December 28, 2010 <Back to Index>
![]() ![]() John von Neumann (December 28, 1903 – February 8, 1957) was a Hungarian-American mathematician who made major contributions to a vast range of fields, including set theory, functional analysis, quantum mechanics, ergodic theory, continuous geometry, economics and game theory, computer science, numerical analysis, hydrodynamics (of explosions), and statistics, as well as many other mathematical fields. He is generally regarded as one of the greatest mathematicians in modern history. The mathematician Jean Dieudonné called von Neumann "the last of the great mathematicians", while Peter Lax described him as possessing the most "fearsome technical prowess" and "scintillating intellect" of the century. Even in Budapest, in the time that produced geniuses like von Kármán (b. 1881), Szilárd (b. 1898), Wigner (b. 1902), and Teller (b. 1908), his brilliance stood out. Von Neumann was a pioneer of the application of operator theory to quantum mechanics, in the development of functional analysis, a principal member of the Manhattan Project and the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton (as one of the few originally appointed), and a key figure in the development of game theory and the concepts of cellular automata and the universal constructor. Along with Edward Teller and Stanislaw Ulam, von Neumann worked out key steps in the nuclear physics involved in thermonuclear reactions and the hydrogen bomb. The eldest of three brothers, von Neumann was born Neumann János Lajos (in Hungarian the family name comes first) on December 28, 1903 in Budapest, Austro-Hungarian Empire, to a wealthy Jewish family. His father was Neumann Miksa (Max Neumann), a lawyer who worked in a bank.
His mother was Kann Margit (Margaret Kann). Von Neumann's ancestors had
originally immigrated to Hungary from Russia. János, nicknamed
"Jancsi" (Johnny), was a child prodigy who showed an aptitude for languages, memorization, and mathematics. By the age of six, he could exchange jokes in Classical Greek, memorize telephone directories, and displayed prodigious mental calculation abilities. He entered the German-speaking Lutheran Fasori Gimnázium in
Budapest in 1911. Although he attended school at the grade level
appropriate to his age, his father hired private tutors to give him
advanced instruction in those areas in which he had displayed an
aptitude. Recognized as a mathematical prodigy, at the age of 15 he began to study under Gábor Szegő. On their first meeting, Szegő was so impressed with the boy's mathematical talent that he was brought to tears. In 1913, his father was rewarded with ennoblement for his service to the Austro-Hungarian empire. (After becoming semi-autonomous in 1867, Hungary had found itself in need of a vibrant mercantile class.) The Neumann family thus acquiring the title margittai,
Neumann János became margittai Neumann János (John
Neumann of Margitta), which he later changed to the German Johann von
Neumann. He received his Ph.D. in mathematics (with minors in experimental physics and chemistry) from Pázmány Péter University in Budapest at the age of 22. He simultaneously earned his diploma in chemical engineering from the ETH Zurich in Switzerland at
the behest of his father, who wanted his son to invest his time in a
more financially viable endeavour than mathematics. Between 1926 and
1930, he taught as a Privatdozent at the University of Berlin, the youngest in its history. By age 25, he had published ten major papers, and by 30, nearly 36. Max von Neumann died in 1929. In 1930, von Neumann, his mother, and his brothers emigrated to the United States. He anglicized his
first name to John, keeping the Austrian-aristocratic surname of von
Neumann, whereas his brothers adopted surnames Vonneumann and Neumann
(using the de Neumann form briefly when first in the U.S.). Von Neumann was invited to Princeton University, New Jersey in 1930, and, subsequently, was one of the first four people selected for the faculty of the Institute for Advanced Study (two of the others being Albert Einstein and Kurt Gödel), where he remained a mathematics professor from its formation in 1933 until his death. In 1937, von Neumann became a naturalized citizen of the US. In 1938, von Neumann was awarded the Bôcher Memorial Prize for his work in analysis. Von
Neumann married twice. He married Mariette Kövesi in 1930, just
prior to emigrating to the United States. They had one daughter (von
Neumann's only child), Marina, who is now a distinguished professor of international trade and public policy at the University of Michigan.
