volume Arabic treatise on optics, Kitab al-Manazir (Book of Optics), written from 1011 to 1021. Optics was translated into Latin by an unknown
scholar at the end of the 12th century or the beginning of
the 13th century. It was printed by Friedrich Risner in
1572, with the title Opticae thesaurus: Alhazeni
Arabis libri septem, nuncprimum editi; Eiusdem liber De
Crepusculis et nubium ascensionibus. Risner is also
the author of the name variant "Alhazen"; before Risner he
was known in the west as Alhacen, which is the correct
transcription of the Arabic name. This work enjoyed a
great reputation during the Middle Ages. Works by Alhazen
on geometric subjects were discovered in the Bibliothèque nationale in
Paris in 1834 by E. A. Sedillot. Other manuscripts are
preserved in the Bodleian Library at Oxford and in the
library of Leiden. Two major theories on vision prevailed in classical antiquity. The first theory, the emission theory, was supported by such thinkers as Euclid and Ptolemy, who believed that sight worked by the eye emitting rays of light. The second theory, the intromission theory supported by Aristotle and his followers, had physical forms entering the eye from an object. Alhazen argued that the process of vision occurs neither by rays emitted from the eye, nor through physical forms entering it. He reasoned that a ray could not proceed from the eyes and reach the distant stars the instant after we open our eyes. He also appealed to common observations such as the eye being dazzled or even injured if we look at a very bright light. He instead developed a highly successful theory which explained the process of vision as rays of light proceeding to the eye from each point on an object, which he proved through the use of experimentation. His unification of geometrical optics with philosophical physics forms the basis of modern physical optics. Alhazen proved that rays of light travel in straight lines, and carried out various experiments with lenses, mirrors, refraction, and reflection. He was also the first to reduce reflected and refracted light rays into vertical and horizontal components, which was a fundamental development in geometric optics. He proposed a causal model for the refraction of light that could have been extended to yield a result similar to Snell's law of sines, however Alhazen did not develop his model sufficiently to attain that result. Alhazen also gave the first clear description and correct analysis of the camera obscura and pinhole camera. While Aristotle, Theon of Alexandria, Al-Kindi (Alkindus) and Chinese philosopher Mozi had earlier described the effects of a single light passing through a pinhole, none of them suggested that what is being projected onto the screen is an image of everything on the other side of the aperture. Alhazen was the first to demonstrate this with his lamp experiment where several different light sources are arranged across a large area. He was thus the first to successfully project an entire image from outdoors onto a screen indoors with the camera obscura. In addition to physical optics, The Book of Optics also gave rise to the field of "physiological optics". Alhazen discussed the topics of medicine, ophthalmology, anatomy and physiology, which included commentaries on Galenic works. He described the process of sight, the structure of the eye, image formation in the eye, and the visual system. He also described what became known as Hering's law of equal innervation, vertical horopters, and binocular disparity, and improved on the theories of binocular vision, motion perception and horopters previously discussed by Aristotle, Euclid and Ptolemy. His most original anatomical contribution was his
description of the functional anatomy of the eye as an
optical system, or optical instrument. His experiments
with the camera obscura provided sufficient empirical
grounds for him to develop his theory of corresponding
point projection of light from the surface of an object to
form an image on a screen. It was his comparison between
the eye and the camera obscura which brought about his
synthesis of anatomy and optics, which forms the basis of
physiological optics. As he conceptualized the essential
principles of pinhole projection from his experiments with
the pinhole camera, he considered image inversion to also
occur in the eye, and viewed the
pupil as being similar to an aperture.
