Seminar: Topics in Complexity
Spring 2022
- List of Books in Complexity through which one may learn much more and in which one may find many more references.
- I am not an expert in Complexity; I am studying and sharing some of its fascinating concepts
and results.
- The topics chosen are not necessarily closely interrelated and the lectures are not interdependent.
- The seminar is not aiming at a full understanding of all concepts presented nor at recounting every detail.
Some of the topics are challenging and require a more dedicated, in-depth study to fully grasp.
The goal of the seminar is to convey the main ideas and afford a quick, introductory look at a few concepts.
- Week 1 (Friday, January 21, 2:00pm EST): Spanning Trees and the Determinant
- Week 2 (Friday, January 28, 2:00pm EST): Communication Complexity
- Week 3 (Friday, February 11, 2:00pm EST): HORNSAT and φ-GRAPHS
- Week 4 (Friday, February 18, 2:00pm EST): Two Randomized Algorithms
- Week 5 (Friday, February 25, 2:00pm EST): Parallel Random Access Machines
- Week 6 (Friday, March 4, 2:00pm EST): The Classes P, NP and co-NP
- Week 7 (Friday, March 18, 2:00pm EST): Black Box Complexity
- Week 8 (Friday, April 1, 2:00pm EST): Gate Elimination
- Week 9 (Friday, April 15, 2:00pm EST): Oracle Turing Machines Part I
The Baker, Gill, Solovay Theorem
- Week 10 (Friday, April 22, 2:00pm EST): Oracle Turing Machines Part II
The Polynomial Hierarchy
- Week 11 (Friday, April 29, 2:00pm EST): Second-Order Logic and Graphs
A colleague is planning a series on STOCHASTIC PROCESSES for Fall 2022.