The couple divorced in 1937. In 1938, von Neumann married Klari Dan,
whom he had met during his last trips back to Budapest prior to the
outbreak of World War II. The von Neumanns were very active socially
within the Princeton academic community, and it is from this aspect of
his life that many of the anecdotes which surround von Neumann's legend
originate. In 1955, von Neumann was diagnosed with what was either bone or pancreatic cancer. While
he was in the hospital he wrote a short monograph, The Computer and the
Brain, observing that the basic computing hardware of the brain
indicated a different methodology than the one used in developing the
computer. Von Neumann died a year and a half later, in great pain. While at Walter Reed Hospital in Washington, D.C., he invited a Roman Catholic priest, Father Anselm Strittmatter, O.S.B., to visit him for consultation (a move which shocked some of von Neumann's friends). The priest then administered to him the last Sacraments. He died under military security lest he reveal military secrets while heavily medicated. John von Neumann was buried at Princeton Cemetery in Princeton, Mercer County, New Jersey. Von
Neumann wrote 150 published papers in his life; 60 in pure mathematics,
20 in physics, and 60 in applied mathematics. His last work, published
in book form as The Computer and the Brain, gives an indication of the direction of his interests at the time of his death. The axiomatization of mathematics, on the model of Euclid's Elements, had reached new levels of rigor and breadth at the end of the 19th century, particularly in arithmetic (thanks to Richard Dedekind and Giuseppe Peano) and geometry (thanks to David Hilbert). At the beginning of the twentieth century, set theory, the new branch of mathematics discovered by Georg Cantor, and thrown into crisis by Bertrand Russell with the discovery of his famous paradox (on
the set of all sets which do not belong to themselves), had not yet
been formalized. The problem of an adequate axiomatization of set theory was resolved implicitly about twenty years later (by Ernst Zermelo and Abraham Fraenkel)
by way of a series of principles which allowed for the construction of
all sets used in the actual practice of mathematics, but which did not
explicitly exclude the possibility of the existence of sets which
belong to themselves. In his doctoral thesis of 1925, von Neumann
demonstrated how it was possible to exclude this possibility in two
complementary ways: the axiom of foundation and the notion of class. The axiom of
foundation established that every set can be constructed from the
bottom up in an ordered succession of steps by way of the principles of
Zermelo and Fraenkel, in such a manner that if one set belongs to
another then the first must necessarily come before the second in the
succession (hence excluding the possibility of a set belonging to
itself.) To demonstrate that the addition of this new axiom to the
others did not produce contradictions, von Neumann introduced a method
of demonstration (called the method of inner models) which later became an essential instrument in set theory. The
second approach to the problem took as its base the notion of class,
and defines a set as a class which belongs to other classes, while a proper class is
defined as a class which does not belong to other classes. Under the
Zermelo/Fraenkel approach, the axioms impede the construction of a set
of all sets which do not belong to themselves. In contrast, under the
von Neumann approach, the class of all sets which do not belong to
themselves can be constructed, but it is a proper class and not a set. With
this contribution of von Neumann, the axiomatic system of the theory of
sets became fully satisfactory, and the next question was whether or
not it was also definitive, and not subject to improvement. A strongly
negative answer arrived in September 1930 at the historic mathematical
Congress of Königsberg, in which Kurt Gödel announced his first theorem of incompleteness:
the usual axiomatic systems are incomplete, in the sense that they
cannot prove every truth which is expressible in their language. This
result was sufficiently innovative as to confound the majority of
mathematicians of the time. But von Neumann, who had participated at
the Congress, confirmed his fame as an instantaneous thinker, and in
less than a month was able to communicate to Gödel himself an
interesting consequence of his theorem: namely that the usual axiomatic
systems are unable to demonstrate their own consistency. It is
precisely this consequence which has attracted the most attention, even
if Gödel originally considered it only a curiosity, and had
derived it independently anyway (it is for this reason that the result
is called Gödel's second theorem, without mention of von Neumann.) At the International Congress of Mathematicians of 1900, David Hilbert presented
his famous list of twenty-three problems considered central for the
development of the mathematics of the new century. The sixth of these
was the axiomatization of physical theories. Among
the new physical theories of the century the only one which had yet to
receive such a treatment by the end of the 1930s was quantum mechanics.