Regarding the process of image formation, he incorrectly
agreed with Avicenna that the lens was the receptive organ
of sight, but correctly hinted at the retina being
involved in the process. Some historians state that Alhazen developed rigorous experimental methods of controlled scientific testing to verify theoretical hypotheses and substantiate inductive conjectures. Other historians of science see his experimental practice as having much in common with that of Ptolemy and see in such interpretations a "tendency to 'modernize' Alhazen ... [which] serves to wrench him slightly out of proper historical focus." An aspect associated with Alhazen's optical research is related to systemic and methodological reliance on experimentation (i'tibar) and controlled testing in his scientific inquiries. Moreover, his experimental directives rested on combining classical physics ('ilm tabi'i) with mathematics (ta'alim; geometry in particular) in terms of devising the rudiments of what may be designated as a hypothetico - deductive procedure in scientific research. This mathematical - physical approach to experimental science supported most of his propositions in Kitab al-Manazir (The Optics; De aspectibus or Perspectivae) and grounded his theories of vision, light and color, as well as his research in catoptrics and dioptrics (the study of the refraction of light). His legacy was further advanced through the 'reforming' of his Optics by Kamal al-Din al-Farisi (d. ca. 1320) in the latter's Kitab Tanqih al-Manazir (The Revision of [Ibn al-Haytham's] Optics). The concept of Occam's razor is also present in the Book of Optics. For example, after demonstrating that light is generated by luminous objects and emitted or reflected into the eyes, he states that therefore "the extramission of [visual] rays is superfluous and useless." His
work on catoptrics in Book V of the Book of Optics
contains a discussion of what is now known as Alhazen's
problem, first formulated by Ptolemy in 150 AD. It
comprises drawing lines from two points in the plane of a circle meeting at
a point on the circumference and making equal angles with
the normal at that point. This is equivalent to finding
the point on the edge of a circular billiard table at
which a cue ball at a given point must be aimed in order
to carom off the edge of the table and hit another ball at
a second given point. Thus, its main application in optics
is to solve the problem, "Given a light source and a
spherical mirror, find the point on the mirror where the
light will be reflected to the eye of an observer." This
leads to an equation of the
fourth degree. This eventually led Alhazen to
derive the earliest formula for the sum of fourth powers;
by using an early proof by mathematical induction, he
developed a method that can be readily generalized to find
the formula for the sum of any integral powers. He applied
his result of sums on integral powers to find the volume
of a paraboloid through integration. He was thus able to
find the integrals for polynomials up to the fourth
Alhazen eventually solved the problem using conic sections
and a geometric proof, though many after him attempted to
find an algebraic solution to the problem,
which was finally found in 1997 by the Oxford
mathematician Peter M. Neumann. Recently,
Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs (MERL) researchers Amit
Agrawal, Yuichi Taguchi and Srikumar Ramalingam solved the
extension of Alhazen's problem to general rotationally
symmetric quadric mirrors including hyperbolic, parabolic
and elliptical mirrors. They showed that
the mirror reflection point can be computed by solving an
eighth degree equation in the most general case. If the
camera (eye) is placed on the axis of the mirror, the
degree of the equation reduces to six.
Alhazen's problem can also be extended to multiple
refractions from a spherical ball. Given a light source
and a spherical ball of certain refractive index, the
closest point on the spherical ball where the light is
refracted to the eye of the observer can be obtained by
solving a tenth degree equation. The Book of Optics describes several early experimental observations that Alhazen made in mechanics and how he used his results to explain certain optical phenomena using mechanical analogies. He conducted experiments with projectiles, and concluded that "it was only the impact of perpendicular projectiles on surfaces which was forceful enough to enable them to penetrate whereas the oblique ones were deflected. For example, to explain refraction from a rare to a dense medium, he used the mechanical analogy of an iron ball thrown at a thin slate covering a wide hole in a metal sheet. A perpendicular throw would break the slate and pass through, whereas an oblique one with equal force and from an equal distance would not." This result explained how intense direct light hurts the eye: "Applying mechanical analogies to the effect of light rays on the eye, Alhazen associated 'strong' lights with perpendicular rays and 'weak' lights with oblique ones. The obvious answer to the problem of multiple rays and the eye was in the choice of the perpendicular ray since there could only be one such ray from each point on the surface of the object which could penetrate the eye." Chapters 15–16 of the Book of Optics covered astronomy. Alhazen was the first to discover that the celestial spheres do not consist of solid matter. He also discovered that the heavens are less dense than the air. These views were later repeated by Witelo and had a significant influence on the Copernican and Tychonic systems of astronomy. Sudanese psychologist Omar Khaleefa has argued that Alhazen should be considered be the "founder of experimental psychology", for his pioneering work on the psychology of visual perception and optical illusions. In the Book of Optics, Alhazen was the first scientist to argue that vision occurs in the brain, rather than the eyes. He pointed out that personal experience has an effect on what people see and how they see, and that vision and perception are subjective. Khaleefa has also argued that Alhazen should also be considered the "founder of psychophysics", a subdiscipline and precursor to modern psychology. Although Alhazen made many subjective reports regarding vision, there is no evidence that he used quantitative psychophysical techniques and the claim has been rebuffed. Alhazen offered an explanation of the Moon illusion, an illusion that played an important role in the scientific tradition of medieval Europe. Many authors repeated explanations that attempted to solve the problem of the Moon appearing larger near the horizon than it does when higher up in the sky, a debate that is still unresolved. Alhazen argued against Ptolemy's refraction theory, and defined the problem in terms of perceived, rather than real, enlargement. He said that judging the distance of an object depends on there being an uninterrupted sequence of intervening bodies between the object and the observer. When the Moon is high in the sky there are no intervening objects, so the Moon appears close. The perceived size of an object of constant angular size varies with its perceived distance. Therefore, the Moon appears closer and smaller high in the sky, and further and larger on the horizon. Through works by Roger Bacon, John Pecham and Witelo based on Alhazen's explanation, the Moon illusion gradually came to be accepted as a psychological phenomenon, with the refraction theory being rejected in the 17th century. Although Alhazen is often credited with the perceived distance explanation, he was not the first author to offer it. Cleomedes (c. 2nd century) gave this account (in addition to refraction), and he credited it to Posidonius (c. 135 - 50 BC). Ptolemy may also have offered this explanation in his Optics, but the text is obscure. Alhazen's writings were more widely available in the middle ages than those of these earlier authors, and that probably explains why Alhazen received the credit. Some have suggested that Alhazen's views on pain and
sensation may have been influenced by Buddhist philosophy.
