June 10, 2020 <Back to Index>
![]() Paris - Est Créteil Val - de - Marne University (Université Paris - Est Créteil Val - de - Marne, previously Université Paris 12 Val de Marne) was inaugurated in 1970. It is a multidisciplinary center based principally in Créteil (Val - de - Marne). The university offers training in law, arts and humanities, sciences and technology, economics and development, administration and exchange, educational science, as well as social sciences. Val de Marne University is composed of seven departments and seven institutes situated in Vitry - sur - Seine (Val - de - Marne), Seine - et - Marne, and in the 14th arrondissement of Paris. Following the division of the second oldest academic institution, the University of Paris, into thirteen autonomous universities, Val de Marne University was created on March 21, 1970. The CHU Henri - Mondor facility for the medical school was the first to be built in 1969, shortly before the law and business schools hosted in La Varenne - Saint - Hilaire. In 1970 the university expanded through the construction of the Créteil center. Further major expansions occurred in 1988, when the Technological center was created in Sénart and Fontainebleau, and 2005, when the law school was relocated from Saint - Maur to Créteil. UFR (Units of formation and research)
![]() ![]() Université Paris-XIII, also known as Paris 13 University (French: Université Paris XIII or simply Paris XIII) and University of Paris North (Université Paris Nord), is a university founded in 1970, in the French cities of Villetaneuse and Saint-Denis. In 2020, the university started using the name Université Sorbonne Paris Nord. The University Paris-13 was created after the desire of the Rector of the Academy of Paris in the early 1960s, of opening a third faculty of science at Villetaneuse. In September 1969 was also created at Saint-Denis, a science-based university center with status of faculty, in the University of Paris, called University Centre Saint-Denis – Villetaneuse. In 1970, with the application of Law Faure reform, was decided to create 13 autonomous multidisciplinary universities, which replaced the faculties of the University of Paris, and the faculty of Villetaneuse became the University of Paris XIII. The new university was designed by the architects Fainsilber and Anspach, as part of the renovation of the town of Villetaneuse. The first stage was the construction of the literary and legal center, expected to receive approximately 5000 students. The first building, completed in October 1970, allowed the first 1500 students in December 1500, of first-year of law, economics and humanities. In 1972, the University of Paris XIII completed the building of two libraries, the Library of the University Centre of Saint-Denis and the Library of Villetaneuse university center. Following the dismantling of the University of Paris, the
chancellor of universities of Paris owns the buildings and
land of the establishment. The Chancery of Creteil
universities provides budgetary control and the University
of legality. Decree No. 70-1174 of 17 December 1970 on the public, scientific and cultural character of universities gave the university the name of Paris-XIII. Since its establishment, the university has been referred to informally as "University of Paris-13 North" or "University Paris-Nord". On 16 May 2014, the Board of Directors decided to rename the university: University Paris-13 (Université Paris 13 in the statutes) in compliance with the law on the Liberties and Responsibilities of Universities. In the 2019 re-organization of the Paris university
system, the university announced it would start styling
itself as "Université Sorbonne Paris Nord". The university premises are spread over five campuses:
The Bobigny campus is dedicated to medicine, health and human biology, and has the UFR SMBH and the IUT of Bobigny. The campus is side of the Avicenna hospital with which the university is in agreement to form the Avicenna University Hospital, main training center in medicine department of Seine-Saint-Denis. The campus also host several research units related to medicine (mostly joint research units with the INSERM) and the UFR SMBH but also some units or humanities teams whose research theme is related to medicine (LEPS for therapeutic patient education, or UTRPP for psychopathology). This is the second university campus. The campus at Saint-Denis houses the Technology university institute (Institut universitaire de technologie or IUT in French). The university offers Bachelors, Masters and Doctorate degrees in line with the Bologna Process. Bachelor and Masters courses are organized into various schools.
The university awards around 110 doctorates each year and welcomes around 700 doctoral scholars on exchange from other institutions. There are three doctoral schools:
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