Quantum mechanics found itself in a condition of foundational crisis
similar to that of set theory at the beginning of the century, facing
problems of both philosophical and technical natures. On the one hand,
its apparent non-determinism had not been reduced to an explanation of
a deterministic form. On the other, there still existed two independent but equivalent heuristic formulations, the so-called matrix mechanical formulation due to Werner Heisenberg and the wave mechanical formulation due to Erwin Schrödinger, but there was not yet a single, unified satisfactory theoretical formulation. After
having completed the axiomatization of set theory, von Neumann began to
confront the axiomatization of quantum mechanics. He immediately
realized, in 1926, that a quantum system could be considered as a point
in a so-called Hilbert space,
analogous to the 6N dimension (N is the number of particles, 3 general
coordinate and 3 canonical momentum for each) phase space of classical
mechanics but with infinitely many dimensions (corresponding to the
infinitely many possible states of the system) instead: the traditional
physical quantities (e.g., position and momentum) could therefore be
represented as particular linear operators operating in these spaces. The physics of quantum mechanics was thereby reduced to the mathematics of the linear Hermitian operators on Hilbert spaces. For example, the famous uncertainty principle of
Heisenberg, according to which the determination of the position of a
particle prevents the determination of its momentum and vice versa, is
translated into the non-commutativity of
the two corresponding operators. This new mathematical formulation
included as special cases the formulations of both Heisenberg and
Schrödinger, and culminated in the 1932 classic The Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics. However,
physicists generally ended up preferring another approach to that of
von Neumann (which was considered elegant and satisfactory by
mathematicians). This approach was formulated in 1930 by Paul Dirac. Von
Neumann's abstract treatment permitted him also to confront the
foundational issue of determinism vs. non-determinism and in the book
he demonstrated a theorem according to which quantum mechanics could
not possibly be derived by statistical approximation from a
deterministic theory of the type used in classical mechanics. This
demonstration contained a conceptual error, but it helped to inaugurate
a line of research which, through the work of John Stuart Bell in 1964 on Bell's Theorem and the experiments of Alain Aspect in 1982, demonstrated that quantum physics requires a notion of reality substantially different from that of classical physics. Von Neumann's first significant contribution to economics was the minimax theorem of 1928. This theorem establishes that in certain zero sum games with perfect information (i.e.,
in which players know at each time all moves that have taken place so
far), there exists a strategy for each player which allows both players
to minimize their maximum losses (hence the name minimax). When
examining every possible strategy, a player must consider all the
possible responses of the player's adversary and the maximum loss. The
player then plays out the strategy which will result in the
minimization of this maximum loss. Such a strategy, which minimizes the
maximum loss, is called optimal for both players just in case their
minimaxes are equal (in absolute value) and contrary (in sign). If the
common value is zero, the game becomes pointless. Von
Neumann eventually improved and extended the minimax theorem to include
games involving imperfect information and games with more than two
players. This work culminated in the 1944 classic Theory of Games and Economic Behavior (written with Oskar Morgenstern). The public interest in this work was such that The New York Times ran a front page story, something which only Einstein had previously elicited. Von Neumann's second important contribution in this area was the solution, in 1937, of a problem first described by Léon Walras in 1874, the existence of situations of equilibrium in mathematical models
of market development based on supply and demand. He first recognized
that such a model should be expressed through disequations and not equations, and then he found a solution to Walras' problem by applying a fixed-point theorem derived from the work of L.E.J. Brouwer.