He writes that every sensation is a form of 'suffering'
and that what people call pain is only an exaggerated
perception; that there is no qualitative difference but
only a quantitative
difference between pain and ordinary sensation. Besides the Book of Optics, Alhazen wrote several other treatises on optics. His Risala fi l-Daw’ (Treatise on Light) is a supplement to his Kitab al-Manazir (Book of Optics). The text contained further investigations on the properties of luminance and its radiant dispersion through various transparent and translucent media. He also carried out further examinations into anatomy of the eye and illusions in visual perception. He built the first camera obscura and pinhole camera, and investigated the meteorology of the rainbow and the density of the atmosphere. Various celestial phenomena (including the eclipse, twilight and moonlight) were also examined by him. He also made investigations into refraction, catoptrics, dioptrics, spherical mirrors and magnifying lenses. In his treatise, Mizan al-Hikmah (Balance of
Wisdom), Alhazen discussed the density of the atmosphere and related it to
altitude. He also studied atmospheric refraction. He
discovered that the twilight only ceases or begins when
the Sun is 19° below the horizon and attempted to measure
the height of the atmosphere on that basis. In astrophysics and the celestial mechanics field of physics, Alhazen, in his Epitome of Astronomy, discovered that the heavenly bodies "were accountable to the laws of physics". Alhazen's Mizan al-Hikmah (Balance of Wisdom) covered statics, astrophysics and celestial mechanics. He discussed the theory of attraction between masses, and it seems that he was also aware of the magnitude of acceleration due to gravity at a distance. His Maqala fi'l-qarastun is a treatise on centers of gravity. Little is known about the work, except for what is known through the later works of al-Khazini in the 12th century. In this treatise, Alhazen formulated the theory that the heaviness of bodies varies with their distance from the center of the Earth. Another treatise, Maqala fi daw al-qamar (On the Light of the Moon), which he wrote some time before his famous Book of Optics, was the first successful attempt at combining mathematical astronomy with physics, and the earliest attempt at applying the experimental method to astronomy and astrophysics. He disproved the universally held opinion that the Moon reflects sunlight like a mirror and correctly concluded that it "emits light from those portions of its surface which the sun's light strikes." To prove that "light is emitted from every point of the Moon's illuminated surface", he built an "ingenious experimental device." According to Matthias Schramm, Alhazen had
In the dynamics and kinematics fields of mechanics, Alhazen's Risala fi’l-makan (Treatise on Place) discussed theories on the motion of a body. He maintained that a body moves perpetually unless an external force stops it or changes its direction of motion. Alhazen's concept of inertia was not verified by experimentation, however. Galileo Galilei repeated Alhazen's principle, centuries later, but introduced the concept of frictional force and provided experimental results. In his Treatise on Place, Alhazen disagreed with
Aristotle's view that nature abhors a void, and he thus
used geometry to demonstrate that place (al-makan)
is the imagined three - dimensional void between the inner
surfaces of a containing body. In his Al-Shukūk ‛alā Batlamyūs, variously translated as Doubts Concerning Ptolemy or Aporias against Ptolemy, published at some time between 1025 and 1028, Alhazen criticized many of Ptolemy's works, including the Almagest, Planetary Hypotheses and Optics, pointing out various contradictions he found in these works. He considered that some of the mathematical devices Ptolemy introduced into astronomy, especially the equant, failed to satisfy the physical requirement of uniform circular motion, and wrote a scathing critique of the physical reality of Ptolemy's astronomical system, noting the absurdity of relating actual physical motions to imaginary mathematical points, lines and circles:
Alhazen further criticized Ptolemy's model on other empirical, observational and experimental grounds, such as Ptolemy's use of conjectural undemonstrated theories in order to "save appearances" of certain phenomena, which Alhazen did not approve of due to his insistence on scientific demonstration. Unlike some later astronomers who criticized the Ptolemaic model on the grounds of being incompatible with Aristotelian natural philosophy, Alhazen was mainly concerned with empirical observation and the internal contradictions in Ptolemy's works. In his Aporias against Ptolemy, Alhazen commented on the difficulty of attaining scientific knowledge:
He held that the criticism of existing theories — which dominated this book — holds a special place in the growth of scientific knowledge:
In his On the Configuration of the World, despite his criticisms directed towards Ptolemy, Alhazen continued to accept the physical reality of the geocentric model of the universe, presenting a detailed description of the physical structure of the celestial spheres in his On the Configuration of the World:
While he attempted to discover the physical reality
behind Ptolemy's mathematical model, he developed the
concept of a single orb (falak) for each component
of Ptolemy's planetary motions. This work was eventually
translated into Hebrew
and Latin in the 13th and 14th centuries and subsequently
had an influence on astronomers such as Georg von
Peuerbach during the European Middle Ages and Renaissance. Alhazen's The Model of the Motions of Each of the Seven Planets, written in 1038, was a book on astronomy. The surviving manuscript of this work has only recently been discovered, with much of it still missing, hence the work has not yet been published in modern times. Following on from his Doubts on Ptolemy and The Resolution of Doubts, Alhazen described the first non - Ptolemaic model in The Model of the Motions. His reform was not concerned with cosmology, as he developed a systematic study of celestial kinematics that was completely geometric. This in turn led to innovative developments in infinitesimal geometry. His reformed empirical model was the first to reject the equant and eccentrics, separate natural philosophy from astronomy, free celestial kinematics from cosmology, and reduce physical entities to geometric entities. The model also propounded the Earth's rotation about its axis, and the centers of motion were geometric points without any physical significance, like Johannes Kepler's model centuries later. In the text, Alhazen also describes an early version of
Occam's razor, where he employs only minimal hypotheses
regarding the properties that characterize astronomical
motions, as he attempts to eliminate from his planetary
model the cosmological hypotheses that cannot be observed
from the Earth. Alhazen distinguished astrology from astronomy, and he refuted the study of astrology, due to the methods used by astrologers being conjectural rather than empirical, and also due to the views of astrologers conflicting with that of orthodox Islam. Alhazen also wrote a treatise entitled On the Milky Way, in which he solved problems regarding the Milky Way galaxy and parallax. In antiquity, Aristotle believed the Milky Way to be caused by "the ignition of the fiery exhalation of some stars which were large, numerous and close together" and that the "ignition takes place in the upper part of the atmosphere, in the region of the world which is continuous with the heavenly motions." Alhazen refuted this and "determined that because the Milky Way had no parallax, it was very remote from the earth and did not belong to the atmosphere." He wrote that if the Milky Way was located around the Earth's atmosphere, "one must find a difference in position relative to the fixed stars." He described two methods to determine the Milky Way's parallax: "either when one observes the Milky Way on two different occasions from the same spot of the earth; or when one looks at it simultaneously from two distant places from the surface of the earth." He made the first attempt at observing and measuring the Milky Way's parallax, and determined that since the Milky Way had no parallax, then it does not belong to the atmosphere. In 1858, Muhammad Wali ibn Muhammad Ja'far, in his Shigarf - nama, claimed that Alhazen wrote a treatise Maratib al-sama in which he conceived of a planetary model similar to the Tychonic system where the planets orbit the Sun which in turn orbits the Earth. However, the "verification of this claim seems to be impossible", since the treatise is not listed among the known bibliography of Alhazen. In
mathematics, Alhazen
built on the mathematical works of Euclid and Thabit ibn Qurra. He
systemized conic sections and number theory, carried out
some early work on analytic geometry, and worked on "the
beginnings of the link between algebra and geometry." This
in turn had an influence on the development of René
Descartes's geometric analysis and Isaac Newton's