The lasting importance of the work on general equilibria and the
methodology of fixed point theorems is underscored by the awarding of
Nobel prizes in 1972 to Kenneth Arrow, in 1983 to Gérard Debreu, and in 1994 to John Nash who had improved von Neumann's theory in his Princeton Ph.D thesis. Von Neumann was also the inventor of the method of proof, used in game theory, known as backward induction (which he first published in 1944 in the book co-authored with Morgenstern, Theory of Games and Economic Behaviour). Beginning
in the late 1930s, von Neumann began to take more of an interest in
applied (as opposed to pure) mathematics. In particular, he developed
an expertise in explosions
— phenomena
which are difficult to model mathematically. This led him to a large
number of military consultancies, primarily for the Navy, which in turn
led to his involvement in the Manhattan Project. The involvement included frequent trips by train to the project's secret research facilities in Los Alamos, New Mexico. Von Neumann's principal contribution to the atomic bomb itself was in the concept and design of the explosive lenses needed to compress the plutonium core of the Trinity test device and the "Fat Man" weapon that was later dropped on Nagasaki. While von Neumann did not originate the "implosion"
concept, he was one of its most persistent proponents, encouraging its
continued development against the instincts of many of his colleagues,
who felt such a design to be unworkable. The lens shape design work was
completed by July 1944. In
a visit to Los Alamos in September 1944, von Neumann showed that the
pressure increase from explosion shock wave reflection from solid
objects was greater than previously believed if the angle of incidence
of the shock wave was between 90° and some limiting angle. As a
result, it was determined that the effectiveness of an atomic bomb
would be enhanced with detonation some kilometers above the target,
rather than at ground level. Beginning
in the spring of 1945, along with four other scientists and various
military personnel, von Neumann was included in the target selection
committee responsible for choosing the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as the first targets of the atomic bomb.
Von Neumann oversaw computations related to the expected size of the
bomb blasts, estimated death tolls, and the distance above the ground
at which the bombs should be detonated for optimum shock wave
propagation and thus maximum effect. The cultural capital Kyoto,
which had been spared the firebombing inflicted upon militarily
significant target cities like Tokyo in World War II, was von Neumann's
first choice, a selection seconded by Manhattan Project leader General Leslie Groves. However, this target was dismissed by Secretary of War Henry Stimson. On July 16, 1945, with numerous other Los Alamos personnel, von Neumann was an eyewitness to the first atomic bomb blast, conducted as a test of the implosion method device, 35 miles (56 km) southeast of Socorro, New Mexico. Based on his observation alone, von Neumann estimated the test had resulted in a blast equivalent to 5 kilotons of TNT, but Enrico Fermi produced a more accurate estimate of 10 kilotons by dropping scraps of torn-up
paper as the shock wave passed his location and watching how far they
scattered. The actual power of the explosion had been between 20 and 22
kilotons. After the war, Robert Oppenheimer remarked
that the physicists involved in the Manhattan project had "known sin".
Von Neumann's response was that "sometimes someone confesses a sin in
order to take credit for it." Von Neumann continued unperturbed in his work and became, along with Edward Teller, one of those who sustained the hydrogen bomb project. He then collaborated with Klaus Fuchs on
further development of the bomb, and in 1946 the two filed a secret
patent on "Improvement in Methods and Means for Utilizing Nuclear
Energy", which outlined a scheme for using a fission bomb to compress fusion fuel to initiate a thermonuclear reaction. Though this was not the key to the hydrogen bomb — the Teller-Ulam design — it was judged to be a move in the right direction. Von Neumann's hydrogen bomb work was also played out in the realm of computing, where he and Stanislaw Ulam developed
simulations on von Neumann's digital computers for the hydrodynamic
computations. During this time he contributed to the development of the Monte Carlo method, which allowed complicated problems to be approximated using random numbers. Because using lists of "truly" random numbers was extremely slow for the ENIAC, von Neumann developed a form of making pseudorandom numbers, using the middle-square method.
Though this method has been criticized as crude, von Neumann was aware
of this: he justified it as being faster than any other method at his
disposal, and also noted that when it went awry it did so obviously,
unlike methods which could be subtly incorrect. While consulting for the Moore School of Electrical Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania on the EDVAC project, von Neumann wrote an incomplete set of notes titled the First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC. The paper, which was widely distributed, described a computer architecture
in which the data and the program are both stored in the computer's
memory in the same address space. This architecture became the de facto
standard until technology enabled more advanced architectures. The
earliest computers were 'programmed' by altering the electronic
circuitry. Although the single-memory, stored program architecture
became commonly known by the name von Neumann architecture as a result of von Neumann's paper, the architecture's description was based on the work of J. Presper Eckert and John William Mauchly, inventors of the ENIAC at the University of Pennsylvania. Von Neumann also created the field of cellular automata without the aid of computers, constructing the first self-replicating automata with pencil and graph paper. The concept of a universal constructor was fleshed out in his posthumous work Theory of Self Reproducing Automata. Von Neumann proved that the most effective way of performing large-scale mining operations such as mining an entire moon or asteroid belt would be by using self-replicating machines, taking advantage of their exponential growth. He is credited with at least one contribution to the study of algorithms. Donald Knuth cites von Neumann as the inventor, in 1945, of the merge sort algorithm, in which the first and second halves of an array are each sorted recursively and then merged together. His algorithm for simulating a fair coin with a biased coin is used in the "software whitening" stage of some hardware random number generators. He also engaged in exploration of problems in numerical hydrodynamics. With R. D. Richtmyer he developed an algorithm defining artificial viscosity that improved the understanding of shock waves.
It is possible that we would not understand much of astrophysics, and
might not have highly developed jet and rocket engines without that
work. The problem was that when computers solve hydrodynamic or
aerodynamic problems, they try to put too many computational grid
points at regions of sharp discontinuity (shock waves). The artificial viscosity was a mathematical trick to slightly smooth the shock transition without sacrificing basic physics. Von Neumann obtained at the age of 29 one of the first five professorships at the new Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey (another had gone to Albert Einstein). He was a frequent consultant for the Central Intelligence Agency, the United States Army, the RAND Corporation, Standard Oil, IBM, and others. Throughout
his life von Neumann had a respect and admiration for business and
government leaders; something which was often at variance with the
inclinations of his scientific colleagues. He enjoyed associating with
persons in positions of power, and this led him into government service. As President of the Von Neumann Committee for Missiles, and later as a member of the United States Atomic Energy Commission, from 1953 until his death in 1957, he was influential in setting U.S.
scientific and military policy. Through his committee, he developed
various scenarios of nuclear proliferation, the development of
intercontinental and submarine missiles with atomic warheads, and the
controversial strategic equilibrium called mutual assured destruction. During a Senate committee hearing he described his political ideology as "violently anti-communist, and much more militaristic than the norm". Von
Neumann's interest in meteorological prediction led him to propose
manipulating the environment by spreading colorants on the polar ice caps to enhance absorption of solar radiation (by reducing the albedo), thereby raising global temperatures. He also favored a preemptive nuclear attack on the USSR, believing that doing so could prevent it from obtaining the atomic bomb. Von
Neumann invariably wore a conservative grey flannel business suit - he
was even known to play tennis wearing his business suit - and he
enjoyed throwing large parties at his home in Princeton, occasionally
twice a week. His white clapboard house at 26 Westcott Road was one of the largest in Princeton. Despite
being a notoriously bad driver, he nonetheless enjoyed driving
(frequently while reading a book) - occasioning numerous arrests as
well as accidents. He reported one of his car accidents in this way: "I
was proceeding down the road. The trees on the right were passing me in
orderly fashion at 60 miles per hour. Suddenly one of them stepped in
my path." (The
von Neumanns would return to Princeton at the beginning of each
academic year with a new car.) It was said of him at Princeton that,
while he was indeed a demigod, he had made a detailed study of humans
and could imitate them perfectly. Von Neumann liked to eat and drink heavily; his wife, Klara, said that he could count everything except calories. He enjoyed Yiddish and "off-color" humor (especially limericks). |