calculus. In geometry, Alhazen developed analytical geometry and established a link between algebra and geometry. He discovered a formula for adding the first 100 natural numbers, using a geometric proof to prove the formula. Alhazen made the first attempt at proving the Euclidean parallel postulate, the fifth postulate in Euclid's Elements, using a proof by contradiction, where he introduced the concept of motion and transformation into geometry. He formulated the Lambert quadrilateral, which Boris Abramovich Rozenfeld names the "Ibn al-Haytham – Lambert quadrilateral", and his attempted proof also shows similarities to Playfair's axiom. His theorems on quadrilaterals, including the Lambert quadrilateral, were the first theorems on elliptical geometry and hyperbolic geometry. These theorems, along with his alternative postulates, such as Playfair's axiom, can be seen as marking the beginning of non - Euclidean geometry. His work had a considerable influence on its development among the later Persian geometers Omar Khayyám and Nasīr al-Dīn al-Tūsī, and the European geometers Witelo, Gersonides, Alfonso, John Wallis, Giovanni Girolamo Saccheri and Christopher Clavius. In elementary geometry, Alhazen attempted to solve the
problem of squaring the circle using the area of lunes
(crescent shapes), but later gave up on the impossible
The two lunes formed from a right triangle by erecting a
semicircle on each of the triangle's sides, inward for the
hypotenuse and outward for the other two sides, are known
as the lunes of Alhazen; they have the same total area as
the triangle itself. He also tackled
other problems in elementary (Euclidean) and advanced
(Apollonian and Archimedean) geometry, some of which he
was the first to solve. His contributions to number theory includes his work on perfect numbers. In his Analysis and Synthesis, Alhazen was the first to realize that every even perfect number is of the form 2n−1(2n − 1) where 2n − 1 is prime, but he was not able to prove this result successfully (Euler later proved it in the 18th century). Alhazen solved problems involving congruences using what is now called Wilson's theorem. In his Opuscula, Alhazen considers the solution of a system of congruences, and gives two general methods of solution. His first method, the canonical method, involved Wilson's theorem, while his second method involved a version of the Chinese remainder theorem.
In psychology and musicology, Alhazen's Treatise
on the Influence of Melodies on the Souls of Animals
was the earliest treatise dealing with the effects of
music on animals. In the treatise, he demonstrates how a
camel's pace could be hastened or retarded with the use of
music, and shows other examples of how music can affect
animal behavior and animal
psychology, experimenting with horses, birds and
reptiles. Through to the 19th century, a majority of
scholars in the Western world continued to believe that
music was a distinctly human phenomenon, but experiments
since then have vindicated Alhazen's view that music does
indeed have an effect on animals. In engineering, one account of his career as a civil engineer has him summoned to Egypt by the Fatimid Caliph, Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah, to regulate the flooding of the Nile River. He carried out a detailed scientific study of the annual inundation of the Nile River, and he drew plans for building a dam, at the site of the modern day Aswan Dam. His field work, however, later made him aware of the impracticality of this scheme, and he soon feigned madness so he could avoid punishment from the Caliph. According to Al-Khazini, Alhazen also wrote a treatise
providing a description on the construction of a water
clock. In early Islamic philosophy, Alhazen's Risala fi’l-makan (Treatise on Place) presents a critique of Aristotle's concept of place (topos). Aristotle's Physics stated that the place of something is the two dimensional boundary of the containing body that is at rest and is in contact with what it contains. Alhazen disagreed and demonstrated that place (al-makan) is the imagined three dimensional void between the inner surfaces of the containing body. He showed that place was akin to space, foreshadowing René Descartes's concept of place in the Extensio in the 17th century. Following on from his Treatise on Place, Alhazen's Qawl fi al-Makan (Discourse on Place) was a treatise which presents geometric demonstrations for his geometrization of place, in opposition to Aristotle's philosophical concept of place, which Alhazen rejected on mathematical grounds. Abd - el - latif, a supporter of Aristotle's philosophical view of place, later criticized the work in Fi al-Radd ‘ala Ibn al-Haytham fi al-makan (A refutation of Ibn al-Haytham’s place) for its geometrization of place. Alhazen also discussed space perception and its
epistemological implications in his Book of Optics.
His experimental proof of the intromission model of vision
led to changes in the way the visual perception of space
was understood, contrary to the previous emission theory
of vision supported by Euclid and Ptolemy. In "tying the
visual perception of space to prior bodily experience,
Alhacen unequivocally rejected the intuitiveness of
spatial perception and, therefore, the autonomy of vision.
Without tangible notions of distance and size for
correlation, sight can tell us next to nothing about such
things." Alhazen was a devout Muslim, though it is uncertain which branch of Islam he followed. He may have been either a follower of the orthodox Ash'ari school of Sunni Islamic theology according to Ziauddin Sardar and Lawrence Bettany (and opposed to the views of the Mu'tazili school), a follower of the Mu'tazili school of Islamic theology according to Peter Edward Hodgson, or a follower of Shia Islam possibly according to A. I. Sabra. Alhazen wrote a work on Islamic theology, in which he discussed prophethood and developed a system of philosophical criteria to discern its false claimants in his time. He also wrote a treatise entitled Finding the Direction of Qibla by Calculation, in which he discussed finding the Qibla, where Salah prayers are directed towards, mathematically. He wrote in his Doubts Concerning Ptolemy:
In The Winding Motion, Alhazen further wrote:
Alhazen described his theology:
Alhazen was a pioneer in many areas of science, making significant contributions in varying disciplines. His optical writings influenced many Western intellectuals such as Roger Bacon, John Pecham, Witel and Johannes Kepler. His pioneering work on number theory, analytic geometry and the link between algebra and geometry, also had an influence on René Descartes's geometric analysis and Isaac Newton's calculus. According to medieval biographers, Alhazen wrote more
than 200 works on a wide range of subjects, of which at
least 96 of his scientific works are known. Most of his
works are now lost, but more than 50 of them have survived
to some extent. Nearly half of his surviving works are on
mathematics, 23 of them are on astronomy, and 14 of them
are on optics, with a few on other subjects. Not all his
surviving works have yet been studied. ![]() Ala-al-din abu Al-Hassan Ali ibn Abi-Hazm al-Qarshi al-Dimashqi (Arabic: علاء الدين أبو الحسن عليّ بن أبي حزم القرشي الدمشقي ), known as Ibn al-Nafis (Arabic: ابن النفيس ), was an Arab physician who is mostly famous for being the first to describe the pulmonary circulation of the blood. He was born in 1213 in Damascus. He attended the Medical College Hospital (Bimaristan Al-Noori) in Damascus. Apart from medicine, Ibn al-Nafis learned jurisprudence, literature and theology. He became an expert on the Shafi'i school of jurisprudence and an expert physician. In 1236, Al-Nafis moved to Egypt. He worked at the
Al-Nassri Hospital, and subsequently at the Al-Mansouri
Hospital, where he became chief of physicians and the
Sultan’s personal physician. When he died in 1288, he
donated his house, library and clinic to the Mansuriya
Hospital. The most voluminous of his books is Al-Shamil fi al-Tibb, which was planned to be an encyclopedia comprising 300 volumes, but was not completed as a result of his death. The manuscript is available in Damascus. His book on ophthalmology is largely an original contribution. His most famous book is The Summary of Law (Mujaz al-Qanun). Another famous book, embodying his original contribution, was on the effects of diet on health, entitled Kitab al-Mukhtar fi al-Aghdhiya. His Al-Risalah al-Kamiliyyah fil Siera al-Nabawiyyah, translated in the West under the title Theologus Autodidactus, has been argued to be both the first theological novel and the first science fiction novel. He also wrote a number of commentaries on the topics of
law and medicine. His commentaries include one on
Hippocrates' book, and several volumes on Avicenna's The
Canon of Medicine. Additionally, he wrote a
commentary on Hunayn Ibn Ishaq's
book. In 1924, an Egyptian physician, Muhyo Al-Deen Altawi, discovered a script titled, "Commentary on the Anatomy of Canon of Avicenna" in the Prussian State Library in Berlin while studying the history of Arab Medicine at the medical faculty of Albert Ludwig’s University in Germany. This script covers in detail the topics of anatomy, pathology and physiology. This was the earliest description of pulmonary circulation. The theory that was accepted, prior to Al-Nafis, was that of Galen in the 2nd century. Galen had theorized that the blood reaching the right side of the heart went through invisible pores in the cardiac septum, to the left side of the heart, where it mixed with air to create spirit, and was then distributed to the body. According to Galen's views, the venous system was quite separate from the arterial system, except when they came in contact through the unseen pores. Based on his anatomical knowledge, Al-Nafis stated that:
Elsewhere in his book, he said:
In describing the anatomy of the lungs, Al-Nafis stated:
He then added:
Al-Nafis also postulated that nutrients for the heart are extracted from the coronary arteries: